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[Music] [Music] so many people to watch and if there was less english streamers for example you'd see huge numbers on certain people oh difference why are we all high because we didn't get the resources but i need to go to the cabin so any scabby boys you're not jumpers if anything it'll be cottage we can we can run a cottage gas station real quick or cottage bus station right we're already moving through the uh village yeah you guys are hella fast i was looking for the key spot i'll buy i'm behind you guys sorry we could have somebody up my 12 too up on the hill i want gonna set the estates y'all are flying i'm behind you guys you're just at the edge of the town now second shot third yeah he's doing little taps and something out there or something yeah it's a scav third one head shots oh suppressed shotgun well i thought you needed me my bad i don't know you're still on that my bad dude get his ass hit him with the titty i am with teddy [ __ ] needed the janitor my bad all good all good all good i'm just giving you [ __ ] just there will be more skies hello i am on the task to kill him though by the way yeah i got it can you open the cottage for me yep i'll wait skating in the hill behind you who's who's the metal that you trapped yeah i was on this little fence getting a little plate on that we're inside cottage i really wonder where they got the sound sample from honestly i'd like to know of the footsteps on wood yeah probably somebody walking on wood someone really kind of what though they're talking like plywood like that's a great question it's very bassy maybe someone's really really really heavy military gear on wood i don't know it could be could be could be hogging are you walking around outside right that's you okay hey nothing here six did you guys loot the first cottage yeah actually no we skipped it never know bitcoin up here should true that's true and cultists over there whenever we do decide to go cold to something hunting i'm bringing the thermal yeah warren was saying apparently you could just drill the hell out of them with it and they don't even move they just stand there and take it that's silly i'm head towards the back of the uh cottages come on think i'm right behind you guys yeah that's natal you give her a beat yeah oh my god that's you uh you were right on top of me i almost just shot you that was [ __ ] close i know it's clean because they're all black i saved you yeah that's what saved you this is literally your grip my trip oh my god well i'm glad i'm not dead because i've survived like 13 raids in a row yes i died that's going to make me feel worse when i shoot you [Laughter] because i know i'm just going to happen i know me all right could be scabs up here i want to go a little bit more right instead of running up this freaking hill surprised to grab that rfb i cannot stand that gun i've never used it so i decided why not it's basically just like sending out a cheap it just looks weird i don't know i think it looks kind of cool it's like a bullpup i think both clubs look cool but i just i don't like them even in real life they're just not really practical i mean they can be but the reloads are weird that's true the reloads are strange but i like it um i don't see scout sniper power it's on the east side uh let's say how about we do this let's go to the uh northern checkpoint get traffic right there and then we can maybe do you guys have anything to do with that i'm honestly surprised like rooms like standard just key don't have durability they have like much error you can like get really good loot down there simply like 226 and stuff i think it's because there's it's not like a permanent chance of at least something spawning is why they probably didn't make it dura like mark the markers have a like 100 chance to spawn something old 99 will say because i've gotten like an empty one once or twice it's hilarious yeah you'll always have like a pretty good rifle and that'll be like you know 70 to 100k scavenge what moving up he's running stop he's got a santa hat on he's checking his magazine he's reaching i can't see him i'll see him how [ __ ] how far out is he literally like 50 meters he's standing still i know like he sees me alright he's dead nipple side dude i can't wait until we do the optic overhaul and you can get that okay p7 with the green reticle on like an ar and stuff it's my favorite [ __ ] optic in the game it sucks it's always on uh dovetails for aks and stuff i'm watching our rear wish you would wait don't worry i got a picture of yours don't worry all right any scabby boys up here daddy can pop yep one in the bunker right now see inside it uh looked like he ran in by the power pilot now this man literally just spawned i kid you not really yeah that's the one that's the one that's the one i saw oh for real yeah he ran here look look you watch that back from my my pov it literally looks like he materializes in front of me that's wild i got my key let's uh go around to like the east side entrance where we came in last time oh you want to cross the river then yeah we'll cross and kind of go along we'll skip the advent entrance let's kind of keep rocky here how about y'all but this has probably been one of my favorite wipes so far it feels pretty good you know what i haven't experienced in a long time stutters yeah true yeah i i haven't had any like major stutters or hiccups in combat the main ones i have is when you inventory and then go out yeah so it happens a lot but rather have that then like combat started around corners and [ __ ] oh man i do not miss those stutters at all senator's room is in the health wing right it's on east yeah you can go all the way over to this corner over here the one that we usually run in with off the spawn oh [ __ ] i got really good sight line into the windows yeah i was gonna say could you check that second floor in admin that like room area over there yeah let me repeat yeah there's a guy in there there's a guy in there let me try and get him he just walked out of line of sight he's in the yep he's right there i don't see him oh hi oh [ __ ] i did didn't even see him good kill yeah we were we were looking at that we were looking on the wrong windows yeah i was looking at the more left uh scoping i'm looking at eastwind too man all those windows are so like dirty that's why i like reserve man there's no glass on any of the [ __ ] windows it looks looks decent we can move it up to listen a little bit that was pmc because i got credit on my punisher part four cool you said it was or wasn't it was yeah that was the pmc stop real quick so movement left sounded like potentially wood it could be a second floor where you killed that guy i want to try and hear him one more that is a shitty scope the scope is the best the window got it i heard nothing nothing all right okay well let's go clear it you got the svds what are you doing taking point i got a laser and a light i don't have a light so i don't want to lead i'll go i'll clear right side see the body it's clear here he had no gun goddamn hatchlings he had a good attack rig that was it funny sticking sticking things up the butt i hope it was worth it i saw some flashlights with the wall i really hope they get rid of the gamma but i know they never will they can't they need to do they can just make it to where they do that i mean they they won't ever get rid of the container but they're still allowed to change how the container works right the reason why they can't get rid of the containers because it's part of you know the paid additions of the game but even nikita said multiple times it's like we can they can change how the container works all that the eod said he just muted oh my bad um if they just make it to where like no found and raided items can go in the container while i'm raid that literally fixes the problem and i think a good trade-off would be able to be hot keying items so like my meds and stuff it'd be cool if you could hotkey meds out of your container yeah but then you'd have like super stuff then you have like super stims and you'd always have them safe you know imagine like having a 100k stem always safe i don't know i think i feel like that's better than being able to throw big ones up your butt yeah true that is a trade-off you're right better to have better to have take something away better to have like a mill of stems than your pouch than be able to just constantly throw in yeah and like if you put keys in there prior to the raid like you're still going to use your keys every raid you don't lose them when you die you know good point good point it's like a lot of people have told me in the past to be like if they did that i would quit the game i'm like no you wouldn't like you'd you'd be upset about it and you would come to my stream or loopholes or shroud stream and you'd see us having tons of fun still and you'd be like man i really want to play some tarkov this looks super fun oh but i'm really mad about the container you know what i mean they're coming to see me have tons of fun they haven't been in my stream the last few days [Laughter] stage tarkov hasn't been treating you well looted i said we had a rough there was a rough time you know buddy hits a rough patch is the senator's office oh it is yeah i need to go down to the pier as well oh [ __ ] that's westwood that's west yeah yeah i didn't go up here as well you just wanted to skip these guys and go here yeah i don't need anything here yeah let's get out of here just cut left we'll take the east side out what are the missions you guys got to do in the face jesus yeah it's gonna loot the thing in the pier yeah me too and i also got to put the jammers at a radar and that little radio tower back actually radar could have some scouts dude yep i'm retired also to kind of add like the whole container thing i think one exception after things that should go into the container while in a rage should be dog tags so if you have a doctor case here it's the case you should be able to throw the tags in there on the game always sounds like he wants to take the fun out of the game and make it super hardcore and realistic well that's what they're trying to do for the devs though that's the devs goal the devs the devs goal is to make it a realistic hardcore shooter that's what they're trying to do like right now it's in the state of easy um in comparison to what they actually want to do so it's not so much clean's idea that's just battle state's vision of the game it just happens it just happens that clean's vision of the game also lines up with theirs i mean everyone's visions kind of line up everyone knows what this game wants to be you guys hella dead too not even just like regular days damn that's really dead bro yeah he's like imagine like being dead he's like way better than that damn that's like super dead it's crazy dude i ain't seen [ __ ] hey you guys out there yeah we're here on the mountain i saw you from my little peaky window and i was like wait those bad guys that i need to shoot at it's not working all the way down the cliff you know it's funny they added the compass finally and like i hardly use this thing ever streamers are so out of touch with the general player basically i think they're the most in touch because they actually are playing the game 24 7 so they can understand people's struggles they don't just understand theirs oh excuse me non-default close hey now what you're you're just you know the shaming of the people in the fall clothing is just really getting out of hand here don't you didn't you guys do that fortnight all the time i would nev are you kidding me are you really the thing is if you say streamers it doesn't really count because like some people some people just don't care you would even it's more of a personal personal thing someone for their like i like i like to view ideas yeah uh i like to view them from just a general perspective not just shooting at me oh my god i got one dead holy [ __ ] i just wanted to take the guards down okay oh stannie you got this lupo you got this he he like stopped and looked right at me bro that was [ __ ] terrifying so they're out on the pier yeah they're out on the pier right now oh wow really trying to natives from here [ __ ] you guys honestly i literally just saw one oh man dude these pieces of [ __ ] god i'm so scared for us boys remember me you got this man uh they're moving they're in the middle of the pier now i just saw one run over right near the cafe okay so like if i approach on the oh sanders right there he's right there he's right at the gate oh god he's brother to the right to the right of the gate oh god he's running behind the planers now god he's so fast yeah yes he's like a little [ __ ] blue cockroach i hear him yelling he's all the way by the stairs dude i'm hiding [ __ ] you bro [ __ ] he's moving well that grenade might get him didn't he didn't get kill credit i don't think he's so scary yeah dude man why's he gotta be out there oopo you're you're a bigger man than him just get in there he's gotta be assessed get in there best pp or ppm i'm trying to look for his boy okay i'll try and draw their fire from the cliff here if anything god damn it i hate it here i'm down at the end i'm with you dude [ __ ] kill me bro please don't [ __ ] kill me bro wait that's is that him right there blue jacket should be a blue jacket i killed one okay oh i see sander he's running he's running get him get him i'm just dragging him up i'm [ __ ] dead just whip around and one shot in the head what yeah i killed his i killed his guard and he [ __ ] killed me you sure it was him i'm gonna check i killed him i just killed him [ __ ] hey nope i got killed by kush okay i thought so i saw your head get cracked from behind dude he's in the he's in the gas yeah gas station hill i saw you get cracked and fall forward and i was like uh i don't think that was him i'm scared i got him you shooting me yeah that's why that's why we needed to get in there i think it's kind of a scary spot to just chill when you're making a lot of noise all those needs attract a lot of attention but it's tough to run at him because he's terrifying yeah dude i don't see this guy what's weird is this guy never shot at me huh do you have specific servers selected uh negative okay come on come on come on us all right yeah you actually could get in and i don't see this dude he definitely saw trout if he was next to him yeah he didn't shoot me which is weird he's just one tap lupo well we could do i mean we could try and reset the raid i don't really care about sanders loot so much oh well i gotta get i gotta get the pier dude um i think we get in there i say if anything we go right towards power and get on top of them go like overpower what do you think yeah they take us a little bit but we'll try and displace enough to get away from that i don't think this guy's gonna be touching his loot anytime soon just out in the open might even have a pure extract if we're lucky yeah that would be nice i don't even think there's an indicator for that anymore i think it hoped there nope that's not it either it's just so you have to run there the boat's always gonna have to face check it yeah done very very dumb connecting raid code is e oh [ __ ] i meant ey something else nice nice debated i'm in a different raid bro i see him blue fence gmc might have actually been our boy probably yep he's dead nice shot why did he go out to peak you after i shot it up hello uh no idea looks like he's trying to he's looking at the ground like trying to loot something might be multiple i'm gonna just kind of push on my side here all right yeah i'm about to cross planky bridge i'm inside the wall wait for you yep i'm still inside the wall i don't see anything coming out yeah he's looting a guy here i think um uh name of the guy that got you this guy didn't have m80s kush 420 is a guy this is a different guy this might be one of his friends yeah his buddy might have been like yo go around that's why i'm if it is his friend i'm going wide right i don't want to just run up on this guy's hill yeah i know i feel that he was like looking at the ground though which was really weird when i was shooting him like he was trying to drop something or look for something you over there on the rocks to the right yep just kind of looking around see anything [ __ ] it i'm going to move i'm covering digging the hell that's your back left about 70 meters pretty sure i hear you on my left i'm kind of walking slow on his body i think i don't have a big enough scope i think that's a player in what that's what is that a trash what the [ __ ] is that did you guys manage to scoop up my tip i think someone tried looting you and they're dead straight up do you have a big scope yeah do you see that look over there real quick where am i looking oh just to the right of that truck on like where the yeah where is this guy i don't know it's always gotta be up in the tree area makes me think oh man dude we heard around i don't know unless he moved again and that guy that i killed was his friend do you think super weird nothing in my little bush over there [ __ ] it i'm running in god i need to know you don't know what happened i don't see this dude i'm at the gas station nice look at him he might have been he might be on the hill that you were at clean maybe i mean but if he was i would have heard the shot because i was like right there no no i mean like now oh i mean yeah i'm trying to bait a shot out right now just running around like a big dummy i mean yeah it'll be great but i got nothing i'm gonna go take the beach here this is interesting this is weird i'm gonna just kind of walk on the side here and listen on the inside maybe he's near senator's body or something okay this guy you're sprinting but i think it's a scav yeah i think there's a scav in here this is weird very weird i see you i mean if you want to go up and check standard i mean to go for it he's just right in the middle of the pier just try and put your butt towards the hill so you don't get shot in the head scav or someone inside the main building here um that's a scam it's these in the open now i think if you have an angle if you don't that's fine i think it's a guard i killed both the both the guards are dead unless there's just another random scab there probably just a regular key let me take a peek oh he's not out in the open standard not looted i got a nice angle down to the pier right now i'm gonna try to lose senator i hope i don't just get dropped so weird this man doesn't have anything good on him no keys nothing i see you so you see no one i see no and i'm looking around i'm looking down up here i got nothing i haven't heard anything around me where's this um where's this like i don't think like there's only so many places where you can really shoot that position there so where's the item i don't know dude very strange yeah right i mean i never heard the gunshot either i mean yeah if you want to get out of there trying to find this item i just don't know where it is oh [ __ ] i forgot i need to come down there grab it too uh you're looking for the uh the sanitary item yeah if you walk in when you walk in the front door go to the back left staircase go up those stairs to the office it is on top of a little shelf in there oh thank you i'm gonna i'm gonna come down there i need that too i'm low on energy same moving to you man i low-key think he still has an angle i think he's the one that killed that scab no he definitely is i think he still has an angle he just really doesn't want to take the shots in the open makes me think he has like a bulky or something it's probably a dvl he hit me with that m80 right in the brain yeah i didn't even hear the shot okay and i was close running up looking for food and water but there's nothing here come here okay come inside okay thank you sir all right well i kind of want to i mean if you want to go i don't know i want i want to try to grab it i just feel like i'm going to get [ __ ] one tap i'll bodyblock you then we could both get one unless he hits like a [ __ ] crazy collapse you'll see it on his youtube afterwards that's true unless he's like down on the road somewhere this is where a smoke grenade would be super useful oh this sucks so much oh man all right do i try it up to you like i said my body makes me nervous okay grab the akm put your back this way or something i don't know you want me to dump your stuff or do you want me to take it out uh it doesn't matter to me the ammo is is the most important thing it's bp i got the rig nice i got the shotgun nice oh [ __ ] all tabbed he's shooting i don't know where i don't know going this way go this way go this way i got the rig i got the stuff we're good [ __ ] i all tabbed this is scary what are you guys [ __ ] doing did he hit me i think he's on the road far down i thought i saw him as he hit you you know on the road like close to the guard rail because my armor's not hit i didn't take any damage don't do something that you're gonna regret please check that check that road yeah oh we don't really have an angle on it what if i hit him with like a nasty [ __ ] prone lean dude checking the road how'd you get nothing i can't see [ __ ] i don't i don't know like right when i all tab i thought it sounded like i got hit but i don't know six hydro yeah let's get out of here i got five energy oh let me go one said one more one more i gotta reload yeah i'm hiding behind this [ __ ] i see he's in this bush how far ahead like two but like two bushes down at once twice good nades good news i'm cutting left that big rock he's behind it oh yeah he's firing me nating again damn is he having the dmr i think he does he's buying that rock he's low pushing healing up he's very low he's making a move oh something else just hit me up on there up on the hill i'm good i'm good it's me i killed i killed one of them i think one of them's up on the ridgeline right now got it what's going on my arms are [ __ ] up you think i have time to serve this guy's covering up on the rock i am [ __ ] i'm low energy yeah i'm out i drove zero your golden star on you actually yeah it popped out there yeah but then my energy is going to be zero i'm gonna be zero zero i think it i think it gives you energy though no i'm zero zero i made a mistake dude i don't know i think i might just have to leave [ __ ] yeah i'm zero zero uh clean i'm gonna run out of here go for it bro i think i don't know what to do i'm gonna die soon i don't know what gun that guy had sounded like he had the dmr i mean i might just get sniped from this hill in a second but oh it's five five well still let's pop it bro i might need to hit yours too can i spam hydra nice spam it yeah you can keep hitting it okay okay [ __ ] it i'm staying on the right then [ __ ] it i'm repairing my arms what kind of ammo do you have in your magazine though bp across the board all right i'm gonna i'm gonna grab your mags but i'm gonna dump your rig just because it's heavy af yeah yeah that's fine all right i am going to need to hit that golden star unless there's like food in one of these cars here my armor is so [ __ ] did we have hardly any time left in this raid amount of energy i need to hit your golden star yet um by the construction wall here i just went further down i can't regen stamp also taking damage just hitting my golden star right here to your left inside the wall no you see me i don't see you i can't believe the man just up and left us here dude i can't walk i can't run right now i'm taking damage here's the golden star i need it right here i'm 6'3 i don't know what to do i want to loot these guys yeah well there's one more up on the hill somewhere he doesn't have a lot of time either give me energy oh yeah that's where i get [ __ ] sniped real quick rubbing one more i don't see anyone up on that big hill you he took a shot from me up there i mean if we can go we can go push up there on the bodies if you want and take some shot he hit me with like an m80 or something he doesn't have anything crazy my screen is super sharp i just want to see if that guy had the uh the dmr i still see nothing i'ma run a factory real quick while you guys do anything roger that see you for some reason i think he's gonna be at the bodies trying to get his boys stuff potentially yeah i killed one of them like right over here to the left on one of his boy's body yeah he had he had a [ __ ] thermal something all right i'm gonna prone out behind him to the hill so he gets shot in the ass i could shot my ass yeah he had the new dmr 238 the guy that killed me uh no idea no the guy that killed you know this guy that i killed had the new dmr oh okay i'm not the big rock right now right where we were fighting oh these guys got crackers and food we got short time too see this body this body's got [ __ ] trash i'm just gonna drop and loot it i guess zero zero again i got i got crackers for you oh he's got a battery car battery yeah heck yeah i just don't know if i'm gonna take it oh i'm blacking out dude let's go where are you should i eat this chocolate yeah i mean it'll kill kill your hydro but do you have water for me no i forgot to bring an aqua mario this raid i have golden star though where are you the big rock here there's so many big rocks where we fought i'm blind i need that gold star give me a dab you mean to have right here please oh goodness there's that's not a golden star it's a cracker let's go hit the dab look at this thing bro that the 338 yeah it's the first time i've gotten it this thing's huge i hate that this thing has good ergo i feel like the ergo on this thing should be terrible just because it's like super heavy what is this guy's holding road to customs to the golden star clutch holy [ __ ] how much is that gun i wanted to give it a shot okay it's level four jager it's really not that expensive in consideration for what it gives you i was watching will and landmark do do as yesterday with this thing and they would run around with the apm and one tap everything they saw all you have to do is hit them the arms if it penetrates the hands in the chest that's [ __ ] crazy baby i don't think i'd make it if i didn't have this blue stem right now here we're cutting really close finding that food in the backpack definitely helps crazy that we never found the guy that killed dupo i feel like it was part of that team probably i checked all the tags i'm pretty sure the last guy had like an m80 r700 or something because when he hit me i didn't hear the shot it was super quiet or like lupus said probably a dvl i heard somebody prone right next to me that's me that's me oh [ __ ] jesus i'm doing the prone thing because you know that fat yeah sick watch him be here dude road to customs dab that golden star real quick i like how it takes away energy and then gives you energy that doesn't really make a lot of sense to me what i personally wish golden star would do is like up your energy and hydro like it does a little bit but reduce the amount at which you get dehydrated and thirsty by like 0.2 so like it just kind of goes at a slower rate if you pop the golden star so that way you can serve energy and hydro better and more efficiently i guess the grass hurts my eyes and hurts my eyes too [ __ ] down to the last minute yeah this has probably been one of the longer age i've been in a while i still think this guy's gonna be here freaking one tap on this 338 i swear to heck oh damn this thing's so loud [Music] holy [ __ ] i can't believe we can't believe we [ __ ] we made that that was [ __ ] crazy it was a wild ass raid should i hand in this eight thousand dollars for spot tour probably you're gonna need you're gonna need to yeah oh no i don't have hoes i knew a short hose maybe it's done in the hideout [Music] one hour okay so this quest is going to be done in an hour [Music] is is
Channel: Virb
Views: 18,979
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, TARKOV, ESCAPE FROM TARKOV, KLEAN, DRLUPO
Id: cl4E2qZG24M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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