RAIDING SANTA 😂 | Escape From Tarkov #32

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I killed Santa [Music] you [Music] Wow Wow that art hit me in the head I'm California well played [Music] [Music] don't kill the bros don't kill the brows don't kill the brows a long queue time huh don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me okay I don't think he's sure that's close I thought he was gonna blast me dude I saw that look in his eye I think we're good it's pretty early right I looks like a player but it's not no my Scout Fred you shut up you [ __ ] hold on come here that was my homie you blasted him the disrespect I ain't gonna let this [ __ ] fly hold on can I turn this thing I won't turn that bar damn I'm gonna kill him mark my words I'm gonna kill him he killed my Scout friend I'm gonna kill him Oh [ __ ] you want the other way damn it if I can hit a banger ah my heart oh that's another sniper scab why would you do that man what I'm trying to avenge my homie you know what where are you little [ __ ] come here yeah you're dead I think I think he's dead what'd you get huh what'd you get [ __ ] I'm so dead I think I killed him it looked pretty clean it looked like it was a good shot let's find out maybe I didn't but either way I am very low on HP so I need to I hope I killed them please sir are you dead are you dead or alive huh oh I think I just heard him step I think he's alive all right well then I'm toast my arms all [ __ ] up my chest is all [ __ ] maybe he's got a friend maybe he maybe is dead Oh oh no he's dead that's for sure save a friend though I don't think he has a friend I think we're good yes what you get for shooting me level 39 or the Mosin how dare you here's a packet oh and I - right here he missed it that was a player yeah that was a player we thought that was an AI no way at AI shooting you from that far away and that uh no siree that was a player and now he is dead yeah I'm just a scab and I got me string dick gonna try this bad boy out so I I don't like I have to keep going like every time I want to change themes I have to like go over here and like like turn my whole body I just want the buttons in front of me here to change scenes Catholic I got [ __ ] dick Don I'm so happy oh he didn't have a scope that's probably why he was whiffing he had a scope I think I would have died okay let's try to find a CMS kid or something now I won't cough anymore I was only coughing cuz my ass my thorax I was only common cuz my thorax was damaged and it was really really low but I fixed it I healed it for good now my arm is gonna be a little shaky like my aim because my arms broken so I need to get that fixed that's a little bit more challenging as a scab but it's doable you get lucky Oh for example there's a med bag over here and if you're lucky in this med bag you can find nothing and there's another med bag across you can also find you could also find him in duffels like here there's two duffle zip research here and you could find it if you're lucky a CMS kit or something I could pop painkillers - yeah I guess I will as well it'll help with the shakes my games running like doo doo this feels like you do see if this fullscreen bugs still the thing I think it is darn I thought they fixed that alright there's one more med bag things upstairs or I don't remember now where's this med bag well there's meds like this laying around so you can maybe find a CMS on the table or something Soleil Wow hey thank you for the thousand embers my friend thank you thank you oh yeah they have a Christmas gift you can get you can get it for free off the website nice little Christmasy gift well I'll open it up after this raid so you can see what the Christmas gift is now you still have the shakes even with painkillers it's just not as bad that won't work well I got plenty of meds okay I don't think so that's a sandbag right there oh that's a guy it's gonna be hard shot where'd he go he was getting shot out by somebody else with Tracy rounds maybe like with the m1a or something oh no man that's not in him when I take a shot my scab I think these scabs or maybe scab foster siblings have locked on him he might have just died right there in that burst actually he might not be alive you know it sucks he was standing still when I thought it was a sandbag or something I should have taken the shot when he's standing still I probably would've killed him that a money shot it's kinda hard to tell I don't have a clear view of my shot because I'm getting the shakes so I don't know if I kill him or not now looked like a decent shot but I think he's still up and I still hope he's dead now what to try to kill the guys that were shooting at him that's gonna be a little more challenging oh okay maybe not every good I guess on the tree hopefully the guy that was shooting at him was just a I not an actual player they're fun each okay there's a lot more people than I had thought back there there's one no no no that's my loot go away [ __ ] someone find me or something know it sound like someone was tripping up on me in it he's getting my loot bad [ __ ] just play right there [ __ ] these shakes man that guy's dead too I think looked pretty clean I am getting play he's dead I do it bro I should have trusted my [ __ ] gut man I knew I heard something okay now we're really [ __ ] up we got fractures we got all sorts of [ __ ] all right I got to get up there and get that loot I don't think I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this man I've [ __ ] the hell is this trash loot you guys got yeah this is a joke watch me die the same way I think it's night from the [ __ ] etic and fracture both my arms are [ __ ] once broken like completely a blanked out and then one's got a fracture to me this guy had something for me why can't I turn off the light all bugged should go away in a second there we go I gotta do this this way oh that hurt in it a dead I already killed them I don't know if I want to I'll keep this for now in case I want to swap to it or something the shrapnel from grenades hits you in this game yeah absolutely whoo we'll take that instead I think nice fight my shotgun you treated me well all right well uh help trains here 8:45 no no no no haze underbase fine there's one no [ __ ] I'm gonna die when I peek my head I got Raiders all over and Raiders all over I'll try my best probably gonna die though really this is risky but it's either go big or go home I don't have enough loot to leave you I'm not gonna leave with this trash you know keep missing bro oh no I kill them they're mine I wasn't a miss okay so now there's Raiders that's one Raider dead outside there should be Raiders in train and then there's a Raider down here now this is gonna be the tricky one to kill this one what they go what okay I don't know where this radar went that's kinda weird your being here I'm very scared actually [ __ ] I'm just gonna take I'm gonna try to get the loot bug it don't mind me just in the open here gonna go ahead and take this loop here okay don't worry everything's oh it's oh [ __ ] it's not the Raider oh god that's not a Raider at all that's scab boss there's homies oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no no are you stupid and dummy okay okay maybe I'll be able to get away with it now let me see pop some adrenaline okay apparently I can't beard you have to use it this way Angus all right here we go go big or go home I'm all right hey go big or go home go big or go home okay one more Oh Peter go home okay another one they're all lined up nicely okay that's three there should be what I don't know the rest of them are okay oh that's glue heart or whatever name is [ __ ] it we're leaving we are leaving alright everything's fine don't mind me just gonna jump on the train I never used this gun before well not the best run but also not the worst to keycards is pretty good all right let's go that's calves run wet uh that's calves run went well I'd say old seeing you scrolled wheel to change stances I actually can't do that I don't have my key vines bound that way it's not possible for me unfortunately damn that's a good scam run huh I [ __ ] owned I popped off I don't know what it before maybe it is maybe it's a subscription model only for cosmetics I don't know but standish route here who wants some bullets who wants the bullets anybody I'm giving away free bullets boom you got [ __ ] oh and son free bullets I'm giving away free bullets sky got destroyed he got a weapons case I just had a feeling I said that feeling that he had got a weapons case from there you know I just had that feeling [Music] put this in here I gotta drop my Santa hat sorry Santa it's it's it's for the greater good Kenna mp7 is this guy rockin is this good ammo a PSX because if it is I should probably just use his MP be honest that's good I will use his here's what we'll do we'll unload all this maybe not all of it but well unload one load two of them and then we'll carry on we got a lot of loot to do friends we got a lot of loot to do I could throw in so much [ __ ] to this weapon case like so much [ __ ] it doesn't even need to be weapons it could just be weapon parts you know I mean no disrespect but I can't stand for people little hook will have money to talk down to the people who don't you think that's me come on man it's really simple you know it's not a matter of talking down to anyone that doesn't have money it's just a matter of you can't have everything for free in life you know it's really just like that like if you like a game you can't just expect it to be free you know there's other people on the other side of that game that are creating it you know how do you think they make money how do you think they live from you paying for it you know so it's not a matter of talking down to anybody that who can't like afford it it's just pretty much saying like how cheap do you want it you want it so cheap that the other side of the project can't they can't make the living they can't they can't do anything you know that's all it comes down to ever in this generation everybody's everybody's all about that free you know and I don't I don't think that's Jill yeah they're definitely honestly in this in this stage of EFT you don't even need to buy the big addition the big 140 dollar Edition it's not even really you don't even really need it you know you just do the regular account and then you could level it up and then you can have it max anyway you know it's not that hard so I mean what's the scheme on the twenty seven twenty five percent off how much does this game like 30 30 something dollars thirty thirty three dollars I don't know pretty much if you want to buy the best edition of this game you're simply doing it to support the development team you know that's what you're doing because in terms of in-game of in-game bonuses right now it's really not like it's not much am someone's popping off with a number for $45 per standard I think yeah yeah but I'm saying the the 25% off is in three days I think I just dropped him bro I'm not sure I saw blood from his face no peace the leg ulcers - how are you alive my guy did he bleed out Thank You blood out and think he did go up there for now we'll put this away although I don't know I don't really need to be honest it's kind of due to ammo bro you were gonna kill me with that are you freaking kidding me no way no way Jose [Music] holy [ __ ] that guy got on the LMG bro holy [ __ ] we got a pop prophet all and we gotta fix our legs fast you got on the [ __ ] LMG dude holy [ __ ] that's crazy ride I can't believe him alive dude I don't know if you guys know what I was getting shot by I was getting shot by a mounted machine gun the ones that are spread around this map that's what I was getting shot by and I [ __ ] survived I don't know how I'm so lucky it's of course the game that I have a weapon case it's like all lit and [ __ ] you know now that was a player for sure as I got on that thing that was a good play I was a very good play by that guy this man took my Santa hat how dare you huh wait he did he took my [ __ ] now now you leave that on the ground okay that's not for you [Music] not a real good time to get into a fight right now being honest here I look like I let that guy pass me just in case not really down to get into a exchange right now hopefully no one's a dome or else I'm dead it's such an easy kill of someone to film where I am and I got some better attachments and this mp7 shoes through bullets Jersey I'm Omar I'm already out of the extras that the guy had so this weapon case I'm gonna start dropping stuff once I find attachments getting rent ran at horse mine a I okay someone's up top someone's down someone's done with the Mosin suppress something what's up well that makes more sense [ __ ] scab boss this is getting interesting um I was spotted by the I was so essentially what happened is I was spotted by the boss and then once you get spotted by the boss or like a guard or something they all like start to rush you that's what happened and I've been here know I try to come out big when I go big or go home here come on thank you all right I could probably freely loot maybe I have angered them there's gonna be a long raid it's basically what if my plan here is my plan here is to drop all the guns and only load attachments in here that's a player huh let's just got interesting player just sprinted in here he'd be hopped into so hmm I'm just gonna wait they might bump into the boss I don't know we'll see this is weird why is he being so quiet oh that's why it's probably a player scav I think it's a player scab that's why okay he ran outside you ran away that is I don't know what's going on this got weird it's a weird game I almost want to try to get out of here I'm uncomfortable right now I don't want to try to get out of the raid though I want to go big or go home somebody's trying to fight the boss actually a lot of people are trying to fight the boss somebody's in here I think I don't know sounded like it maybe not I don't know what to do here I could just try to leave maybe take my take my W as is rather than trying to go for more I don't know mmm I thought you just killed Boston no I killed two of the guards or one of the guards I'm sorry there's still four more how much is a scab how much is the case if you lose it case is a mill I think dude there's so many players what the [ __ ] is what is going on this shit's crazy holy [ __ ] this is nuts that's crazy man nerve I've never bumped into so many players before holy [ __ ] crazy stuff I killed one used he looked decent actually he looked like he had decent gear I killed the one I just I I didn't want to take I think there was three it looked like there was three so I didn't want to really mess around us three people I'm also almost out of bullets it's kind of scary everybody's after my 1 mil plus here they want it they want it what if I needed this guy shower check remember how I threw an 8 at this guy that was running around at the very early on of this game what if I actually kill them I don't think I did but still be fun to check he's not marry yoon-hee no dead he's alive you know it's scary the fact that the train is about to arrive like so and Raiders are probably here that's pretty scary [Music] no way they're [ __ ] pushing me oh my god whites white not enemies spawning we has got an attack too as well this is terrifying everything about this situation I'm I've been put in let me tell you [ __ ] I want to go for more I think Oh Oh give me the hell out of here the [ __ ] boss is pushing the Raider or the train one dude the [ __ ] mic oh that was so scary [Music] that was intense [ __ ] oh we [ __ ] oh my goodness I had to leave because of the train the train only had one minute left so instead of choosing to try to get a little bit more I just decided to get out so the guy I killed out in the open house area man I get off me ah hit the spot god this thing checks mix a little now that laser is so bright oh that's awkward already and I probably shouldn't be standing up while I do this [Music] actually I'm Way too lazy to do that on all the bags [Music] shrim kind of sucks laying here [Music] yeah everybody can get the everybody can get the EFC gifts you so desire [Music] I killed Santa [Music] you [Music] Wow Wow that art get me in the head I'm California oh I know why that guy hit the button I got a feeling I got a feeling that was the guy that hit the button I just got that little feeling you know it's a good streamer check I bet you that was the guy that hit the butt oh I keep finding these so much now all right so a good spot I'm sure this is already looted well maybe not actually Oh fresh huh or where [Music] you'd have to run real quick he pushed that that button was pushed so long ago so long ago fact it probably is ending any second now well there goes a hundred percent that could have happened I'm not saying it did but it very well could have the timing makes sense the button press sprint to Black Knight and then peak in that direction absolutely it made sense not saying it happened but it could have nobody pushes that button right away ever there's no reason to unless you're trying to die you would push that button at the very beginning of the rate if you're trying to die that's it scabs wouldn't be in that early so it wouldn't be a scab pushing it to cause commotion it would simply either be a hatch link to troll or could could be used as a streamer check I shouldn't use this I feel like fuel I think feel like fuel is actually worth finding in raid now because you can't refuel jerk you can't refuel them going and rate anymore I just got so hungry just all hit me at once oh my goodness ermahgerd Mersh burgers PRS is really not even worth picking up honestly so bad even selling has no value Pyrrhus is so bad like a stack is like 2k or something I don't even know really bad oh I just saw somebody they see me wait maybe not I was weird I'm not bothering to leave the guy killed by the way cuz I don't like the spot that he's in and I also feel like he had a friend I felt like I got well I felt like I was getting it was like a two-prong attack when I fought that guy well you can't refuel anymore now you can't you they fixed that you can't go and raid with an empty fuel can so you need to either buy your fuel from Jaeger or find your fuel or buy it from the flee just pretty cool the value in an empty fuel tank now and nothing else you're trying to scam people you can just buy from jäger yeah you can but it's not always available motor let's um I know this is a really good spot to watch over the button push hopefully no one's looking here I want to look these filing cabinets I'm feeling lucky you know I'm feeling oh I think I just got shot at I don't know actually I'm nervous I'll cut across the medical building a grizzly testing I was just in there I was really weird my brain Soleil was four days they're suppressed shots everywhere getting drunk yeah yeah all right what's the plan for Christmas stream probably so I mean me and Hannah wanted to we wanted to go buy a bunch of gingerbread kits we were out yesterday but target was packed like crazy packed so we did not get it it might have had a good good item on them you seem to be running straight out [Applause] you got a red key card on you friend huh and red key card on you what do you got on you huh no oh I have angered the sketch oh [ __ ] they're now inside the building I'm angered more of them see you another cpu Oh a GPU another CPU I don't really have anything camo worthy really I'll just do that for now I really knows who do i Lutz pretty men I feel like there's still players in this building nearly full all right because I used it on that one guy he shot what's your opinion on India vs. the kotas beef I don't even know what that means how do you guys follow all this stuff man just play your games okay I don't know what that is on what I'm new somebody's in here what in the world tells us cat I'm out of here dude I'm resetting I need a reset when you're prophet all pop we need a hard reset here [ __ ] I've angered them sure someone in front of me no tank shell an ammo case wait you can do that oh you got me all excited that's how you could do that I'll let these two lemmas passively heal so somebody fought scab boss their scabs man they're cracked alright we're gonna do heart attack or go like this [Applause] I'm starving I'm dying I think Earl well no one's been through here his doors still closed and you start bringing armored rigs instead of actual armor so I can take paracord extract and be like not having to worry about how much inventory space I have and all that nonsense like right now I could go take paracord I could go run up there take paracord but I would need to clear a little bit of space grant said it wouldn't be that hard and have to just move a couple things drop a couple things I need to start bringing an armored rig instead where I can hit the button then have some fun anyone in here someone's at your door again who dat who dad who's that who are you oh good let's go hit the button bad time and hit the button I should have waited for my prophet all the end the tremors and shouldn't we pop the morphine I saw a guy I think today a little high damn it yeah it's dead now that at bat a bat app that trains here that's scary that's some scary timing that means the Raiders are gonna be there oh I just heard someone near me we sure scat bosses are you [Music] nope [Music] somebody already killed them interesting they down here maybe any extract campers okay we'll just leave I didn't see any Raiders out front whatevs not the best rate hi what is that place wait I don't know it was the place thank you what is this oh yeah me thank you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 61,059
Rating: 4.5056181 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: bhD7V1D_kRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 59sec (5999 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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