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good morning everyone today I'm going to be testing to ten thousand calorie challenge and it is for 26 in the morning and it's really exciting because one today is actually my birthday I am 27 years old today and two I'm actually going to be part of a scientific study that is going to measure my body composition before and after I do the 10k challenge yesterday I went into the performance in Civic enhancement lab and I weighed in at 123 pounds my body fat was about 14% measured with calipers and ultrasound of about 65% water measured with BIA and my resting metabolic rate was around 1300 calories which is the amount of calories I would be burning if I were just to sit around all day doing nothing I really want this video to be all about the foods so you'll have to wait in to the next video after I get the results and I will share with you the changes as a result of doing this challenge so let's get started with the first meal consider Giacomo I actually feel like those cookies are going to be really good alright mmm better view I bet it will so for BSN or these are lemon first buzzer nuggets cooking I guess is you have to pop something breakfast people know what everything are you cold I'm tired of the few small towns they're having 2008 everyone this is so random oh no 27 okay first night you thought of you no one no one should I am twelve chickenitis this is 630 calories I don't know how much she felt others I can't remember but I had one serving to Fulton and then I have four eleven for cookies and for chocolate chip how are the people in our area but when you're eating right how's your hunger Edison I'm still feeling really hungry I have a piece appetite so something like that does seem like a lot to me like out of ten now hungry out of ten I was notified because I'm like in utero like I can't stop eating right now it's like my my dietary persons and I stopped eating right now don't like ignore that person to this yesterday I know today once they're going to music standing up chief ebinger 2012 [Music] well I'm a sprinkle which is 20 calories in the thermic so the 40 search for a foreteller it looks like a holiday event of language surrounding women 916 green well it's 80 calories just friends wrinkles so that turns into hard shell cooks really good no um you'll one it is 508 you should just do all tendon all 10k right now I was Miss Lisa by the way all right I can't thank you for can ice cream but I can try to do the really good the hard shell fudge makes it so much better cause it's like really punishing anymore maybe you should have a little bit more I kind of want to eat like something there's something that I want to try that I don't know that in the Miss appearance okay to two teeth is another hundred calories I think barb yeah definitely what do you want to go do you run oh my god also gonna have two of these hundred ninety calories so these are dark chocolate mint which makes it taste very different have another serving of those because those are light and like as long as your stomach is still good and I would keep to like I would have a little bit more yeah I thought you know if you're also right cookie cookie nuggets [Music] crazy eat a little I don't I 2,700 flight hours meal one total two thousand seven hundred and twenty calories both of the ice cream chhoti fall tub twelve nuggets the fudge the sprinkles the cookies Tim Tams and the Oreos here and I had queues digestive enzymes with it I'm gonna have this with every meal that's an impressive first meal whoo and then the next meal is going to be so delicious I'm so excited to the next door like a goat in America right now ha he the fastest time good job oh yes you'll complete the challenge before sunrise challenge darkness oh my god our first meal or my first meal um back to sleep we're going to go have breakfast at first watch so that will be meal - I have one serving of cheese ball cub that I'm going to be bringing with me I'm gonna try to have one at every meal and then I'm going to go first watch and I'm really excited so you we feel really good after the first meal and after taking a pretty good break and then after this we are going to go work out another serving how many calories are in a serving $100 how much I really wanted to complete this challenge not only for the fun of ending on all the foods I dream of eating but to get a perspective of the human body after an extreme over feeding in a lean individual but I also of course want it to be entertaining to watch so I went into the challenge of the plan I obviously got started very early which was key and I strategically planned my meals not really for aesthetics but for satiety purposes I wanted there to be a good mix of savory and sweet with each meal because I noticed that most people overload on sweets early in the day and it seems to affect their appetite for the rest of the challenge I obviously pick foods that I really like but I didn't want foods that would take too much space in my stomach as to not feel physical discomfort as opposed to just the cognitive feeling of fullness I only drink diet soda with my meals and small sips to settle my stomach and didn't drink too much water throughout the day I also just digested enzymes with every meal and to be completely honest I simply have a beast appetite so I went into this challenge with confidence nicely done they do Almanac that's crazy and you're at five just over 5,200 calories that's crazy I'm very impressed go home and rest kneel to is 2500 calories and it had the breakfast taco the French toast pancakes syrup and a serving of cheddar cheese sauce over so right now I have two thousand seven hundred twenty plus two thousand five hundred and seven analogies so over five thousand calories and and it's not even 9:00 a.m. come at me bro so I'm feeling pretty good after meals - I was feeling a little bit full of the final bites of that french toast but like a normal fullness like I went to a restaurant and I'm like okay now I'm really full and then I sat call you a couple minutes I like very lightly sipped on the diet soda and now I feel pretty good like I could eat again you are right but I'm not going to that all to ruin it I'm already halfway done with the challenge and it's like nine seventeen in the morning so I just we had getting 15 calories you know I'm not doing 15,000 but I if I needed to this would be the way to do it so gonna go home and rest for a bit and then I'm gonna go train [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys I'm just going to shop at the gym and we are not really good during the workout it was actually not too bad actually had a really decent workout on our way now you have some people we're here at Camp Athenian crispy Bette Midler yes we're awesome server exact yeah no I am going to beat a backyard barbecue pizza all of myself maybe the only happened once Hawaiian's I'm feeling actually very hungry so patient persuaded while I'm waiting I'm actually kind of amazed by - nine am and it is 4 o'clock so we have service people I'm going to have a certain size [Music] like the best pizza in Tampa this is a Hawaiian and this is their backyard barbecue visa and I have half of each beside always iron they're both [Music] holy black pipe keeping it together girl hers his that's kind of embarrassing knowledge is like a minute eat it I know that's impressive offensive and um it what how we go in we know this nail and 1930 calories I had one serving of the cheddar cheese both of those shoes Whistler's and then half a Hawaiian pizza and a half the barbecue to give you fast boom another thousand just like that and then when I go to have to go to town out of ten how full are you can be handing like I'm going to bomb yeah okay dang quick that's impressive hey more than 10,000 that flow 1,000 science experiences that's why I am 7,107 calories in that body next stop is Dunkin Donuts I'm actually feeling pretty good I could eat a doughnut right now Tom is it 5:20 that's you on the phone looking a lot smaller than so definitely give a roll me into those and don't slip straight up vice versa Valentine's Day this is an appalam place yeah forgot the diligence have it he's gonna finish drawing it up oh my lord how many cows is that 300 or something they said on the thing in there if you want to go look at it after he had doughnut it was really light and like I don't know it was really Airy but I didn't really like loved the other selection I had and I'd rather have the rest of my calories of food that I want to make the calories that I'm eating really worth it I'm not experiencing the sugar like haze or fog that some of people experience where they can't talk or they feel like their brain is kind of cloudy you know just like I'm kind of full like I had like a really satisfying meal now I'm 7,000 like 400 calories in those elimin all right good I'm going to have a serving of these these are slightly healthier so I'm going to mix sweet and spicy which is really central to this challenge turning on the tick cap design this will be different serving a KitKat and I want to eight and a half of it what is that this is a minute and it's chocolate-covered strawberry cheesecake it just looks really good in the store so I want to give that try but I am a log happen and then I will tally up my calories okay I just even bother competing and like bikini hunger so gosh I believe in food challenges is doing what Colin [Music] [Music] [Applause] and the better so we're going to say Express I'm going to get some chicken some little because I'm either my last meal I'm also going to have some cake because it's my birthday I need to have some cake I think that's it that'll be it piece of cake hey hung so I'll see you at Panda Express so really quick okay really quick here takes off Chinese food smells gone don't open defecation oh yeah my cake this cake would be simpler take some extra frosting last and final stop to the night know you're getting what I tell me and don't even need to add some sex appeal to this video there's an orange chicken and this is mongolian beef but I'm going to have that and then this is chummy so I'm going to weigh it out one serving of the orange chicken is five point seven ounces without 420 the discerning of chow mein nine point four ounces I can call for Samantha and right there so but that's one serving that's where you need how many calories in that orange chicken is 380 that's actually not that much and then five tensile compressive my predictions for the study are probably obvious as with such an extreme surplus and calories you'd expect that some of that surplus to be converted to fat I know I will gain weight but I'm not sure exactly how much and I also expect a big increase in total body water blood glucose level and resting metabolic rate but again only the measurements will tell me by how much these measurements will be taken tomorrow morning the morning immediately after the challenge and also the day after that so two days after the challenge which I think would be just as interesting I'm so curious to see the changes from such a massive overshooting but I guess I'll have to wait for the follow-up video where I will be uncovering all of the results from you wheelchairs right I just finished my appendix press so with that all I need is to have two servings of this carrot cake which is my favorite kind of cake then I'm going to one more serving of it and then one more serving of this and I will have at that point Oh for that meal it will be two thousand two hundred twenty calories and in total ten thousand 112 calories the benefit first of Mobius the fat lady dancing good twenty and six in total six point for this one that works oh one for me this is a hundred six grand well I feel like an eternity ago that I'm reading this this morning was become a dot nicely done that's another thing of the challenge like you never eat very much I needed one out for my milk so okay okay so I'm adding sprinkles so my ice cream just I just want wrinkles on I'm not going to count it everything is better with sprinkle on it even the cake sand that does look really good come on [Music] Oh your bed this is her last meal she'd like that she could easily do another 10k tonight you need about half my last meal and I have sprinkled on okay give her go damn that's it Fat Lady's say okay how do you feel scale of one to ten helpful are you honestly don't show off I was me looking like a tier 9 oh wow that's pretty full thank you I feel very full you're done fun you're actually happy birthday thank you 20k tomorrow I got it I really hope that you enjoyed this video I will have the result as to what happens to me tomorrow I'm going in tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. to get measured so I have to wake up after all of this but if you liked the video please like it if this video get 15,000 likes I will do the 15k challenge I think I can do it but it needs to get 15,000 likes like the video and subscribe I will see you next time come birthday to me how's your birthday I'm gonna get naked so oh because I weighed myself this morning completely undressed but when I close to add to get down so soon hi hums ooh 10:41 you killed it yeah I think what I fish wrong time on the sleep
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 6,876,030
Rating: 4.9020538 out of 5
Keywords: fitness, workout, training, 2017, abs, bodybuilding, muscle model, youtube workouts, best youtube workouts, fat loss workouts, glute, glute training, butt, ass, booty, science, science workout, 10000 calorie, cardio, exercise, weight loss, fat burn, fat loss, lose fat, gain weight, gain muscle, squating, squat, build muscles, gains, fitness motivation, challenge, 10K challenge, girl, girl vs food, cheat, cheat day, cheat meal, food, ice cream, cake, pizza, food challenge, eat
Id: EPI5cuq3NPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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