How To Make Bit Badges For Your Twitch Streams | Design For Streamers

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what is going on guys my name is fisher welcome back to the channel hope you guys are having a wonderful morning noon or night whenever you guys are watching this video hope it is going well for you now into today's video i know it's been a long time since i've created the tutorial but i thought it would be fitting if i create this because i had a super super cool idea for some bit badges for your twitch streams now if you don't know what bits are bits are kind of like the currency on twitch that you can use to uh donate to streamers so a bit is worth you know however much of a dollar or you know whatever amount that you're choosing um it's it's a it's a kind of cool way to interact with the stream and uh yeah i thought it'd be really cool to create your own custom ones because twitch allows you to have custom bit badges so yeah we're gonna create some really cool vibrant badges bit badges sorry if it if i said something that uh reminisce the word um we are going to create some really really cool bit badges uh gonna be gonna be great so yeah let me actually show you what they are here all right boom and these are the bit badges that we are going to be creating here very cool very fun vibrant bit badges i think these uh work out very very well uh but yeah dude let's go ahead and let's create these bit badges let's go ahead and start over so go to your top left hand corner and you can see on file you get this new button right here click that and uh a good good size for bit badges are 72 by 72 now the official sizes uh for the bit badges are 18 by 18 and 32 by 32 but i uh kind of do something different since with illustrator that you can render at a lower size so i kind of do that there so 72 by 72 just so i have a high working area a decent working area that i can work in so go ahead and create that and now you have this box okay so go to your rectangle tool if i can find mine uh dude where did mine go there he goes rectangle tool draw a box center it align it all right so now by default it has this uh stroke on it and we don't need that stroke so we can just go ahead and click this fill none and go over here and now it's just a white box and we can change the color so i want it to be a kind of a like a like a nice nice blue let's grab us grab a decent blue color boom all right now we're going to rotate this 45 degrees okay good move it down just a little bit so you have some room to work with and you're gonna pull this top point up all right just so you get that kind of crystal kind of diamond shape so what you're gonna do here is you are going to control c to copy and then you're gonna go ctrl f to place that right in the same place okay so now that you have that uh you're going to use this direct selection tool deselect select this point right here and you're gonna drag it all the way to the middle and this one uh we're going to give it a transparency of a screen right now so there we have uh two differentiating colors here so this is the start of our bit badge okay so you're gonna take this shape that we just changed the transparency shader on and we're gonna control copy and control uh to place that right back in place and we're gonna take that same point here so let's grab it and we're gonna move it in just a little bit just like that gives us some variation and this one uh this one's gonna be a multiply or actually you know what let's what do we wanna do we can just put it on normal it doesn't need to have anything and uh we can go ctrl f and copy that and paste it back in place then uh right click go all the way down here to transform and we're gonna go to reflect because we want it to be the same on each side so do that and move it back over in place and this one is going to get be multiplied so see you already see that we're starting now and we're happy and the bit badge looks really really cool now we're going to make this thing pop in just a second so stay with me here so we want to take this bottom layer right here and we're going to go do the same thing ctrl c to copy ctrl f to paste in place and uh honestly we can control x to uh kind of cut that out of the the document and paste it right on top all right and we're gonna take this top point right here and we're gonna move it all the way down till about right here is fine and then we're gonna make that a multiply boom and basically that's it that's what your bit badge is gonna look like but we're going to take this a bit farther so we're going to highlight everything control g to group it and we're going to ctrl c to copy it and control f to paste it right in front so we have another copy here ctrl z to put it back in place and what we're going to do i'm going to go over to effects and then we're going to go over to blur and gaussian blur so by default for me set to 13 because i was playing around with this last night so if if you want more of an effect you can pump it all the way up or you can do it as little as you want to but i like 13 pixels i think that works the best and you hit okay so now you got this and um it looks really really blurry you know you can't really see what's under it too too well so we're just gonna select that i'm gonna go over here to transparency and we're just gonna find something that works i think screen works overlay works uh what do we want soft light could work i personally i am going to go with uh either screen or overlay [Music] i think i like screen a little bit better so yeah that's basically how you make a bit badge like the ones i've made here and even if you wanted to come over here and you can copy this and you can rename whatever you want you know um cool thing about this is all you have to do is select all of them control g to group them all together so they're all grouped and you can literally just change the color and the colors changed let's let's grab a better color boom kind of reminds me of the sims logo a little bit so let's copy that out again [Music] and let's go ahead let's make a pink one boom pink like that uh we're gonna copy one more actually no we'll we'll do a couple more and we're gonna make a yellow one oh if we can get it this forgot to control g on everything oh okay doing something wrong here all right select everything ctrl g and then we can do what we need to do i don't like that shade it looks like throw up dude like that one that one looks good maybe we need a deeper yellow darker yellow yeah that one doesn't look too bad but we can make it a little bit darker yep a yellow like that looks really really cool pops a little bit all right now it's already controlled jeed so it's already grouped and let's make this red dude that's a that's a really really nice ruby red i think i want to brighten it up a little bit so bring that in bring this in a little bit boom just like that dude it's kind of like a like a reddish orange uh we'll do one more just for the tutorial sake all right and this one i want uh what do i want here maybe dude we got a lot of the colors already maybe we can go like a purple obviously we got to get the purple you already know and boom that purple looks so so good dude and if you even wanted to you copy another one come over here right click and you can ungroup this so it's it's separate and what you could do is you can keep this red like that and uh you can take this and make it be this blue and paste it over here and kind of play with the blending modes a little bit so you see you get like a a different like color to it it's it's really cool if you play with it multiply looks like garbage lighting uh lighting's not that bad screen's not that bad color dodge really not that bad i don't think it fits the best overlay ah it's okay you can get kind of like shades of different colors if you if you like soft light hard light looks kind of cool uh but yeah that is basically the tutorial and now you guys know how to make bit badges for your streams cool thing is is that i have a patreon so if you guys want this project filed it'll be on patreon the link will be in the description or if you just want to buy this one off uh bit badge set uh it'll be for a dollar on my paid hip site so you have two different ways to get that um last off i do want to say that i have a podcast with the company that i started called untraditional podcast is called the untraditional podcast we interview creators and that are they're doing cool things in their space we just interviewed a guy his name is ibanji check it out good good podcast uh link will be in the scripture and thank you thank you thank you for watching this and uh like comment and subscribe i guess peace out goodbye i'm out
Channel: Phizzure
Views: 540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, twitch fails, twitch rewind 2020, designer, stream design tutorial, stream design free, stream design factory, Stream Design, bit badges twitch, bit badges free, bit badges twitch size, vibrant colors 4k, Streamer, stream sniping, streaming setup, streaming setup for beginners, twitch emotes, twitch badges, twitch affiliate, twitch partnership, twitch partner vs affiliate, twitch partnership reaction, How, To, Make, Bit, Badges, For, Your, Twitch, streams, design, streamers
Id: 9sdNWfuSy4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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