💣 THEY CHALLENGE HIS AIM (CODE RED) | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare #11

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oh dude why you wide enough that with a pistol too their aim is [ __ ] insane bro find you bunny bunny bunny others fun [Music] [Music] like yeah four hours sounds like versus thinks oh we live though yeah this is right this is definitely the right setting and it has to be underneath once we get back in there one one upstairs deluxe let's find you Oh behind me oh okay that's one way to die as I was going prone yeah yeah it should be the same gun for two rounds he's in front of you I hit him with my Molly I'm crouched up once under me on my right we need to not have deagles giggles isn't gonna work in our favor unless we brush them Jeru though p90 is perfect let's map it strange literally stuck on our knees underneath bridge what in the world go by guys underneath the bridge Thanks I even know it oh there's BC me oh he did please old thing he's done would you kill red or lemon Reds Jesus rights one Hey it's going upstairs right I'll be pushed right canal done that's done last ever oh he's on the right farm in the house that's just not what that looked like for me yeah that's not what that looked like really brick what a shoddy and she's okay one by you come one I'm one as well he was going for the flag cuz it was a to be one that's not a bad boy actually good job just [ __ ] it big freakin handlebar [ __ ] geez auntie how do I know shotgun round [ __ ] get a help we were coming back with the big-boy guns but then the shotgun round killed us all right now what play another map right I go back to the settings and I change it to jump around and [ __ ] it's not as easy as you think by the way I'm gonna rush Tom it's really difficult you can't really beat a console player peeking like in the open you have to beat them by running around but if their sensitivity is high enough your [ __ ] same Ludo we had the first time top and on the right side something left him under me the only way you can really beat console players is kind of have to just run around PowerPoint no it was like screenshot yeah see that that right there is something I don't want to take that's a fight I don't want to take no I'm dead oh what a stun Bartlett far left you've got no snow Nate's that's the only way to beat a console player did you got a peek left peek right peek left Jo I went I did the mistake of just swinging and trying to want to be won a map oh it's not random we just kind of got wait are you killed I thought you died who said I'm I thought I said I'm dead oh no baby when I'm going on top yeah I stun top hit them they're biting him son twice once right and one stop thank you top I don't know anymore yeah heard I heard that drop from so far away her different back here I think I'm just gonna peek and they have 80 ping they should have hosted left side low one hit I don't think they realize that their ping is really high and ours is really low I think they should definitely host this next one I don't know how much it matters but to keep it fair maybe they could but it might not matter I don't know I don't know I truly don't know others 130hp alright well that was good that's a good one we're gonna back maybe tie game oh I didn't realize her fingers oh hi this map stuff PC verse council this map I don't maybe the team we went against like new the map very well but they owned us I don't remember how to win I think we need to get more in their face okay well shut them wood Magnum okay I think we need to think we kind of need to get in their face for on this map or take the top right I just [ __ ] it about the one day somebody real quick up top or what it's far right I'm smoking oh I dig one for 50 I think once in that's oh no no no no no you that side back left back left - right family shot say I'm a holy [ __ ] I shot [Music] okay awkward it doesn't that's a shoot right away so I got too late yeah when you click it it takes a second to shoot that's so weird always hit again yeah no I'll see I screwed you oh no I hit him right the c-4 goes far bro what the ho oh this is gonna be hard I think when you get closer we were both sound whoring okay yeah this I brush left yeah this one's tough we got to rush them what's going on almost by far right an aide this guy left using our utility here dude their [ __ ] owns that range oh my goodness three nude ones left just keep one I just kept going prone Victor just gotta hide from these guys bro they lays there at rage man it's scary I tried to 1v1 of that range and I just got oh yeah be careful right yeah hold on hold on last one I'm not holding right nice house holding so yeah oh okay throwing knives do want the black freshman left oh my god he hit me hard left hit right about the run in the bullets dude you smoke win we're gonna win through time don't get the flag [Laughter] okay that's so cheese I can't believe we just did that oh my god yeah we didn't have a choice the timer was going fast as [ __ ] even if we were to engage we Whittle winning that's true once far right I got a little aggro here right thing you got a good night grub right here all right little low on right slow nice nice - jeez he's a little bit of a rough start Doc's is not our map first games always nice though Thank You mortis I appreciate a man I don't know this map this is scary this looks very pretty straight yeah it looks it looks pretty simple not much to cover a lot of wood right oh my god nice [Applause] slideshow I thought I was dead first huge clutch that was huge Clark was far life oh right next part left their spawn their spawn of our spawn our spot is right these on your right over there you're gonna lose the time if you don't touch the flag nice no no that was good play though that's pretty much like your only play that I could tell I could tell played very passive this guy was like proning around a corner sound boring these guys are gonna kind of play they're gonna play smart they're not gonna play a girl they're gonna be smart for sure Oh what yeah there are levels are side there's Sam whoring for sure okay so these guys gonna play smart how do I beat a smart player nice oh the Sun was good but he went to the right spot yeah these guys are they're playing audio so literally the perfect how do I beat how do we beat this what's running far right needed and their knees are insane that's that was not our cup of chocolate that was not our cup of times shotguns for us is a no-no we lose all the time watch jackets oh hey I don't know the sightlines this about those suck nobody left nobody left one ran far right and I'm pushing for it one far-left 8 it's far left fishing Hayden it moves quick dude every time I try to shoot him he's sprinting bro far left Aiden oh my god don't take the head on that's so hard that's so hard once you lose one and they're just playing time you get fun this is a hard bat stuff dude you guys are good hmm might be the hardest game we're gonna play yet close it once my god I'm on fire nothing left once 20 verse 20 G's find that container are you [ __ ] kidding [Laughter] these guys are playing too smart I didn't know what the I don't know what was gonna happen cuz there was 20 HP verse 21 same HP Wow all right a lost first map that's all right you guys are good guys are good [Music] pushing mark try to get a little aggressive it okay I'm gonna just try to swing and how tame them alright I can't out in them that won't work out aiming them will not work oh my god they worked is 9hp he's gonna go where the [ __ ] was it oh my god I actually did not know where he was what an angle [ __ ] I didn't know where the flag was so I was kind of worried okay all right this is hard I've had the same way a dude I got [ __ ] owned glad he was low the spicy dude I was glad he was low 5hp don't call it a comeback right nuts can't come back from that oh my god all my HP is gone let's [ __ ] sucks Jesus sorry alright bro I gotta stop trying to [ __ ] out of these guys every time I pick that beginning I get freaking destroy come on Jeff come back I got it I can't I can't peek that i can't peek earlier to lice have to be these guns wash right both laugh both laugh hey flash in front you on the top yeah these pistols are hard row yeah we landed every shot yeah she [ __ ] on me only a one side on our left ramp flashing went right [Music] CGT guys are good and now we wait actually I don't think we wait these games are going by so fast I think we just know who we play dude that was that was hard those guys there's better oh why does it hurt so bad I hate it I hate this map but we got some practical nd Jordan sign daddy go around though God dang it I want a one magnum somebody right now I took my anger on this team alright okay careful we got c4 is 1 cc 4 here we go Wow here that's how I shot 25 bills I hit this really hard at the beginning I actually think I'd I might have doubled them with my first shot I try was trying to get a CC for burn it once twice yeah all right I love how the start of the game you could just see people missing with the mag of [ __ ] or I'll try to hit each other items hard yes hard to use something it's because there's a delay to it it's not like a it's not like an instant like yeah it's like yeah no one's left no one's left one's left one last holding one left on the floor I think it's all right I think he's left in sorry I thought you'd still be sniping but alright he's gonna jump laughs I'm gonna pick oh dude ice they're the worst I just can't move my bowels stay right there with clay Mars and Q both left both left I think the rushing talk on you oh yes that's what I doing I tried doing the same thing I tried using by throwing dice those are so hard to use in this game yeah they really are I tried doing the same for the artist hobb solo bro we're wounded he was left he was top left [ __ ] the smoke is covering dude these pistols are so hard to use their heart how will the hell was a tannin Lacefield just so clean with them I feel like they bounce and it's just like hard to say it was so hard it's so hard to like recover each shot he was prude good guy dross sir case I'm solo a sucks let's try to rainbow sixth I'll creep around the quarter and the rebar on the floor somewhere not top laughs I'm with you nated him on the right up there what in the world I bought him right just hold just a lad part just shooting I don't really know where he is oh my god that nade was scary yeah I almost died what a hate he threw a perfect need threw a perfect nade but he didn't cook it b-zone oh yeah dude we can go underneath the mat behind us check it this is far right Jordans left I just made it up all right you almost killed me with that c4 I look good one all right you met I might be switching back real soon why there's a lot of we're live so swing I can't believe you're doing that can't believe you swap controller Wow I just got destroyed what in the world Tyler on controller dude that's a bad idea either you can only use controller if you're good with controller you know oh you got one stealing it do don't think I was there I got one [ __ ] you did Jordan owned me Jordan Jordan eight let's get our out it's on the left side somewhere are you still on the road I thought yeah the only down says I can't calm when I'm in control that was very fortunate that they were both there in the container thought he was down low I just dropped on us yeah that's fortunate short just got worked had two pistols feel on the controller I mean will shaky cannot use it to the controller try more at range and see what it feels like to Jordans and sting at range oh my god I'm getting Molly one waiter with 1 HP Jordan's a pistol player then up top just kidding again I don't know this audio haha I didn't know the audio there I thought he was up top and he wasn't fashion too hard I feel like I'm just all over the place whole just like well yeah you got used to it like I'm nice like I'm nice but it bit me I mean you did good you got four kills you know or five or something with controller be good nice thing they're so zoomed in this was insane yeah I checked it I got a century ones in the right container he was I don't know where he is now [Laughter] nobody wanted to be close hardest that's because it's so like it's like a 15m so no one wants to like get in there just chilling what-o near the point on the left left right left right at least give us like you know 5x or something [Music] I mean they're out or they're not out yeah well this is well I thought so here's what I don't understand it said it said we play the winner of Jordan vs. Anthony that's why I'm that's why I'm why does it have to be like a jacket all right dude my hand is like bow oh okay let's uh let's play uh I'm rushing straight down into it I'm sorry I'm running straight down bid I'm just running up these dudes oh so edgy my sound is like [ __ ] er oh I was about to get another one they're bouncing I don't know where I'm suited man the blocks taking up my crosshair I don't I can't yeah oh once pushing ready for it all right all right Kara left I'll bet live on the lightbox hello okay backside on the Powerball like I hate them with them on I think I hit him with the mall just get angry just [ __ ] run it dude I'm just read that these guys yeah good job that's a good job first but we're on a [ __ ] 112 piece right now let's [ __ ] it go baby six those all around [ __ ] okay I don't know how I'm gonna do this I really just they're holding their holding repeat no one left by container might be thrown oh oh he's on right I'm just better can you save some kills just ahead of her Tyler trying to get in the game way better stronger faster close right let's try Tommy for game 2 you're owning I don't know what piece you you know I've always wanted to play with them but I would never play console right cuz I'm [ __ ] ass but now we can play together and we could just slay [ __ ] dope I don't want to play with scum oh I want this Cup - oh how do we get there ping with ours how does notice how are our things better let's maps not our map that's fine do your thing to be okay okay I'm just holding he will peak I believe I'm stating on Flag I'm just chump okay behind me he's off I didn't know you there's nothing these bars well my bad he actually had no idea that was the round for us my bad how does it even hit me ah she hates it but she go around the road you know a little time you have when they're on the flag I tell us if I only play I just [ __ ] missed there's literally you have one second when they're on the flag just read it though get out I don't know that first guy oh did you hear my shotgun well I didn't even shoot I know yeah I didn't mind you didn't shoot for me there no I hate these up geez interesting I'm solo holy moly I'm just holding grow I'm literally Boulder I got a spot where I was bad I got it oh yeah got a [ __ ] ruler on my car I don't know just blocking up like half of my [ __ ] left left stairs right then oh that is so unlucky he just stood up as I peeked that's Jaime pushing pushing oh that was so close I need I have 9 HP I'll have to get a flashbang though I don't have a flashbang 9 HP no bueno it was a closer game right now they're bringing the heat I'm chilling in a little bit left is 1 inch for you and thrown on Nate back there welcome lo molding right I have a flash middle I was getting [ __ ] on that round it's hard to push on this map so you have to like literally run at them oh nice shot wow I want to watch this damn that's a good play Tyler [ __ ] sight lose almost snipers way to knock about of the tourney should shroud specie like $20,000 maybe a deagle round give me the deed Oh close enough why yeah I think I'm rushing right okay then I'm gonna rushing right way up the house and the Papa my thing right both rushing right there sticking together that's their strat it's done right inside good call good call I got a pump in before you co yeah I got the I got the kill cuz you got the pump in I think you would have had him for sure that's true you should go right I'll call free rice and clear rice clear nobody push my hormones on left stairs I got Nate at a decent bit docks and the docks on the right building Oh left stairs dude I was making a play on dock I bet you would have never expected that no it's 27:27 Oh dude I was making a play on dock then formal saved his life you got this what a [ __ ] it's [ __ ] horrible - of course it is I was like no wait doc makes that play Doc's going for the sanaa heaps formal made the smart play - push push with the SMG is good it's a good play right there no one's left yeah we're both are there jumps no I'm in the water get him in the water in the left building nice shot informal is indeed I love to see that I love it like a [ __ ] in the water I didn't know where to go oh [ __ ] there's an under yeah yes don't play there dude the sun's way too bright like brighter than our oh so you have to really shield those eyes gotta keep those hangouts it's actually pretty good morning Willis your hand cross hit twice I got Molly perfectly right side by the truck go he's jumping up nice we [ __ ] threw volleys perfectly at each other me informally are you about oh good I would never mouse I would I would Oh a headlock once he's 50 Doc's burning left building he's on the left stairs and then the other ones on the right Ridge at once his why sunder bridge flashed him under bridge kill doc and then formal got straight damn I was gonna with that if I did get traded right here super sir formal so good I love it can't believe I just happened to meet you [ __ ] them up too well how's past everyone just rushed well I just took the gun sighs you know right there doc was rushing for sure you and dr. oz a rough one I'm pushing I'm pushing right new ones right he's jumping up normals carry plate I mean I guess they're quite pistols so I guess can't lose can't one right sucks three bullets dude it's that vast hole leave like two seconds oh my god all I heard his enemy's taking the objective done probably from that that was so fast I thought I had enough time to swing on him what is t2 p mean think this crosser it works on the p90 but everything else not so much and you [ __ ] them up container I have Farlow hey he's just riding back and forth with three the cathay the hell's going on damn the [ __ ] cross firewall yeah buyer but you know well we were both in their docks when top bottom bottom one I was weird we traded places I'm just taking the head of gun fake no do we blame formals a pistol guy Renate formals a pistol King bro it's so hard to beat them okay oh yay uh-oh does get these pistols out of the way no one right one stop almost 1/4 most of all um well one pushing your container nice let's go baby ok good [ __ ] huh it was like that I died pretty fast I didn't get to see it oh here we go who Oded this is a slacker one's rushing mid-back oh [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] low that's the second time I got caught I was like holding I was like never jump up and then I [ __ ] got caught me too Doc's gonna get a kill eventually you'll get what eventually thought are you even Ament they're both one it on the right some right here to do them like that right there Oh his first poem a nice thick steak the head and so it's crazy how I'm always front first informal and you have the dog like it's never changing you know yeah it's true interesting yeah it was doc again for me he wasn't hit wow what a shot how do you kill you so fast I swung on the wrong side any swung as well way didn't really swing you as pre-aim ones going tom this guy's like my pistol oh wait left container yep what right third back side head shot I think so look like it's a good show [Music] yeah for a second I'm down careful peeking the [ __ ] my hair on the right rock them almost all right on the van yeah oh yeah that sounded way better than it looked though well trust me it was it was fire from ice no one right one I'm I'm what you left heard is I'm stunned Oh Nate it so low we're both Manor all right yeah that didn't go well I got I got I got burned early I just kept getting knighted it's a game baby let's go step it up tanner job I just [ __ ] sprinted and I got copied into jumping Jeremy this game baby doc was a little late on the swing but get the right idea oh [ __ ] I can't see them all I was a little scared going up against it right there I thought I was gonna get lasered but we're okay yeah be careful oh man it's the second time it looks all the way down I didn't see any yeah I don't like peaking early because I never see [ __ ] don't want top line I don't know where I got from spell baby I had no idea where I died from mm-hmm you are owning right now can lose no one left still no one left ones on the lefts our normals right rott left have normal 1 hp play for time instead for moles right Rach I'm holding containers what's it ending with give me a snipe give me a snack okay okay this is addition this is Doc's weapon a shotgun once it goes okay okay what's all right I'm uh Doc's pushing one he's one you know doc got doc got a total of four kills but you know that's fine you'd probably probably the maps fall Suns honestly a little bright in this map let's do this I can't I can't rush with this what if you get wallbang straight off Oh Carl I need your secondary bro oh I'm gonna use that oh good call one rent right [ __ ] it pulled out his rifle BAM it's man smart okay I walked into his concert gonna be a tough one my god Chauncey's owning dudes and see you guys weren't kidding bro you guys we're not kidding she's a gamer holy job Schatzi is flying this man's butt be blowed off these beam up some pledges holy moly nothing dang it fine nothing right I got shot those ices are this was a hard man I'm sorry that's not how our pistols work pistols are really hard Haley laughs container alright that was so accurate oh my god I got destroyed okay what's pushing come on bro that's crazy oh you drop the pro-ice honor is really accurate how's crazy I hit this guy looks pretty good headway Ted's office gave me dodge those balls one left right wash wash I died on the right side Reza I died to a flash pay he killed me with the flash grenade girl I died to the actual physical flash grenade not him shooting me the flash look at a great night up one left bah I try these guys too yeah these guys are good I figured this was gonna be our hardest game yet there - there - really really good controller players okay all right first game you know how did we usually do lose the first game it's like cuz I like to run close against console players but peeking these guys gonna be kind of tough on all the folks when I have to happen photo now to approach this one now [ __ ] claim my lane he didn't know about that box either that's how I died through my snow can I said I didn't know how lame I always sounds like never put a claymore down moving right concert on close right NC 936 in the head nice the [ __ ] turn around was a good pro well I guess actually that might have worked if he was up dude if he was set up keep it up keep it up guy holy [ __ ] they're both so low house crazy yeah they're sticking together damn both my feet oh my god you saw his shadow he was about the PQ bro did you see a shadow cuz he was about to PQ and you started moving I hope you have shadows on job o shotty slogan you run an HP well played you jumped on the railing well played my friend I was a good one ok pushed with a [ __ ] mp7 right away didn't snipe at a hall guys got scratched [ __ ] yeah they play Tuesday I got this these guys aren't really good burning low low on stairs to HP I just played safe I was like whatever that is a really silly mechanic I don't really like it but I mean it's in so [ __ ] it my stomach my mind I'm fine I'm old oh they know I'm you know I'm both left dude on stairs agents price I didn't realize they were so pushed up like there was Scott back on our alright I gotta stop ballsy dude no dude why you wide enough that with a pistol too their aim is [ __ ] insane bro find you bunny bunny bunny [Music] play some stress listen it scares me okay I need it right I'm with you with you to be one jumping got ourselves the game all right this is gonna be an interesting leg name Google boss oh [ __ ] okay bring the legs up I'm gonna peek down mid okay I'm gonna try to take Tom stun grenades running a double spoon understanding crazy such a game changer when you get hit by stun it's like you're not even in the game anymore yeah oh my let's it cheese right bro the way these guys are playing is absurd Oh what I thought I mean you should have seen it at their plays bro they are set the [ __ ] up when we were pushing them one went to the very very back the other one held like this tight angle grow these guys are insane what the [ __ ] what is this Jesus these guys are so lucky good you blew up the c4 right in front of you how that side of that I don't know Wow good all right all right all right go I'm gonna get try to get close yes when I tried to do ba canal I already pumped them twice with a pistol launched both on right now left-sided I think I am just not a fan of this man this is Ralph I feel like I can't get [ __ ] away whippy with it but maybe he's just haven't played this map enough this is their map they've been playing GU leg since the beginning of time I think this is actually an old-school map so they might they might know their [ __ ] right nice ride Jesus yeah [ __ ] it hey boys holy [ __ ] man my goodness Wow we'd do this yeah I mean it was it was a good game but we just got on that map I was insane I was actually a think that was insane holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Virb
Views: 32,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: ZV9zdbdToY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 33sec (5853 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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