ONLY HE CAN SURVIVE THIS 😱 | Escape From Tarkov #20

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I'm holding this I think it's actually a favorable fight no trouble just lay down it's not up it's not up I didn't think it would be [Music] [Music] oh my it's so bright I'm gonna go ahead and gamma this thing cuz this thing is worth far too much to just have out Jesus I thought it might be like this I didn't realize that the times were so fun alright only use my Envy geez later dude it looked clean though I know it was really bright a little light but it looked nice these enemies aren't saying I can see why they're worth 150 k wonder where you find him you can't find them why are people selling them for cheaper than like peacekeepers purchase got to be able to find them sure playing that long was it me and you that died escape us right here and we were running along and we spawned those PMC's no we saw the sky isn't sounding like that oh yeah we got [ __ ] out I'm gonna open my key down here shoot the basement this this building also goes straight to the Father if you want to go flank don't do that open my door and then we'll go usually there's nothing in here but on streams I've seen stuff so see what happens oh wow not a single item Wow oh cool hog well there's this item I guess that's so lame where's our cooled gun on the episode there was two guns here and a gun here on every single time every time I see somebody walk in here horseshit I think the fact or is it [Music] huh wait is this no witch oh god now I don't remember we have made a mistake hey what's in here put some tape oh there's probably no no there's another door I just don't know which one it is I swear it's this building lunch box in maybe the name of the building this is cool well guess we're not flanking cuz I don't know where the [ __ ] to go around maybe it's the maybe it's the building to our left guess it's not this one that's kinda cool and we're been down here it's probably the other building Oh milk hey what's how easy it is to make them make two every hour it's gonna be very easy to get give a key okay now I gotta open up my doors again there you go now how do I get her out in here I don't know I would say let's find some juice boys let's be honest we're not so this raids gonna get dark or like what's gonna happen for a long time I'm in an awkward time first of the joint I kinda almost just wish they had a way just to join nighttime raid you know if we go in there away mmm I mean it kept going so I assumed you know it's the right way yeah sure like your backpack no does they preach down here like continues at their door can't be opened anything above it I'm showing your above I'm above yet I mean there's like the spawns and I like that one room Jenny one runs two times and I do a ram here's the Dorothy were to the store yeah really yeah except the safes bugged and I cannot search it nice where am I I'm gonna search these filing cabinets sure I'm searching some random jackets I don't know where the [ __ ] I am I walked with I strayed far away that's what's good but they gave some use to those orange lighters I share it's no longer 12 supposed to make fuel you share what those both that's cool I'm coming back to you I think you're this way somewhere safe let me search you can search this same every time I click search like it doesn't actually search it that's that that's drawing me that's funny it's upsetting no computer here okay and a bug safe unless you know when they fix it there's the safe there you know we know only us nobody else right no one else that's fine the clean ragequit now he's just been awake forever mayne went to sleep I know it's only eight but he wakes up like like in like 4 a.m. early interesting room there's nothing in here see how they're adding a ballistic shield a riot shield they're totally gonna have to run around with riot shields Mike it sounds awesome you're probably gonna blind fire around the above it that's probably out to be used clean what is this Wireless military thingies this was anything - don't know don't care thing I'm thinking about yes there's duffle every game kind of matchin gonna can housing a firefight on these stairs like looking down and looking up looking up and suck oh yeah you die well maybe not you know lucky lucky spray yeah bullet could just fall into their head it's tunnels massive oh my god all right there that's a troll huh I was floating in the air there and I couldn't move her say be funny but not not at all whether scary spot we have to look up we're here let's go around back searching this I don't think was they don't think they look at the safe Thank You kami look the safe hey good did they break all the safes in the game I don't know it's not I'm sad about it there's a lot of filing cabinets no computer give me a GPU I can't let's just bring out my dude I'll hand the building hope anyone's here they wouldn't search that spot but you never know Oh Krag we're getting we're getting a little loud about it I think someone's been up here cuz I don't think I'd doors open normally on the down on the right I think it is dark yes slowly slowly get Gander out so you're gonna see anyone no I can't I'm gonna keep looking my milk finished yeah yeah [ __ ] what do we do now I really thought there'd be people here huh I think most people stop camping up here cuz everyone can look at it and just shoot you in the head from so far you'll find they realize it's not as crazy might be nvg times Oh joke on the door he's in the room with the safe locked room or something nothing he's just in the room with this thing oh he's in a locked room oh [ __ ] just wait just wait I'm not gonna shoot him when he's inside he might come to us or what if he doesn't like time we can shoot him inside that's yeah it's true you can't rely oh I have eyes on the windows he's eluded he's new map he's inside look I'll shoot the second I see him okay I'm sure I'm looking at the right window he heard me Jeff flash pseudo maybe now he's still looting I heard him open another thing he's got a blackjack I didn't kill him you're gonna in flashing in hope that was a blackjack I got the kill I know you did you did what how later I think is that before though what's those take that a eighteen I think it's a big boy I would put that in my bend your back Bay he's got a big boy suppressor you take that to 9 that 5n VG's are on good [ __ ] ears and kill that's a lot of loot for us the man was a scavenger I don't even know what's in this room this is crazy this room looks insane he's running m61 - it was brave for gong Shaitan here not looking around yeah did you let him learn his trap can you guide me for a sec I want to get some mags out of his not much to really guard did you take his done at 5:00 I don't know if you're rocking him for uh yeah I'm reckoning him for ice I took it this poor [ __ ] how bad do you think we you scared him when you initially shot at him I he was hiding in that River I don't think he knew what the [ __ ] to do I don't think it would happen the glass broke he's dead he had so many 60s on him yeah I had a 16 is that for y'all therefore I don't know if I'm ready to go back in the 60 and then I'd be down believe that I got a freedom for oh yeah I'm done so down earlier I'm gonna hang so much captain alright just trying to make our way out let's go uh oh we gotta go bunker I'm their only option or it might have to go train how do you want to do is you want to go down the rock so you want to go down the tunnel um tunnel would be safest but it's also long it's our yellow food and water 69 but it's also it'll pop us in the building that's gonna pop it down that's scary maybe but we also have enemies give yours alright these enemies are nice and give you a full screen we have n VG's and a thermal really yeah the guys are that side a thermal on it man was brave solo that year pilgrim use me making money you gotta turn on the alarm leg a little 22 yeah we got charm did we want it just work I'm pretty sure they fixed it and I have never gotten it to work since you ready yeah I'm not doing the same thing that I did nobody got we dropped when you push the bunny [ __ ] that the movie gets damn here oh we're safe in here you got the same envy jeez yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] and every knows [Music] down there a hollow glows at night this sleigh [Music] monstrum is surprisingly good like doesn't glow at all the exact same reticle [Music] choo-choo-choo running man in clothes I got shot my back by the mountains a shotgun I've really [ __ ] up on it I need a lot of time here let's go summer stay for this window you wanna yeah could just even be on the stairs maybe and it fix my life yeah they were right I think they probably heard us hit the button they were always following us honestly they weren't very good PMC's yeah but they had some backpacks worth looting and what about my problem doll I think she'll rest minnows [Music] I love that I make profit all now nice easy these are bright go this way the holes close to the side Ranma bosses in here in here I'll [ __ ] take him out the game where is he I just got boss I'm turning down there and get away sometimes you don't hear banding although sometimes are just there that's true that's the most terrifying talking let's go this way Larsen got movement way up there holy fun source close yep there was a I'm gonna flash ok run we we don't take it to this door it's just a bad fight I'm holding this I think it's actually a favorable fight no troll just lay down it's not it's not I didn't think it would be we might be stuck here for a while yeah yeah extra water I just drank that guy's water players shotguns were in my arm I mean yeah yeah I wasn't a shotgun with he was just using glossy scent there's not much he's gonna do to an armored man do you need any energy food no I metabolisms pretty good so goes down pretty slow so do we need to go back and hit the button or how does this work um I think we just have to wait is there a train we yeah we might because we don't want to really go all the way yeah we wait for train 23 minutes strange to be here like a couple at the 10-minute search and leave like this door made open in fact my Meg's that was scary but I was confident the first guy was so blind you couldn't see anything one's coming someone's coming I'll scab my staff with the Raiders those are Raiders underneath us we could go back of that middle bunker and just hold the back my god those are scab boys I don't know if it's bodyguard or not but my prophet all's fading so this is my strength must go black for a little bit here transient Oh true that's why oh that's why it's all about the front the Raiders and everything are grouping up right now so I don't know how we're gonna do this just wait till the end and then we push through the front cuz they're all gonna be in the warehouse and we just get in the front of the Train I think it's our best bet backpack full of trash you could ditch it what it's not trash these are nice this is nice bolts are nice all this shit's useful now man man don't be like that snag no yeah multiple readers or I think that was a scab boss this walk back yeah I think so too if it is they fight each other I think thanks Jeff Boston Raiders fight each other no trouble really it was calves loss or three gear PMC's so I could take take this huh yeah I saw I saw scab bus out front this is gonna be so hard bro oh boy I just I think they stay in the warehouse if you got in the front of the Train you're fine I mean I've thermal so when we go out like I'm just peek around creepy giggling staff this thing doesn't stay open for long enough the fact that we've pushed here like almost immediately it wasn't openness a little silly yeah it was it needs to be okay now they're just cross so once we hear the horn we got one minute got more grouping this is gonna be insane that's normal Scout will the left of the door got our stam again look what the confetti is some some subs still so bright out there it sucks wonder if I should just sleep put away my envied you she's in case we go down keep them on like a man true true hey a scav Raiders or boss are walking back into my house I think that oh dude this is gonna be so hard high peak no no absolutely not I think we should though if we don't pick them off now I don't think we're gonna say no change we're so close I'll just ted shot us instantly we just if they just stay inside of you but they don't stay inside always they've roam around and [ __ ] remember last time there's like four outside from the front of it it's true [Music] you could just try to make our way to the training get in the front of the train just lay down we know there's other players but necessarily we killed quite a bit and that guy killed people - I'm assuming going up no we start killing scabs that I see yeah and kill one right now yeah yeah just running towards a second reading yeah okay one's walk in the open and look up the right a sec I saw her to shoot this stupid thing that's grenades grenades on you yeah fighting got it I don't see any more movement there scabs to our right for sure just want to push up to you this is so ballsy hold let me make a run to it now that's open did you get the one in between here no there was one in between maybe I did oh no yeah I did I did the one that walked back up yeah I'm just gonna run in I might go for more loot no troll okay I'll hold inside but scout for you but yeah [ __ ] ones right next to me I'm gonna try to loop though are you down below that's you I'm looting at this body over here you're below between the chain check sighs yeah yeah okay just a but there's a guy booting up to my man am i right okay got the right side then don't see him anywhere should be good still here I'm stepping here yeah I'm just I'm just staring at this for you Oh get in I didn't time to do [ __ ] he's gonna he's about laser me I just heard him Shh Christ row it's mad is something I really get much more to be honest but hey I'm turn around and look this door they're coming she bet 10 seconds left in this little bit here 10 seconds we're good I'm telling you I feel I felt like that was the play cuz that was just gonna be so hard if we waited for that last minute I feel like we would not have enough time to clear and yeah you probably right you right woof how's a good run house flood I'm so amazed ear and into some juice did that's good we actually got a solo and he's level 22 that's man that's a that's respect right there killed one of his guards name was tiger everything seems to be running in terms of our frame rate today seems to be running pretty good feel like my fps is solid nice I gotta kill Killa I'll watch it buzzes me and he had the killer quest but he wasn't trying to do it he was doing another quest where he had to kill like people in un armor there's something here I don't know and he just the first thing that he walked through the very front and the first thing he saw us killing he just owned it knows it took him five seconds you just popped it in the face sometimes you just get lucky and then he died immediately after he finished his quest I just want to finish it cuz then I got a killer whoops boss he's honestly not that's scary now you just er wait for him to share their people and you can clap them what's in here where we going sweet once you hear I'm start shooting other people that's when you strike yes I got his P earlier just sell that thing I'm gonna keep it in case I kill him on the quest and I don't actually loot him you know mm-hmm councils in raid that one I got I was this key part of the quest yeah you know how killer you hand in the helmet yeah and mashaallah the pistol and that's the key there's one it's the next one after mine I really want to do my Punisher quest - I need nine shoreline PMC kills that one's not that bad cuz I don't need a where's gavest all I need to do is wear the mask okay tell me I'm kind of tempted to run straight into [ __ ] like Generic and see how but that didn't me [ __ ] out dude but you guess he could have got lucky you never know what the AI snipe you crossed the map other times you're right in front of them they don't even react check kabuki I'm flying through condensed milk - because or yeah sounds conditioned against why does my brain think that I'm flying through it I'm making two at a time oh nice offices let's go to that instead yeah damn I don't think it's officers by the way I think this idea sounded way too like far away we'll see that is so close it's just on the other side of the wall you know yeah so just give me some graphics cards I only need five more they don't exist anyway I got deleted from the loot table I still want to go generic tbh I don't really wanna go idea I'll see you what - I guess you feel it okay I have so much like money and loot that I'm just feeling kind of reckless you know I mean yeah oh I have my spots that I check usually scab time I'm gonna go through the tent and then to generic to fight more fiercely I love this [ __ ] map and I don't know I just walking around it feels so doe there's a key spot on this table apparently for a military base shocker I never would've guessed I didn't tell you right I just stay in sponsor true he was you're seeing someone up here dude I got killed from this one day he was up here looking straight on the hall I walked around the corner just got blasted that's insane that's a good spot tbh I'm good brutal I want to find this man yeah easy way to get sniped get to look overs I can just kill you instantly was well he was here he'd run to that I think sometimes use decides he doesn't want to run two things very true holy [ __ ] this angle into the front of store nasty dude no way anyone to expect you here if they're walking through the front oh no way they're coming to us maybe skillet it's killin either Garda John boss you can shoot up I'm snores gasps just [ __ ] army and - I think there's players yeah yeah yes the portal I got the third the other ones way down under tech lay it's even worse this walls libro he's in the star to the right just kill one I think fire back-end is in this storm I don't know I summer in this service I might have been him there's one more right the one that how's the [ __ ] team of four players Gav's what a loss to fight somewhere and they hope trying to get back on same hat what I didn't see you bro I'm here shotgun that's kind of hard oh man they did some looting bro what how do they have all this key card Hey Oh scary we should loot the rest of them that's hilarious [ __ ] four of them bro ain't good [Music] first I just like check the other tube I like what scroll down stop pouches was it I think they eluded oli Chancellor they came from like pcs yeah I mean probably it also written down here let's just die the same friggin way here we go moment of truth flashbang level 3 armor nothing good yeah nothing good now one guy was carrying all the good stuff and some errant shot stars I knew we can show Watchers that huh mm-hmm how far we there's cleared all of this by just like brute force it's the way I like it oh one more two more I've got one these are PMC's pistol they're very a low-level I get it respectable they were trying at least okay see if they had a friend that was behind oh I'm going to see this Bobby kill this is a dark corner all I could see was outline again I tell ya his buddies they okay there's another Jersey he's in in-between like it look where you just killed that guy to his right he moved that up ahead I'm kind of stuck I'm finished planking hey you did get him unless there's another one Jesus Christ no I don't know if this was you running Karthik's like didn't exactly [ __ ] do you happen to have a splint yeah I have two fractures both my arms I feel like I'm just a walking splint to you sometimes Mike you go just keep it you need it I was level 33 and I was like using nothing disappointed in him how are you gonna feed there's another lunch box if you want it good I didn't know where he was that's crazy I thought he was way closer to me I was so pinched behind that he was spamming through that even he could shoot through it look I'm [ __ ] up he's just told him for your feet oh maybe that's what he was doing but he broke both my arms so it's found weird maybe you killed the minis it's add a salty for men death comes to us all eventually don't live forever they'll be oppressive Mike would be impressive I don't think I don't want to live forever what I feel like you'd go insane probably but you'd be blip forever so I guess once you're insane you don't know you're and saying I guess yep yeah they did scoot on out and it's gonna dork anyway flora SHINee over here is Skippy's r-tx scam does not need more graphic stuff my poor computer it's not gonna last much longer they start adding stuff still rocking a 1060 oh boy should go get yourself a mic no I don't have money you can't stop me they might have put a let X in here wouldn't that be insane bandage huge loop the bag the biggest the best the most I'm just saying this would be a fantastic spot to put a let X actually mm-hmm they were just need the key yeah and they would need up the keys [Applause] good time to get out guitar did you ever see if you have a an old mic laying around just fight one I'm sure once I get a job by one instantly someone made a great suggestion except it wouldn't happen so it's ok crowdfund does that 100 talked about since no one uses their touch prime on you anymore they can just all use the money right are you partners I told you back what happened when I was streaming quite a bit you hosted me like three times do you remember that kind I do remember hosting you but I don't think I remember you telling me so like when I streaming a bunch when I applied for it because I had like all like little goals met the response was literally that you hosted me too much what literally their response is like you've been hosted too much and [Music] okay Mike scare me just tell him to sell drugs yeah alter why [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 37,215
Rating: 4.7542663 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: RCNfwshIkFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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