Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E26 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes we are here in shelbyville tennessee being the voice for horses a whole lot happens in this episode you will not want to miss a single minute of horse shelter heroes [Music] we have been extremely busy this year and we have helped horses in all these colored states here there's only 13 states left in the united states that we haven't helped horses at and we've also helped a lot of horses abroad we helped horses in indonesia that were in a critical situation so very very excited this puts our numbers currently at 1025 horses that we have helped just this year i think that is so amazing helped rescue shelter and protect this year and we hope that we'll be able to reach out during the you know the rest of this year and help horses in every state in the united states but over 1 000 horses already this year that's a huge accomplishment only been eight months yeah in eight months um we've been very very busy so um it is now september first and these are all our adoptions for um august august yes it's been busy we had one cat adoption and then we had 21 horse adoptions and there were some shelter transfers in here as well um so networking with other six so we every month this is our adoption wall or found love it's over on the available side it's it's looking for love and then they find love and the adopters are able to uh take them from over there and put them up over here um but now that's september 1st we're going to take them all down once they are taken down then they go to our adoption follow-up department which dawn runs and she'll call them and check up on them and if they have any issues they can always come back sometimes you know they just need to talk with the trainer and work through a few things that they run into with their horse but it's it's always excited to see how many horses were adopted at the end of the month so and we were able to adopt out two of our donkeys this month and they got to go together yep yeah so so six shelter transfers that went to ponytails um donovan found a home aw i'll always remember very exciting he left a permanent mark on him it's just permanent mark venus who everyone really loved finally found her home that was one of our transfers june was a transfer to ponytails indigo found an amazing home it was a birthday present to that owner because her husband forgot her present she's like what do you want that was her birthday present a horse so disney was one of our transfers doodlebug she's doing an amazing home he's so good i've already seen updates and they just love him today he's a character laurel i found someone that can continue her training on titan and captain red went together they did and they just they people love them they're awesome yeah they're teaching the kids how to ride um klyla and zephyr went together we always love it when they go together because they make friends here and then it's it's nice when they can go together was a hard one to place because she only had the one eye and then sandy was a transfer to ponytails maya went to uh caitlyn which is exciting she's one of our employees our grant manager rory have found someone to continue her training and we actually just saw an update on her and she's very happy in her new home um soldier and asta went together and i've seen updates already their pictures are very cute the kids love to cuddle with yeah and then oakley actually went to caleb yeah who's our media guy so two staff adoptions this month the rest were either shelter transfers or adoptions a lot of them went in the adoption event yeah so super exciting we have our next adoption event in october which is our annual fall in love adoption event so because it's fall and then you gotta fall in love with a horse so hopefully you guys fall in love with some horses yeah absolutely so this is well the horse is brandy this is a little kitty tinker he's being seen by the vet today because um he's got a little snotty nose and he's just not feeling well um but brandy is like is 15 years old we're pretty sure she used to be a bucking horse so she definitely knows how to buck but she's got a super bad wound on her leg now and we're not able to doctor it she doesn't pick up her feet or anything so we're just talking to doc to figure out what is the best thing for her in her situation and you know long term finding her home and people were able to take care of her and her not hurting anybody and nobody hurting her and just the different things we're trying to weigh out here this is vana she has been having some trouble with her feet she has a previous history of founder so we're just going to go ahead and x-ray our back feet we've already done our front feets just to see if anything comes up [Music] but it's rotated just a tiny amount yeah no not much not much you do her other one and see yeah okay so what do you think doc she's not as foundered on the x-ray as she looks like she is in person so we're going to probably continue her on some butte she has improved greatly on that maybe some muscle soreness went along with it so maybe we can work that out and we just took x-rays of vana's back feet they're they're both the same it's only moderate moderate founder so we're going to stay with the program of buda now limited access to fresh green high sugar grass for one more week and re-evaluate all right now we're going to x-ray the kitten wait we're cool [Music] we're x-raying tinker's lungs because she's got some rattling going on in there and they're not sounding too great um this little one look it's got a wound i guess maybe you guys don't want to see that but pretty soon we'll have our bit built all this will be solved we're just doing a few rechecks on some of the horses that came in from the last auction just so we can keep up to date so whenever they come out of quarantine doc doesn't have such a huge list to look at on that day so what about this one that matters this one um his name is cenador he has a swallow fetlock that hasn't gone down since we got him so we're just gonna check it and just to see how it's doing it may need more time or something i'm not quite sure so we're just gonna check and see [Music] well she's supposed she's supposed to have some slightly swollen ankles but they don't look too bad and i really didn't see her limp so we're just going to keep her on the watch list until she clears it was just a really short day today kind of kind of still sort of serious uh we did have cats on this we looked at a lot of cats and then we saw some other horses that feel like we did pretty good on some of them they were coming along we got some hoof problems and some back problems that we think are coming along pretty good but then we had two that we had to do the last act of kindness big ben he was sore when he came but no matter what we did he just was not improving and just from the pain he was going to have to grow frogs and hoof walls and it just was not looking good he was a sweet horse and then we had miss brandy that uh she had some behavior problems that made it hard to treat any wound that she might have or check anything and she had a wound on her ankle that happened because we had to put her in a chute to vaccinate to get some to give her a tranquilizer but uh with her behavior problems in that wound that we can't treat because she's just so untrained it was time yeah we tried for a couple weeks to treat it and just kept getting worse and kept getting worse and big ben couldn't walk at all poor guy he he couldn't even come for his grain we had to take it to him and it's really sad when horses get like that it is i hate it for big ben i liked him hickory is a 10 year old gelding he is blind in both his eyes and i'm going to show you guys what we've done with him so far today he's actually a really good boy and he loves his he loves attention and he loves getting baths too we've had him trimmed by the farrier and he did well he can get a little unbalanced in his hind end when he was holding it up for really long but he didn't do bad he definitely needs a home where someone will just love on him and ride him when they want to ride and someone that has experience with blind horses would be best because they're not always the easiest to deal with he listens really well when you go out there you can call his name and he looks right at you wait good boy ready he stands when you mount and until you ask him to go forward good boy [Music] he definitely rides really well like i said i think he def had a job beforehand and then just went blind and they had sent him to the auction i'm going up on the bridge watch your step watch your step go ahead boy what a good boy you can see that time he kind of slowed his step down so that way he didn't hit it as much when he wanted to step up on it i definitely think he could make some on a trail horse if you were trail riding with a group so he had the horses to follow so that is hickory and we're hoping that he can find a forever home someone like i said i think he would make a great trail horse that could go out on groups he's young enough he still has a lot of life left in him phantom's coming for a little ride on hickory he's gonna learn to ride and train horses that's going to be his job here [Music] all right hello good morning we're here filming and we have some special packages here for the farrier because he was melting all right so we we have something for you here i love surprises all right hold on hold on we gotta i'll grab that okay you stay over there oh look at here it's a big box here that's what i'm talking about [Music] oh you know i got my knife all right so what happened last episode you were melting oh i was melting bad it was uh and it's still going to be that way for a while we still have a lot of hot weather to probably end of september before it actually cools off some the they say it's not the heat is the humidity but i think it's both so and it is raining today because today is going to be an awesome day it's actually 76 77 right now the hurricane weather's hitting us and it's uh it's a blessing in disguise let's open it up and see what's in here see what's in here here yeah you got a little note right there you need to be very careful how you read it what to say a gift for you enjoy your gift i hope the fan will give you relief from the heat let's create a melt-free zone for the farrier thanks for for providing care for the horses and their hooves hang on to that boy look at here this is nice right here i think he's happy this is perfect yeah yeah that's going to put some air out that should cool you down and i think the horses are going to enjoy it too they're going to love it because it'll be blowing on them and you my name is garrick and uh i've been coming out here for gosh i don't know a while now and uh i get to do some of the transportation around here for the horses and i get to do all the shoeing and the trimming and you know it's really a challenge sometimes but we're up for a challenge and we're going to do what's best for the horses and it's just been a it's been a great experience being here it's been a great experience i even get to watch myself on tv when i'm home so that's that's even and your kids yeah my kids love it and so thanks for opening these thank you guys thanks for sending them thank y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] i carry a small stall jack bend shoes nails and then uh i have a bigger anvil in here as well that i can spread the bigger shoes with so this is vana she is going to get her feet done by garrett today she has been having some founder trouble and so we're going to try to put some new shoes on her and see if it helps [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right maddie where are we at we're up in quarantine we have some trims to do up here and muffins gonna be our first one she is the draft mule that came from our last auction all right muffin you're up [Music] [Music] maddie who's this this is mary legs and what are we doing today she's getting her feet trimmed she's not super long yet but we're gonna do it now before she gets really long all right look at the before we got before [Music] and after this is lance he is going to get his shoes pulled today and get a little shot for his snotty nose all right lance is getting his shoes pulled today [Music] [Applause] it's been a good day we got a lot done everything turned out really well the horse that was really tender this morning first thing i think she's gonna be okay she seems to be getting better uh got her standing up more now so hopefully that'll help take some pressure off and everything up here we trim looked good good hoof walls good feet so we're just thankful for the cool rain feels so good we just got a call from somebody that's donkey's got loose on the road and she lives across the bridge she can't get the donkeys across the bridge and she's asked us for help so we're on our way to go help her all right we are all loaded up and uh on the road we've got lots of great help back there hi everybody all right so um the last i heard is she's gotten them off the road but she hasn't been able to get them across the bridge to her place so it's gonna be interesting i just got a text so we're gonna pull over maybe she got the donkeys across the bridge okay she got them across the bridge and she's good now so we don't have to go but that's the way rescue life is sometimes you're running around getting everything together hit the road and at the time you get halfway there they fix themselves so all right [Music] guess what guys today we are going to make the world a better place and we are going to do not one not two but three geldings today jesse the little guy that was born here back in january he's going to get gelted today he's also going to get his mark chip and his vaccines and everything he already got his wormer he's still a little sassy but we are going to go make the world a better place [Music] [Music] well i guess we're just doing two gallons today jesse isn't quite ready to be gelded yet so we will move on to the don't [Music] uh we neutered two donkeys donkeys are a little bit harder than horses there's some bits that some horse beds that don't even do them but um i've never been smart enough to be scared of that so i go in and neuter them but we do try to put a stitch in them when they kept down on the bleeding some because they have larger testicles they look like they're doing good now so we're pretty happy i saw you all come by today [Music] with the sunset in your eyes i couldn't find strength to say what was running through my mind you couldn't help but notice me staring with that awkward smile from the other side of thompson street [Music] [Music] than anyone i know [Music] ended up falling for me and to this day i don't know how [Music] i think about it constantly i promise i won't let you down with that pie dress on with that pie dress pippa and duke were two of our special needs horses and they were thankfully able to find a home together pippa was fully blind or is fully blind and it is very hard to care for some fully blind horses because they need a lot of trust and assurance when you're working with them and it can take a long time to get that trust so it's really nice that she has someone that's going to be able to bond with her and get that trust built and then duke is very old he's 28 years old so it's really nice that he was able to go to a home with someone that's going to be able to continue his care and keep the weight on him because as horses get older it's hard to keep weight on them so that makes them kind of special needs so it's really nice that she was able to adopt two special needs horses and not nyla she nyla doesn't have any special needs she's young and able to keep getting ridden so they're going to use her as a companion for the two and they're going to keep riding her we're out here protesting across from the shelbyville times gazette they have made a point of being a proud sponsor of the big lick horse show and they basically said they're not gonna they're not gonna post both sides of the story they only wanna show in support of the big lick and this is a very important topic that needs to have the side that is showing that you know we're against this and it's animal cruelty and we've had a person stop by he was very supportive he said he lives across from it and he's he's he's just appalled by what they do um so we've already been here just a short time we're still setting up and we already have people pulling up saying thanking us for being out here so we're seeing some good good stuff already from the community and we're hoping that our presence out here saying that hey this is not okay that maybe it will help wake them up and the fact that we're out here is making a point that we're not okay that this is animal abuse and this side of the story needs to be told and they might want not want to be telling it but we will be out here telling it and all of you our viewers will be sharing it and hopefully enough awareness will come about where horses are no longer shown in stacks and chains and sword this is glimmer i took this photo right after i rescued him at auction his he had had so much soaring from chemical burns his skin was just oozy flesh and um i took this picture right after i rescued him and this is not a rare thing this is common and if you look over in the window right now they are watching us out the side window they have been moving from window to window they don't want to be filmed when the camera just went over there they they moved away um now they're back at the front window and they're very pictured that we're out here but we can be here and we can be a voice for the horses i am a tennessean my whole life i just feel that this has got to end these people don't understand or they've been brought up in this so long that they they just gotten to where they just are so cold to this that they just they don't see that there's something wrong with it but when you put horses in these big stacks that weigh like eight pounds on each each of their front feet and they're made to live in those 24 7 they're made to live in a stall their whole life they're herd animals this big lick needs to end horses do not move this way without being forced to do so by cruelty there is absolutely no reason for these beautiful walking horses who have a lovely natural gait to do this big lick they do not move this way period without being abused into doing it every time we come out we try to make a little impact and i think today we did a big impact people seeing what it what they have doing and that they're supporting it and hopefully they'll help put a stop to it next year [Music] so this is willow she came from our bay auction with a large lot of babies she's definitely the most nervous out of them and she's taking the most time to settle down but she definitely needs someone that can just take their time with her and it can be a one person kind of horse she is only two that's what we estimated her age at but i still think she's gonna grow quite a bit good girl [Music] what a good girl [Music] i can slowly work my way on her face down her shoulder hopefully it'll get to her body you'll see that makes her a little bit more nervous but she is dealing with it good girl and that's what i want so this is ember she was also one of the babies from the may auction it's actually her willow and duncan are the last three and she's really calmed down a lot she came in very nervous but lately she's just really changed her demeanor ever since we've been working with her and she's really started to love attention she's one of the first ones to come and greet you when you go in with the group you can see she's a lot more calm than willow was you can her lips are starting to relax a little bit her eye you can tell is a little bit calmer like i said we've done some leading with her we actually had the vet do come out and take x-rays on one of her feet and the farrier was able to trim it the same day so that's ember and hopefully we can find her in willow homes for someone that wants to take a young horse and bring them along huh so our last baby is duncan and he was from the same lot and he's definitely calmed down a lot he came in very nervous but he's really starting to calm down and come around [Music] he doesn't mind the leading part of it but when it comes to touching him he can be a little bit reactive um so hopefully someone here today will be interested in willow duncan and ember or several people will be and they can really give them a home just focus their time on them bring them along and it can be a lifelong partner for them so this little kitten was found in an aluminum pile right by my house um if anyone knows aluminum plants aluminum plants will take it and burn it down so it's just a liquid so this kitten was found in a pile that was about to get burned down they had the loader ready to pick it up and they heard meowing so if we didn't find this kitten this kitten would have been burned alive which is very upsetting so i'm really happy this kitten was saved and be able to be found when they first found it they thought it was going to die because it was so wet scared shaking and everything like that they thought it was on the verge of death but then it was able to dry off and get a little bit of love last night at my house and now now huh she's doing really well she's a little scared and skittish but she's getting better hopefully someone will see her on here and want to give her a really good home she's so sweet when she starts to warm up to you and she's so young she definitely is too young to be away from her mom i think so hopefully she starts to love everyone make some of the friends with the cats here and can find her forever home [Music] you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 48,241
Rating: 4.9734168 out of 5
Id: 74I-y-Cmdfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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