IT CAN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS 😱 | Escape From Tarkov #68

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[Music] [Music] it's actually funny that reminds me back when i initially worked for bsg and we're like talking about ideas and how uh the developers can be more transparent and like translate that over to their western audience and stuff because you know the game was really popular in the united states so like back then still still is like it's it's more popular in the us than it is russia um but uh we were like brainstorming ideas about you know ways they could communicate better and i i was always telling you i'm like dude like you've never really talked to anybody at all like and you just kind of sit back and you know make the game but uh i kind of just kind of get the trenches and get involved anymore and that's eventually how we came up with the idea for like the bsg podcasts and stuff that's a great idea it's good because they it was so funny because initially when the game first came out like they were so tight-lipped like we wouldn't hear about new things coming out they'd just be like hey here's the patch and we'd be like oh cool when's the next one they're just no response like they they were just so quiet and tight-lipped i gotta mark a tank is it here here right yeah i forgot a flashlight and i'm kind of sad about it the map where you actually kind of need one my shoreline raids have been kind of okay i always i always feel like i die on this map i think we could find a flashlight and put it on this what's that yeah he totally could you need 114 right for two store drones no i don't think so there's a tech spawn right here you can find the gpus on the shelf really hold on i minimized my game dude something is off maybe it's just this map this map my fps is terrible looking at that yeah like as soon as that came out of the door might yeah not just me it's just this village the lod quality isn't the best yeah america's tank i did already we're good yeah the fps here is wow it's bad want to blame it on 1440p 1440p is actually pretty chunky performance wise it's it is earliest definitely pushes my 390. depending on the game too but i usually also crank like anti-aliasing and stuff up to jackets no jacket why would you stop working for eft because he wanted to full-time stream what a respirator and a jacket that's kind of i like that man i like it you never know what you're gonna get the store always open i have no idea i think it is actually the second one's closed yeah yeah i don't really loot these villages too much to be honest i wonder if that key's still worth a lot i actually don't mind taking my time on this map to get into the the main either i hate getting there quickly so i like looting stuff like this and getting there late you gotta catch people going in and out too out of all the maps i think shoreline needs a overhaul next whenever we get the streets out it would be cool if i think factory does i agree that's the oldest map it has it hasn't changed at all it's just a weightless kind of a waste i don't know yeah i wonder i think they actually might have some cool plans for factory too to potentially turn it into like this not just like it's an indoor map but it's like an outdoor slash indoor map if that makes sense oh yeah like a bunch of different like factories and like one map there's like outdoors to them and stuff like maybe maybe there's like one of those um like those like bridges with like the glass you know on enameless the research institute like it has one of that connects the two but then there's a little bit of an exterior and people can see you across the parking lot like that this is open i don't hear anybody inside i don't have a flashlight irritating oh we'll find anyone should i check the barrel there's the key if you want sandwich they're hanging about oh crap you could be here oh [ __ ] that might that guy might have this quest item the shmoshka or whatever dude no i can't see i can't see you shoot through bushes scary stuff where is he [Applause] i think he's dead i haven't used this gun in a while my lead is all yeah you got to get used to him on stuff it's one of the funny things about tariq is so like every gun is different based off the ammo and the recoil and stuff you gotta get used to the different lead times m4 in my opinion is probably top tier like s to your guns in the game only because the ammo is really fast compared to a lot of the others so the lead time on it is much less than most guns especially with like m95 i'm pretty sure that's the fastest ammo in the game oh yeah 995 that's that's a bullet i can't miss with all the other bullets that's what kind of screws me up when i use them force is i'm so used to them as 995 that when i start swapping bullets like i kind of stroke the lead yeah the m855a1 and m56a1 or a bit slower but i want to say like 120 meters per second which will make a difference in this game in terms of like how the ballistics work so we need chemical and i need to go get like a little book for jaeger just for him to be nostalgic and stuff some tanks i don't actually remember where any of them are i think there's one under the this scab front yeah it's uh the third one is it's the bridge in between power and radar can like tilt it on it oh right right right right all right right right right a lot of map traveling to do so that we were a full-time rush stream no no no we're here as much fun as much fun as rust is i i was not happy yesterday i was not happy with everything hell went down i was not happy with people killing people i was not happy with my team killing people uh i just it was not i'm kind of glad to get off of it for a little bit here i might play later tonight but i just wasn't happy with how everything went down big booms that you janitor maybe we can get a nice little oversight from top of this hill yeah we can get up on the rocks get some angles i don't really be able to do much with playing okay you got a red dot yeah i'm just still rocking the ak73 i forget i'm done run it run it to the ground i would have used the vector if it wasn't this map yeah that's a good call eventually i love just like running like sub gun bolt gun once you get enough money good time [ __ ] me that's not that easy to see is that a person that's a scav hello oh yeah it's lod lame can't hit him there's a scavenger bottom kitchen okay i just see it's behind like a fridge or something that's not rendering all right how do you want to get in here from admin not maybe sure yeah probably admin i think we'll just go in here i really want to pk up but i just like don't want to see the showroom filter i'm going to rub my lips that's fine you convinced me yeah i don't like the pre-pop meta but they they nerfed it a lot painkillers are they reduce the duration of my like 50 across the board oh wow i can see way easier in these windows from here that there's like a weird like lighting from where we were before they're careful this guy wasn't the building on the right here in this room i need to change my block key i just use the mouse wheel pretty much exclusively i can't do that because like i don't know i need sometimes you need to be faster yeah don't you mean it um i it would be nice if they added a sensitivity option so like you could change the amount of ticks it needs to go from full to stop oh interesting so you can make one once one scroll is like a like a four tick a two tick yeah exactly right now it's like one tick is like literally one tick forward because usually i can get like 90 speed from like one just like good scroll forward but you just get the sensitivity it's just it's the scroll back that's the longer one i've noticed yeah actually right the same same amount of movement get the same effect they're in this thing for sure second floor i saw the muzzle dude what if we just hold the stairs i'm just in the side room holding this left staircase for now until we decide on what we want to do i'm coming for your m4 boy i'm getting pretty close to this staircase okay i don't think i don't know if you want to make maybe noise on your side i can get behind him here i don't i think this one's more likely to be behind than well if he's in the hallway i don't know it's kind of tough we'll see i'm just kind of slow walking to these stairs i could be loud about it though i just want to see if i can get him to move because i have no idea where he is right now i think he's looting or something i'm gonna hang out in the bathroom on the first floor and just listen if i had a flashlight i'd be so much more confident this sucks i'll make some noise as soon as nothing from him i track you is that you stefan nope nope nope is he drinking no he's walking out wood i can't hear that what no he knows i'm here for sure all right dude you might be in this 206 room the computer room are you moving yeah i stopped you think it's either that or he's in the room on the on your right those are the only two options with the wood it was so close to me there's a heavy bleed here i think he went this way okay i'm right behind you yep check if these rooms are even open they aren't he's not in here you keep making noise he thinks there's one right now i'm just gonna make noise on wood and [ __ ] nothing from him trying to be maybe like maybe like make it sound like you're running away anything nope just stay there for a sec you coming back no i just heard moving on wood that was me for a sec i just went to a room okay and nothing i think he went this way because there's a heavy bleed trail going this way so well he was on wood he's in a room i think he might be in what if he's third no he could be third coming back still here just holding the second floor all the way crazy i don't like this he's way too quiet is that room that you're looking at openable i don't know i haven't walked out the hallway because i don't know if he's holding it uh [ __ ] guys here so quiet yeah i know i [ __ ] hate this i'm coming [ __ ] it all right gonna check the door nope maybe this room 209 maybe it was on wood i'm going to open this really quick it was wood very close clear i might need this room right here on my right one with no door okay where is he what if he bled out [ __ ] i don't it's very sketchy nothing in these rooms he's above us oh my god i'm going the opposite end i might have to do a split push here yeah i'm just pre-firing oh here's the dead guy yeah yeah yeah let me know when you're on third one third all right at the very end i have a bad example here i'm at the very end i got a left side peak here they got to deal with so many bodies hallway has four dead bodies there's got to be up there's no way he could he could go anywhere i'm pretty sure he's in that room where you go around the barbed wire oh yeah with like the loot crate on that's what i think yeah i'm peeking the whole hallway i don't see him i'm just about pushing with you yeah i'm gonna clear all these right he's gotta be he's gotta be he threw the nade really close i'm pretty sure he's in this room i'm not coming out yet all right it's me got you flash going in clear unless he's in this bathroom here ow oh do i need him hold on he's dead we're good oh no way i threw the nade in this room and he never moved so i didn't i didn't think he was in here that's why i said he's got to be in this one you know because he never moved he just tanked it where's his body right in this uh side room here oh dude that's crazy he decided to tank that wild he probably didn't know where else to go well people probably come to the first floor they'll probably come and check this out it's a lot of dead bodies this man killed four people he has a vss and an m4 using garbage bullets is tc better is a tc better than a striker do you know if a tc is better than a striker um dc better than the striker helmet yeah so let's just check ricochet chance and check armor level that's all that matters okay striker is better thank you sir i'm literally laying here pretending to be dead in these bodies i'm hoping whoever broke this window comes up here so i can blast him loading my eggs is that you yep okay he doesn't have a flashlight either i'm gonna check these bodies for a flashlight okay keep making noise and leave it do your thing has been doing some gluten one more body it's just in the main hall that i'd like to check this guy yeah mainly looking for a flashlight oh don't forget we got to do chemicals oh you want a light here thank you all right let's go over to heavy bleed i think you want to hold while i push yep keep left so dark oh peeking peeking i think he died bro no he's up i hear him [Music] got it i'm still second shot from admin damn creep they're nading yep that's him where is he in the junction towards the northern staircase i don't know i never saw him he's just pre-firing things he's so low he's so low one dead pushing wait wait i'm good he's he's at the hallway hallway he's pushing i'm first four it's my light right here he's around the corner he's in the room in the room second room second room second oh there's multiple multiple there's one more one more i'm gonna reload again got a heavy bleed all right this guy's a two yeah i'm holding him he's stuck he's dead watch out grenade grenade i saw i saw him alright good call no one more one more second floor i'm good i got one mag left the two mags actually there's one more yeah i'm gonna surgery keeping the bait oh god you scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me dude i was like i'm dead yeah he's uh second floor i think in one of those rooms i don't have any nades we're gonna have to scrub these guys for nades i don't either pretty sure he's in this room right here third floor you think no no no no second he sounded really close when i heard him yeah he's really close she's close left i think it's this this room right here on the right of the barb all right i'm gonna go get uh nades off the bodies after i get healed up almost done one more heal good all right moving you go check the bodies [Music] you hit him through the door i don't think so i think that was clean got some nades you got a nade you might be able to toss one right here if he's actually in this room from the hole to the the one i'm shining right now or beyond beyond the barb no no i'm saying up here from the hole into the room if he's in this first room on the right so i think he's in this first room on the right where the wood is all right but i'm not entirely sure i'm checking for more nades hold on me jumping about to just drop in and [ __ ] dick on this guy i think i'm going to drop down this hole and just peek it like that all right i'll join you i just heard him i'm dropping declaring oh what you got where is he very end of the hall on the right all right we're going first floor he might be like by the stairs i'm creeping through on the second floor it's gonna be a little while waiting for my fracture maybe i should have kept the fracture get a head shot right now oh well he's dead nice you got him [ __ ] me i helmet that one holy [ __ ] all right i'm gonna clear from here clearing a second right now walking around the lights on gotcha mine's on two things are pretty juicy man all right in one second i'm close to you you clear all that yep all right i think we're good energy and hydro doing okay yep all right i mean they weren't he had like level three i remember you know [ __ ] sweet vectors so and tries if you need a bigger bag i have a tricep okay get a bunch of markers on them try to do some quests and [ __ ] yeah we still got to get chemical yeah well we'll get it done we're just we're cleaning the house here you should have seen the guy that i killed man when you were fighting that guy close left around that corner it was a guy proning into a room i just saw his little legs like he was just a little worm you could barely see of his legs crawling in i don't know if like we broke his legs or something but that was funny it's good stuff damn good raid so far dude that's that's why i like playing with teams more as you can't do that [ __ ] when you're solo like dudes and trios is perfect yeah the only thing you can really do solo is just like repositioning you could just reposition or go ham that's it those are your two options yeah i just find flanking and working as a team so much more like entertaining oh yeah being able to distract then like focus their their effort one direction and then flanking them just like that's cool [ __ ] all right i'm on the wire now okay i was just leaving the guy in the mid hall this guy looked like he's kind of weird do you have here bud oh another vector's sick yeah i never eluded that guy these guys were all just rocking pst gzh that's a bummer i got an opportunity nice i think honestly if that guy had uh any other nine mil maybe i mean he's got a t-pop bro take it oh he does cause he hit me in the head um i'm lucky he didn't have 731 731 could have killed me can i take that mixer another t-pawn oh yeah yeah go ahead oh he's got bulbs and [ __ ] can i take that yeah these are money balls are money dude oh can i take that suppie what the suppressor i can't even see yeah take it yeah the nt4 those are dope i need some drink or something i got aquamarine oh i'm good i'm just snacking yeah dude these pascal breeds been pretty good man apparently sacral said he's getting on at 12 and you're playing with him yeah he said he wanted to get on it like 12 our time or something like that he's gonna start a stream early oh my god you're a maniac you're gonna keep going how long are you going for i'm gonna be on for hey i just got attacked i can drop so i'm gonna be on for another six hours okay yeah this has been really [ __ ] fun yeah that's good dude team play with you has got to be the most fun i think i've ever had with anybody just team play in general just you [ __ ] oh you're on point with your flanks your [ __ ] cobs oh until i shoot you in the head but that's okay that's usually my fault quick shroud keep talking i'm almost finished all right let's go get the chemicals oh oh minus ah little little stutter i heard it peace oh god uh i need to go room with the third floor i think we have this like book for what's his face am i on that no right no it's a nostalgia for um what's his face where was it are you first um third third okay i'll just stay on the second no bleach yes that's so weird i can see your flashlight clipping through the floor that kind of sucks the lighting in this game is phenomenal besides like uh the other little bugs happen oh yeah there's this other guy over here i didn't finish searching him uh second floor is the d i so i flanked right behind this guy and [ __ ] oh yeah i served that guy he didn't have anything worth squat dude squash bro squash squad it's liquid gold it's your lunch boxes all right first of all i'm ready to move me too i gotta get the tanks we gotta do uh tank on the bridge oh that's the last one right yeah that's it and to think i didn't pop a pk that tire raid before we went in and i wasn't even on painkillers during that entire fight yeah me too i don't really like doing it for some reason i was gonna say i think they should add like an adrenaline skill that kind of scales with stress resistance or something so say you do black out a limb it gives you like four to five seconds of adrenaline to where like you can you can move and not just be like oh [ __ ] i'm just stuck in in a spot but that's only if you have stamina of course you need that plug i think uh it would be kind of nice if you black out an arm or a leg like you can move for a sec even if you're not on a painkiller and then you kind of have to take it sorry i'm a thick boy like a like a there's something like an adrenaline stat yeah like a skill i think daisy has it so it's like in dayz like there's like a five second transition between like the injured state to the non-injured state so you can kind of move for a sec to get out get out of the way from you know when you just got shot and then your character like slumps over a bit oh yeah yeah yeah that makes sense yeah it takes like i almost wondered if that was like server tick it almost seemed like it was on a five second tick when you got hit and then the server did it but maybe yeah no that's that's no from what i know it's intended just to make sure that like you're not just instantly slowed down so like if i blacked your leg out right now and you still had stamina you'd be able to move you know for like five seconds to run on it and then you know after the adrenaline wears off then you have to pop the pk and that could like scale with the skill or something like that maybe you could only get like eight seconds tops or something like that if you're not at a pk and maybe it could have like uh some kind of total cooldown so like you can't just like get it every time you get a black lm so there's like a lockout essentially yeah i think that would be just the best the best solution would just be when you're on pk's even though like it should pks should be or a blacked out limb should not matter if you're on on certain drugs like if you get blacked out a limb or a fracture it should still ha like it should still happen for like three to five seconds and then your pk that's active will kick in and then you're good yeah instead of just not being phased just to come like they just need to completely eliminate popping pks early it doesn't really make much sense well i've always said um i think that one of the best ways to like punish pre-pop painkillers as like a negative side effect is just increase the hydration and consumption while in a raid because there's only so much food each raid um and if you're pre-popping all the time like your energy levels are just gonna start plummeting and you're just eventually gonna have to leave because there's no food true and then they can get then they can get rid of the sharpen effect you know what i mean or they could you know add like uh tremors like painkillers to where like if you pop a pk here you have shaky aim and you can't like hold steady aim at all during the painkiller there's there's a lot of things i think they could like tweak to make them just not as like so meta i guess because like you do need painkillers but it's just like everybody's like constantly rubbing their lips with golden star and [ __ ] and i think it's a little repetitive having people move so fast all the time because if anything tarkov needs to slow down people need to slow down not me moving faster yeah if you're like the the my main concern is like if you're strategically going for someone's legs so that you can catch them in the open better like maybe you don't have the aim to tap them in the head so you tap them in the legs and then you hit them in the chest or something yeah totally if you if that person's running a pk they're gonna get hit in the legs and sprint on out of there that should not happen you break someone's legs they ain't moving for like three seconds at least yeah for sure pk or not i've come to really like laser flashlight combos because having the flashlight and the laser together is actually kind of nice yeah you looked at me with your flashlight and i saw a red laser i instantly turned around because i thought i didn't know you had the double combo yeah i always use the double when i use my lights if i'm not doing that i put a flashlight in a peck box just because i think it looks cool when you have buffers on your gun this looks really cool in the m4 is when it's on the top just love the look of it damn boy in here for a minute this is like a 40 minute raid why is there a light on that is so weird looking yeah i saw that in the distance i was wondering what that was where the [ __ ] are we it's dark man we're almost there i feel like the weight system's in a really good spot right now too cause like i'm like 48 kilos and i'm just like slowly drinking salmon when i walk yeah i was watching summit and he actually wasn't like tilted by it which is a good thing i think yeah he realized that strength matters too you realize like it's not that bad the more you play the more you'll be able to kind of carry on to yeah it's like you struggle at first and then then eventually you start like picking up and all that that's what makes the game like fun is like an mmo because like the longer you play like the more powerful you become like it really is significant um it is kind of an issue i have i'm glad they nerfed the recoil uh skills and bonuses from all the weapon skills because like you play more like you just artificially get better at the game and give yourself like a good gun you don't even have to really try to aim it just kind of removes a lot of the skill and like having to actually move your mouse to mitigate recoil down and stuff i [ __ ] lost dude am i still near you did you hear me no i just shot it look at that i know i'm still pretty far behind man i'm slow boy right now i was i was looking back for you oh dude i can feel it i like how i can see your light all the way forward oh there you are there you are it looks really cool start this little bloom coming out in the distance it looks awesome we can communicate together like this dude i need to get an sj1 start packing one of those honestly those things help a lot with the weight system so fat i noticed that wallets don't have anything anymore wallets on scabs never have anything in them the only time wallace will have something in them is if it's like a world spawn so the spawns in marked room or like on the gas stations table or something like the giving tree around back those are the only times they'll ever have anything in them scared the [ __ ] out of me man dude your flashlight looks really cool for me over there holy [ __ ] i almost wonder if that was a player that was weird it moved so well it like it was the 80s strafing you he's so he sprinted behind the tree and then leaned around the tree it was actually pretty cool the bots are smart man they they program them pretty well they they'll ads straight if you like players too now good read good raid good braid good break yeah man this is a really fun one i just love the little worm it's so good so is an nt4 not better than the thunderbeast i think the thunderbeast is better i think that's the best in slot uh suppressor right now for ars i don't get why they didn't just make a lot of them like the same exact stats so that way players can like you know just use different ones based off how they look i mean nt4 ain't bad i uh let's find it with a muzzle break too i mean just add the percentages oh and g4 doesn't have a muzzle break no it does no it does it's the kac i'm just i was just comparing the two suppressors together you get better accuracy with the with the nt4 um better ergo better muzzle velocity it's quieter i believe where's the cac i don't see it at the trader what the hell yeah the cac ain't bad where is it oh there it is let's see it uh yeah eight percent recoil control three accuracy one ergo increased muscle velocity and so you basically you add those stats on top of the suppressor because they they work together and so whichever one i'm pretty sure the thunderbeast is still the better one though overall i'm probably but i mean if it like the thing is what i noticed again is like it's only better by like one percent or something like that which is like so marginal so [Music] is [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 32,466
Rating: 4.8746438 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, TARKOV, ESCAPE FROM TARKOV, KLEAN
Id: ESVNHkAb6s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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