Night of Horrors - Exploring Baltimore's Creepy Children's Asylum at 3AM

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no no no the door dis over by itself am I gonna tie my lighter do you think  you should wait definitely give it up built in 1880 by architect Charles Baker and  later purchased by Alfred Gundry the Gundry   sanitarium was initially used as a private  facility for the care of women who required   treatment and rest away from home it operated  as such until its closure in 1997 where it   exchanged ownership with the local church and  was converted into a psychiatric facility for   children this new life was short-lived however  after several reports of abuse and mistreatment   of patients led to an official investigation of  the facility following its closure in early 2000   the property was soon after claimed by the city  and has sat abandoned and decaying ever since   join us as we explore what was left behind what  are you looking for Dan way into that building oh yeah here's a big bowl there probably get   in through there but I don't  think you can really get out some of their really uh yeah they  busted that opened and this places hold that's pretty sweet fireplace  yeah there's a bunch of our greatest concern upon entering the  building wasn't getting caught by people   from the outside but rather the homeless  rumored to inhabit the inside who have   been known to chase out explorers with various  blunt objects yeah what did you see someone did we're just taking pictures there's somebody walking on stage they have light with them or something Chestnut Street Philadelphia  you know all that is that's   from me it's from the 19th century that in there none of us believed in ghosts but this location  was listed as one of Baltimore's most haunted   so we ended up setting up a few paranormal  trinkets dan had just for fun it's really   interesting just to see all this stuff yeah  no worries I mean we haven't even explored   all down here it looks like would have  been sliding doors stuck now this would   have probably been like the kitchen you can see  the exhaust before the stoves would have been some plates and stuff still inside bathroom here this place is creepy at night outside you can hear the rain droplets you can see how the roof is starting to decay and  some of the older parts of the building we will do   crown molding and gilding into the basement here  Starla's nice wooden banister decoration it's like   we're in there no down there there's so much black  mold well thank you it's like a dungeon in here some chicken wire gates where they would have  had a storage closets a little paint resellers here's that room of Christmas decorations that   Jane was talking about I think  he went back upstairs holy some blankets and stuff look at the old pipe work there's an interesting find in here and it's fresh  like call it smells yeah work on the floor oh is   that a cat yeah it's fresh oh my oh I wonder it  just came in here probably got trapped so it's   some window over there no oh reeks though yeah  I didn't notice it first I was walking around   it and I was like it smells like fish in here  and I couldn't I thought maybe there was just   like left over on the ground and they damn  I own this mmm I thought it was just like a   piece of clothing I mean it looks like a piece of  clue that cats fresh though like it's yeah oh it   smells fresh and it hasn't started decomposing or  anything poor guy okay I spent too long in here   cuz the black mold is just almost unbearable  as you can see this room is really decayed papers here these are religious songs come to the Grove these are all  like religious papers stores just   right well I thought I would hold open  but it's not rusted just closes right   behind you because the weight of it this  probably would've been the main heating   and furnace no power and I could guess as  much look at the old piping and gauges here I think there's a maintenance date Oh  9 2009 that's her newest date at least   maybe the property was closed and there's an  inspection or something and you can see the   roof is actually coming apart and you can  see the the slats the wooden slats chairs looks like an old wood-burning fireplace  or something actually that's a slanted   I don't want it maybe to drop wood or  something in to collect like charcoal   looks like there's some charcoal  in there actually I start all just   like yard tools there's supplies bags like  floor mats hm little storage cupboard here after hearing several questionable  noises coming from the upper floors   of the building we decided at best  to stick together while exploring at   least until we could be sure that we were  alone I love the wooden railings though this section heads up this is a stairwell up to  the next floor and there's a whole other wing   here it's a fake flowers everywhere do what  we can check out the other wing in a sec I'm   just I just want to get through these rooms if  that's okay but not like that now I closed the   I closed the wooden door breaded and closed  the white door does the white to remove on   its own no I mean maybe it was like what yeah  I was like wide open like that that's bizarre do you know anything about the history  of this place I know a lot of kids were   tortured here and that some kid got  thrown off the roof really like on   record yeah damn is that like a reason why  it shut down yeah yeah I know that much but   I don't know too much about it oh yeah this  looks like one of the main front rooms yeah yeah little shudders yeah that's awesome yeah Tim the woodworking here is insane I'm  just amazed at all the weight have you been   here before oh these little claws I hope we  don't run into anyone there's another this   fireplace looks like it's made of stone oh yeah  that's solid marble yeah that is variable pieces   though I think no this is one piece that's nice  though it's a very very rich building you can   see the original roofing - underneath the those  cheap tiles well this is a cool room they got   table couch dartboard foosball table this  looks like like somebody's personal rec room   but it was like a hangout spot like Italy  like there was like food and like plates   and stuff all like on the table and the tables  like in the middle the floor and the foosball   table we used to be over there damn well it  looks like somebody made quick work of that this wall looks like they ripped like the the  oh it was cracking and they probably just like   pulled the drywall or the plaster off yeah  it's just crumbled there and you can see the   old brick looks almost like they were looking  for something there cuz that's like look that   part's like broken up all right time to go  in the creepy wing here where we saw the   doors been moving around oh yeah sorry  my porcelain it's just solid like steel down this hallway more let's get another bathroom  all the wiring in the roofs come down it so this   these two bathrooms probably would have been for  like this probably been rooms for the children   in this wing here this is like storage with like  chicken wire fencing locks to keep them out the   old school knobs and locks hopefully there's  no one in here the asylum was constructed to   house 45 patients at any given time this 72  acre property consisted of a three building   complex including a physician's cottage  a servants quarters and the asylum itself so this is the third floor of  probably a couple more at least oh do they have like I guess this  was to prevent people from jumping   so suicide fencing right you had just  chicken wire stewart spin-dry me oh   this looks modern compared to the rest of the  place yeah oh that's creepy music dolls yeah go watch my head keep bumping my head  off the roof there's water heater in a   couple toilets and a mattress all could  you imagine somebody sleeping up here it's a glute look just a mattress there's like some sort of certificate business   house of time watches what's  this is a clock making company so broken window with this these  locking windows again this is oh   yeah Bible I guess maybe medical possibly  yeah because the floor is a low I don't   understand why the piping is yeah I  don't know it doesn't have utilities yeah it could have been like I don't  know yeah maybe doctor's office or   like a children's room or something  or like the testing room or something damn this upstairs with all  like the lead paint peel ease well what is this another staircase leading up  there's a skylight okay I'm gonna finish it this   wing now first get the tile I think this was a  bathroom for this floor various little papers   the writing I can't really make out though  looks just like people like kids or something oh this is that wonky stairwell that  we saw see it just a craps around I think these are all just  like closets and storage yeah I saw on the door there so stay out  our walls looks like they got some sort   of string here this probably just would have  been yeah somebody's room these people were   relatively tall because you can see that  it's in crayon drawings here and on the   wall there and then there's a sticker  that says you have a friend of Jesus yeah there's lots of drawings on on the  floors and the walls here with Crayola after exploring the outpatients wing I  began to hear strange sound coming from   the pink bathroom I had searched only  moments ago at first I mistook it for   a toilet flushing but then I went on  to investigate the true source of the   sound from this point forward in the explore  things only continued to get progressively   more weird oh do you hear that it sounds  like one of the toilets is going off yeah oh no it's a timer what did you wind up this timer that was the for jacuzzi it says right there  there's the instructions did you wind up the   thing for the jacuzzi this thing was going off  right here this this was well no because this   was wound up and is making a noise like that  yeah yeah that was some no I didn't wind up in the walls yet if you watch this  video there's like people walking   through the walls like new joke he was  like I think people living inside the   walls or something yeah well somebody wound  up the jacuzzi there or that Jacuzzi timer that is too creepy I'll just lead out on the roof oh this  is too cool look I trust these boards   there Oh careful and this reminds  me of the uplands Ranch in here be careful the lights though well that was the skylight  that leads down into there having explored the entirety of the sanitarium  we made our way back down to the foyer where we   told Dan what had happened with the doors in  the timer the events intrigued him enough to   want to check out the upstairs for himself  it wasn't long after that we made another   disturbing discovery you said you found another  dead cat oh yeah that's the only way into this   section no no that's one that door just opened by  itself that door that door just opened by itself   one thing I didn't notice about this door no it  locks from the outside open by itself dan I'm   standing right there and it opened it opened  up and there's no wind up there like I swear   to God let's chill out we'll check it out in a  sec yeah don't worry don't worry well I'll go   first next time but yeah this door locks on hello  coming to hang out oh yeah doors wide open yeah like trying to try to close it I just saw  that door yeah the dolls moved around that   room over there yes what you got there they're  in different places and we're just there I don't   why are you did you not bring him out what then  look yeah you're getting big readings over here   Dan I wonder why yes I am dan dan those dolls  are in a completely different place from when   we last saw them see how it's over by the wall  now it was over by the closet before Oh pretty   sure I would have known if I kicked the doll I  mean I'm gonna have to review the footage but   I'm pretty sure that that doors moving though  so that's all so the place is haunted this last   clip sadly doesn't have audio but I thought it  would be a good include just because I had to   sit alone in the doll room in the dark while Dan  and Jayden went to go get something that Dan had   forgot downstairs in the foyer so what's the deal  with the Gundry sanitarium is it haunted either   people living in the walls murdering neighborhood  cats or is it just our imagination getting the   best of us I personally don't believe in ghosts  but I leave you with this footage to draw your   own conclusions on this creepy abandoned  children's asylum thank you for watching
Channel: Uncharted Travel
Views: 3,054,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned children's asylum, abandoned, abandoned mansion, haunted abandoned places, abandoned untouched, abandoned places baltimore, abandoned places, best abandoned places, abandoned maryland, abandoned baltimore, best abandoned mansion, abandoned sanitarium, abandoned insane asylum, This is Dan Bell, abandoned house, exploring haunted, exploring abandoned, haunted, psychiatric hospital, Urban Exploration (Hobby), paranormal, abandoned asylum near me, children's asylum, urbex
Id: i6lHYz3QlRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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