House Is So Haunted It Scared OFF A WITCH

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oh oh my god did you do that no bro [Music] oh right fam it's been a long time so i've been extremely terrified to to do a video now my mom told me about this place ages ago it's owned by our family i'm going to tell you a little bit more of the history and i'll tell you i've told carlos and filled him in a little bit but our friend franco was looking for some new places to film and i suggested this place since we have access to it and a lot of crazy things happened while he was here i think he may have caught an actual ghost on camera this is the house right here is carlos's first time it was my first time coming to this home there it is right there it doesn't look like much doesn't look like your average haunted house but it 100 is we're doing a little work here and i hear that some of the workers got spooked and decided not to come back so we're gonna go ahead and go inside of the home i'm gonna explain to you some of the story too of you know the hauntings that have happened here and what i've heard and based off of frank's accounts here and you know i encourage you go watch that video i'm gonna leave a link down below for you to watch it on your own i just i did share a small clip but he he caught quite a bit of activity here and i think we are too i think these kind of spirits feed off of fear too and we are going in scared so what the evidence that frank got yeah i'm kind of scared one thing that he encouraged me to do i brought a second camera and it does night vision he kind of does this on a lot of his investigations is he'll leave a camera stationary so i'm going to bring in my night vision camera and i'm going to have it rolling the entire night that we are investigating we're going to be here for several hours into the night it's going to be great make sure to smash that like button if you haven't already [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready yeah man i'm ready i'm excited i'm excited and nervous at the same time before we get into today's adventure i want to give a massive shout out to private internet access for sponsoring today's video not long ago i traveled to cuba and i wasn't able to access certain websites because there were censorship restrictions and it was painfully annoying private internet access can keep your ip address private and change your location so wherever you go there are no restrictions giving you a complete internet experience ever have your private information compromised i have it's not fun and not having a vpn puts you at greater risk of having your identity stolen from hackers now because of our current situation with this virus many folks are home using the internet like never before and a lot of us including myself are working from home giving hackers even more of an opportunity to strike while i'm at home during this quarantine i'm streaming movies downloading content working playing online and i know many of you are too having a reliable vpn like private internet access makes it easier and safer to do 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you get protected as a special thanks to my viewers private internet access is hooking you up with 76 percent off and two free months when you download the app using my link down below in the description get protected online go download it now using my link below let's get back to the video [Applause] so here is my my other camera did bring that along i haven't been here in a long time oh man wow it's so sad this house was so nice before oh they did do some uh yeah look you can see all the floors are all been replaced wow i wonder if this is the broom that he was telling us about he said a broom had fell in front of him and i think he caught it on camera but you know i mean we're in florida a lot of these homes settle this is an old home there's a possibility that something might be stationary for a little bit and maybe from the house moving especially like the wood floors like this yeah you know maybe it fell just from him walking around i don't know there's a hole right there oh that's the hole that's the one hole that i heard of the so imagine all these holes throughout the entire house i mean i'm talking about everything was full of holes all this wood is all new look there's another hole right there oh yeah they didn't replace that well these are new he gets up yeah he's all new for him it's really sad i did some vlogs here in this house it's right on the water it's kind of creepy but this place was so nice i smell something weird it smells like something's dead but but not really i don't know it's a strange smoke kind of way i'm thankful that we're not seeing it but i i wish that we could have seen some of the stuff that the workers pulled out of here yeah that would have been interesting it was like birds with blood on them and chickens with their heads cut off look here's some of the furniture that was this was a vacation house at one point yeah man what a shame i believe it's two bedrooms real quick oh look at that big telescope really terrible right here they really throw it before right here yeah this was this was full of holes too damn look at that knife yeah no so floor all that beat up holes everywhere hey look there's a tripod oh bro that door just opened up right in front of me right now come on hello hey hello did you just close it all the way or not i mean maybe maybe that's what happened was it mean they closed the door was it you i can't remember i remember okay maybe we didn't close it all the way all right i'm gonna lock the door [Music] there you are when i say behind there wow it smells really bad oh okay so oh look at this some freeze pops i wonder if these are still good [Music] turn on some extra lighting there so let's talk about some of the history here because i didn't get to share that with you this home was occupied by a real living witch now the problem with this witch is and i've mentioned this before there's some witches that they know what they're doing and there's some that they don't know what they're doing i'm pretty sure she knew what she was doing because she cursed this place but at the same time i think that she kind of lost her mind in the process and she ended up making this house so accompanied by demons or whatever would whatever was in here did you hear that i kind of heard that it was like a whisper or something so from what i was told is that this house became so crazy with activity that the witch and her family ended up leaving and yeah she was here she had kids she had a husband but she ended up losing her mind now i'm not sure if i mentioned this already but i was mentioning this in carlos's video she started putting holes in the in the floor because she thought that something was attacking her from hell in the floor you know i mean i don't know if maybe she thought it was an animal there but she she legit felt that the spirits were underneath the floor so that's why she started i don't know if she was using a sledgehammer or a hammer or what i don't know what she used to make all these holes but this place was covered in holes i've never seen anything like that in my entire life somebody just knocked on the door all right i'm going outside i'm gonna check this out i'll be right back i'm gonna set up my camera all right my other camera and i'm gonna leave it recording okay no problem oh bro what was that that door just moved okay hello hello all right i'm gonna i'm gonna check out the outside double little seven dude something just tapped underneath the floorboard it almost felt like there was an animal under me okay i'm definitely gonna go outside take my flashlight with me wait hang on what if there's something under here i don't know let me know if you guys see anything what the what was that bro did you just hear that it came from down here [Applause] oh okay bro that sounded like a cat yeah i sound like a cat okay that was a cat yo i'm scared bro this house is legit like no it's it's freaking nuts right now forgiving what's going on all around us wait what do you think oh did you eat it no bro i'm freaking out right now hearing it all around me there's a lot of noises happening all around us those noises underneath us and there was noises sure when that door moved this door over here see bro see there's somebody out there there's somebody out there oh dude how did that door open i locked it all right i locked that door back i'm gonna just set up the camera it's in ir right now it's possible there could be some animals in here you think i mean it is elevated house so it could be so you said that you saw more holes yeah there's more holes there's one right here and then it goes to this bedroom right here look at this big this is the master this is exactly what she's sleeping right yeah oh could you imagine like she's sleeping next to her husband and probably thinks she's a complete nut job and she's just like banging on the on the floor like oh no there's pencil right there dude wow definitely this is a big old hole right here where this is able to do wood oh this one okay i thought you said you seen more holes [Music] i mean think about the size of the hole they had to replace someone's fruit of the loom see if you see any like witchcraft stuff why are there rocks here you don't want to see that rocks why would there be rocks in the bathroom maybe they were maybe she was using that to throw on the brown tree branches what is this oh i thought it was gonna be like a painting or something interesting look we love our customers we sure do they they keep coming back for more holes more holes one thing i'm scared of is like falling through a hole yeah i know here i mean there was legit like there was holes everywhere yeah the next video that we do here we're gonna invite frank to come along i said we all all of us come and he has this really cool it's like a wonder box i've featured this before and i think it's the old south pittsburgh hospital and uh it was like the huff paranormal like wonder box but he has some it's not the wonder box but it's very it looks pretty cool when i saw it on video it is it's really cool and when he started using that thing this place started getting really active like just noises were all over all over the house i mean it you have to see that video i mean we've already caught a few things but i believe it was a cat i think she was doing like a rock magic or something like that because that's i mean for the turn on her and for her to go crazy like that i don't know anything about that stuff i mean like i'd rather just not dabble with things like that i mean i love ghost hunting i love using a spirit box one thing i will not use is a witch board aka the the ouija board ouija board i've never touched one i did when i was a teenager i never did it no you did without me because i didn't do it it was with eric's brother there's brother yeah he had one in his house i was just like kind of curious about it so we're gonna use this new app and it's it's by the same people that we're gonna use two different apps today there's links down below this particular app came out before the other one the original app that i'm always using in these videos and they're they're amazing there's a lot of spirit activity that that you catch with these apps so we're gonna use the first one so we're gonna use two different ones um this one i've never used before but i was told that it is just as amazing who's here with us [Music] mike you sound like mike hello all right how many spirits are here you good spirit or you're a bad spirit leave that's what sounds like believe me hello why are you here [Music] possessed why did they destroy this house were they having more with themselves or something this is a really good app it's picking up a lot likes picking up a real life so this has a bit of visual i don't know exactly what this is [Music] let's just say my name carlos that's what it sounds like what's here with us what was caught we want to talk to the dark figure that lives here singing bro i swear i just heard a giggle bomb nothing is allowed to follow his phone okay yeah i said yeah i don't want you following me no i don't want to follow me home either so this is the original app that i use carlos is going to kind of explore be careful yeah what's your name warning dude this said warning so this is this is my original app that i'm using right now [Music] okay that's the original one oh that said hi i said hi that didn't come from this he said hi bro you heard that did you pick that up i picked that up too i was just turning the camera towards myself who said hi demon it said this is where the witch would sleep what was it that was underneath the floorboard was it an animal or was it something from hell what was that what was that bro no i don't know man what if we just opened something up i don't know if we don't throw a portal on something like my head's starting to hurt right now [Music] i heard horn too there's something out there no no sorry that's footprint somebody's in here somebody's in here hello hello yo there's an animal or something if something's in here that camera caught it oh look the battery's about to die yep it is dude there's a lot of that was a fully charged battery on this provoke something and bring them with us because they were saying home here's the thing whenever you use those spirit boxes it's very important to say a prayer before and after because technically you're opening a door a portal so whatever i mean it could be good or good or bad in this case there's something badly there's something people here that it even scared somebody who was herself evil but maybe she wasn't evil maybe she was like a quote-unquote good witch and she started doing some things she didn't know she was doing i don't know i didn't know her motive the last house that i went to that was similar she was trying to get revenge on a lover on her husband and the husband's new wife her new girlfriend or whatever and it turned on her too ended up backfiring she ended up being in a crazy hospital so you got to be careful messing around with spirits and like what we do we're not provoking spirits or being very respectful and we are protected but some people they go in head first trying to do this trying to get answers to the other side and they end up getting into something that they don't want to get into and it ends up costing them it could cost you your soul too yeah where are those footprints the footsteps will come from man i don't know it could be from underneath the floorboard because i definitely heard something and i felt something underneath my foot yeah you said you felt like you got something to tap you over there what are these noises we're hearing right now [Music] i can't understand you [Music] what was that me who's me it's him where is him i said lawyer that's not what i said lawyer [Music] [Applause] what is that oh oh my god did you do that no bro [Applause] [Music] dude that door just freaking closed right in front of me bro there's nobody in here hold on hold on hold on don't put any cuts in this [Music] bro i just felt a really cold draft hit [Music] yo look at all these holes back here i don't even see those did you sleep bro did you just hear that no what is that i think we should close out you think so yeah we should come back okay i want to bring a psychic here you want to bring a psychic here yeah see if we're getting reading hey hello who are you i heard you hello oh dude there's something tapped on my foot right now i'm talk there are things underneath this this floorboard bro somebody's walking in here yo i'm scared is your vr going or no oh it turned off yeah my camera turned off foreign look the battery died oh it's in that area over there it's over there now there was something that like walked down this hallway too though it's that side of the house man it has to be the side of the house everything exactly i'm hearing things everywhere though wait is that the attic or where's that coming from bro do you hear that bro i just got chills look look that's an animal that has to be an animal whoa whoa okay okay that's enough that's enough that's enough all right we're leaving where are these that's not an animal that is not an animal bro i got super children now it sounds like there's something walking up on the hike now all right i'm gonna look at my footage from the night vision because there was a couple times we did walk away i'm not sure we're gonna catch i don't know this is probably one of the most active houses i've been in a long time let me know in the comments if you want to see us come back here can't say that this place let me down i wasn't really expecting that much activity in one place like this but the place has history a lot of history here a lot of bad juju a lot of bad things have been stirred up here and carlos and i got to experience it just like franco did too i'm gonna leave a link down below to his video be sure to check it out i'm thinking about inviting him to come back here and we were just talking amongst ourselves too about even coming here alone at one point maybe i'll just do just the infrared camera like a night vision almost like a lights out challenge here you're gonna come in the witching hour i have to yeah we both have to yeah at different times i think that's that's a great idea if you have any ideas i'm thinking about coming and and investigating this place a lot more maybe i'll bring the g team here maybe i'll bring hunting the dead and we can get to the bottom of what's happening here like why did they rip or put holes in the in the floorboard is it because they were feeling things on their feet like we were like you felt it too yeah i felt it no i definitely even looked down at one at one point or another and you were like dude what's up sounds like it was coming from the floor coming at us or something and we heard footsteps all around us we heard whispering i mean all i could think of is maybe it came from the ceiling or i don't know i don't even know what it was all right fam i'm gonna go ahead and let you go be sure to check out my friends links will be down below in the description as well as the apps that i use today check those out use them for yourself but please be mindful be careful say a prayer before and after gotta go for now before we leave [Music] [Music] you
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 1,423,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, witch house, haunted, scary, ghost caught on camera, strange figure caught on camera, real ghost caught on camera, demon caught on camera, omar gosh, real paranormal, scary videos, creepy videos, spooky videos, witch's house, girl ghost caught on camera
Id: GCW5wORX600
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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