How 1 YEAR Of Weight Gain Changed My Life Forever (All In Results!)

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The editing and journey is impeccable... this is a real movie

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nguonnhachinhchu 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
heavily requested that is Stephanie if better mores all in videos today I wanted to talk about Stephanie one or more who is a youtuber here on YouTube and be a response video to Stephanie and butter more hey hello you feeling ready to do this babe feel nervous it's like the most nervous I've ever been to film a video but I feel ready so I spend one year since you've been all-in I know isn't that insane time flies it's absolutely crazy do you regret it at all [Music] even I believe in some I believe that everything happens for a reason I believe that day is greatness inside all of us best believers who believe is once you will become that what a given is what you give out this red cell life's a gamble Rhoda died days on earth a promise we just a year ago I never thought I would ever know what it would feel like not to be hungry all the time a year ago I went all-in in hopes of fixing that and to fix my health something I didn't even know I needed fixing feel better I want to feel stronger I don't I was really hopeful that going all-in was gonna work for me I just thought that I would be that one anomaly that this wasn't going to work for because I've lived my life like that for so long I've always had a big appetite so I just thought struggling with the feeling of ever feeling full was just something I was gonna have to deal with forever to be honest I was willing to try anything I want to tell you everything so you can really understand how this all started and how hunger has affected me in most of my adult life so we need to start from the beginning like all the way to the beginning so as a kid and into my teens I played sports I ate a lot but it became really apparent that my appetite was unusually large because my dad and I were eating the same amount I actually didn't grow up with my mom it was just my dad sister and I and I just ate so much more than my sister and she was older than me and my dad is a big guy like six to pretty jack and I was eating just as much as him when I was like 13 years old since Steph was a kid I mean as far back as I can remember she's always had a massive appetite I did most of the cooking in the house when we were younger I would portion out something for myself and then I'd portion out dad's portion and then I forstuff I continue to have a big appetite like through high school through undergrad through my masters but I had never dieted before but I was already into lifting weights so usually that keeps your hunger pretty high but it wasn't until I decided to compete in a bikini competition in 2014 that my extreme hunger was truly born and I really want to describe to you guys what extreme hunger means because it's going to be the main antagonist of this story so extreme hunger is not your normal I had a late lunch so I'm hangry kind of hunger no no no extreme hunger is a clearly defined phenomenon that you feel like you could just eat and eat and eat without ever wanting or ever feeling like you need to stop like true bottomless pit hunger like no sense of feeling full like you've even forgotten what it feels like to feel full and the only reason you stop eating is because you literally feel like your stomach is gonna pop but even then you could eat more and living this way for years can really impact your quality of life and your happiness which is what was happening to me so the genesis of my extreme hunger was truly born back when I did a bikini competition because I had a very restrictive prep definitely not a flexible approach it was a hardcore bro prep and at the time I didn't know any better so this was before evidence-based fitness was as mainstream as it is now and I was only eating cod and ten Spears of asparagus like five times a day and that's it I think this adds up to be like 900 calories or something crazy and I was also doing 45 minutes of hit cardio every morning at like 5 a.m. in the morning because I was in grad school and if I was feeling it tired or weak I was allowed to have a spoonful of raw dry oats before I went to go workout because I was still training like six times a week I lost a lot of weight and I lost it really fast I actually ended up winning my show I got first and overall and that was all exciting I don't work reddit I think it was a really good learning experience and I absolutely know now that there are right and wrong ways to compete and I know that there are way better strategies than what I did so absolutely no disrespect to anybody who competes but that was just my experience after I competed I continued to maintain a pretty lean physique but I had like this crazy appetite that I thought I just had to deal with I thought this was like pretty common in Fitness like I thought there was like hard work sacrifice determination like commitment to being fit and I thought that you know everybody in Fitness kind of dealt with a certain level of hunger and that was normal and anyone who's ever competed knows you kind of want to hold on to it like a little bit after the competition because you worked so hard to get there your entire perspective of what lean is is like forever changed being 5 to 10 pounds above stage weight was no longer that lean to me that was my new normal and it becomes hard to see yourself like any bigger than that because you're just not used to it and I didn't start an Instagram until the end of 2014 and I'm sure you know how that goes like the selfies and the Fitz bow so I kept it up because fitness was a really nice break for me a nice break from intense cancer biology 14 hours of bench work and reading six papers a day getting about three hours of sleep a night so it was nice having an outlet and then fast forward to 2015 when I finally discovered flexible dieting and then at the end of 2016 I actually met Jeff and I was still lean maintaining it for years at that point so we hit first met on skype but I do remember the first time we met in person I remember when we first hooked I just remember like noticing how slight you actually were obviously thought you were like extremely pretty and beautiful and I really liked you from the start but but I do I still remember that like just how like small and kind of petite you were at the time shortly after we met I start my YouTube channel Jeff actually encouraged me to start it because he thought it was unique to be a Cancer Research PhD student who was into fitness and an Eliza is an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay but that entire time my appetite was still alive and kick'n of six reps with an RPE I remember this like it was yesterday so jess was doing the ten thousand calorie challenge and he really struggled through that and the entire time I was watching I was just thinking to myself like I could easily do this no problem so just for kicks and because I genuinely wanted to try it I did it for my own youtube channel it was kind of a thing to do back then and I easily completed it and unlike Jeff's torturous experience I thought it was so fun and it was the first time in a long time that I went to bed full like not my normal 50% full but like actually full and it was really nice I didn't think you'd actually be able to do it just because it was so hard it was unfathomably hard for me and I was like you're significantly smaller than me so like there's no way you're gonna be able to do it and because that video was so fun I just wanted to do it again so cheat days were born no again everything and she days were days that I could just eat a satiety and it was just fun oh my god and it seems like you guys also really enjoyed them but I obviously had to return to more clean eating because I wanted to balance my cheat days with my health and fitness goals and I was in the fitness genre so I did feel like this pressure that I had to stay fit but those days were days that I loved because I could eat and feel satisfied and go to bed full I kind of treated it like an experiment too because my inner scientist wanted to know if she days would help sedate my hunger overtime I'm feeling really full feeling really satisfied but up I got the idea to keep doing them because after the first cheat day it definitely helped blunt my hunger for a few days so I hypothesized that over time they might help me from feeling so hungry all the time in retrospect I don't think that they actually worked aside from maybe just like slightly helping but ultimately they just weren't good enough to keep me satisfied long term now when things really got set in motion was when I decided to do a mini cut at the end of 2018 early 2019 long awaited video on the little cut I did back in December January ish and I was also working on my trained abs every day for six months video yeah six months later and I felt like for this type of content to do well in the oversaturated environment of YouTube I felt like I had to make sure that I was really lean so the ABS that I built would look even more impressive and that was kind of the last straw like the straw that broke the camel's back that I was just sick of it I was sick and tired of being hungry all the time just so I could be in fitness like just so I could be successful on this platform it just wasn't worth it for me anymore and like I just couldn't see myself sustaining it long-term it was the spring of 2019 that I had a chat with dr. Nicholas Rinaldi about hypothalamic amenorrhea thank you so much for joining me I which is the lack of ministration for three consecutive months or more this could be due to under eating / exercising stress genetics or even a combination of any of those things I was making a video on the topic and she's an expert in that area of research so we had a great conversation but I genuinely didn't think that our conversation would be so profound I wanted her expertise not only on hypothalamic amenorrhea but also on how to fix it so the quicker you return to sort of that to fueling your body adequately the faster things can turn back on again and this was something that I actually experienced myself back when I competed and I knew a lot of my audience was dealing with it she had this concept of going all-in so full credit non-stop to Nicola but her version was eating a minimum of 2500 calories with no maximum and from what I understand this is in efforts to get your period back but it could fix a lot more than just getting your period back it can help with brittle hair and nails feeling cold all the time feeling tired and fix extreme hunger which I knew I had so I was super intrigued after our chat a lot of things changed for me I went down a deep dark rabbit hole on the Internet just exploring the idea of eating a minimum of X amount of calories there were a ton of different permutations online of this but I learned that this is a thing that people did like in Fitness it's completely the opposite it's always about low macros and cutting and getting shredded so this was a totally new concept for me as a scientist the rational part of my brain totally understood why this concept would work and how your body defends its natural set way but the irrational part of my brain thought well it probably wouldn't work for me my hunger signals are probably just messed up genetically I've always been a hungry kid I thought I would be the one exception like the one person that would just eat themselves into obesity so I try to find a few examples of people that this actually worked for and a few of them were actually past competitors the common theme was that they would just eat too satiety every single day and at the beginning they would be experiencing extreme hunger so they would gain a lot of weight however their weight would kind of plateau because they would no longer feel nearly as hungry after months of eating thousands of calories and then even longer after that their weight would actually go back down to its natural set weight because your appetite has been kind of normalized after that and it goes down to a normal appetite and your weight comes down with it and when I say set weight set weight it's not like an exact number it's more like a range that fluctuates throughout your life and is predetermined by your genetics and your physiology so they would go through this process of weight gain and then weight stabilization and they would come out the other side with normal hunger and satiety cues and pretty normal eating behavior no longer feeling that extreme hunger that they used to have and I wanted that I wanted that so badly I would just see that and be like I want to do that like that's what I need to do but regardless of how badly I wanted to do this I was pretty terrified I had gotten to a point that I was just like this is who I am on the internet what's gonna happen when that changes I went back and forth for a long time like I'm gonna do this I'm gonna explain it to them and they'll totally understand - no they won't understand this will be a complete disaster you have no idea what you're doing - okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna go all in but I'm basically gonna quit social media so they don't have to watch me go through this - nobody surprised gaining weight in public is extremely scary especially on YouTube and especially in Fitness because people are savage and I thought I would just be run off the platform losing all of my Fitness credibility and I would no longer be in the fitness genre anymore because I didn't belong there not knowing at the time that my channel would evolve to a genre of its own so I felt like I could deal with the weight gain but I knew I was gonna have to endure a lot of criticism I had been on YouTube long enough to know how hard this would be what did you think when I told you I was going all-in I was surprised to hear that you say the you wanted to do it but I was also really excited about it like you would probably remember from the beginning I was like very approving of that decision I thought that it was what was best for you and I was more or less just like I guess it was like a combination of being happy and also being kind of like excited like this this scientist in me was kind of like curious to see how it would play out for you it was always a positive thing in my eyes it was honestly Jeff that gave me the final push to go through with it he made me realize that this was the best way to do it and that's what I decided I would do it as openly and as honestly as possible and to just share the journey with you I called it going all in from doctor Rinaldi's version of it but I had my own version in mind and it was exactly how it sounded so when Steph first told me she was gonna go all-in she was really nervous she had big news to tell me Steph is the type of person that is very disciplined very methodical it's a huge reason why she's accomplished everything that she's done and she's applied that same as Holly to food you know for as long as I can remember I was just so excited because I love to cook and I love food I think I was more excited for me than for her at first because that was that's what you want to do with your best friend you want to eat with them so at the beginning being able to eat all of that food was honestly glorious I was just so hungry and was just ready to eat I remember my first night officially being all-in we were actually watching the 2019 NBA Finals and I ordered ubereats and I ordered spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread which if you didn't know is one of my favorite things to eat and I was actually all in for a whole week before I announced it in my first all-in video and just in the first week alone I gained 10 pounds Leslie tell you that I had actually been all in this whole past week and it's crazy to look back on because after I gained the first 10 pounds and I had to tell you guys I felt so bad about my body and in retrospect I see that person that one week all in Stephanie and she was still super tiny and that's how it went for the whole journey I would always catastrophize how I looked and I would always look back on it and be like a little not bad it's all perspective so today is the day that I actually posted the video about my all-in journey so today is been an emotional roller coaster because I actually had no idea how you guys were gonna respond at the beginning I just wanted to eat all day every day and go to bed full every night and the best part was that that was what I was supposed to do so I didn't actually feel any guilt um guilt actually came later in my journey but the beginning it was this new exciting adventure that I was on and I started out in my first month abiding by a 75% Whole Foods rule that at the time I thought was really smart and I genuinely loved Whole Foods I basically liked everything and anything at that time but I was just kind of learning as I went along so I actually didn't stick to this rule after the first month because it was just so hard on my digestion imagine I was eating for two like sevenish thousand calories a day every day like averaging 5,000 calories so with eating predominantly Whole Foods my belly would just feel like rock hard every day and in the first month I actually gained the most weight at throughout the entire journey I gained 18 pounds in the first month after the first month I kind of just ate whatever which still included mostly Whole Foods but it was no longer a rule because I was really determined to learn how to eat intuitively to teach my body to eat when I'm hungry and to stop when I'm full but even in months 2 & 3 with a slightly decreased appetite I was still eating a lot of calories and I actually wasn't tracking anymore because tracking thousands of calories of food every day is honestly exhausting and it was also making me realize how much food I was eating which was kind of starting to make me feel a bit guilty so all the more reason to stop but I want to particularly emphasize how important months 2 & 3 were for me I actually think these were the most important months of the entire journey and I think these were the months that I made the most progress it was a time that I truly succumbed to eating whatever I wanted and I took a huge setback from training almost all together and this wasn't really on purpose Jeff and I actually had a trip to Australia for au EVC fitness conference you ready after that purely for vacation we were going to Bali a new bikini that I'm going to be bringing with me to Bali and Australia probably not gonna be wearing this in Australia because apparently it's winter there that's bizarre to me partially packed with Jess just as completely it but I actually ended up getting sick at the start of our travels I think I mentioned it I am kind of sick by the way I got sick like the day we got here so while we were traveling I just didn't train and it was also a time that man I was eating the most amazing food I amazing food in Melbourne and I ate whatever was put in front of me at our Airbnb in Bali by two lovely chefs that we had this is my girl right here the best you have made Bali the I actually still think about them all the time but I just vast in the glory of vacation and was resting because I was really sick and I'm really glad that these chain of events happened even though they weren't on purpose but I really think that my appetite was so much lower when I got back from that trip than it was before I left feel like I'm not nearly as hungry anymore most of it again for the people in the back and I just felt like I could really feel the process of being all in take effect I was no longer feeling like a bottomless pit anymore that dissipated in month four and just a combination of all the food and rest I think was really good for me and probably sped up my journey in my opinion and without that trip I probably wouldn't have been so liberal with my food intake because I just can't cook like that and I probably wouldn't have rested because I wouldn't have gotten sick after I recovered from being sick I did return to normal training after that because I did have strength fulls still but I really think that break was really good for me and from that point on I also really adopted eating like three to four proper meals throughout the day instead of literally constantly eating from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed but I do have to say one thing that was actually the worst during this time was my swelling this is when the puffiness really started the swelling was everywhere but I think it was really obvious in my face my midsection and my ankles if I had a definitive swollen phase it started in month two and went through man like probably months six and my swollen phase directly correlated to my sweaty phase so I was swollen inflamed and hot and sweaty all the time over the course of months 2 3 & 4 I gained another 17 ish pounds because at my four-month update I was about 35 pounds up and I'm really not trying to place so much emphasis on like the numbers and my weight it was honestly one of the only quantitative metrics that I had and I think it conveyed to you guys that never at any point in my journey did I try to prevent any of the weight gain so I think saying these numbers can be helpful in that regard I think I also think it shows the natural progression of how the body retains weight and my appetite and weight gain were actually very linked as I gained more weight my appetite decreased with it in tandem so I just used my weight as a visual metric what did you think of how I looked at this time so I personally think that you always think that you look worse than I think you do so like hearing you retell that you're describing yourself is this like just swollen monster but like you didn't look like that at all to me and like when you feel sweaty or you feel like you're holding water it feels like it's so much but to me I kind of saw this change just sort of gradually happen so I didn't really notice this phase the same that you did I still thought that you look beautiful at this time honestly after a month for I slowly gained another like 5 to 7 pounds over the course of months five and six I remember after about the six-month mark my weight hit a plateau and I hit my peak weight of having gained 42 pounds and 42 pounds ended up being like the most weight I gained throughout this entire past year and at that point I was really not hungry anymore I feel like six months was a good marker of when I had very distinct hunger and satiety cues so with eating proper meals throughout the day I kind of felt like I was like entering normal eating behavior territory but I was still really swollen really puffy and really sweaty it was all very sexy this was actually a really hard time for me my weight was the highest I had ever seen it on a scale in my entire life and I was having pretty regular breakdowns at this point I just felt so badly about myself and if there was ever a time that I wanted to quit and hide away from social media maybe even start dieting so I didn't feel so big it was six months in and I was getting comments telling me that I was obese now and that my journey was a failure and I think this is because in the minds of viewers six months might seem like a really long time but that's not long enough to complete an entire journey like this but they obviously didn't know that so it was one of the first times that I kind of felt like people were giving up on me so I just wrote in my journal as I always do that you can't let this ruin all of your hard work you've made it so far and you promised yourself you would do this please Stephanie like don't forget you're why I would say those things over and over and over again and what was even harder was dealing with the comments from the people that you do know and that you do care about and that you do love those comments those hurt the most she had a few things to say about my weight gain and yes I didn't imagine it would affect me so badly it did really bother me I guess and the things she was saying were was basically everything that I'm feeling so just start with our mom has good days and bad days this unfortunately was just a night where she was having a bad day we had just eaten dinner and we were just talking and relaxing and just blurted out saying without any thought I think through the whole all-in process it was really tough for her you know hearing all the critique from everybody but I don't think it actually hit her though until my mom made that comment that night that was the first time it hit her hard you guys know how close my mom and I are and she is literally like the sweetest human being I know how you doing but she is mentally ill and I know the ins and outs of her personality trust me I've been taking care of her since I found her when I was 16 after not seeing her for many years so I'm very familiar with her ups and downs and I know I shouldn't have taken it so seriously I do know that but everything that she was saying was everything that I was feeling and it just hit me where it hurt after about eight months is when the swelling finally started to go down me I'm wearing a short sleeve crop top this is something that I haven't been ready for in a long time my weight wasn't budging I was still plateaued but at least my swelling was going down so visually I looked a lot less puffy my cheeks didn't take up my whole face anymore and my ankles wouldn't swell around my socks keep in mind I was wearing compression socks all the time like during the day and night to help with the swelling and my weight was plateaued for about three months so it's probably plateaued from months six to month nine so month nine or February 2020 is when my weight has slowly come down to now May 20 2008 loss is not the goal I just want to give you some context for this journey that it was like this triphasic or three-phase process if you will phase one you're really hungry and there's a lot of weight gain phase two you're less hungry and your weight hits a plateau so it doesn't move for a few months and then phase three you're less hungry than Phase two and your weight actually starts to decrease towards your set weight and that can take like however long so from my highest weight forty-two pounds up to now may 20 2013 pounds over the course of those three to four months and I feel very comfortable here like I don't feel like I need to lose any more again like that's not the goal also keep in mind that none of my weight loss was due to anything other than just my decreased appetite I was not trying to lose weight I was not doing anything special or different I didn't do any cardio I went for occasional walks but I've always done that I just ate until I felt full and then I would stop but since February my appetite has been pretty low low relative to how it used to be I actually randomly tracked one day and I think I'm eating roughly like 2,800 calories a day something like that keep in mind like some days my appetite is lower than others so actually did this twice so I thought this was really telling I cooked food and then I would completely forget about it for two days you did it again and I would find it in the airfryer like two days later and I actually don't think that my weight loss has anything to do with like weight training or exercising because I've actually been training significantly less since February because I've had a few things going on so at the very end of January I had a vein ablation done you guys might remember um but I had this done in both of my greater saphenous veins basically like the inner thigh of both of my legs because I was having some issues in those veins and I couldn't train my lower body at all after that and then shortly after I went and had LASIK done which was a complete disaster and way more invasive than it should have been because I actually had some complications and then after that I couldn't train for a while because I was just so disoriented from not being able to see out of my right eye like I felt like the world was always tipping and I always felt nauseous so I took some time off from training but then we had a global pandemic and I've been having to stick to at-home training which is good don't get me wrong but it's definitely not as ideal for those like really heavy compound movements because I was focused on my strength so I obviously don't have like a full deadlift for more squat rack at my house so my strength training has had to take a step back and I'm actually still training at home even though gyms are open here so I haven't gone back to the gym yet but I really want to say for the record that before all of this stuff happened with my leg vein ablation and all that stuff before all that I was making amazing strength progress like my lifts were looking so good so I don't want to take away from all the progress I made before this so I know I mentioned that at the six-month mark I had a really hard time so that was probably the time that I really wanted to quit but trust me I had way more meltdowns than just that like that was just when it was the worst at the beginning I think I would have a meltdown like once a week I had my first one right before I left for that Australia Bali trip and I had a couple in Bali I'm not gonna lie so I'll get one time feeling down so you know that it happens there's a belt that and yeah like at least once a week I would have one and luckily I haven't had one in a long time I actually can't even remember the last time I've had one but at the beginning I just had so many bad body image days I also just had so many doubts that this was even gonna work and I would just be like an example of this massive failure of course that didn't happen and having rational people by my side was really essential as a science minded person I really truly appreciate you kind of bringing that science mind to the weight gain was definitely tough my clothes not fitting me anymore or clothes that I literally just bought no longer fitting me that was hard oh and this might seem really random but whenever I would put on self-tanner and I couldn't reach like my back which I could easily do when I was lean and like the realization that I had to spread so much tanner over so much surface area I had a few cry sections doing that Jeff would be like consoling me and like rubbing self-tan my back good times and something that was actually one of the hardest parts who was dealing with the backlash that I got online guy when I first started like I don't think it faze me that much I was just like s the haters they don't know me they don't matter but you can only hear something so many times before it really starts to get to you you're just it's better it's better and you're gonna go down the self-destructive spiral so you also had blood work done too right yeah so during my journey I got blood work done three times at the beginning the three-month mark and at the nine-month mark I was really interested to see some improvements with my female reproductive hormones which started a bit low as you can imagine because I started out like really lean I remember making my four-month update video and I thought these improvements were kind of minor the numbers did improve slightly but they were still in the lower end of the normal range but dr. Rinaldi actually reached out to me because she watched the video and she told me that I should be encouraged by even like those minor improvements yeah and because I did gain quite a bit of weight I did want to make sure like other things we're looking normal too like I wanted to check and make sure like other health markers were also normal and thankfully all those were good and I genuinely think I would have continued to see progress in my female reproductive hormones if I didn't go on a hormonal birth control last September which of course changes all of that so before that I actually had a copper IUD as my earth control modality and I was just experiencing so much pain like I had a really sharp pelvic pain especially around the time of my cycle I went to see a doctor and my doctor decided to remove my copper IUD and he started me on the pill so that's the reason why I did that but I really didn't want to I wanted to keep my form of birth control like non hormonal which a copper IUD doesn't affect your hormones but that was just the best option that my doctor had for me so because I went on the pill I did want to have a with dr. nickel or an Aldi again and I wanted to ask her how going on the pill would affect these hormones I unfortunately had to remove my copper IUD and I ended up going on the pill I'm on the generic of yaz which is pretty standard I obviously didn't expect to see improvements and I didn't know they were actually lowers wanted to get you to talk about maybe like what birth control would do to things like estradiol FSH and LH so yeah so if birth control pills to basically suppress your whole system so it absolutely suppresses FSH LH you know it provides sort of a low level of estradiol and progesterone depending on which one you're on throughout the cycle depending on where you are in the cycle they have different functions so with the birth control pills it's a low enough level that it basically suppresses ovulation and therefore you know it's keeping your FSH and LH quite low and your natural estradiol and progesterone are suppressed as well so even though I couldn't keep tabs on these hormones in my 9-month bloodwork I like I said wanted to keep tabs on things like my cholesterol and my metabolic panel like I said all of those things are normal so I was really happy about that but I do want to make note that if you're not using a hormonal birth control or if you're trying to get pregnant those female reproductive hormones are numbers that you should be paying attention to but in the end one year later everything is great I feel great and most importantly I'm healthy the idea of healthy equals a look I think it's really problematic to me healthy equals functioning well so that you know that can that can be in a wide range of sizes and shapes and looks and everything you know there's there is this idea that you know even on on the upper side of body size like there's such a wide range of what can be healthy and what can be unhealthy reflecting back what I ultimately wanted to accomplish was to improve my health and I definitely think I accomplished that and I don't quite feel like this journey is over from what I understand it can take three four or more years but I do feel really proud of myself that I've made it this far my goal when I originally started this journey was to improve my energy fix being cold all the time feel happier not be so food focused and to fix my extreme hunger and yeah I did all that for sure be honest do you think I'm different now do you think I'm happier yeah I've noticed your personality change a nice bit you do definitely seem happier just like on an hour-to-hour basis throughout the day and and I do think it's improved our relationship as well things are just a lot easier for us now so much of the time we spend together does center around food I mean that's just the way socializing is in general and I find we enjoy each other's time a lot more now I do think yeah your personality has changed in several ways but I it one of which would be that you're definitely happier now Steph is so much happier now Steph's always been a happy person and but ever since this change its her mood is so much lighter and carefree you could just tell she just enjoys things more you know the Snickers commercial where there the whole time they're like oh you're not yourself when you're hungry then you give them a Snickers and they're better it's like Stephanie's been stuck in a super long Snickers commercial and nobody could give her a Snickers and it's like finally Steph gets her Snickers and she's so happy and she's the real stuff now fake not to sound too dramatic but this journey it was one of the scariest things I've ever done mostly because there was just so many unknowns which is exactly why I'm so happy that I documented it and I couldn't have done it without you you guys helped me through some of the darkest times I went through this past year and I don't think I could possibly describe to you how much of an impact you've made on my journey but just know that you have a year ago I promised you guys that it would still stay Stephanie but it would still be me throughout this journey but I would argue that I think I'm a more improved version of my previous self I think I've evolved a lot this past year and I really hope that you guys will stick around to see how the rest of this journey unfolds and I know it's only been a year but I definitely think I'm on the right track and I can just see that light growing brighter and brighter every single day before I know it I'm just gonna be living my life like not thinking about food or my next meal or maintaining a lean physique because the internet or society wants me to those days are in the past and I've never been happier do you regret it at all not even for a second [Music]
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 4,643,674
Rating: 4.9548516 out of 5
Keywords: stephanie buttermore, amenorrhea, no period, womens health, gaining weight, weight gain, hunger, always hungry, how to fix hunger, metabolism, how to increase your metabolism permanently, nutrition, stephanie buttermore all in, stephanie buttermore update, fat gain, how to balance hormones, health, how to increase your metabolism, all in, nicola rinaldi no period now what
Id: N9z5xqAP7ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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