How Do I Eat 1.5 Years After All In? (Full Day Of Eating)

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you filming [Music] that's super good you can eat it room temperatures [Music] that's kind of nice though it's nice i've only ever sat in this chair once before so this could go really well it's the pinata chair i know oh it's actually kind of nice welcome back to florida welcome to florida the weather has been gorgeous here it's a little bit cold so i came back home to celebrate my birthday and we had a little birthday party with my mom sister my friend nadine and jeff oh my goodness i'm gonna have you take three steps forward okay and we hung a pinata on this thing so i have to i'll have to show you guys some clips of that it was really fun now raise it to the ceiling [Music] we actually made the pinata because it was something that my mom really wanted to do i used to make them all the time when i was a kid i was kind of joking like i was like mom we should make a pinata and she was so excited so i i had to we made one and it was great it was so much fun [Music] [Applause] so smash that anyways i don't water my plants my poor plants wow that's kind of nice the reflection i don't know anything about plants i just know you have to water them once a week when it's hot i do that more than once a week this is this is the extent of my responsibility i don't think i could ever have a pet this might be too much water don't come for me if i'm watering so it's 7 30 in the morning and i'm gonna go make some breakfast i should thank your mama [Music] okay so i have breakfast ready i have two eggs on a whole avocado on toast it is delicious it's my favorite thing to eat other than my favorite protein oatmeal i think i've beaten you guys over the head with that one so i wanted to do something different another new addition to my breakfast is having iced coffee i don't know what it is i really like it it's just regular brewed coffee that i let cool down and i put ice in it and then i put some sweetener and cashew milk so i really like that now while i eat breakfast i'm going to be listening to an audiobook i'm still listening to and reading tons of books i'm always trying to get you know inspired by different authors and different writing so i'm going to go ahead and listen to an audiobook and enjoy this cheers [Music] i don't need your protection i said but jude does delicious you film it all right hair makeup done i'm looking a lot better than the last time you saw me i decided to get a little bit glam today it's been a long time since i've done my makeup i did not do my makeup in my last video today we are in full glam so after i had breakfast i actually went to the gym [Music] and it's time for lunch so i'm getting hungry it's 1 p.m so it's been quite a while since i had my breakfast time for us to go get some lunch and the reason i'm half naked as you can probably imagine we're gonna go somewhere where we're gonna be outside i'll see you [Music] okay oh by the way i got a tattoo this is actually my second tattoo so i have another one i don't know if i ever showed it on camera i'm sure you've seen it in some clips but i have another one on my side so we just made it to the beach i feel like there was a couple things i wanted to talk about before we went out to the beach and had our subs i was just thinking about it as i was driving how full i get from a meal like i had this morning and how grateful i would have been over a year ago to know that that was going to be possible for me because i've been there i've been at the place where i feel like i could eat indefinitely and never feel full and after i had breakfast this morning i was like an 8 out of 10 full i was like oh man and i felt super full up until basically we picked up the subs my appetite and my hunger all of that like it still kind of shocks me that i've reached this point where my appetite and my hunger is the way it is now it feels so normal it feels like what i wanted it to feel like when i started this journey so it does make me really happy and i feel like i've come a really long way and something that i was talking to jeff about was that i went through so many different food phases and i wanted to bring it up in this video because the full day of eating at the beginning i ate so many potatoes and bananas i don't know why it was all that i wanted i feel like my cravings kind of swung all over the place so i went through like months of eating like tons of bananas and sweet potatoes and potatoes and then it kind of swung to another direction i ate veggie burgers i eat one every single day so along with my oatmeal i had veggie burgers every day and then i will never forget this because during the lockdown i think i ate almost exclusively oatmeal and cereal like that was all that i i and i was totally content with just eating oatmeal and cereal i ate that for like four months straight and then like it has recently swung to everything with avocado on it i'm sure you've noticed in recent videos and if you if you follow me on instagram story avocado is my apparently my newer obsession i go through like all these food craving phases and it's just been interesting to experiment with where what my body is craving at different phases of my journey i don't really have any explanation for it other than it's an interesting observation that i thought i would talk about um but yeah sub time now oh yeah oh yeah [Music] i got the italian five grain bread which is like arguably the best bread but all of their bread and their bakery is really good turkey white american cheese mustard and like every veggie because i love me some veggies cucumbers lettuce tomatoes pickles i don't know all sorts of stuff oh banana peppers jeff over here i have to get started yeah he's hungry it's the same kind of thing but okay there's a hair why i wore lip gloss to the beaches the worst idea how to get a photo jeff helped me here photographer jeff cheers [Music] don't live around here [Music] okay sub 10 out of 10 delicious what do you think it was really good always always delivers but got something else oh yeah oh buddy have you guys seen these yet oh my god my nails match so when i saw these in the store i was like this is literally me in an oreo strawberry doughnut and it has glitter almost already we're going to give these a try stephanie review right now smells good oh my god does smell like a donut oh man all right we got to turn it to both of us we're both gonna give it a try there's like two layers i guess like that brown layer is supposed to be like the dough of the donut and then the pink is the filling or the frosting sorry and there's glitter that's cool kind of see the glitter oh it's coming apart so let's see if i can i guess that's the glitter golden oreo cookies are i like them better than chocolate for me anything with the golden oreo it's probably gonna get a really good rating all right i'm ready i'm ready cheers [Music] that's super good that's really good i actually think that they nailed the strawberry frosting of a donut think of the frosting of a dunkin donuts donut and just taking the frosting and putting it inside an oreo it's a little bit melted because they were in my car they are good though took me a second to register that's pretty good okay so i am back all cleaned up from the beach and there was something in the car that i wanted to talk to you guys about that i completely forgot i was trying to think of it when i was talking about all of my cravings and everything i was like oh there's something else i want to talk about and i just remembered what it is okay i have this hypothesis slash theory about extreme hunger and at least how i think it worked and applied towards me personally i don't have any like scientific data to support anything that i'm saying i'm just i have like a half baked virgin theory about this i have this theory that extreme hunger is made up of two main components mental hunger and physical hunger and i had to kind of defeat both of those for me to overcome extreme hunger like there's two parts of the equation feel like it was a stepwise process i had to overcome my mental hunger first before my body was capable of overcoming physical hunger like extreme physical hunger of course everyone has physical hunger all the time but i mean like super high levels of it like i had when i had extreme hunger the mental hunger component which if you're not familiar with mental hunger i feel like a good i don't know definition or description of it it's basically when you want food and you're thinking about food all the time even when you're not physically hungry like you could just have eaten a meal and still want more and not ever feel fully satisfied because you have mental hunger and that was really really really high for me at the beginning of my all-in journey and once i kind of satisfied that because i allowed myself to eat when i had mental hunger even when i was not physically hungry i was able to decrease it and eventually eliminate it and by the time i kind of got rid of my mental hunger i still had lingering very high levels of physical hunger but i had to get that out of the way first before i could move on to the second part of the equation which was the physical hunger part and that eventually did decrease as you guys know as well i had half a sub half of it and i was full i'm still feeling full it's been like a couple hours since i ate that i'm telling you i'm telling you something [Music] noodles [Music] oh i have to sneak in some help before i forget just a little bit too much help we're not trying to show off limited tolerance for help it's gonna i think it's good yeah college taught me how to make pasta by the end of this we're gonna have no noodles left dang it speak anytime that was easy [Music] taste test ready i'm ready bit of this bit of that let's see what we're working with [Music] okay it's too much mushrooms you can eat it that's good thank you it's pretty good dinner is pasta we are having large elbows because apparently regular elbows weren't enough i don't know why i got large elbows they look better in the box so the spaghetti sauce has turkey ground turkey in it it has mushrooms a little bit of spinach not too much and i also cooked it with sauteed onions red onions topped with parmesan cheese fancy stuff i'm not super hungry which is kind of crazy oh that's good that's delicious got some spinach when i make pasta for myself and i'm not trying to like make it more edible for jeff i don't do anything fancy i literally just put ground turkey in it and that's it it looks like i'm eating alone do you want me to come over there you want to keep me comfy i actually want more cheese i'll take a bit more hit me whoa i'm eating dinner with jeff's knee bruh this is on your lap so you want me for compensation it does create a better composition if you're in the shop room temperature cheese is the only reason that it's good i'm just saying it just takes it up a notch [Music] okay guys i'm gonna be honest with you i had something planned for dessert and i am too full like this is a whole new version of stephanie where she doesn't have room for dessert like i don't even know what to say some days i have dessert after dinner i have something sweet before i go to bed some days i don't pasta is very filling no dessert for me tonight i feel like i'm just ready to wash my face and go to bed so that's going to conclude this video i really hope that you liked it uh let me know if you like full day of eating videos down below of course i love to hear your feedback i always appreciate it and subscribe if you happen to be new i would love to have you and i will see you in a video very soon i love you guys [Music] bye you
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 799,443
Rating: 4.9622765 out of 5
Keywords: science, fitness, stephanie buttermore, health, womens health, gaining weight, weight gain, hunger, always hungry, how to fix hunger, metabolism, how to increase your metabolism, nutrition, stephanie buttermore all in, fat gain, what i eat in a day, full day of eating, stephanie buttermore what i eat in a day, intuitive eating, what i eat in a day realistic, intuitive eating what i eat in a day, pescience, avocado toast, pasta, sub sandwich
Id: Muz-eKI_jFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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