Florence Pugh Eats 11 English Dishes - Mukbang | Vogue

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hi Vogue I'm Florence Pugh and today I will be eating a bunch of British foods yeah I'm ready I'm just having a disk into this is an English breakfast a full English as you would say you usually get this on the weekends after you've had a big night this is a tomato obviously English sausages beans like pudding black pudding is made from the blood of pork I think I didn't touch them for years and then I had one in Scotland and it was amazing fried egg sunny-side up I'll be bacon and eat away your hangover I'm gonna try the black pudding mm-hmm that's a good black pudding and it's spicy it's fancy sorry condiments oh is that the biggest scotch egg I've ever seen what's in there I think it's pickled onions it is pickled onions why sometimes eat them raw I went through a phase of drinking the vinegar out of the jar just raw don't know why oh don't really pickle dig okay I'm gonna try this go Jack and it's steaming it's warm so a scotch egg is a boiled egg and around it is breaded sausage and then it's deep-fried come here ketchup but a ketchup won't hurt anyone mmm my family and I are back on the food fronts and my dad is the king of the kitchen so but at no point can you DOM the stove when he's donning the stove thank you what is that oh is this a Cornish pasty Cornish pasty is usually a meat-filled pasty puff pastry and a thing it was invented by Cornish miners or builders I think basically it was a food that would be able to be transported in their back pocket and they'd be able to take it to work I think that's correct if not someone was quite clearly fooling the visitor that's a tasty Cornish pasty this is a shepherd's pie my mom makes the best shepherd's pie well then my dad says that he makes the best shepherd's pie so between them they both think that they both make their own best shepherd's pie we never say which one we like more so try this at sea Fiona I've never tried son see if you want a shepherd's pie that's good Satsuki goes with everything most of the film sets that we've been on at the end of a day's shoot we'll go home and one personal cook so for example on midsummer Jack would cook a curry and I'd cook a ratatouille because that's one of my favorite meals I got everybody into my mulled wine on Little Women they loved that but it's time for some more food oh yay fish and chips oh it's Mel bidding up oh this actually smells like a really good fish and chips I think my granddad would be proud my granddad used to work in the fish docks in Grimsby so he's like a big fish expert yet again catch up every single one of English meals deserves ketchup on it it's a good crunch and then we're just gonna do a bit of this okay [Music] fish and chips ah that's good in some fish and chip places you can take your own piece of fish to the chippy and they will deep fry it for you which is pretty cool I thought my granddad does that I sorry I don't have any space I'm so excited hang tight I'm gonna cleanse the palate it's locked on my forehead it's a snake and I sneak it's a steak and ale pie with a bit of mush I have no idea what goes into making one of these but usually they put a bear in there which is why it smells so good versus a stinking kidney and I think that has melted butter dribbled on the top it does that's so naughty heavy foods it's good though hmm I don't drink water so I have tea so this is very new for me what is that is that Branston Pickle oh it's Branston Pickle one of my most favorite condiment I don't know what is doing with this though I have no idea what this I'm stumped I have no idea what that is what is it bubble and squeak well this is a fancy bubbling squeak the idea behind bubble and squeak it's usually the day after a roast and there's leftovers mashed potato cabbage meat if you have it you put it in the pan and you fry it but this is fancy this isn't a whole hot pan and everything whoa I cook pretty much most evenings or lunchtime I really like it I find it really therapeutic for example I had a really stressful weekend about three weeks ago and my friend was like let's just go and order food and get a delivery and I was like no I need to cook and I need to chop onions but it's great I love it no I needed to my bed don't worry oh man see that's the downside to having such big sleeves yeah the magic of Thai fans it's actually working just and then you just let that sit for a bit okay this is a roast it is a roast is it a roast I don't think of half cool maybe I have to give it a go I learnt years ago from Jamie Oliver that he has this really clever way of cutting along the backbone and then there's a little Ridge there where you just nestle the knife down and you essentially can just push the whole breast off thanks Jamie Oliver I love Brussels sprouts there's so much hate on Brussels sprouts I love mmm this is my favorite dish so far my little sister has his ongoing bit which is whenever dad says we're having chicken mole goes again sake Tetris but for food sticky toffee pudding do you have any juice juice Thank You rye bina every person's childhood it's full of Ribena delicious thank you for my juice oh this has potential to be really messy yeah that's tasty don't did it I did it down trifle trifle trifle quite possibly one of the most English desserts there is mmm ah that's good my mum usually makes a very boozy version of this so there's always a Cointreau or like a sweet brown or a liqueur and it always sits at the bottom so it's shove my spoon in and then put it in my mouth and it would be just not fun for a child but as an adult I'm appreciating what she's doing a bit more thank you oh my goodness it's a Victoria sponge guys this is a magnificent sight oh that's a deep Victoria sponge this was the first pudding that I loved and I think it's because of the film calendar girls Helen Mirren she was in a cake baking competition and she bought a Victoria sponge from the shop instead of faking it it was a massive issue lots of drama and then I remember eating a Victoria sponge I'm realizing that I was eating the same cake that the Helen Mirren took from the shops it's so crumbly hang on excuse me fingers that's a good Victoria sponge I think even my crown would be impressed and it's got too many big tears and strawberries I wouldn't have been able to eat any of this wearing the costumes in Little Women you're wearing a corset and as beautiful as corsets are the design of them is to make everything about a woman smaller and it's funny because you quickly realize that anything you put in your mouth you are using up breathing space so you end up having to weigh up if you want to eat food or if you want to breathe it's very simple but they are beautiful I'll say that I'm gonna be truthful at the beginning of the session I couldn't feel my stomach against the dress I now can thank you guys for watching me eat all this food I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did have a wonderful day bye [Music] you
Channel: Vogue
Views: 13,743,273
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Keywords: florence pugh, florence pugh funny, florence pugh mukbang, mukbang florence pugh, florence pugh interview, florence pugh funny interview, florence pugh mukbang video, mukbang vogue, vogue mukbang, florence pugh mukbang vogue, mukbang eating, florence pugh eat, eating mukbang, florence pugh eating, florence pugh eating dishes, florence pugh eats, eats florence pugh, florence pugh vogue, vogue
Id: 3cxHwQl9pNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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