Trainer GAINS 53 Pounds in 4 MONTHS! - Fit to Fat to Fit (S1, E1) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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here you go this is what i ordered for lunch  today there's just goodness right there oh look at that dude that's just calories  written all over it oh look at that just so ugly i didn't wear a belt anymore look at that barely  hanging on with dear life it's been exhausting and   it's taken a toll on me emotionally  physically it's starting to hang i've been fit   it's just been very very difficult i don't know  who that is i don't know who that reflection is   it's definitely not me just doesn't match who i am   millions of us are overweight we turn to experts  for advice on how to get from fat to fit but the   experts don't understand because they've never  been fat i'm drew manning as a personal trainer i   failed again and again to help my heaviest clients  get fit eventually i realized the problem was me so i went on a journey to  discover what it's like to be fat   i've gained 75 pounds i developed a fatty  liver and the kidneys of an alcoholic   getting fit again was the hardest thing  i've ever done but it made me a better man now trainers from across the country  are participating in the most extreme   weight loss experiment ever they're trying  to gain as much weight as they can and then   lose it with their clients it's a journey  that can change both their lives forever uh my name is alexander dela cruz i've been a  dietitian and a trainer for a little over 17 years exercise is definitely a high for me and  for everyone who experiences a proper pump   it's a euphoric feeling i believe  strongly that i'm the best trainer in la   when you hire me as a trainer  you are buying a new life a transformation yeah you want to get that there  you go i would like to show the world getting fit   is easy and staying lean and ripped  this experiment will just open up   people's eyes you know get shredded  look great that's what it's all about i'm gonna go ahead and look at this video  for jeff danker who's looking to lose weight   my name is jeff danker i am 28 years old i  live in los angeles california i am the senior   environmental policy advisor for  the southern california gas company   i was in really good shape going into college  i was coming fresh off you know playing high   school basketball it just happened i'm  sitting all day and eating too much   i i enjoy food i love food smoked brisket  over here we've got the pulled pork over here   i'm definitely a foodie ice cream i'm a big fan  of ice cream a lot of meat i'm really into all   sorts of different asian foods i love sushi i love  fish whatever's on the plate i'm gonna finish that   i tell myself you know do whatever you want you're  young you're a kid so this is me with my shirt off   uh so what what am i not thrilled about  uh i guess short answer is is everything   i'm engaged to my beautiful fiance catherine  i want to lose 75 pounds 100 pounds   i want to be sexy and beautiful for my life jeff  never really tells me any of the problems that   he has with his weight he knows that i worry a  lot and that i don't think he wants to burden me   but his health there is no sense of urgency i  don't want to see him have you know health issues   i want him to enjoy you know being outdoors and  being athletic but it's not going to come by   magic he's going to have to work at it what mom  or dad doesn't want their child to live to be   99 years old and have a great life for as long as  possible i can't really see my future without him   i don't know i can emotionally think about it alex will be adopting the diet and lifestyle  of his client it'll be a radical change for   him so right now i'm going to meet jeff  for the first time and he doesn't know   that i'm going to be gaining a lot  of weight in the next four months   i think he's gonna realize like how devoted i  really am to helping him jeff is like the majority   of americans they're overweight because they  just don't care obese people do lack discipline   it frustrates me because it's extremely selfish  it's irresponsible to be obese i absolutely feel   the judgment of the skinny world you can kind  of feel it you can kind of like oh this dip   doesn't even know how to be healthy or how to  take care of himself my biggest fear dealing   with the trainer is just that he's going to be an  [ __ ] and he's going to be terrible to work with i have never worked with a personal trainer  before i am a little worried that he's not   going to fully understand where i'm coming  from and what it's like to be overweight jeff hi how are you hello alex you must  be alex nice to meet you man thank you man let's come over here and let's chat okay  eating has always been um my first and   second and third criteria are always does it  taste good i've never had like a strict diet   eating healthy going to the  gym not drinking so much   um this is like becoming an adult so so it sounds  like you're scared of growing up is that correct i honestly do not think jeff understands the risks  that he's in line for he needs a wake-up call   so i'm not gonna see you in about four months  i'm gonna be gaining weight in that four months   60 pounds i'm going to be destroying my body so  that we can go ahead and lose this weight together   do you want to gain 60 pounds like  do you want to you you need it i don't think he has the the vision inside  himself to see what's going on and you know   it's got to change we're going to get you on  that right road that's incredible sacrifice wow   show you that it can be done it needs to  be done i can't believe you're doing that   he's talking about gaining  a serious amount of weight   and in a short amount of time it sounds like  fun work but i'm a little surprised that he's   willing to go through so much uh just for my  benefit he's gonna be a hard guy to to change alex is beginning his fit to fat journey  he's going to adopt the diet and lifestyle   of his client jeff which means lots of eating  out and no exercise here we are about to enjoy   my first indulgent meal and no better place  than what jeff likes to eat which is barbecue   oh wow look at this i have to increase my fat load  and that's where i'll kind of splurge a little bit   that's how you do it that's how you eat it i'm gonna get the cheese topped it's pretty good  i can see how someone can get addicted to it 52 60 ounces of pork this is what  it's going to feel like to be heavy how are you doing i'm not going to  smell that spider your last fight   this is it alex currently weighs 165 pounds his  goal is to gain 60 pounds in the next four months   it won't be easy alex will need to  radically increase his caloric intake   and that may affect the way he feels mentally  physically and emotionally it's kicking in now   fitness is my greatest accomplishment it's hard  to let go of it but i have it in the back of my   head and in my heart that i'm doing this for the  right reason oh i can feel geez let me just wobble here's a little bit of where i'm at right  now you can see my stomach's gone abs are   just washed out and washed out well their top two  bottoms are really barely there you can see that you can see the pinch you can see the pinch  in the first two weeks alex gained 14 pounds   it's been fun but with 46 more pounds to gain it's  hard to predict how the weight will affect him   here you go this is what i ordered for  lunch today add some french fries in there   i'm eating about 10 000 plus calories  a day fat carbohydrate combination   boom and there's apps on my phone that i've  learned now that i can order food from my bed   oh yeah come on who doesn't want that i just want  to pick up the phone in order it's more convenient   than walking 20 feet to my kitchen and making  an omelette or something to eat double bacon   chicken ranch look at that yum i have been going  out and being more social with people and enjoying   their energy i'm eating pizza i just have nachos  bam what what else is there to live it's bringing   me and my girlfriend closer well you're the  most beautiful woman she enjoys me being thicker some women enjoy this look it's not  too much cut cut cut interesting   189.5 my friends and the people that love me   they've all told me that they like me better this  way than it went than when i originally started a few box a day about five cups of milk like  i'm realizing that being fit and healthy is not   really cracked up to what they say it is the fit  people it seems like it's more of an obsession   and it seems like you take away  from the real essence of living i don't know if i want to go back to that life alex is ahead of schedule he's grown accustomed  to some new patterns that will be hard to break he's already gained about 40 pounds he only has  about 20 pounds to gain in the remaining weeks my heart has been beating like   a lot heavier and i've also and i also  received a few pains in my chest last   week where i had to take a minute and step back  and just stop for a moment and catch my breath you need to stop sooner than this  let me know definitely not gonna quit i know the conditions that  i'm facing this is your part   looking at it with the valves what i need to do  is continue forward and finish what i started i gotta gain five pounds a week to hit my  goal three and a half weeks out from the end   and i need about 15 pounds so you know five  pounds i'll probably put on a little bit more it's like 208 i'm definitely having  exercise withdrawals with lifting weights   i desperately need to work out i just want to work  out so bad i can feel my arms like going to crap   my body's dying i'm sure this is what happens in  jeff or in jeff's mind what he wants to do at work   i just want to kind of like relax i just don't have energy now just want to sleep i  feel like crap 90 percent of the day it's just my   moods are up and down my energy levels are erratic  very unstable me and my girlfriend mackenzie of we just we just fight a lot these days it doesn't  matter if it's doctor if i have a phd it doesn't   matter if you're related to nutrition i  never said if you're related to nutrition   you're just a trainer he is extremely  sensitive and he's admitted to that so this is make me feel like it's all my fault  then yeah i know it could be my fault   related to how i'm feeling and do you want us  to think you're being supportive huh do you i broke up with mckenzie i'm  taking in a lot of depression and   i thought she was going to be supportive  and she just thinks i'm the same person   as i used to be when before i  even started this journey and it's unfortunate because i'm not i just don't have  that support as much as i thought i did with her i i tried to eat this morning  just can't hold anything down people today mention at the gym that i'm really   heavy so you can see my shorts are  falling off like this that change being overweight being 200 plus pounds it's like  desperately bad i get frustrated just want to quit ah i've gained i don't know how much pounds  i probably about 55 pounds total my goal   my goal to establish was 225 i think i'm  going to be short about six or seven pounds in four months of eating alex gained 53 pounds  just a few pounds shy of his goal of 225   now he will experience trying to get fit  with a body that is 53 pounds heavier   i am pumped that i can at least go and  work out and i can start eating healthy   and rejuvenate my body get the ball going  and move beyond this and learn from it   today is the first day of our workout program  uh i haven't seen alex in a few months if alex   has put on 50 pounds um it's honestly gonna  show me that he cares that he's dedicated   uh that he that he really is passionate about uh  helping me achieve my you know both short-term   and long-term goals this is the big moment  he's gonna get here i'm gonna reveal my body   show him what i've been doing for the last four  months and all the damage i've caused to it hey what's up wow holy cow man good to see  you good to see you oh my god look at you   i know look at this you're like a legit fat  guy now you know not trying to offend you but   you're one of us now you know  like we're kind of twinsies   it's time it's time to put go back to work  it's time to bring the happy life back   time to get out of this rut all right right there  so what do we have we have 40. holy you know what   i'm normally guess what i'm normally 32 31 29  31. that is small okay 90 degrees right there   in the next four months alex will try to return  to a starting weight jeff's goal is to get down to   even 200 pounds alex will try to draw on his own  experience to help jeff lose an intimidating 83   pounds seems like such a massive huge number it's  a little terrifying but it's pretty exciting stuff so this is day two we're at the beach right now  we've got beautiful venice beach most of all the   exercises that we're going to do today is going  to be targeted for his cardiovascular system   so that when we're in the gym he won't have  a hard time breathing i would love to be able   to just nail out all these exercises and and  really kind of like wow him you know i just   i just want it to be a successful day all right  so let's start with jumping jacks ready let's go   i honestly think jeff is going to pretty much  fail at this obstacle and that's really the   the ultimate goal here is to push him to his  limits and see what he has inside of him go   push it back there you go come on come on come  on right here good good good jumping jacks go   look at that two three four sprint sprint push it  push it's all right get up get up finish it off   go go go push push push plan it plant it plant it  jumping jacks go go dude come on you're good come   on focus on it ten twelve you can use it after  this go go go push it jeff you're slowing down go   come on bring it home push push and  we're almost done buddy get the last   last jumping jacks turn around come on  don't stop don't put understand ready go go   last one go go go i'll know that i went  too far as if he starts to regurgitate   i'll probably slow down a little  bit i also check his heart   and monitor his heart pulse to make sure that he's  not exceeding anything over 180 beats per minute just get it out get it out dude just think of  greasy pizza don't lay in it come on get it   all out get all that bad there you go get it all  out good job you're gonna make your body change   jeff popped he just got a reality check  he realized how out of shape he is   couldn't control it still want that  lunch just let me be for a second   please yeah this is going to be a challenge a  lot harder than he thought it was going to be   mission accomplished welcome to getting fit  it's out with a bad and in with the good so   you're not gonna eat no more right exactly  remember this moment remember this moment   keep your arms out buddy like a starfish i didn't  think i would throw up you know i just uh you know   just happened my body is talking to me right  now it's saying you know how did how did it   get like this you know how did it how did it get  so bad so i'm going to go ahead and do the same   obstacle course as my client did and hopefully  it'll be inspirational for my client to see it   i think my prediction will be that  i can do about nine nine suicides getting back to optimal condition is  gonna be a piece of cake piece of cake get it there you go five more good job hey man you got it baby there you go there you go oh yeah hands up high there you go my legs cramped it  looks like he really has not been exercising   it looks like he's going to struggle these first  couple weeks and months with me and that you know   selfishly that's kind of cool like i'm kind of  glad we're we're going at it together my muscles   haven't been utilized in so long i  want to see you puke normally what   i can do is probably about nine of  those i only did it once like jeff i haven't felt this feeling in a long time dude feel a little different than four months ago   a little that's embarrassing for me it's  it's insulting for me it's not good enough so i just arrived at jeff's house before i  finalize his meal plan i have a few questions that   need to be answered and some of those questions  are related to some red flags that came up on   his blood work the first thing is when we were  training today the energy just ran out and you   were starting to get lethargic feeling that right  there my friend is going to be your glucose levels   at 121 you're approaching pre-diabetic stage  diabetic is not a joke you're gonna have to take   insulin shots you will even you'll even become  more obese so you want to stay away from that   the second thing i want to go over ldl  cholesterol is a hundred and eighty   you're peaking very high that'll  equal a heart attack okay it's it's   kind of relieving i know that it sounds bad  but it's kind of relieving that i'm kind of   i got that cusp i'm not completely on the  red line of like you will die in the next   week or two you know how do you know that  i don't know that i i just saw the charge   i saw the chart i'm in the like almost danger  zone and that's what i'm saying that the time   is right you're in the town you're right now  in bad going into very bad that's the danger   zone i think i came at this a little naive that  i thought i was just kind of a little pudgy and   and if i if i worked out three times a week and  you know it would be cute for my wedding photos   and stuff like that but to to get some blood work  dumped on me and to kind of throw some health   realities into the mix it definitely made  it uh very real i'm telling you right now   this is something that you can't play with i i  am scared if i showed that to my mother what how   she would react i mean think about it it would be  horrifying for your mother to bury her son right   so we can change that now okay we can stop it  and we can go on to a better life this should   be your challenge to be not the gym this right  here needs to get better or you're gonna lead   to a fatality understand that all right i'm not  super optimistic right now about how this is going   i feel less optimistic today than i did  yesterday this was pretty low day for me no lies today's workout's gonna be both of us okay  all right so everything you do i'm gonna do   cool all right so no i'm not advanced  more than you as you can saw at the   beach i only did one set two and  you only did one set right so we're   equal okay so understand we're not gonna make  excuses we're gonna push through it together   if i start to you know fall back push me man  of course all right i don't wanna be hypocrite   you know what i mean so sure i'll push you in  the same direction okay cool two one get it how much time buddy about halfway through you got it dude you got this it's very challenging  for me to get back into becoming fit 15 seconds good job man it's emotionally hard for me to  accept that i've taken my body from this optimal   condition to starting over there you go keep that  form point doing well jeff higher up higher up   push push push good time out walk off walk don't  stop that was like the beach he threw up that way   i do have some concerns but i am committed  i do want to try to make this all work three six damn good job man i see the the struggle to lose weight   see i'm pushing beyond it the work  involved especially the psychological work i look at it now and i know like those  challenges that people face find your focus we're doing this for a reason keep going push  push push push reason is to save jeff's life   if i failed and i put my heart body and soul into  it i really couldn't look at myself the right way   in the mirror anymore it's all right remember  those moments all right so when we go a little   bit further you're gonna feel more confident yeah  good job though good effort good workout today do you get yeah wash no my car needs a watch  you want to wash it you're just parking   a good client is washing your trains you kidding  me at the beginning of their fat to fit journey   alex and jeff learned that their  fitness levels were not that far apart   jeff started his journey weighing 283 pounds in  the next four months he needs to lose 83 pounds   to reach his goal alex will need to lose  53 pounds to return to his starting wood so 273 so about 10 pounds in a week 206.4 so you right on the money you lost 14 pounds  in a week yep good push don't focus on racing   good good job push push push push push when i  first met him he thought it was going to be you   know really simple it was going to be like cut  and paste and now he's starting to realize that   this is a whole different way of living he wants  me to have almost like a cup of eggs and kale   my entire salad's already there everything i  need is so good i have to admit that i have   skipped that one a few times cookie dough way  cookie dough away makes those waffles taste like   like what are they graham crackers  just bomb dude they're just so bomb   if you've never had a real  pancake or waffle it's pretty good that's not bad good morning sir good morning  how are you doing good good good   good good tired 261. 25 pounds yes good job  high five 200.2 so is it 201 pretty close there you go we've established  that trust together and he sees   the power of nutrition he  sees the power of training and he's losing the weight now i  have his complete trust this is jeff   one of my clients he's down 370  pounds right now started at 610. 30 seconds i was at a wedding this  weekend i did not cheat on my diet   i was sending pictures of everything to alex  throughout this is my progress at the gym   where you expect it to be above and beyond  really yeah i've gone five weeks without   red meat i grew up in kansas dude like we have  red meat like twice a day you know very important it feels good to be able to push through and  go past my my failure point or my maximum point   so that that's good and i need to keep  reminding myself because i'm kind of a   realist pessimist kind of leaning guy so i need  to kind of give myself some uh optimism and some   you know positive feedback i went to work today  to work out for two and a half hours i had four   trainers come up to me and tell me like you look  like you're leaning out already so that was a   good sign it was very motivational like a normal  feel more alive i feel energetic i'm very happy   she's so beautiful look how beautiful  you are me and mackenzie work things out   we've um came to an understanding that  we both just need to communicate better   i'm really happy about that good movement  focus on breathing jeff good job bro it's tough for me when you talk about  physical progress especially on my   body because i don't know when i look in the  mirror i still see a lot of problems and it's   it's it's kind of like a constant reality check come on let your weight down go up all the way  pull pull pull i'm still not you know thrilled   with my mid section you know i still have  a big chest i still have a rounded stomach   you know i still have love  handles and all that stuff i can't do this dude i think he's definitely lost inches just doesn't  see the weight loss that i see i just think he's   getting frustrated with the journey of weight loss  i've seen it with my own experience with other   clients he sees himself as how he originally  started he's never it's not good enough i'm going to talk to jeff to reveal his blood  work and let him know where he's sitting now today   right now it's too much attention  on physique he still has that   perfect frame or that perfect body in his  mind his confidence is just gonna hover jeff are you satisfied with your body no i'm  not satisfied with my body what do you not like   just like the average person you look at is in  pretty good shape or in better shape than i am   and like i noticed that you know it's like you  just driving home i saw like 30 people standing   at the bus stop i didn't see one that i would  consider out of shape it just feels embarrassing   and terrible oh my god like i have such a long  ways to go like i feel like i've done so much but   you know you still look like crap you  know the average person you're still   not in shape and so um i i get a little  discouraged i get a little down on myself   i told you from day one never look at the mirror  stop looking at the mirror stop i don't like and   i say when we train i say who cares about it it's  not about that like i think personally you have   too much focus on your physical form but isn't  that crazy coming from someone who's whose life   comes from getting clients who  concerned about their physical body   isn't that weird it's a little so crazy  yeah so i'm telling you that though i realized during this experiment physique   it means nothing gaining the weight has  made me really appreciate my overall health let's look at your old blood when i first met  you i told you the first thing i noticed was   your cholesterol levels were through the rough  today you're at 114 down like 50 points in two   months okay it's dropped significantly your  glucose serum was really high approaching   pre-diabetic state glucose today 78. glucose  78-78 is almost pristine a complete remake   some of my health stuff is getting improved you  know i'm feeling healthier i'm feeling lighter   i'm feeling springier um super stoked on that  you've seen your blood work change drastically   i want to let you know that it can go right back  drastically instantly all right it's up to you alex has reached the end of his journey in  the first four months he gained 53 pounds   i don't know who that is he spent the last four  months trying to get back to his original weight   of 165. it's been a brutal eight months with  a lot of new challenges man i busted my ass i   dieted hard i trained hard i just kept my  eye on the prize and good things happen i just feel like reborn ready to take on the world all right look at that right on the money alex lost the weight but his real goal was to  empower jeff to take charge of his own health today's graduation for jeff and right now i'm  headed to go meet jeff's family his friends   they haven't seen him and the last time  they remember what he looks like was obese   i think they're gonna flip out when they see him hi good to see you guys i'm joanne i'm jeff's mom i'm george  i'm jeff stan nice to meet you man   i'm excited to see jeff there's a five in the air   and there's there's uh some electricity i  am anxious to see that if you recognize him eight months ago jeff didn't eat well he  didn't train he didn't know how to run properly jeff just really didn't have an appreciation  towards fitness or anything related to health i'm a little nervous to see my family and  friends just because you know i don't want to   let anyone down but i'm honestly more excited  than nervous i think jeff's all here i know   everyone's excited to see him i am too every time  i see him i'm excited it's just like such a great success wow i'm just terribly terribly proud of him it's  just when you see your own your own child   do something so tremendous it's overwhelming he's needed to take control of his weight  and control of his lifestyle and so   this is yeah this has been a big growing up  moment not just for him but for both of us   george the transformation is it's  astonishing i didn't recognize him   when he walked when he walked  through the door doesn't he look tall muscle show your muscles show your i'm muscles i feel awesome i feel really fantastic  alex is great i couldn't have done this without   him and i'm so thankful that he was there by  my side the entire time you destroyed yourself   for me you know like you gained all  this weight and you did it for me and   and that's really cool and uh i'll never  forget this thank you man i appreciate it this experience has made me a better dietitian  and personal trainer now that i've experienced   more of the psychological trouble that  people face i can sympathize more with   my clients showing more empathy caring for  individuals more i feel satisfied in life   what's going on what's up all right jeff what's  your goal weight so i want to hit 200 pounds   i think i'm close i think you're really close 195 oh my god damn this time yeah jeff  met his goal of getting down to 200 pounds   plus he lost an additional five pounds for a  total weight loss of 88 pounds in four months i had a goal out there and i went out and did it it is kind of like a second chance to  sustain a healthy life all right let's   go it makes me think back to when i was  in high school and i was really active   yes now that i'm fit i'm not going to make excuses  i'm going to do all the things i want to do   shot you almost made that i'm going to marry  my fiance i honestly want to help others   to show them that i could do it  there we go i think anyone can be   successful 10-0 damn game point i think this  will always be with me for the rest of my life he's retiring retiring hold on man you
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 350,803
Rating: 4.9544048 out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime full episodes, fit to fat to fit, fit 2 fat 2 fit, personal fitness, weight loss, personal trainer, weight gain, experiment, losing weight, obesity, workout, working out, season 1, episode 1, alex, geoff, fallon, jd, Fit to Fat to Fit season 1 episode 1, Fit to Fat to Fit 1x1, Fit to Fat to Fit season 01, Fit to Fat to Fit s1 e1, watch Fit to Fat to Fit clips, Fit to Fat to Fit new clips, Fit to Fat to Fit clips, Fit to Fat to Fit full eps
Id: Hvt8Pwwp5iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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