GET RICH OR DIE TRYING 👀 | Escape From Tarkov #36

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there's to whatever [Music] [Music] [Music] terrible marquee terrible terrible stuff [Music] damn it's really clear out good sniping good sniping weather real clear real nice real clean real clear real nice big-ass crates one tool that thank you for the Emperor's uh kiss Hawk tigress thank you listen I don't know what you guys are saying about this changing fire fire mode shenanigans I don't know you guys are being weird crazy what's he doing I'm at afk money runs or something else I am doing I'm trying to search think search as many boxes as possible the level of my search skill I'm just trying to gain some extra search exp pretty much and these boxes are pretty good because there's 16 of them I believe yeah I believe there's 16 boxes to search so it's like not bad you know like 30 exp years number than each time I don't know just whatever oh that's gonna be a lot of XP let's go that was a good one oh nice it's a lot of money already see like you could get really lucky like I already made a [ __ ] ton of money basically if I was to get out right now I would be happy f Khan does like almost 100 each filters like 6,200 depending on the price gas analyzer sure chocolate like I'm or I've already made decent money if I ever wanted to leave but I'm not here to make money I'm just a little nicer affiliate I got kind of lucky rolls on these boxes it's not even new last box nice yeah we actually made a [ __ ] lot of money right there if we were to if we were to leave but we're not going to we're gonna go we're gonna go somewhere to search some more [ __ ] I guess what's my exhaustion on search right now 72% yeah I could still searching bunch of [ __ ] Oh I'm going to search any of this yeah I'm gonna go up here I'm probably gonna find a tank battery oh holy [ __ ] I'm being so lucky with my repent drop [ __ ] watch me the [ __ ] tank battery - no but there's a box search this box it's more XP just kidding there's nothing in there I think here no filing cabinets yeah why not all right now we'll go upstairs we're gonna search the duffel bag upstairs there's a couple weapon boxes up there too for some extra search exp actually there's filing cabinets in here along with those I 104 that's pretty good key salford I think I mean I won't be insane we don't sell for some of them I think therapist will buy it and okay right Oh [Applause] should grab that okay technically the faster the higher your search the higher your search skill is the faster you loot so in theory the higher let wells near me I think maybe there's usually a paracord on this table no paracord duffel I don't know if searching computers is worth it I don't know what kind of search Expedia guy from surging computers come to think of it I don't think you get extra xp for searching like I don't it says extra XP down here but that's just extra XP earned to your character like flat experience I don't think that's actually I don't know I actually don't know seriously I wonder if I should google it and see and see how Search XP is earned is it earned from simply searching not quality not expert like you know I don't know you probably have your search on exhaust ready oh yeah absolutely I do I don't know why nothing in those heroes last time before my search is 25% oh dude look how much it jumped up I think you just search [ __ ] dude I don't think it matters what you search I just think the main premise is get in there and just start searching [ __ ] so you're saying that's all you do I don't think it matters what you're searching I don't think it matters what you find I think the whole point is just Purcell you know each cell might get you some I don't know just search this is a problem I'm pretty sure he's on I'm gonna have to stand up I'm gonna stand up and it's gonna sadler he he kills me or he doesn't I'm gonna let him think that he somehow like killed me or some [ __ ] I don't know get him to like look at me for a little longer and then maybe be like oh maybe you know maybe I killed him I don't know and then I'm gonna I'm gonna have to run for it hope he didn't I mean that he's up there for sure missed me [Music] who's out there making coffee who's that out there making coffee hello this isn't exactly the best gun for sniping but I think it'd be really epic if I managed to snipe him oh there he is I saw his ass haha okay so this is a I'm using an SMG this is probably 200 plus meters I'm gonna have to aim real high of [ __ ] I think flings and that's so weird why is it not peeking anymore that is so strange he's just gone he's not peeking I know there is what happened I don't even know if I hit him dude it's hard to tell like there's no tracers or anything so I can't tell like if my bullet was even close you know I should just full-on ode I would funny I might have hit him he got scared why not he's very very lightly geared like he told me he only has a sniper like he's got a Mosin he's one of those guys Muslim man you killed them I mean you never know half an m4 this has been looted not this but this building's been looted for sure like this super here's been looted in okay oh that was a backpack all right well let's get up there let's go up to where that guy is I need to leave anyway so dude what just happened there's one more dude what the [ __ ] I'm bleeding but bug it okay hey you're got you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go you're done listen I let I let these kittens in okay all right so there's one more player I don't have any more needs I know where he is that's not entirely true but there definitely is one more player [Applause] so I think this guy is in this building I am 90% sure he's in this building question is I don't know how I'm going to deal a little mayor so I don't have any needs so I can't I can't flush him out with with grenades but I know he's in here he's gotta be okay this guy's dead I don't think that was the guy though I don't think that's a guy at all I think there's a guy in here somewhere baby seems clear all right I got it I got a damn it I had to dispose of these cats sorry I gotta throw em in the trash they're broken missus seriously I better get him out of my room though they're gonna knock some [ __ ] damn y'all got y'all got some gear goddamn [Music] the other gear despot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we're gonna have to we're gonna have to deal with a lot of loot here dude it's a good problem to have but yeah try to I want you to load those mags before you set out on an event what do you mean I'd [ __ ] shot like I'll shot like 200 bullets so far dude gas analyzer is worthless yeah that's like 13 k I'll drop it if I need it need to we'll see you got some juice my friend what what is this garbage you're carrying what's up [ __ ] Oh 995 I like what I'm saying actually we're gonna do this instead I think this will make more sense I don't know why I'd forgot to cancel it I wanted to take the whole Meg so this makes it expensive all right we got a lot of loot to deal with and we gotta go back to our initial friends here okay so our initial homies we got to commit some insurance fraud real quick I want the armored rig so we're gonna have to well I don't need the armor Wow I think what we can do is we can we can it's no real way of making this work and hire early but we can maybe drop the mk3 because that'll net me more money you know Oh JK that took me too long these bullets good I don't know I'll grab them why not all right so we got this okay so we got all this cool cool guy [ __ ] whatever now this guy I got this guy okay so we got he doesn't have 995 so [ __ ] him he doesn't have a knife back which is good when a strippers gun I'm gonna take that and take that and take that and take that okay so my shrimp this again cool don't eat anything else uh all right now we can either leave or we can get even more greedy fill up the beta for more room I don't think it's gonna work like for example with the beta this guy I don't think this is gonna work right cuz like maybe mm-hmm no I don't think it's gonna work no there's no way of making this work yeah I thought so okay there's no way of making that work not at all we can get a little more greedy so I killed this guy at the front and he had an attack too and the reason why it's greedy is not because of players killing me there were Raiders at the front because of the train the trains here right so the train is here that guy right there he's got loot but there were Raiders too so it's not exactly the easiest task I want to know what this guy had though this guy right here that guy so I go for it Oh another Alton that's good that's good stuff trash trash 30 K - trash question is will this work no much as I'd like it to it won't work this alt sin I don't care train alone the other way I didn't want to take his armor because then if I took his armor would get even more [ __ ] tricky you can put the attack to sideways that won't fit Oh me so like I was thinking like maybe if the attack too would fit I could throw some stuff in they attack too and then throw the attack to in then throw the beta into the attack - and then it would be some crazy like super stack but I just don't think that'll work and if it can well it's too damn bad attack - is it that much like you're really really nitpicking there if you're getting the attack - and you're getting the you're getting the attack - and you're getting the beta because like what is that that's like an extra maybe like 50 or 60 K in your pocket for a confusing amount of work that I don't exactly know how to do if you can even fit the attack to inside the insights of the big backpack I'm not sure def would have fit sideways I don't think so I really don't I think the attacks was a lot bigger than you think what's this guy's still up here camping away dude and he just one-shots me in the head and takes on my loot what if I killed him remember how I said like what if we killed this guy no he's definitely alive what a [ __ ] raid either way it doesn't matter if I could put an attack to inside the big backpack sideways which I don't think you can okay you guys this was a great raid this was great I'm about to make some fat cashola I think I'm definitely I think I definitely made over a mil which is nice Frankie town name sounds familiar that's strange I'm not getting any analytics on my stream either we're I'd have to ask wide thumping Joost we're here right in the heart of it all my cut not expert yeah not expected you to shoot Oh scary I want to check the safe okay you can wait for him I'm just gonna go check this thing what cause me busting down a door that's not you shooting right the [ __ ] are you shooting a scam as far as me I just it sound like a war zone and expect it how is there nothing in these computers yeah oh here we go GPU dammit I haven't found a GPU and forever actually though what's the reduction on hollow NATO - I actually really liked what they did they they they they reverted it though so the pko six had terrible day they made an update where the PK o six had like met ago and had decreased accuracy and then they made it for like hollows like more expensive sites they made more expensive sites like this have the same amount of ergo but increased recoil or I'm sorry decreased recoil and increase accuracy they they had [ __ ] like that for example and I actually really liked that but they reverted it because the hollow used to the hollow used to have negative - ergo and plus three percent accuracy and I thought that was really cool because they made it so the really really cheap sights I mean it so the cheap sights are worse than the expensive sights by by sheer stats they at all got reverted maybe I just liked it because I like using the holo I don't know snipers have up there if you understand I shoot it it's right in the perfect corner so much just killed it oh [ __ ] come on he's right here we're gonna be right behind I'm gonna say I killed a player I'm gonna throw a nade I don't have a nade even aided by nutrients nope all right well I killed a player in this corner here by elbow like literally right in the corner of elbows so I might have a friend maybe prone in a bush I don't know well let's find out he's a little dying poor guy question is what bullets was a level 9 running eight five six is that trash Haider honestly I left fine nothing there's Miller he didn't even have anything that was worth picking up really like eventually you'll realize that like picking up like guns whole let's cap here I don't want to shoot it kill it kill it Oh kill it Oh Oh should I be [ __ ] up oh my god I have to black tarp wearing a blank soo okay I don't think I'm ever gonna do that again oh I'm so [ __ ] low holy [ __ ] we're also getting flanked by people saying I don't know if they know we're here probably not but they're definitely behind us you should watch our back that's not the helo [ __ ] done here just game little blurry I'm wearing a visor look let me take it off No I might have a heat I might have a healing bug maybe no I'm good all right we're back slot some arms no big deal all right the heck are these things I got [ __ ] up that's crazy I thought I was actually going to die there's too little duty gun the shooter let's check gas station I don't think Rochelle is there but you never know I wonder what they're gonna fix the animation for visors they broke it with point twelve when am fix it since it's been a couple months already I think this updates been out for a couple months train holy [ __ ] a lion damn you a lion yeah there's a lion in that safe I found a lion in a safe ever actually would you like to go dorms I don't know if you want to keep you here what I got sorry I didn't know I got excited at first and then as I shot he immediately stopped and then it was too late he was gonna shoot me he's gonna blast me pack up some eggs I should be able to hear hopefully I also can hear further than you another skill you can hear from a bit further away thank you I really try oh I almost have level three mastery on em for I don't know what that means does anyone know what that means what happens when you get better mastery on a AR I swear it doesn't do anything always love hearing those skepta fights shitty guns going off player scabs probably fighting scabs and then panicking cuz they're getting shot back chances are this suite of people here that there's always people in dorms especially when you come late I just heard somebody the reason why it's good to close that door is because somebody could sit on the hill and line it up and they can look through yeah I think though thousand embers Zillah thank you thank you for the great streams thank you for the great spectating and donating my friend all right we'll go through story it's late enough to the for the fact that like maybe no one's in there but the windows don't see anything but somebody down here two people died here three people died everyone just yes or yeah yeah now it's open looks clear everything yeah everything has been looted everything's cleaned up let's see if they open the safe downstairs yeah there's not much loot we're gonna get map doesn't really have much I'm like interchange these guys probably don't have anything yeah customers customers is very uneventful once you get to know it because there's only there's only one spot where everything happens and then everything else is kind of a rare occurrence for it to happen anywhere else it's pointless to even go there's only like one loot spawn those dorms that's why reserves good it's all like all the spaces utilize there's another safe second floor there is where I thought there was only one safe in that dorm I thought this I thought this map only had five safes one in customs office one in a gas station two and two-story dorm one in three-story dorm I thought it was only a five safe map I'll google it I'm curious I didn't I didn't know there was six there was only only five Oh someone's in front of us I'm assuming it's a staff you right behind me I'm gonna walk up yeah on track hell walk up there like somewhere in front of us here I don't know go get them by the street by the truck the white truck in the street snipers gonna shoot I shot that one just in case I don't want to you gonna start popping off their [ __ ] blasting these gifts send it I like to run it though I have to run up them usually because I mean I would say like 70% of the time they with so I take my chances where's Jeff he's coming right to us he's going the way that's funny it seems they're here yeah you might around this corner maybe he's not he's here it's in the oven there Gil up take his ass out you kept good back and forth the bunker thing one the most common one back the way we way we're the way we were going the way we're going before we decided it'd [ __ ] shoot the scab pretty much I don't know which one is called it's just the it's just the extract most common one might as well grab random [ __ ] I mean extracting any later it grab it all there's the safe the safe is a blue weapon rack it has a safe directly attached to it on the second story of three story dorms I will have to look that up [Music] customs is pretty boring once you once you get the map down and you kind of like once you better at the game you realize customs the [ __ ] trash map basically it's one trying to say it's pretty bad it's like very poorly poorly designed I'm sure they're gonna rework it here soon maybe it's not that customs isn't that bad if you're trying to lose safes and filing cabinets that's not that bad and that's not true only safes reserve has reserved has a [ __ ] ton of filing cabinets like a [ __ ] ton one building has five you know five rows you know it's crazy hard this uh this little baby him for his little role-playing for us kind of uh I should give it a name I should name all my guns you know I should name them all let's name this save as let's give him a name you know let's let's let's name this the beta yeah that before anyone beta I like that and then like my and then they'll be like m4a1 meta m400 on beta and then they'll be like that's pretty much it I don't know why you'd have more than two presets on one gun you could have like one troll one which like is budget or like hybrid or something and you could have one meta and that's pretty much it I don't know why you'd build a bunch the only thing I would change to make it look a little different is maybe change the buttstock the reason why I like using this buttstock though is because it acts as a pistol grip and this one it acts as a pistol grip and a stock so it's kind of like a double whammy but you could do this as well right you could get rid of the pistol grip and add an actual grip and then put a CTR alright and then it would look like this instead and it would give you the same benefit [Music] what caused the price anyway I don't even know yeah put some 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 oh there is 4 I do have this key dorm room 204 you're right I bought it on purpose we can go customs again if you'd like [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 38,553
Rating: 4.2395439 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: HjR_B2Y2xvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 7sec (4567 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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