THAT'S REALLY INSANE! 👀 | Escape From Tarkov #27

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I think he got out no he didn't thank you should kill them what the [ __ ] is that timing bro oh right it may kill them monsters two of them wish I doubt bro what's that time oh there's two of them dude that timings insane holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I would I wouldn't buy a [ __ ] like $500,000 car you know like what something convenient you know and that's it convenient looks nice that's it you know so I'm hoping that when I do get a car I'm hoping that electric cars are way better than they are right now um and then that'll be great and I left your car or something and I really hope kill isn't on the server I'm gonna go straight through the middle of ultra here and I'm gonna go straight up top the escalators and if kill is here he's gonna [ __ ] my day out but my goal here is to go straight up and pick these bay windows and see if I could get some Snipes right away it was if kilos here I'm gonna I'm in for a bad time I think we're good kill over airlie goes upstairs scab I got a shock that those in my sight there's gonna be kind of boring but basically I'm gonna keep going back and forth so I'm gonna look this way for a couple seconds look that way look this way I'm gonna keep doing that because somebody could be on both sides at any second really and I need 100-meter headshot and this is about 100 meters being the center and going down aiming tech light or aiming down this way about 100 meters house outside that's a headshot yup ah got one that's kind of nice those are nice shot huh keep looking outside maybe there's more footwork a very slow game you know that guy got [ __ ] dropped man poor guy probably don't even know what happened what's anyone else there's no way people work with that slow you know what's up with those side angle grip it's a good grip I'm getting impatient but they need this once done and the best way to do it you know the other ways extract campaign I guess I know this is boring boys I'm sorry basically I'm looking down this way because there's an escalator that comes up right here and I'd say this is about 100 meters shot I had clance over here because maybe someone will come over there and that's 100 meter shot - I'd say and then this is definitely hundred meters and there's also an escalator right here so I'm kind of just like taking my time take a peek outside again so there's definitely people down there they're just being super slow I haven't heard anything down there seems really quiet in that direction another spot which might not be bad to get a hundred meter headshots would be going to Burger King Burger King would be pretty decent so he could shoot through the class - this is Burger house Burger King goes down that way you can also look through here the chance of somebody moving through here is very low it's not really a really common spot for people to run across but I guess you never know you don't know who you're playing against right you never know so I'm just shocked no one's ran up here yet well [ __ ] I might as well go to tech light to loot at this point [ __ ] it let's do it I guess not really I think good light bulbs honestly there was nothing good here at all well at least I got one 100-meter headshot right that's kind of cool it ones a win you know I'm just gonna walk around and play the game normally instead of waiting for this there's too much RNG on this I'm just gonna let it happen naturally you know kind of walk around play the game lose some stuff that if it happens it happens you know lighting so bad on this map can't wait for them to change it the art archive imagine the suspense I'd love a game like this in VR holy [ __ ] honestly I think it's very possible because VR does really well a small scale you know like 12 people and you could probably pull this off 12 people with AI you probably pull that off very well I'm actually genuinely shocked that no one's capitalized on tarkov and made a VR title in it like with it rather oh my god it'd be so [ __ ] fun and intense I seriously think it's very doable and honestly a lot easier than a lot of other than other VR titles that people are trying to make you know you don't need to have a crazy inventory system in a million items but think about how cool would it be to sort your inventory like in VR thank you like you know throw your backpack over your shoulder real quick put it on the ground you know shuffle through everything grab what you need whatever putting stuff in your backpack can be as simple as like finding a light bulb and just boom throwing it over your shoulder and dropping it you know I don't know I think it'd be sweet whoa I'll just shot right behind me hello the [ __ ] was that whoa this guy's got an angle on me he's got me locked bro I don't really know what to do I almost lost my head [Music] it was funny I probably thinks I'm running you I'm taking a gamble that he goes this way I don't know if he will but it could take him some time I doubt this guy's a sprinter all I know is he's got a decent shot because why jiggle peaked he's shot right over my head mostly we don't have somebody doing snipe in a stream and I doubt it though very unlikely you I'm really not going this way if there's a guy under me that sounded good hear that what was that noise snaps well this coolest [ __ ] design Maps ever man so so tense so many stores somebody like audio profiles so many angles and shin you never know it doesn't matter I think what time of the raid is you never know what the [ __ ] about to go down you never know if you're gonna get flanked or what beauty of it you know oh that's the guy Oh destroyed Oh Oh baby I got was geared holy [ __ ] 100 meters no way alright I thought well that's too close that guy was geared AF many friends I've had kill his gear I don't think he killed Killa though I didn't hear Killa you might have a friend I don't know you usually always want to assume there's two that's our boy if there's a second I'll go fugly here oh man I'm just a free kill for any decent player okay I guess this little Missy boy oh he wasn't wearing killers okay oh that's awkward ain't it and got a lot of light bulbs yeah these are the guys the truth this is a guy who tracer bullets I kind of want to take his Jen no it's [ __ ] up nevermind thanks Jen I'll load up on some bulbs huh yeah that was him the tracer you remember when we were when I was walking down this way and I saw the tracer fly by me did I look like he had killas helmet on which is really weird you didn't it looked like it well both will be walking into HK he had a thermal one Beckett I'm going back out here to see if I see anyone with my thermal real quick that's a scav are you sure these are scavs day yeah yeah you should if he's rocking this HK with thermal and all that you should bring better bullets I'm sorry cheap it out on bullets when you have this kind of kit is very weird no wonder you saw me so easily on the [ __ ] thermal thermal sucks in this place seem too bad on maniac for doing this keV is not open I am playing with fire yeah thermals not bad it looks a little it looks a little messy but you'll like the fact that it looks so messy any player will pop you know if that makes any sense at all wonderful cubic you still spawns there I've never seen it I played a lot of interchange and I've checked that's one or early and I've never seen that [ __ ] thing so apparently fire still can spawn on these shelves or something like these shelves right here I've never seen fire still before but kind of know what it looks like it looks like a little horseshoe open Thanks thanks Carrie for a thermal reading scav I think let's this was my extract oh my God my heart's you can't do that to a man when he's trying to extract holy moly all right got two kills couple scavs and loot so I'm down I might bring that thermal scope to spot people actually I might roll with the thermal in a regular scope and swap it was this fun this is the early fighting spawn this is where I killed a group we're all the fights go down right away well man was a plan okay my plan here hopefully there's no scabs and my plan since I should have the best spawn for this I'm running straight to the [ __ ] bay windows no one should beat me I should be able to get to these bay windows first and on top of that I should be able to like depending on the pacing of these players there's a very good chance that I could get up here and do some serious work the player down there that is so far so he crossed there's another player right there why is there Nate's going off what who was already throwing grenades there's some geared [ __ ] players in this Lobby again Jesus there's so many gear players playing right now can you guys get off actually gear players is good it just sucks when you're trying to finish a quest you know um I lost sight of this guy I kill him right there okay so now that I don't think I'm seeing anyone outside I think everyone's already know we go headshot damn it a lot of gear players thermals terrible for headshots I know man I know trust I know you still got him though yeah but I don't care about kills if they're not for my class I was trying to hit him in the head it's just hard with their mole that [ __ ] that was right next to me is that under me it's got to be a scam right I don't know where to go play with your friend anymore I used to roll with them what doesn't even mean well that's a player I think that's a player dude maybe not because I haven't seen him again that might not be a player first I thought it was I'm only getting these kills they have the scope to be honest oh it's snowman oh it's this guy again I've killed that guy before and he went into my chat oh there he is [ __ ] rekt what's up dude I followed guys I'm just trying to do my quest man which I just don't think I'm ever gonna finish or he's just the stream sniper now if he was a stream sniper they would have there's me if I hit no if he was truly stream sniping I would not be alive I was in a terrible spot and they walked right past me snowman to 71 he's a homie he would never stream snape I'm all right oh man snowman let me go here trying to run duos I'm ready wonder what that guy had a guy that killed over there should I go check that sucks if I wasn't looking outside I would have been able to kill these guys at Faro distance instead of super close how it's so trippy look like a person in my thermal oh that's just AI we're just gonna go ahead and run away from that we don't care to fight ai this quest so I feel like the only way I'm gonna get this what's done is at the very very beginning of the match you know by the way for the person that said you need to learn at which time someone compete bro and every player plays differently there's no there's no oh my god that scared me hello scared me and you're okay okay off stream gaming eh are you dead let's get out of pilgrim ah just [ __ ] blows I hate everything I view my last game of thermal to kind of over it it's gotten me a bunch of kills though it really has gotten me a [ __ ] ton of kills it saved my life my life twice now I didn't have this thermal out of that twice huh no am I asking you what thermal yeah thank you bap bap bap bap bap bap back back back but back at man a man that man man you know what I'm sure a track I don't care about guys I don't know what drink that is that ain't coca-cola that's just a that's just straight fountain drink mixture literally I'm tied I just sip that I got a little hint of sprite I got a little hint of coke I got a little hint of like some fruity flavor basis what's a good scope with an m1 a would you guys use I need some sort of scope because I'm going for longer shots else's generator powering huh bright as hell out here I think you got out no II didn't think you should kill them what the [ __ ] is that timing bro oh right it might kill them monsters two of them wish I doubt bro what's that time it oh there's two of them dude that timings insane holy [ __ ] I don't know I don't know what to do y'all have too much Lou oh oh oh Mike oh damn oh my goodness I'm gonna take your loot I don't I don't even know I like okay I guess I don't really know what to what to do here what do you have sir this is the most stacked [ __ ] Lobby I've ever seen oh my god I also don't know what to do holy [ __ ] okay we're gonna drop this right take that off with that or take that too okay or a take or take the our k-12 okay I wanna see what you got in here grab your F once what else do you have holy brother man you don't need that many attack twos this dude's got [ __ ] he's got [ __ ] to man well I don't know the values of these things I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna do that okay I could I could drop my gun and my own m4 that's true that's true that's true that's true that's true I could double up like drop my [ __ ] in a bush somewhere for sure I'm doing it actually do I really care that much be honest do I care chat I can't believe that [ __ ] it I'm just leaving now I can't believe that I just I can't believe that typing I killed so many geared players that was absurd I killed so many geared players right there and it just they just stumbled upon me ha ha killed ha ha I killed four super your glares and they just like they fell into my lap they're like here you go I can't believe that is happening that's not the same raid they were probably losing using low-end amo true they probably were oh this raids almost over in 19 minutes left 19 minutes am I gonna do what do I do it will raven 19 minutes left i don't know that's not the same race a different one oh man that was actually awesome seriously that was actually awesome huh even though I died it's just it was just like funny you know the funny moment like yeah I lost some monies but it's so easy to make money in this game really especially with scav runs scav runs this is free money you'll die a couple times here and there but you'll make it out with check if kill is there may be bodies okay Oh what's the scam okay that's a dead player think he's been loaded right suppress shots oh who are you another dead PMC oh okay players who pretty good pretty geared players I think - I don't know who's there that's a player scout I had to kill him but what sucks is that I didn't want to kill him but I had to clean you he was gonna shoot me I need to I need to go I need to change my angle here because like this ain't gonna work there's there's dear players somewhere these people are just scabs it's just scabs fighting each other it's not really something I care about now there is suppressed shots don't worry you guys mrs. players can live in looted fuck'em I want to go to I want to try to find those suppressed shots my goal here player today I more dead bodies Jesus the suppress shots were really far I'm wrapping all the way around more another did she yes there's one right next to me I had a bad feeling voice are there wait no those are clear as I think Oh see one I have a clear shot on one these are player scabs though which oh my god they're right there dude they're right there yeah this is funny one right is that the last one they fighting a player I feel like they are right they went that way but who the [ __ ] was shooting at them just say I'm gonna beat I'm curious who was shooting at them what's a scab they were getting shot by a [ __ ] scab are you kidding me [ __ ] question is that they go down or did they go straight I'm gonna assume they went straight [ __ ] the three player scabs I want to catch him they might have good stuff I don't know it's hard to tell what they had you know they were just getting shot by an AI which is the shitty part about this well they're in the garage so maybe they just ran to extract I'm sure [ __ ] there's a bunch of players we have a son okay if they were real players that would have been a little bit more aggro but they might not even have good stuff unless they looted all the scraps but I just heard one to my right this was just an AI that was shooting him the steak ass yeah I'm not gonna get anything out of this radio thing yeah yeah I'm i right it's way too late of a raid for anything I guess a little extract I'd only have anything I mean I guess it's just free money but I don't have anything so why is your logo burning yellow that's a great question maybe it's [ __ ] lit maybe it's a metaphor at the play worse calvings a waste yeah it's kind of fun I wouldn't say it's a waste stabbings fun you can have a good turn up sometimes you know you just [ __ ] pop off you know but yeah I do see your point I'm better off just using my money and killing eared players rather than looking for scraps but I still think it's a good time from time to time you know scabs help me calm down after a PMC lost that too that's who Oh durn funny if you blend it in with them and act like one of the boys [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 22,903
Rating: 4.4736843 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: iVacFAY5yfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 43sec (4603 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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