THE SQUAD IS BACK 😎| Escape From Tarkov #42

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grab the surf Tyler so close this explains why we couldn't hear anybody a good spot nice big spawn for us did we check let X computers in front of that I'm gonna go down into the server forgot actually all in plugins no but I'll pick one up next time sorry I won't matter anyways I was at a PK so I'm probably a TK somebody guess it's me put your dr. Wallace underneath the house there's a door I think underneath does there's like some good spots I just saw a player freezer hold on I'm gonna watch this backhaul somebody's under us we're running up you guys the Raiders really close to me I don't want of me just scared the [ __ ] out of me holy [ __ ] the Reapers already all parking gate was open I see okay open this door all right I can push out to black oh yeah oh yeah possum shoulders where's our flow where's our fifth let's hold this door thought Raiders no way one more I think his footsteps we went out the door towards walking back I mean the loop okay yeah just out to the right okay okay spawn super far I took two steps out of this room but there can be a lot of sense behind us Computers Computers somebody's a computer room behind it one person for sure okay where we came from yeah he's ready right right while we pray wall by door I'm on top a lot of authority are you sure that are you sure computers did you see him or hear him I never said I saw him okay I'm looking through the glass turn on a brilliant angle I see anything he's crossed Allah he crossed back right yes holding the door again [ __ ] Tyler's confident let's see I'm hiding I'm healing Connie messed me up I'm lucky to be alive thank you cosplay armor it's literally zero yeah yeah I believe they are okay for you I'm holding the door famous words right there just get [ __ ] up you have any armor or anything for me my armors black thank you sir it up in 92 wait was the suck clean yeah you want your armor back I can't use this ugh money ain't [ __ ] let's paper right there you want it and here take the sticker armor bang oh it's wait I thought you said 20 durability from oh [ __ ] okay well this is better than okay well now I have it whatever it was confusing it's like I don't see anyone I'm gonna toss integrity with you okay these are some Raiders that we killed I wanna lude oh it's uh there's a guy right here on the right yeah I killed that one over there Oh am i right I hit a pro you find the box he needed me oh I'm fine I say mice no you're good you're good you're good I'm [ __ ] you're good Ray Charles right now alright what up you have a flashlight on your gun go okay do it in the future when you get flash turn it on it hopes get it to go away [ __ ] Sookie the button your hallway thank you sir hittin a problem in this guy you should be gone nice come on scared of this program what was I thinking it's probably not a good call but I'll do it anyway so I killed one to the right of managers I'm gonna push over to him this guy love a ball anywhere that's great they're in freezer sure there's a dead Raider right next to the freezer I'm gonna put it in my back yeah [ __ ] it in my I'm afraid cat let me confer oh my oh they're so bad I'm good now I got that luck feeling myself 4:30 got us anyone bottom floor no no we're all up here we're pretty close yeah I want a clear freezer though doing their own I used to love school up server server sure door that was him what was inside hold on hold on let's just go through this real quick Raiders I think he's still I think he's still alive you shut the door he's in sir we need to get him while he's wounded I think yeah I'm opening this [Music] now he's out of somewhere he dipped out real quick I don't see him might not you might have full sprinted mating fun I'm on the left door what's all the way deep deep down the hallway don't be dumpy one dead come on server room concert room down the hall you Mike clearing block closet I'm coming out yeah that's good doors were closed yeah he dipped somewhere ahead of a pack think you guys could come back server yeah yeah just so we can uh yeah unless you get native to all right all I'm dead then okay where's all over my kitchen yeah this guy Ren and I think he went downstairs coming back towards server thanks for covering me Hanna do you guys think he's at the end of the hallway so we're saying in offices no I think he ran down he ran down the server and then ran down the stairs or he ran into the sim room I'm not sure he just he ran away push body down there TJ yeah I want to accidentally shoot anybody I'm walking like the top like scaffolding you're uh you're the [ __ ] what's fun is this you open it with a key it's like a big glass box what it's calling Oh managers where did you kill those Raiders at Sigma they're both under managers the big glass box I see somebody right yeah I'm like cause I'm up around well somebody's prone on the bottom I'm done the hallway from him and I'm prone and server hold on this hallway TJ there's a water here on this guy wait was that a player we're here this is me right here on the ground really my main server yeah Oh down there now I was a Raider no this guy right here all this guy thanks oh no littered his dark eyes and then there was someone here that was killed by Mike before Luke I got two Raiders downstairs I want to get whenever there's another Raider down there so be careful to the to the left of like lab Raiders Here I am one down did you get the other one no I didn't see the other one I didn't you just kill mine I don't know what the other guys is it true that like the first body part that it's like a scab or a Raider sees like they'll always shoot it no matter what not that I know I think so yeah pretty sure that that works yeah you don't want to show only your head you guys jump I'm underneath the stairs right behind a pile of labs I gotta fun color oh all of you guys are downstairs I mean you guys are under me party one two three anywheres no 4th alright gonna clear for Lennox's there's another here somewhere nice what did you get here oh there's fire steels they're like probably 40k really Kappa yeah one of them you'll need for the copper do you wanna know no it's yours Finders Keepers you know like the spawn there I'll make it money making you know where the sled X fun is in the dome that's where I found my own show you real quick it was on this barrel and I'm pretty sure another one can spawn in the stem right here and here I already alluded it but I'm pretty sure it gets bought on like this table or some [ __ ] Keter a whole combo cuz it's worth like probably 30 top of this computer I think so right right here sorry oh yeah and this table you me yeah yeah this was here like 55 can I'll roll together who's got the penis helmet Tyler dude take that thing out put the Sun I'm very confused where the players are this is why this is why I don't this is why I don't like labs being able to do is five the fact that you cancel out so many other players makes it so strange yeah you're just walking around like oh I should yeah it should be a do orderly or something should not be able to 5 man this [ __ ] I'll take the cat I just take let's trade it for Jen's I bet you read the key card hasn't been in it you can check ready card I'm gonna check for a flash bpx down here let's hope nobody has been sitting in here the whole time it's possible the green card spawns right here is an m4 here full-on m4 I'll take the line I heard of both t-90s for an m4 why do you have to drop both as I picked this house wears off and I stock to your side good hi what's your stake secondary gun on your bank oh it's just my back I mean [ __ ] I got a [ __ ] MPX so drop in that trash I'll take it I'll take this vase to warm egde war man no yeah or the reddit armor sorry yeah yeah that armor sucks almost all rings ready to spray down oh no not the spawn if everybody's fold away from this head out right yeah my bumping uh some people still so popular writers people down here how to get one shot Oh [Music] well good improv is yeah one delenn one ranch like super far bottom oh we didn't get that one far holy [ __ ] Jesus alright we can uh we can get out look Luda get out I'm gonna cry found I found truth that was some dollars off these Raiders did we check the ones far too we're good we're all stillness hallway I'll go push oilier I can hear can you go to that go to that elevator there and then when I hit why throw the power on just turn the elevator on your left you push it a group at the elevator team I don't know how we're all gonna fit in one elevator but right now everybody had everybody in what do I'll try and jump in three [ __ ] with me oh my god I [Laughter] literally found two thousand USD that's pretty dope that was a good run for all of us I think like let Expo and sweet we literally dominated that hole man I'll be over here that's right a does luck just luck out of that I'm damn sure thanks DJ at least I can do I appreciate you care I just I'm gonna do something stupid probably gonna die people that rush let X Banzai want to see if I can take them out care right right server so I'm like a peek hold that right hull somebody may be prone oh dude I swear I just heard someone on my left down here nobody move it close our territory is weird no one's here I'm about to just check the Linux bond real quick all right cover me team ROG I know Alexei watch yeah be overwatch sprinting around like a maniac I got you it's weird no one's here usually people rush this [ __ ] right away alright no let X is talking about I'm about huh yeah we got ourselves a weird Lobby nobody's online leaving I'm leaving lab I am leaving the lab time server break this class you guys are all still third right just to be sure I'm coming wish I knew what Green was good it's clear let's clear server matter I don't know let's clear server though you I'm gonna I'm gonna be how I always dream that stem room with the glass or whatever okay I got you well then come on I'm upstairs I'm just holding the double blue door and server I'm going down the fence oh hey boys how's it going I'm in the computer room there there dammit ok we're fine we're fine we could pitch we could pitch them if someone goes hanger if we pinch him right now we could go hanger and close them come in here and hold the store let's try to picture just hold that door TJ we're gonna go hang these guys in Oh once on me got one more you could push DJ you could push you could push they came through all right my flash or what are the back shelves that's me in the back shows let's meet me at me TJ you up no I'm done okay so they so they have control of the top now yeah yeah we used to go wish I knew what wasn't inside that door I would have needed instantly killed all them now we're in a bit of a interesting spot here I'm near done take me down yeah they took server again so now they have some grab the surf Tyler so close bro this explains why we couldn't hear anybody yes yes you stopped oh hold on let me try I'm gonna try interesting peak here hello there's a Raider wait harsh Stan how all right that makes sense why we didn't hear anything cuz that was a team of [ __ ] four yeah yeah I should have killed every single one of them in the staircase main tomato push I just wish I knew what I'll do bring the door to socks did hey I had two or three people with their [ __ ] sides turned towards me oh my god these guys have here holy pie Bobby I should have a 100 and they're building echo helmet or yeah this makes this makes so much more sense why we couldn't hear anything we're getting a bigger bag I have a success yeah we're as I should have brought my weapons case dude my chat told me to my chat told me they're like just bring a weapons case and I'm like now I'll do it next radar not gonna need it and here we are [ __ ] Luton everything empty Jay you came in here thanks for those guys what's the durability of my armor they hooked me up uh I had moving on to another body so I don't know you find Sigma [ __ ] Tyler man that sucks you had a good hang there too he just came down [ __ ] swinging I'm surprised he did if I had a 60 rounder I think I'd kill all of them one name and I kill every single person those guys were so low level with so much ear I think they had like one guy maybe high-level carrying them 33 I could I got max elite double search baby like a double surly [ __ ] yeah first Sigma don't you die I should have clipped that you can have it I'm total yeah so full what is that a computer room staircase lead to light down it to the hangar where we where we spawned on that hangar all five of us when he ran we ran up the stairs this was like last rate I think yeah yeah yeah kind of like that I don't also do I can't really bring everyone's stuff I mean Tyler I just bring everything that I brought and you bring immediately wait really yeah I got that I got the priority okay we don't want to I don't think we want to go outside this door there's a Raider s there I don't see it I'm afraid so yeah I can't really grab much more i got everyone's helmet every single person's helmet wait i grab that oulton oh [ __ ] did you grab that Oulton Anna oh no you didn't I see I see not grab the old I say okay what would you like your grizzly beng cuz it's right Oh God where did it where did it fall oh it's right it's right here no I didn't touch it that's great dude that the whole fight looked so cool like everything about that flight was awesome all my name would have been so perfect oh damn it I like five limb bro I would have [ __ ] to start chucking alright I'm good Raiders not happy oh yeah Raiders coming to say hello I like don't even want to walk out there cuz they'll [ __ ] me up through the glass only it's about to open this door so we can kill this one at least [Music] yeah it's not ideal so Sigma died out here I guess our Sigma one of these bodies so you died in the office okay so here's one of these bodies like that you all right I think this is you green armband this is yeah this is you oh this guy took good I suppose way Anna well wasn't open I didn't want to open and spawn Raiders I'm gonna be pissed so we're gonna have to move oh yeah they're coming you don't have to you have to peek just come to me close that door oh [ __ ] come on come on come on come on elevator come on elevator oh speaking holy [ __ ] they were busted down the divorce behind us holy [ __ ] that was scary that's why we didn't hear anything or nothing happened at that raid because that was a four man so that means there's only possibly one more person and I'd out there I honestly doubt there was because nothing else happened no buttons press nothing I got to as well all right so I have an AS VAL and I believe this is is this yours TJ with this Bravo uh yeah you're a psycho you know like like always also your you got to repair this thing dude it's inaccurate hey what if your weapon goes below a certain percent and loses accuracy so you got to make sure your param okay you want to repair that for me to bring it I already did all right so then what have you guys had an airframe or is that the thing okay that was them all right that's gonna be linked you luck I think those Tyler's Alton was there's a fast empty was theirs or no you had three my cream eggs in ak-74 in ya Sigma did you have the exfil no I have you know I have to oh that's one of theirs I guess okay sorry let us think as you dumb I have I like that buddy all right I have your helmet still hopefully I absolutely this is it okay here's TJ's and here's Tyler's this is the these are the stairs right here and I was coming in from this side I even got a green laser ok monster scopes legit yeah ask my favorite scope from the game I like it I like the nipple red though not not black it's hard to see when it's black no do we do the same thing and we just straight from this and take over yeah all right well we need someone hold left when we walk out of here walking out I'm peeking left I don't see anything well once it was down here what's down here today he was so loud where is he he was so loud and now I don't see him did it sound like he was directly under us I'm about to drop down this [ __ ] and find him Tyler where are you back where we started that's Tyler you probably heard that kid where did this guy go wait freezing your freezer doors open no they're not let me just walk down these stairs and soon Aven whole team whole team let me hold him on me in front of me okay okay Oh laughs I don't know he's no noise based on what the server server there and server yeah chill up don't make too much out here here I'm not beating hard sitting on the wall I'm cutting him off your room you throw a nade into this door right now although it do it Mike's from the flank my fighting my flanks a little my flanks a little long but I may come behind me or no no no no no ok me and Tyler are gonna try to make the move ok they might just back up to us though Tyler we have to go through this and we have to go up the stairs hold the dorm hitting pain Amen think about the push we're on the stairwell we're peaking I'm nading really yeah it's us on the stairs a little bit I don't know where they are random yeah we're on your left or do you try to make a move real quick no do it do it do you're gonna throw it yeah you're fine Mike here's someone here that yeah that's our that's our that's our teammates you throw two dates no no okay okay I'm pro knee I'm looking for feet you're peeking the hallway right there gotta be in green we're on your left down the hall I'm gonna pee I'm gonna pee oh that's it that's everything the hall you can peek up I got him I got him I got him I got him I got him yeah I just want to do yeah I just wanted you guys to peek a little bit and it works we're good oh I haven't full cleared but I'm gonna come Chris hard you guys are my left right yeah you should see me peek I'm yeah we're good we're good he's in this room in the room yeah yeah yeah he's in the room meeting meeting meeting we have a lost one right no my guns perfect for this [ __ ] hit a hit a [ __ ] why'd this is you're on the window all right all right [ __ ] insane what the [ __ ] this is how people play with like holy good Louie has no recoil I want to say we're good yeah we're good player so clear all right wait is is one of you guys behind this door oh my god I thought that was like one of the big cheeky oh my god that would have been so sick if that was the makeup I keep pulling out here from I'm gonna use rather than like making money yes it's like it's a win-win yeah I mean that's a Raider that's a reader I'm outside still like a mess of the door we're all inside anyone in the hallway is Tyler I'm walking out where did you hear the radar irony people like like he was to the left thank you he did I heard somebody I heard somebody walking over here what's your bag do you need a tries it I have a pilgrim okay my mustache good [ __ ] clears dude five man's ROP is [ __ ] just sheer force just taking I'm just filling I've had eight people man he's going for like I don't know what those Raiders were I'm gonna go down there I think tonight's I do have oh I do have a weapons case we start getting shot at by Raiders or anything we should sprint back into our hallway don't really want to fight out here you go all right I'm gonna walk down I think [ __ ] it oh wait wait maybe I heard you guys somewhat clear down here Kiki sells for 18 to get their first 18.7 know what's on your um thank you like a weapon room I think [Music] all the Raiders on the second floor let's let's get out of this everyone's just get into the hallways okay you guys should have none you did that so okay guys yeah you guys all went upstairs bro you're safe second ten of the word weird ounces mean in the nice lighting room plating pence you guys are in here it I see I see let's get to Hannah oh [ __ ] nothing shooting at me [ __ ] you guys should come through this door you should open this one wonder what's around here that was me straight ahead down the hallway down the hallway passenger writer writer Lexi you weren't yes do you think he when do you think he went to the tent or in the blue door you're right or love you right Brian uh where I like the black blue we traded we traded okay so there what a [ __ ] nuts angle is so broken a stim room with the meds case spawn I for how a keycard that is blue blue I think Lukey guard yeah that's what it is Earl I just watched that on your stream [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 19,955
Rating: 4.7619047 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, TARKOV, ESCAPE FROM TARKOV, EFT
Id: EYA6ufCM88g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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