Teachers, Who's the Most Clever Cheater You Ever Saw?

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teachers of reddit who's the most clever cheater you ever saw i wonder if my 10th grade history prof is a redditor well mr homer remember how you let us roll the dice the day before a big quiz to determine if we got to use a cheat sheet on the test well the reason the class always let me roll was because i had loaded eyes i would switch out while you weren't looking i died reading this i don't know why but this got my goat not a teacher but i'm going to tell my story anyways in ninth grade we had an english test that no one studied for the day of the teacher was sick she had written instructions on the board you may not use your phone neighbor or book i erase the word not as a funny stupid joke thinking the sub would say that's not right and tell us not to use our phone neighbor or book the sub walk through the door and it was mrs white so mrs white is a contender for oldest woman to ever live she is completely clueless you could tell her that school ended at 10 a.m today and she would pack up and go home she handed out our tests read the instructions on the board and said get to work no one questioned it we discussed and googled every question it would have been more clever if it was planned but it worked out well i'm discovering that the best way to cheat is to incapacitate the teacher and hope for an incompetent sub i am a teacher but i'd actually like to brag on myself in a high school government class i couldn't make the time to study for an exam i decided to go get a pack of those iron on pages you could run through your printer and added the entire study guide to a graphic design that i applied to a colored shirt i had my friend wear it to class the next day and sit in front of me prophet not a teacher but a kid in my class plagiarized his entire area research paper tennis pages he found one online and copied it word for word we had to submit it to this plagiarizing checking website so in order to avoid detection he changed all of the letter i s to the russian character i as it is almost identical and just looking at them you can't tell the difference so he passed the plagiarism test no one knew until like a year later when he bragged about it that website we used was notified about this cheat and they changed the algorithm or whatever so it wouldn't happen again btw the russian eye is probably ukrainian russian has cyrillic lettering not a teacher but i saw another student use it he engraved the equations into the pencil without breaking through the paint unless you were up close you'd never notice anything wrong with it we had really dark brown desks in my school if you wrote on them in pencil you could only really see it if the light hit the graphite at the right angle so i would just write spanish translations on my desk in pencil before a test in keyboard harmony class one student thought he was fooling me on a test by using a midi playback of another student's performance he moved his fingers over the keyboard pretending that he was actually doing the playing thinking that i wouldn't suspect since i was sitting in the front of the room listening unfortunately for him i recognize the other students playing immediately sight unseen computer networking ccna class through high school our teacher told us the final test was open note however the notes had to be in a notebook so he knew we didn't print them out i bought a spiral bound notebook and unthreaded the spiral put all the paper in my printer downloaded the textbook in pdf form copied every chapter summary into word and downloaded the handwriting font changed the font printed it out onto said paper and recreated the spiral back into the notebook done and done that actually sounds like more work than studying not a teacher but my old youth group minister told a story once that's just too good not to share he was in a spanish class and they were supposed to memorize a poem in spanish and recite it for the class he of course did not do this and when it came time for the recitation wasn't sure what to do luckily for him though one they had a substitute that day who spoke absolutely no spanish and two he was called to recite first as he was walking to the front of the classroom preparing for death he realized something he went to catholic school and they recited the hail mary in spanish every single day this genius went to the front of the room and recited the most passionate version of the hail mary possibly ever while the non-spanish-speaking substitute was none the wiser but the sub loved it and now everyone in the class now had to recite that instead of the poem they'd memorized some of the smart kids were so freaking pee i proctor a test on weekends we recently moved the test site to a new location where it's virtually impossible for the people taking it to see each other's papers but before this they would double up at long tables and we had to be very vigilant about wandering eyes at the old site there was one guy who thought he was fooling me with his quick head turns his fake stretching and his big yawns that he'd used to steal or glance at his deskmates paper normally i would have shut that down hard but this time i decided to let it go why well this test has two versions one is a version that you'd send to universities and colleges and the other is what you would send to a current or prospective employer to show your proficiency in this area these tests are completely 100 different not one single question is the same between them the cheater failed to notice that his desk mate was taking the other version of the test i wonder if he ever found out why he completely bombed the test or if he thought the guy he was cheating from was just really dumb when i was in junior history there was this group of four brothers that sat in the back and were let's just say not the most stellar of students our teacher suspected them of cheating so he made four different versions of the test all four of them had the same answers our teacher ratted them out to the entire class lol not a teacher but my high school health class had a system for cheating because our coach didn't give a single freak my school had mandatory health class everyone hated it and it was basically a pointless say no to drugs class our teacher cared just about as much as we did to the point that he took out his hearing aids any time he wasn't lecturing and we all figured out that he couldn't hear high pitched voices if you sat in the back so my class developed a system during tests if coach c took out his hearing aids then one of the spotters in the first row would tap a rhythm onto the desk then what was basically the council of kids that knew what the frick they were doing all sitting in the back row would figure out the answers get them to the girl with the highest pitched voice also in the back row and she would quietly announce them i'm all but positive that coach c knew what we were doing and just didn't care and that's why he was the best in middle geography social studies type class we had periodic tests where we would have to identify every country in a given continent we would be handed a blank map and each country would be numbered and then we'd get an answer sheet with numbers and lines corresponding to each country write the name of the country that matches each number on the map we had to keep taking the tests until we got them all correct simple system right i was really good at these tests until we got to africa which i just couldn't get down i got like a 70 the first try but again we had to keep retaking it until we got them all right i tried the honest way three times more and just can't get there so a friend of mine and i conjure up this complex plan to cheat the system i act like i'm super angry about not being able to get the answers right on the test on my fourth time and crumple up the map into a ball before handing in my answer sheet telling the teacher i know i didn't get them all right i brought a decoy crumpled up piece of paper and dropped that's in his waste paper basket we take the map home and dummy up an answer sheet that matches the one from class we look up all the countries and write in the names being sure to put a few incorrect and scribble them out and put the right answer the hardest part was transporting the phony answer sheet to school and then into the classroom without wrinkling it or folding it which would be a dead giveaway we did this by putting inside of our shirts taped to the back of our collars so they were flat against our backs halfway through we sit back and stare up at the ceiling and fold our arms behind the seats acting like we were stretching our backs and pull the sheets out deftly slide them in the place of the real answer sheet wait a few more minutes and turn them in to tl dr can't remember the difference between guinea bissau and equatorial guinea so devise an ethan hunt level plot to cheat on geography exam me during those tests please get australia please get australia those mechanical pencils with the twist out erasers just write what you need on the side of the erasers and pen twist the eraser back in erase the answers off the sides of the eraser when the test is done did this for some absurd physics formula we had to memorize as for ends we were allowed to listen to our own music on test days in religion class where we would usually have a memory test memorize a bible verse and a part of the lutheran catechism and over half the class recorded the memory on their ipods or some other form and would listen to it as they did their test everyone else would just make tiny pieces of paper and read from that by senior year there were maybe three people out of the entire class that did not cheat saint least once that's so obvious how did they not see that coming not a teacher but i was a student in spanish class and one of my classmates hid some index cards under his sleeves he was slick about it he finished the test first but didn't think twice about the cards being under his sleeves so he stood up and they all fell and he got caught it was the most hilarious thing that ever happened in that class i couldn't stop laughing at him so i got kicked out and had to retake the test after school lol one of my spanish teachers in high school was pretty clueless she would always stand in the hallway between class times one day she had the answer sheets to her test on her desk and someone wrote all the answers on the whiteboard after the test they just got up and erased them the teacher never noticed when i was in high school i was way ahead in math we were allowed to use graphing calculators and i finished early enough that i typed all the answers in my ti 83 and turned my test in for the first student i helped i held the calculator up just right so the person behind me could read the answers and just hit random arrow keys so the teacher would think i was playing a game i played tetris in that spaceship game a lot i then asked to go to the bathroom and drop the calculator at another desk came back and moved it to another i had forgot i did this until the start of the next school year's math class when i found them still on the screen when i started the calculator again the ti 83 were great we had a physics exam and it was the same exam from last semester so we all put the answers in our calculators teacher found out when the average was like 95 he made us do a university-level makeup exam and the average was like 40 how about this one my computer science prof had a number of programming assignments for us we were not supposed to share code prof announced that he had a special cheat detector program that he'd run on turned in assignments he went on about how it could tell if you just changed variable names or reordered a few statements my friends and i spent hours trying to think how to defeat the cdp which meant we had to deduce how it might work which meant we were thinking about algorithms and data structures on our own time prophecy you evil manipulative smug bastard i salute you he freaking taught you how to code by letting you cheat that's some freaking naruto tune in exams crap right there not a teacher but a tafe or calculus i taught a recitation and gave quizzes during it i normally didn't walk around but would sit at this elevated desk and sort of watch people since calculators weren't even allowed i wasn't too worried about the fourth quiz of the semester i caught a student cheating by having his notes on a small piece of paper and hiding it under his quiz while taking it what was clever about it was he always sat behind this very overweight girl on quiz days and by doing so my view of him and his desk were completely obstructed by her up mass can i just get credit in this thread for actually being a teacher to answer the question i had a student who broke an arm and needed to take the test electronically caught him live streaming his test twitch not a teacher but i had friend who would write things on top of her boobs she wore a v-neck and wood down at her chest to adjust her bra during the test i've heard that one before and if the teacher caught you assuming male they'd get in crap for looking at your boobs i remember a method where people would ask for answers to multiple choice three hits on wood would be question three two hits on metal would be the answer be comma 150 question midterm i was a p cheater usually i would finish all the questions i knew and memorize the questions i didn't know while i was waiting for class to finish i told the teacher i didn't finish and asked for extra time and said i was only available the next day i went home and memorized the answers and came back and aced the test another time i ignored my lip and stored the blood in my mouth then fake coughed and spat the blood on my test and went to the clinic i got a few extra days to study for that test much like 95 of this thread i'm not a teacher but in one of my old college math classes there was this muslim girl who cheated on the final by having headphones in underneath her hijab and shirt with the formulas and step-by-step procedures playing on her phone freaking brilliant a girl in my electrical theory class did this had bluetooth earphones and under her hair unfortunately the bluetooth wasn't connected when she started the playback and her voice announcing test answers was played for the whole room to hear priceless as a teacher i write on the side and post to a large writing site for feedback i use a pen name and don't have to worry about my more literate student as finding me for some reason middle schoolers are obsessed with learning about teachers in the real world go figure anyways they have a five-page long-term writing project due i get to one student let's call him bob turned in a 10-page work i first congratulated him on going above and beyond when he was usually lazy beyond words fast forward a few days and i'm grading papers what do i see but a copy of my own work college freshman year the composition professor was telling a story about how when he was in graduate school one of the other phd a candidate who was teaching a course caught a cheetah because he plagiarized her m.a thesis he didn't know that he plagiarized the instructor only because she got married and changed her name not a teacher but a fellow college student printed out his own label for the drink he normally brought to class like vitamin water or something with notes for the test we were taking in the ingredient section we had kids do this at my school but the idiots were so proud of themselves they stuck a photo of their masterpiece on instagram and put the school name in a hashtag the woman who runs our social media saw it pop up almost immediately not a teacher but me and a group of about 20 students came up with a system to cheat our online final exam in college the exam was 50 questions pulled from a 150 question pool to prevent this sort of cheating we ended up splitting into groups to find each answer quickly a lot of material to go through copying each question and answer into a shared google doc then updating the answer key if there was a discrepancy once the exam was turned in we even had system to identify question we knew for sure were right and ones that needed validation or were uncertain through our collaboration i don't think anyone got lower than a 95 percent in calculus class my senior year we had our midterm coming up and our teacher had to be away so the test was administered by a sub perfect opportunity the whole class got together and designed a t-shirt that had all the equations written on the front in a way that looked like it was just some nerd lingo trying to be funny think about writing a sentence using math symbols as letters but we all wore the same shirt and told the sub it was because we were all in math club and had a competition that afternoon and it was our uniform teacher got back and had no idea how the class average went from 70s on all our other tests to upper 90s i teach kindergarten in korean there was a boy who had a history of putting his hands in his pants i had been encouraging him for weeks to stop this time it was different while i was giving a quiz he was just leaning back slightly and lifting up the waistband and peeking inside his pants i thought it was odd but at the time it wasn't bothering anyone and it stopped after the quiz he sat there for three more classes until it was time to go to wash up for lunch he shuffled over to the trashcan and discreetly tossed something inside i looked inside to see that he had hid a sticky note with the spelling vocabulary words with their korean english translation and the crotch of his pants not bad for a five-year-old not gonna lie i was expecting this to go in a completely different direction not a teacher but i had two ways of cheating in high school the first being writing formulas etc tiny on a small piece of paper i could fold up and keep between my watch and wrist i would casually slide it out and keep it under my forearm so nobody else could see it and it looked as though i was simply trying to prevent people from looking at my answers the second way was by creating a program on my graphing calculator it would take a week or so per class finals but it was worth it it looked inconspicuous in case a teacher checked so i could say it was something like a program to find the lengths of a side of a triangle but if you entered the secret code it would open up so you could choose a math or science section such as physics calculus etc with anything you could possibly need by the time i was done programming and debugging though i knew all the information so i would sell it to my classmates a friend went to a catholic school and girls would write notes on their thighs no teacher is getting away with asking a girl to hike up a skirt kids would also write on their jeans in blue ink totally did the skirt thing in high school but i was in public school claimed i had a mosquito bite to my female teacher either she didn't care enough to bother to see if it was true or just accepted it cause i was a decent kid past biology though most math tests in high school really came down to remembering a couple complex equations in school i always thought it was silly that i could sit at my desk with the textbook open repeating the equations in my head over and over right up until the test start at which point i would close the book and scribble down all the equations onto my note paper i do this on every test except i tend to forget sometimes right afterwards my mind just goes blank my seventh grade science teacher said he taught morse code until he found kids blinking answers to each other that just makes it sound like he was a successful teacher especially if the kids were fully utilizing the subject in a practical application world history was the notorious gpa killer in our school our section started right after lunch when the midterm came around i hadn't studied hardly at all and was in jeopardy of failing during lunch i went up to the classroom which was locked i slid as much mechanical pencil lead that would fit in the lock and went back to the lunchroom it took the maintenance man we called them janitors back then 15 minutes to take the knob off and open the door the exam was rescheduled for monday everyone had two extra days to study if they needed it no one ever knew it was me and somehow i managed my pride enough not to brag about it to anyone i gotta be i teach esl and had a really clever cheetah i mean she was really clever she was doing great in the advanced classes and apparently was acing all the english tests at her school she was approaching fluency but had never lived abroad her other subjects were no problem she played piano did ballet as well as attending what little extracurricular academic clubs there were on offer in her area but she cheated like crazy in class tests and these were very crappy tests designed to prepare the kids for the style of the government exams she would try sneaking glances in the book at her phone peeking at classmates papers and whatever else i missed every time i would have to talk to her and after the second incident we native tay and i talked to her parents about it and she just shut down right there kinda spooky she was fine in class and the cheating didn't stop until we had her do the tests one-on-one with a tay still near perfect scores i think she was just forced into being great the kids here don't have much opportunity to be themselves somewhere in asia and it's always a little sad when they say all they did during a holiday was eat dumplings and do their homework not a teacher but i saw someone cheat on a math test once by having their answers from the smarter kid in class hidden in the lid of the calculator and the calculator got passed around since we didn't have enough for everyone this is how i passed 10th grade geometry and i on purpose got some of the answers wrong as to not arouse suspicion we did this but typed in formulas for each other in the ti 83 not a teacher but in high school it was required for us to wear school ids on a lanyard whenever there was a vocab test people would take a small post-it write down the vocab words and the meanings and put in on the back of their id never saw anyone get caught with bluetooth earbuds getting pretty inconspicuous now i've been thinking about the logistics of something like that one of my physics profs in college told us about one kid that he had caught cheating before we were allowed to bring one sheet of printer paper with equations on it for our midterms this nerd used a laser cutter to slice a sheet of paper into two 0.02 mm thick sheet so he was still technically using one sheet of printer paper from that day on our prof had to specify 1 8.5 inches x 11 inches x 0.05 mm piece of paper for equations allowed a prof once allowed one side of an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper somebody wrote on both sides and folded it into a mabia strip back in the day we used to put chapstick along the side of the scantron this kept the machine from putting down the pink lines signaling you missed an answer a kid got caught because he used flavored chapstick that you could smell the strawberry during high school 2006 our english final had over 250 vocab words teacher let us listen to music during the exam the second gen ipad had only just come out and maybe five of us and the school had one my friend recorded himself saying each word and its definition on his computer then transferred it to my ipad the class just passed the ipad around of course the teacher was lazy so the words were in the exact order of the study guide so that's what chapstick does i've heard that trick before but i never knew how it worked not a teacher but i will share my trick from high school those click pens with the rotating barrel saved me a few times as well as the rsvp pens with the clear barrel the pre-test set up play with the pen during regular class to prep the teacher to get used to me fidgeting and clicking it as i took notes rsvp pens always had a little drawing stuffed into them and i constantly twirled them in my hand so the teachers would think i was being different by using my art to claim my pens everyone in my school was using the rsvp pens at the time and i was well known for being very anal about my pens the night before a test i would tape a small piece of paper around the rotating barrel and write my notes and tiny print over the words so it would show when i clicked it in the rsvp pens a small section would have the notes i need and a cute little doodle that i would make sure was on top when i put the pen down teacher never suspected a thing because i had already set it up as a nervous habit even when they were walking the classroom looking for cheaters if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 48,115
Rating: 4.9608936 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teacher, teacher stories, students, education, cheating, exams, evaluation, learning, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: c_Y9RR47el0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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