Hot Fast v Low Slow Brisket | Prime Choice Select | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

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hey everybody it's harry from slept with daddy bbq the youtube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love i have a about 40 to 50 how to cook brisket videos on youtube on my channel one of the most popular videos i have out there is how to cook brisket hot and fast call 10 fundamentals or hot and fast brisket even though that brisket video is very popular i get a lot of questions from people saying what's the difference harry between a low and slow versus a hot and fast brisket you're in luck because one of my patreons wants to know and i'm shooting a special episode for him so that it will benefit everybody out there on what is the difference between cooking a brisket hot and fast low and slow there are many different variables that we are going to juggle so in order to have a fair test i am going to actually have to cook three grades of brisket this one is a select a choice and a prime so you can see from the degree of marbling i hope the camera can see this you can see a lot of fat on the prime a little bit less of the striation and the fat and marbling on the choice and then not very much marbling at all on the select brisket they all behave differently and we're going to cook three briskets in uh hot and fast and low and slow so you're probably wondering wait a minute harry you only have three briskets you need six briskets well i found a solution to the problem what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cut the brisket exactly in half we're gonna cook half of it low and slow half of it hot and fast and we can do that for all three briskets so we're gonna cook six pieces in this mega hot and fast versus low and slow brisket throw down [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can see the three grades of brisket from the cross section on the marbling the one with most marbling is the uh prime moving on to the choice and then moving on to the select so it's the leg is not a lot of marbling all the way to the prime has a lot of marbling so these are the three we're gonna cook hot and fast [Music] in case you're wondering why i have these toothpicks on the brisket is so that i can keep track of what i'm cooking so i'm doing hot and fast low and slow select choice and prime and the number on my sheet corresponds to the number of toothpicks so that when i wrap it later on i'm not going to get confused and i could do a taste test comparing the select hot and fast against the low and slow select similar for the choice and for the prime to give you guys the overall results of this hot and fast low and slow throw down we are at 400 degrees time to go ahead and put it in so taken one for the team and uh had to eat a total of 12 samples twice so that's like 24 bites of food from the point and the flat on the low and slow hot and fast select so there's four pieces then we ate the four pieces from the low and slow and the hot and fast choice great and then we ate the four pieces two from the point and the flat from the low and slow and the point and the flat from the hot and fast drum roll please so looks like you know taking a beating for you guys out there but you know what i can't say i love you guys and you guys asked me the question so let me try to summarize my conclusion overall number one this is not a mathematically sound test this is only anecdotal so please you know refrain from sending me comments that hey there's only three briskets how can you draw conclusions i'm not going to draw conclusions i am just going to tell you what my impressions are on the select uh i honestly to be very honest i i didn't care for either way on the select uh some of you can say i don't know how to cook select i admit select is usually quite tough hard to cook that's why i prefer not to cook select the difference between select and a choice is maybe like 30 cents a pound my recommendation is uh if you can just don't bother with select briskets just cook choice and above for those of you complaining that i don't know how to cook select i admit i don't have quick select as good as i can do a choice or prime so overall appearance wise on the select uh it's kind of okay you cook really fast the hot and fast took about two and a half hours three hours to crust and then followed by another wrap face about two hours so the hot and fast on all three biscuits cooked about five hours total time three in the pit two hours wrap on the low end slow i did it around kind of 250 versus the 400 for the hot and fast uh it took about probably six to seven hours to get it to cross properly and then another two or three hours in the btu area whether you want a btu in your pit i'll beat you in again it's okay doesn't really matter it took about total of eight to nine hours so you can see the contrast in the cook right one cook is about five hours the next cook is about nine hours so it's obviously a time saver and you cook hard and fast on the select i would say i don't like both so i'm not gonna even talk about it i'm gonna say it's a draw right but let's let's focus on something that's more important on the choice and the prime i i do see some distinct patterns the crust on the low and slow seems a little bit darker and i think that that's just because it's in the pit a lot longer it's in the pit for about six hours versus three hours for the hot and fast method so in terms of the crust i would give the crust a little edge on the low and slow versus hot and fast and that's true for the choice and the prime now what is interesting is on the choice itself the flat tasted better more tender however the point on the choice in the hot and fast was better than the low and slow point which is quite interesting so i guess you know if you want to cook hard and fast cook the point for choice great and if you want to cook low and slow the best is the flat so go figure it's kind of a split decision here and it could be just the variability of the meat and the variability of the cook on the day that i cooked it so also could be me be having a variability between the two it's not possible to cook two identical pieces even though they were cut in half from one packer brisket coming up to the prime i'm noticing that i actually feel that overall the low and slow is better i think that the prime had a longer time to render the fat because it's a lot more fatty the hot and fast prime i didn't feel that all of the fat rendered so particularly on the point itself it still tastes a little greasy so i don't think that in a prime the hot and fast it's as good as the low and slow on the point muscle because the point is just a lot of fat uh on the body itself on the flat itself on the prime it was pretty decent so i i would say on the prime brisket the low and slow versus the hot and fast on the flat muscle it's a tie but on the point muscle which is a lot fattier the hot and fast did not seem to kind of render the fat completely so if you if you like a really oily brisket that's okay if you prefer the point completely rendered of all fat where you just taste the pure beef heaven the low and slow method is better what's my conclusion overall at the end of the day i always tell you guys it's never about the pit it's always a pit master if you use either methods whether you want to spend five hours cooking your brisket or you want to spend nine hours cooking your brisket at the end of the day it's still your skill as the pit master that matters there's minor variations across the board i would say the variations are not statistically significant considering i just cook three brisket select choice and prime cut in half so it's not really a conclusive test i really had a lot of fun trying out this experiment on behalf of my viewer request uh why don't you guys try this at home and cook it hot and fast and low and slow and tell me what is your outcome and which do you like better enough for me talking uh beans has been jumping on me all the past few minutes as i've been trying to talk and i'm gonna go give him a sample of each uh there's a lot of food here so i don't give so much meat i'll just give him a taste of the hot and fast from one muscle so i'll give him a total of six pieces are you happy means he's happy to get six servings of brisket today okay i have uh six pieces here from the point in the flat and uh these are from the prime choice and select we'll see what mr beans like ready to go beans okay go ahead he's moving it down he's starting actually on the select side eating his way around in a counterclockwise direction so i guess he doesn't really worry too much whether it's a prime choice or select grade it's all good mr beans are you licking your chops now you waited patiently for what 10 minutes while i had to do the taste testing very patiently good job beans thanks for watching my episode on my mega throwdown with three different brisket types cooking hot and fast at low and slow i want to do a shout out for my patreons who are keeping the lights on in my channel to allow me to offer free content on youtube so that it helps cover some of the production costs and keep the lights on on my channel so until the next video we will see ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 56,968
Rating: 4.9532347 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, butcher paper, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket, prime vs prime, select vs choice vs prime, bbq
Id: XzgWCt1oRH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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