HOW CAN YOU BE SO LOST 😅 | Escape From Tarkov #19

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I don't know I didn't loot him I'm running to you running directly at you I think I don't know where you are I find you man I'm lost what the [ __ ] you're 90 thank you I'm on his body I wanted buddy I'm on his buddy what I saw I saw pilgrim I shot I was like what the [ __ ] is that I was like did you finally pick up a pilgrim in a peanut Oh another one alone I know he'll NL yeah right nating you need it too I'm safe look I'm peeking right side I'm playing it [Music] [Music] pretty loaded I bet I have a very good success rate and 60% yes mine's pretty messed up because of my scumbag eNOS no I like to actually wrong but what's up on run through there's a spawn and they run through this whole water and food are you kidding hell yeah right over there yes more food here gonna go all the way around or straight I think we go around I think it might be this spawn fighting the bankers bomb I think the spot didn't go through whole yeah trying to peek this I don't want to go this well I don't want to really go that way I just wanted to see if anyone was there nice to say get them from distance okay yeah hangouts yeah the salute rendering things annoying I just don't see you you know what I think it's cuz of my my settings actually that's probably why probably count those objects and my object object visibility is on the lowest I feel like if I bump it up just like a couple hundred any three PMC kills with this bad boy like someone was right am i right I'm talking them defense yeah I'm on the other side of the bankers here don't say anything Walter what's the plan now I wanna try to find down goes Gavan front i'm not shooting it it's going in the bushes towards the extract Oh in that believe I'm not peeking I kind of have it coming straight for my legs ones on the outside edge leaning over choosing the outside edge I think this ran out yeah yeah well we can't go this way anywhere unless you're feeling ballsy enough to peek British I mean yeah the factory area how did I see you how does he see me I don't know I was asked a pathway where is it I hate this bar in how do we approach this now the wall [Music] back in Metro me back make dude like I just went straight for my legs yeah you didn't hit me once in the Ironman I honestly don't think they actually like but I just think that was the streets just scared speaking yeah that's what I think I don't know I what do you think that is unless in Akari oh yeah I'm going out wives in reading the grass them I found them okay I'm right behind you in the grass on the center great thing worth salute or no maybe there's one more in the bush sneaky boys just finding a WT raghava player in a raid count as in raid I honestly don't know to hit a fuel on them nice I'll try it I'll tell you we make it up didn't we make that oh he kill of players I play his music I was to Moe's and links fighting each other to the death I'm ready to go that's song touring up the hills shotgun plus the more we kill the more of this questions useless gun I read you go I'm on the outside wall I want to go back and another team of two yeah it weren't you here I don't think gonna go through this hole out of our hole I'll get this off yeah this is a bit riskier hole let's go I guess the right angle 14 mod 0 stock ever the hell not stock handguard Jesse so weird yeah right now we had a lot of action at the beginning like we heard a lot and now it's just quiet yeah who cares for this - oh I they ran out I ran through bushes away from us I want to kill Rachelle don't think he's in this one yeah I mean even though some people didn't go door maybe you know that's true how do you games where no one goes dorms surprising us yeah somehow I mean some teams to be literally just like the fights happen on the outskirts and people just need to get the [ __ ] out I did it again I stopped Brett 16 covert right there two story first go straight three shirt was it open inside I have a feeling you didn't hear us based on the movement but if this is a player I don't know I just Bai hey I know it could have been first line do you think it's AI yeah how's that door open I'll someone did their quest that way I'll always check these just like get lucky once where it gets twice in a row I got a No scav had ups and crap on them again really I'm bottom floor by the way I'm walking out those fish like I own the place I'm gonna go from the main I thought I heard one in the room yeah of course it is someone's been you know reshawna again feel like when you need him to be here he's not yep well [ __ ] what do we do now just like leave like I don't know how much left yeah pretty much like Steve now verse 4 on table Parsifal on table oh right the factory key um in this room right here somewhere right where's the stable well anyway it's not here usually people just pay to get us out dorms awesome no I already feel that girls go you can subscribe can't you know it like the whole quest fails is as I'm saying so if you kill a scab at all you gotta restart everything [Music] I'd say ideally you roll with some people and then you get a lucky spawn to that side you walk you get it go across the cleared warm put everything Gorham last words you out ideally I think that's how it work just like a really really slow yeah [ __ ] it you can use keys as many times as you want right not all of them no they changed it recently you've like 25 uses on some keys not unlimited dead people oh yeah I need this respirator nice put a to excellent hand guard on Rails respirator for me not a bad idea actually so I can I think you're right I think might be a good play actually I can't same time Oh got a waste really expensive rounds on under good players mm-hmm by the way if I die take my mags we're back one sec my god I have a lot of ammo with VSS sp5 I gotta do the thing is that fresh raid dude we we actually we're from where from where we are we might spawn buying people oh wow it's super yes I've done that we can spawn necessarily we should respond really we could literally be behind how do we just want to walk into Olli yeah a little bit I can try to snipe people able to use night people I have up PP so uh I'm gonna tickle good people I don't know if I should have this gun on single or if I should have done it it has like given unlighted alright me and a clean that's an I would mean killed somebody response were literally probably 10 seconds apart we killed somebody trying to do the quest with the jet Giselle armors whatever he had all of them man man yet every single piece for that class he was a he was so low yeah that was the weird part I mens rea if iris I respect it I'm gonna going through the garage out to break glass very very true I hope I get to use this thing I don't used to be SS much I really like the yes yes huh clear-eyed clear our offices honor right start there go to the back of the store with that remember we're scabs so we don't have to panic when we see what yeah so cool being almost done hey my hideout finally almost there mm-hmm all that all that I have left is just I'm essentially just need to wait for them to finish you know I'm little Simon making Gino eat that true can't forget about that part you need two more of those [ __ ] don't sound like shrimp I need that why the backdoor yeah I hear you shuffling around back there okay nothing in these species you know you should do with the scope then the second you said that I knew exactly what you were gonna say here we go I will gladly go up there I think this thing falls off pretty hard though only drunk like bullet drops pretty hard but it should be fine this distance you all these tubes they could be hesitant actually are used to make hoses so those also went up in value okay it's it's one two three blue tape and three forgot that that middle one so my chat probably tell me I don't see anything up here I don't know how long you want to wait or you want to keep walking around or what the host was it was right next to the pup who's right here on this it was totally looking at that how does that not rendering for me that's what I'm going with didn't render from it's nice to be done with houses just selling them you can finally start making that's actually how I made so much money I sold four hoses oh we need this way yeah I already have [ __ ] quest items did you go this far no no no okay so you really don't want to do your hideout at all nope okay well I guess the whole fun of this game also part at the back of the shelves back the shells down this like hallway that we were walking down he was holding clothes on it okay there's a PMC and he looks like there might be like around the left side he was around the right side buddy probably on the Left now so you should cover the left okay I'll tell you a few peeks out right okay he's right he didn't see me I'm gonna get around him you still picking a side you still there some grenades that mean that was a amazingly good grenade it's [ __ ] big flames taking three years now behind him well I missed my shot go ahead and drop the hose so he can't have it it's definitely gonna find it [Music] what a [ __ ] perfect nade on you I didn't have time to move for sure I just saw him cross right there I'm pretty sure it I don't think he's trying to fight math you should've back away that's hard to see it's pretty good yeah I don't think this guy's trying to fight me I seriously think he's trying to leave Oh hurt you guys stores of Emmys don't worry is it's just so dark I don't know if you still in here I couldn't tell ya I'm here so many shots towards eMERCOM extract [Music] [Music] [Music] see somebody rendering through their [ __ ] I know it's not a player's at a scab you got to pop up right here himself I was a player or a scab oh that's the guy he's so aware I was slowly trying to creep up on him and then he sprinted around the corner he's so patient he was so he I think he did a circle like me and he ended up back there trying to find me but he fought another scab and then he killed him and he swung at me yeah I really wanted he was pretty gear so I really wanted to get the kills I need to kill one scav I have my I'm on my quest for I gotta kill 50 shares in general it's just in general it's not that bad oh it's any matter the ones that you're forced to kill thanks notice guys on a map helmet saved my life earlier so he can't hit my head and just clean shot the guy that shot me he was really cool actually solid transition that's cool you can make hoses now I thought that was neat you can make mag boxes but that's I mean that's been in I think but that blue fuel is worth a lot now the value went up I don't know if you know what I'm talking about the blue jerrycan the 2x2 there wall there's like almost 100k and they're really easy to find uninteresting it's very easy gotta cut through here yep my searching is almost level 10 finally almost it's taking so long I was like lean what's your searching he's like 17 oh man Jesus I don't know dude that much more than us that's Rob's well actually he kind of does he plays starts at like 5:00 6:00 in the morning and then he goes for like 10 to 12 hours and then he gets back on after he goes to the gym or whatever errands and he gets back on for like four six more hours this dude plays like 16 hours a day so he does play a lot as a monster how do you want to cut the dorms snipers oh really shot in the back he's gonna shoot us at the list in the opportune time this is an okay cross for scary I'm doing it it's gay but it's a pretty early on so shouldn't be too scary I feel a little more safe once I write you though this streamline alright Rochelle ah I already got the TT thanks to you I just I didn't I wasn't on the quest when I killed them you know but I handed in the TT now it's got killing I don't know if you always honestly is the tt's for the tak-tek trade yeah that's worth yeah definitely when people were selling the thing for like 40 K so you could trade it is level five armor for 40k which is a steal but then all the guns went up unfortunately I should have bought like yeah today a lot of the values of things changed they changed a lot they silently changed stuff it's kind of cool yeah they made it so you can't buy Gen 4 anymore so I'll barter that's just put the hands I mean it's good in bed it means endgame armor is much rarer but at the same time as bad check mark room assuming someone's been here dude run so fast maybe not actually yeah you know I found you you know I live another martyr I can open those busy now you'd open this [ __ ] to 75 times hey you know 75 times you might find something worthwhile seeing this three guns they so I think they buffed give it to I'm pretty sure we're an interchange twice and we've sought to our senses so I just I think they just I still wait that's dude I ain't know what I said I sold all 25 of them those halfway there well sure you can both make the concerted effort to gather them and then whoever gets unless you just trade the stuff to you true since we knew put its in rating too isn't it anybody are you buying but it'd be crazy expensive I heard one did you hear what okay then they probably did it because there's no way a I mean you could just trust you'd hearing Mike I heard him outside if I heard anything those over here but uh do we need anything here I needed to kill her Oliver's not here some gas station maybe I just need to kill on staff or spray my strength 5 today that was an achievement for me yeah I'm definitely gonna choose that later how do you choose it you just Mack someone on the legs also he could be here so I'm gonna check real quick you choose strength and your one friend chooses stress resistance at the same time I'm just saying fine I might be talent oh this is where I found the cute part appease these two check its see you I find it was a member I'm not looting I think I heard shots in the distance not movement yeah definitely I pop hot rods all PI SIG's need him so I fought these I fought the scavs before downstairs yeah it can be like anywhere in the fleet in the two dorms easy we would have heard them banana yeah you're right you keep come on we're what are you searching for a key the bathroom staff okey scav s station was full of stuff just keep going for battery nice wait what did you find that let's get down here dude he had so much stuff on him he had like the SCAF Crips in the bathroom get a car battery gunpowder weapon parts cigarettes meds in a USB a holy [ __ ] so much stuff on him the gas station manager's office key I don't know you need a battery my belly's yeah no not car batteries the rechargeable ones I remember you needed them for a little bit but oh yeah your sister yeah I've seen these jackets a room on the left all the way down I take blue tape by the way if you ever seen oh here yes I went down did you already go downstairs I looted the one room downstairs the weapon case weapon case see if we got anything random integers they just looted this game right yeah get all stuff on he's looted before he died there's some BS back back sitting here really yeah that is so strange and arresting that before I'd love to find my first intelligence that would be nice I don't know what it looks like straight up like a folder I found a for you you have to like find them in red or something no I don't think so I need it for my intelligence thing oh pretty specific spawn so they're not you're not bad yeah I just the thing is I can't get my intelligence for my Bitcoin firm until I get my med station which is the hard one med station is the one I need the X that's why I need three mil [Laughter] close range firing yeah you got scared for sure I have my headset or I don't have a headset so I don't know where that was exactly it was in front of somewhere I can tell like more than it's a gas station maybe close range you gotta make the most sense for that type of firing or he got snag up sniping on the hill where do you wanna go you wanna go in gasps you're gonna go on the hill and look down dig gonna go first slice remember last time I went in there and there's people on the hill and it was not a good time for me yeah I don't want to farm labs my Chester's farm labs and get it I'm like this bro some people run that you like 30 times they don't get it how many and which I could make just selling those guards that's guarantee bunny jacquard money is didn't I yes but I haven't bailed on her in a while yeah either if I actually see anything that's why I had I think it was more in it I guess yeah I might be on all right they buff bandages today very very fast you should like that almost like instantly stop stealing where its leading I'm sorry where are you just in less just on the rocks I see two guys on the road they're prone oh okay why shouldn't you no I don't think so shooting at us I'm gonna try that what I really just popped off okay we know where the SVD guy is he's across he's in the fact yeah yeah yeah let's go that I'm going around though do you see me yes I'm going around because I don't have a grow these games I think he's trying to extract I killed my once gasps that we're good quest accomplished I was watching some super high level play like like I don't even know what level he was but bro just they move so fast because of their level ups yeah it's like choosing your strength they had like like there's no way like I shrink only five there's no way that these I play a decent bit like there's no way there's that much higher they have to be cheating this [ __ ] everyone she's like all the endgame the players who just like run around like maniacs beeping they all cheese it at the beginning cause it's just so worth it way too crass I just cross in the hole I'm under the pipe here he'll help you go and she's think it's just the way to go if you really want to turn around like a madman definitely feel like a Cooper friend so you can help you do it yeah I mean I wouldn't even mind doing it you could technically do it with year or two cuz like you throw a bunch of like we can't do with hammer casing hmm how would you do it no one's in here I think the shots were the like the jump up memory level 13 there's something cool in the hideout but it doesn't even work it's the no it's a scav something no that's not right I'm sorry it's library it increases your experience gains by 15% on top of other things but nope the only thing I would push and like rush for that's good thing I didn't do it because I thought about doing it so lame I just kept going forward oh I'm you went right didn't you hey you should ohh it's above me on the railing he's on the is he dead he's dead alright did you hear anything with this helmet what's happening he was up on the like scaffolding what's hilarious the scaffold early saved me by shooting cuz he was literally laying nobody's body up here with me yes yeah Skyler's shooting at him where are you scared I'm so lost I don't know where you are I can't like the big hole Jeff died dad thank you you got a coat I don't know I didn't loot him I'm running to you running directly you only think I don't know where you are I find you man I'm lost what the [ __ ] thank you I'm on the body I want his body I wanted buddy what I saw I saw a pilgrim I shot I was like what the [ __ ] is that I was like did you finally pick up a pilgrim in a peanut Oh another one alone and a hell NL yeah he's right nating you need it too I'm safe but I'm peeking right side I'm flanking it pull up he was stacked bro yeah you went a little faster than me so I couldn't we couldn't pinch him like you were probably two seconds ahead of me he had a lot of yeah he had a lot of gear dude what the [ __ ] I walked right past that guy I'm so weird I was so I was so lost I couldn't figure out where you were so I was just I was in between two two players those two I was in between them by a that's what that's why the nade came at me I was what the I don't know how like I didn't kill me because like we looked at we looked mean him we'll be scared at each other like sup and I was like wait that's not you I'm sure he thought the same thing because they were buddy [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 20,006
Rating: 4.6410255 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: UpI1tg-mk7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 26sec (3146 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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