First Place IBCA Competition Chicken | Texas Sanctioned | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

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everybody is hairy comes up at any barbecue the YouTube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spare barbecue love I have a video that you guys have been asking me to make for a long long time so I finally got around to it I'm gonna be going out and competing in Houston in a few weeks and I wanted to kind of get my chicken game back into gear you guys know I've worn many first places in chicken including first place KCBS USA team of the year and I've eat about five or six thousand teams the first place so it's a reward that it's hard to win I'm happy to share with you guys the recipes that I've used to win an award in my previous videos this video relates to a specialty kind of a cook for Texas style competition in the Texas arena there's a couple of sanctioning body such as Lone Star and IBC a that require the cooks to cook a half chicken so in this episode I'm going to show you guys my winning IBC a competition half chicken recipe [Music] or an IBC a chicken I'd like to start with a five and a half to six pound chicken and you can buy any chicken you like I just picked this up from the store I'm gonna also do a national debut of some other products that I am working with a company called jealous devil they make up charcoal and they wanted to kind of put out some great beef chicken and all-purpose rubs they contacted me and we decided that you know as a little partnership I would help them develop their range of products so this is the large of my love rub it's the all-purpose they did a little redesign on it we have a lot of the wonderful ingredients that I have in my roughly the same rub here same for the chicken so we call it a love chicken wrap and we have my sauce as well as my beef rub the mullah rub so I've taken some of my recipes Department with my new friends jealous devil's inside of their charcoal why not try to combine the best of both worlds the best charcoal in the world the best seasoning and sauce in the world so I'm gonna be using some of these products and going forward in my videos and hopefully you guys have been complaining that you can't find my crop in stores they have a much broader distribution and reach them I do they can get my wrap into a lot of other places like perhaps near the Walmart near you or kind of to hardware or Lowe's so that will help my bread also will help you get access to some great barbecue products I always make sure you don't watch a chicken get ready doctor purge so please don't make this rookie mistake I did I wasn't paying attention when I picked the chicken up and it's one of those that has the turkey pop-up thing which is pretty much useless so now I have a hole in my chicken breast here but no worries don't do what I do what I just did which is buy one that has this thing on it we're gonna be using some meat glue anyway so I wouldn't worry about you know this whole we're gonna create here yeah don't go buy a chicken with that thing in it walk you through your IV see a chicken prep and explain to you kind of the thought process going behind an idea is your chicken ibc a chicken first thing you want to do is stop picking the right chicken so there's many many types of chicken out there and I need different brands different breeds it takes a little while for you to find a brand or breathe and you like I had success we have some of the organic mary's chicken that we find in California so we can find one of those free-range organic and dried chickens in your state or read your region in America or on a wall that is great but if you don't just find any you know the chicken brand in the grocery store and you'll be fine it's not that hard to cook a half chicken one of my friends at duck shading you won the Houston Livestock a rodeo just cooking a half chicken using some of the methods I'm gonna show you today yeah actually use my chicken wrap so this chicken rub here that you see is it here here what's good enough for first place USA all right so a couple things we do is so I'm sure you guys did my competition chicken trick first thing that happens is the butt comes off I mean that and we're gonna do what is known as a spatchcock because in some contests you're supposed to turn in one piece of chicken and they'll tag your chicken to make sure that you know he's such a party officials you did us with your roof so I'm gonna cut off the backboard first so you can use a knife but I find it a pair is what just this way so this night on a second site pull this way to skin a little bit so that can save some of that skin for a little bit of overlap so go ahead split the bone crack the bone a little bit here in IBC a you have to turn in half chicken I'm sorry I'd be CNN Lone Star so a lot of cooks will end up looking a spatchcock and then cutting in half before putting in a turnin box we'll do that okay just came off all the excess fat here lots of fat on this chicken again you can use a knife so or you can use a pair of scissors this right all right that's mr. bean that's that you are wide mr. bean farming through here so I'm so Pomeranian Chihuahua alteast mix so it's got a little bit of characteristics a lot of animals in him so there's a rough trim right here so now we're gonna go and try to pace achingly remove a lot of the fat underneath the skin the next segment all right what I'm doing is I'm now running my finger make your skin to get skin away in the breast area the IBC judges typically will eat the chicken using a plastic fork a knife so we got a trim a lot of fat I'm gonna turn around so you can see me what I'm doing here the fattening so some of the fat you can pull away like so so you're going slowly to remove the excess fat like that obviously you do not do this when you are cooking at home this is too much work but for competition do a lot to try to win first place here one of the fast pretty soft of course mr. Bean's will continue to mark throughout my video letting him me know that he's waiting for his food so get everything you have here any excess fat you can feel it through the skin here you don't want the judges to be kind of gobbling down a big chunk of fat here so the ibc a contest typically is judged by a panel of judges and all the judges will eat the meat very different in case CBS in case CBS the judges will sit at a table 6 they receive the first pass which is to view your meat and then after that each judges takes a piece and then after that they will eat the meat and give you a tasting and a tenderness score you know I'd be see it I just walk around the table all the entries are already open on a styrofoam box they walk around with a fork and a knife and they eat the chicken so because the rules are different we are not so worried about things like back to chicken pies and so on we just wanna make sure that the chicken doesn't have a lot of excess fat and it will be tasty and looks good I think the looks is important because in my BCA the judges walk around I everything and you want a chicken to look good the turning is typically a half chicken unless it's a very large contest and you have to turn in to half chickens I'm gonna cook it spatchcock style and I cut it in half before I really played it for the box but you can actually cook a half chicken kind of in two pieces that's fine too both techniques work where I got most of the fat off here mister join my Segway and I need to tie here in the quarter chicken quarter see there's any excess fat here I do see a pocket of fat on the camera can see this but there's a pocket of fat here I'll go in and try to get it out to you bye so comes off what are you watching this and you're wondering why's this crazy Harry doing all this work this is not how I cook the chicken at home okay this is to be in a $10,000 check I believe the Houston Rodeo Houston Livestock Aronian contest I'm gonna be in courtesy of one of my friends David I'm gonna be helping on his team cooking on a fire crab are baku and he's able to you know kind of you know sense invite me and cook it is a very expensive contest to enter a lot of cooperation center and because he's big bragging rights is 400 plus teams and if you win that contest you can win it you can be called the bowl champion so ducks riding my buddy use my chicken wrap One World Championship in a few years ago at Houston I stopped I am gonna be a guest cook so I'm gonna be kind of one of those Russian gymnasts coach or a ringer on the team so I'm gonna click in the chicken entry on David's team about rings now so you can see me shaving off excess fat and I need to skin be careful here attention women trying to talk and try to trim competition chicken at the same time so where was I so are the at the Houston lifestyle rodeo is one of the world's largest most prestigious contest if you can win that you can have a world champion you can win it with any entry because the way it works is you can turn in a brisket you can turn in a rib you can turn in the chicken and your score based on the highest overall entry the entire contest of 400 teams so let's say 400 teams turn in three entries each out of 1200 entries only there'll be only one winner that day which is the grand champion I'm sorry there's only one grand champion of the day you can see me doing this now I'm kind of skipping the fat of the skin and that idea is to get most of the fat off and make sure that we can get a good nice tender flavor and moisture moisture to the chicken and once I get that you see this it gonna get like a ton of fat underneath here when you do this try not to damage the skin also please oops and uh this is kind of a labor of love so and I'll make sure that skin is okay so it's good this one looks pretty good here yeah translucent that's good next died here so this is not something you would do at home I guess I wouldn't do this at home but I want IV CA contests in different places because the IBC s engine in body just does sent out of Texas I wanna be ca added live in California in the Stockton contest and I wanted in believe in Hawaii have one Hawaii State Championship under the IBC rule so I could have chicken in Hawaii so look with back story so I go to Hawaii you know how wise a long way on the airplane my WSM doesn't fit trap the SOS out to some local teams to say whoever wants to kind of help me up they can buy a WSM I will come and cook on the double yourself and I believe you know one of the local local buddies of mine he went and bought a weber smokey mountain because I asked him to and I I used his weber smokey mountain and cooked it the first place no one did one the hawaii state championship using a weber smokey mountain borrowed from one of our infants alright and get to try and get some of that off here you know I have to get all of it but just get most of it off though stress if you you know can't get all of it off here so one probably woman this is a crazy guy why is he going in and meticulously shaving a lot of fat well you know in competition cooking it's completely different than backyard cooking what we're doing cooking for is that one bite wonder the judges in IB see a score you on a composite score of one to 10 10 being the best so he's just walks around the table how about the trays are open they stick it for Kinnaird and in there they cut a piece they eat it they look at the the eyeballing they tasted them all of it and the right number of a piece of paper and then I at the end of the day you're scored based on the serial number so you're given a little serial number stuff at the beginning of the day at the end of the day walk up to stage and then you wait for your serial number to be call like a like a like a lottery and if they call your number as the GC then you win that day so that's how the gouging is unlikely ACB s KCBS is a double-blind and each judge is given a scorecard to judge each entry by three scores appearance taste and tenderness the appearance taste in telling the score is based on a scale of one to nine that's a weighting on the scale all right so I that's enough that's enough one on this one here in a contest I'll probably go a little bit more people a bit more thorough but this is the test just want to show you guys what I do that's a little bit of excess skin here so I usually have to trim off a little bit excess skin kind of make the chicken look really really good while it's cooking and I do final trimming at the end also and we will brush on the sauce show you guys okay now here's a tip so when you cook chicken a lot of times the little winglet here right you kind of drapes over the breast like that so there's a tendency sometimes it makes a suntan mark so what tip that you can do tip haha pun intended is to kind of fold it back like so Oh once you fold it like this you cook it there's no chance of the what you call the tip creating a suntan mark on your breast meat which is just beautiful right here okay okay once you're done you can untuck it before you put in the box you're not allowed to cut off the tips because they will be marking turning like that okay and we're gonna cut this right down the middle like so chicken is nicely trim and we're gonna proceed in the next step step 1 clean chicken three chicken get rid of all the fat step 2 I'll prepare some injection you can use any injection you want I have a video that I did a shoot out of several commercial injections I mean six or seven of them I told you which ones I like which one I prefer so go ahead and find a injection that you like from that video I'll leave the link in the description I got my sauce here this is the my new sauce the sauce that he's my first place USA chicken rub that now has been repackaged by the folks at jealous Devils so they can be put into the store near you versus me trying to sell online you guys have a shipping so maybe if you check my welcome to Walmart and buy my craft because this product here which you need it's possible enemies so for those of you who are not aware what red smooth amazing is it's called me glue it's not gonna kill ya it's typically found in sausages you know processed meats and so on so we use it to glue the skin back on this is completely optional you don't have to but I'm showing you a full on pedal to the metal competition recipe do we make obviously in that contest gonna be at the Houston Livestock so there's House chicken looks like let me show you what we do now go ahead and check the chicken we get the ejector alright you wanna check underneath the skin so I'm in the breast Lobby every quarter inch or so or half inch you feel up here so you don't worry there's the excess objection because the injections gonna be car anyway don't you see here my hand see Harry I see here I need my to piss Han here get this thing underneath like so see that put it in here chicken breast kicked it move it a little bit inject it finger away you know some more if you ever use the injection make sure the injection doesn't have any solids I don't like specks of pepper in the middle of the breast meat that's good same here and the technique I like to use is when I'm injecting I actually withdraw the needle as I'm pushing on the plunger in another blackbelt trigger did you guys there so the phlebotomist out there watching this video is going saying the guy does not know how to use a needle but that's okay we're just using the needle for food ear chicken breast has been pumped with meat here okay all right can we get something to the thigh now so here give them someone your drum get something some some judge wants to eat the drumstick I'm gonna make sure we check the drumstick a little bit here so the drumstick now so check the eyes so just tie here okay [Music] all right three shots in them vaguely and some on this side here skiing in there drumstick back here some time with guys and one that shot down yeah all right mister okay get some trans blue Denis on now what are you wondering if that that glutamates has any taste no he doesn't have any taste at all you know and no you will not glue your fingers together all right so I heard they want to alright that's good okay ready for seasoning after trimming applying the injection and the transmit amazed we're now ready to put the rub on and we use my first busy us a chicken wrap a lot of you asked me like where does a rug gold or ruffles right on top there's no need to put the rub on me the skin I don't bother to season the bottom of the chicken because the judges have our heat so I'm just too cheap to use so much product here so you guys can see the money that way also keys to be a nice even coat like that shake it right the camera will you see here all right it's perfect look so this is that nicely seasoned ready get it nice and even oops some spots here [Music] now it's time to put in the refrigerator let you rest yes [Music] I have to spray some of this product here [Music] once he gets down enough but it's not yet done you really want to be able to operate [Music] speed about two hours and 20 minutes and we're ready to check seven that's good I saw Sonny now [Music] [Music] [Music] gorgeous the water-bottle sauce chicken is absolutely gorgeous beautiful color smoke mahogany color just a tiny bit of blemish on the skin but no big deal we're gonna use this this half of the chicken who serve the judges we taste the other half so let's go ahead and cut it up looking for my knife right on the middle is the dull strong knife like this beautiful breasts here and let's see let's taste the one that is less color here hey hey quarter here okay so somebody just want to eat the leg eat here I'm gonna make sure that also the juices run clear like here use the running clear important part of the test cook here all right pieces here now that's ample use the beans is waiting so dark meat pieces I taste a breast piece so Wow super moist juicy salty smoky with chicken flavor the dark meat now listen really good with flavor colors beautiful see that gorgeous got a piece of dub dark meat man that's good moist tender absolutely good if we need a piece of the skin now you see the skin hmm unity a nice crunch on it you know these are breasts you see here the rice alright so there you have it not that hard to do the IBC you can have chicken ibc a stop all over start out just a little bit of injection transducer means get a good rub on it if you use my chicken wrap or any other rug that's fine cooking em to the internal temperature is about 170 175 minute I about 155 150 the breasts pour some sauce on it drizzle it so you can see how beautifully mahogany finishes on the sauce absolutely pristine no blemish at all righty so once you set the sauce by pouring whole bottle on it on the grill on a grill of course it doesn't get dirty after this but then know that can be huh but look at how beautiful this thing is absolutely they can't finish it so nothing blemished here this one will be a good piece of turning to the judges and this one is a good place to be eating for you and your team all right easy beat give him some breast meat in some dark meat and see which one he buys Davies alright ready go go eat breast meat enjoying every single morsel he's like this a lot better he's a very fussy dog he doesn't have to eat it he'll stop and he will pause but you know he just jump right into it so he knows his stuff he really likes it look he's even licking the plate mommy's job you like it seal of approval right so another video from slappa daddy BBQ thanks for joining me on this episode it was a fun cook to get practice for my IBC a cook-off here coming up and we'll see what happens we'll keep you guys posted if I can I'll shoot some of the video from the event on Houston Livestock and Rodeo cooking on fire crap arbic you team so it's gonna be a hell of a lot of fun I've actually never cooked actual entry in the Houston Livestock I've visited a couple of times but it's gonna be super fun we'll try this chicken and that you saw my stuff you see how this recipe will pair with the judges [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 118,523
Rating: 4.9077048 out of 5
Keywords: IBCA, IBCA chicken, competition chicken, texas, texas chicken, half chicken, Lone Star contests, IBCA competition, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, bbq, harry soo weber smokey mountain, smoked spatchcock chicken, #slapyodaddybbq, spatchcock chicken smoked, weber smokey mountain chicken, harry soo brisket, smoking whole chicken
Id: IoSv-yw7Jok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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