Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E25 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes a whole lot happens doc is out garrick our farrier which we know you all y'all loved his last episode and he's getting some fan mail so he is thrilled with that um we have adoptions we also have something that makes everyone very sweaty and makes them all work very hard and we even get caleb out from behind the camera so you won't want to miss a single minute of horse shelter heroes [Music] sorry it took me a minute there you go so what i'm gonna have you do is the barn down there the one straight in front of us you're gonna take that right turn right in front of it so that you're pulled down in front of it and i'll just go up there and make sure you're going the right way okay are you guys excited yes this is laura and her family and they're here to see um possum and arthur so this is maddie and she'll help you hi maddie nice to meet you from here so this white one's awesome okay he's about five years old okay and then arthur is right over there and he's about nine months old they've been out together for a little bit so that's why we figured we would ask if you were interested in more than one and or if you wanted to look at both of them and then decide sure we'd love to look at both yeah and he's a little bit more spunky where arthur's kind of like right right do you know anything about their history like they both came from auction okay so you don't know anything he came and was already gelded which we don't get a lot of jacks um where he was gelded and he came with a growth on the side of his mouth you can actually see it on arthur the little black dot right on his top lip yep you can that was a growth that we banded and then it fell off and then it hasn't come back since and that's just a little scar that he has oh sweetie [Music] how are you does he seem to like like people's company or he loves to come to like a grain bucket or something like that but then he kind of is like i don't know how to describe it as kind of like um like i want your attention but at the same time you have to fight for my attention where he like you have a grain bucket follow you through the whole pasture gotcha gotcha all right let me go check out your friend hold on he's like super wants attention oh hey sweetie i know look at those guys we could hear the green rattling huh do you guys have any other like horses or donkeys right now we have a draft horse you do percheron mayor and we wanted to get some company for her and something for the kids to be able to handle a little easier does he really like hugs he i mean he just likes attention oh what do you think of this guy what do you think would he be a nice friend yes do you think he likes scratches he'll be cool i think he loves you guys so he's had all of his vet checks and all the vaccines okay um he was warmed when he first came in during our auction intake and then wormed again before he came down i think they came down two weeks ago okay so all right [Laughter] oh he's definitely definitely worth saving but i think if he had someone like being able to just love on him and handle him and everything like that he'll settle down a lot all right do you guys think you're going to adopt arthur in a possum yeah i think we'll do it awesome we'll take they're going to adopt arthur and possum nice so excited while i'm checking on the fees you can go ahead and start on possums paperwork it's so neat to be here i'm so excited you're here it's a beautiful property it's just such a cool thing and then we got some apple nugget cookies great donkeys need a little treat now and then right thank you so much thank you so much and they'll help you load them and oh wow look in there and you got one too yeah that's awesome that's cool those are so cool then you can have possums so you can put them right [Applause] i can put let's put possum right here and arthur can go right next to him all right awesome so how many does that make how many got adopted this month one two three four five six seven eight nine seven twenty wow awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so how did you hear about horseplus i was searching online because we were wanting to adopt a donkey we thought it would be a good fit for our farm and i came across your the website and i saw some really cute donkeys and i got really interested so i searched a little more i called and here i am awesome and how has your experience been here today it's been great everyone is so friendly so helpful and so sweet anytime i needed anything you guys are just a phone call away and i really appreciate that well we're excited for you guys and we're excited for arthur and possum to have a new home thank you so much me too look phantom arthur and possum got adopted your donkey friends are leaving we're so happy that they got adopted and they're going to their new home and hopefully everything works out well and they live a forever life there [Music] all right what are you doing doc what what are you doing we're uh pulling blood for a coggins test and you're gonna see something that you rarely see i'm gonna hold the horse while chloe draws it whoops if i don't stab myself with a okay how old is she doc we're gonna we're gonna go with 16. they said she was 16 those teeth are consistent with 16. she says i don't want you to see the side of my face what's her name um i think we have her as bonnie her registered name is time to bust loose b-o-n and there was nothing to shorten for that so maddie what are we gonna do next we're gonna do some preg checks we're just gonna ultrasound the ones we did last week just to see how far along they are i know she's round but i don't think she's got a baby in there you think she's open uh-huh i think she was pregnant and probably lost it right there do you think she's open i think she's open right now it looks like over the years what you do is you look for dark spots and i don't think she felt as big as she did last week what they'll do is in the first 60 days or so they're more prone to absorb the fold and not stay pregnant so that's what it looks like she did when i started out on the left side i had a uniform closed uterus and i come around on the right side and there's a dark place but it's not wasn't consistent with being pregnant like there was some fluid and it was she was trying to reabsorb so that's what we got 20. i think she's still pregnant about how far along you think i'm gonna stay i'm sticking with my original guest of three months all right one more can you see that it's not looking good like not pregnant looking not pregnant she got a good healthy uterus but she's not pregnant so when i came out this morning to touch vanna for the vet do her coggins i really i noticed that she wasn't walking very well [Music] i don't think we can even get her on a trailer to bring her up so [Music] we got a good bit of rotation yeah she looks like she is more sore than she should be yeah i wouldn't mind trying her on beauty for a few days and see if she got better just trying around butte first okay let's start cleaning the feet and then we might get we get uh garrett to look at it if he comes tomorrow we can have him put new shoes on her tomorrow let's do it she probably doesn't need the studs in the back does she they both have studs in the back so she's got a moderate degree of founder but i don't think she is bad enough at this point to uh consider the last act of kindness you have to consider the last act of kindness so what we're going to do is we're going to try treating her we're going to try to get her horseshoe or garrett to take these shoes off trim her feet and put her own beaut for a few days and see if she see how she does belgium's down tiny ones talk to look at him and decide what to do yeah we'll definitely look at him when we head up there perfect all right where are we headed we're heading up to quarantine [Applause] [Music] we'll have to roll him over to get him up he's been on butte for a week and so far we haven't had any improvement it's still going on so we're going to make the kindest decision and give him the last act of kindness because his quality of life is decreasing we really wanted this to work because he is very healthy otherwise but because he can't get up when he lays down and relies on people to get him up that way that's an issue for his quality of life [Music] we had a semi load of alfalfa delivered over the winter and we've also been feeding a pelleted alfalfa which the horses prefer more um so the trailer back there has been sitting for a while and the guy is here to get his trailer but we think it's stuck so they're going to try to move it then we have to take it over to the other barn and unload all the hay um that's still in there and i think i don't think caleb our our film guy has ever bucked hay before so today's a great day for him to do that [Music] the truck has backed up to the trailer but it's not quite back far enough and the trailers kind of stuck so now they're using our tractor to try to um pull the two together but i don't think in this tugger where our tractor is gonna win [Music] it's gonna be a lot of work but we have to unload all the hay that's still in here and it's a pretty hot day so we're all gonna get our workout in today i did not do that on on his face he did that himself working on mechanics he was under a vehicle and dropped a impact wrench impact wrench on his head [Music] and that's why you always have to have a gravel pile somewhere where you can scoop it up with the tractor because you're going to need gravel somewhere it's guaranteed [Music] [Music] now we've got a lot of gravel in there we'll see what happens this time [Music] yep there it goes all right yay well now that the truck and trailer are out now we have to unload a lot of hay in this heat it's very hot very humid yeah it's not going to be fun [Music] all right caleb i need your camera come on pass it over all right i got the camera caleb's gonna go move hey what are you doing she's relaxing just propped up having fun i wish we had a couple hey guys [Music] so you're feeling accomplished now maddie you got to move hey [Music] [Music] uh we got our media team out here moving hey it's caleb sarah well do what needs to be done even if it's moving hey maddie's like thrilled she's like this is great [Music] so we moved about 250 bales of hay out of there i estimated there was 20 when we started and i don't know what our employees are going to do to me for misunderestimating so poorly but i don't think it's going to be good [Music] all right here we go pretty little horse this one here was supposed to be kind of jittery a little bit but she's fine she it's a beautiful day at horse plus sun's out horse is waking up i'll be a warm place to lay when you're feeling cold and i'll be home but you won't unfold when we're dancing live stance you'll be the partner out you and me together growing up [Music] a smile on my face i won't be perfect but i promise i'll try every day [Music] so me and mr video man himself decided to ride an ac to the next horse is this too hot we got to take care of this camera equipment too we don't want it to get messed up by the heat so [Music] you can pull up i don't know if she'll walk over there but [Music] let me get my little bag of goodies here easy girl i honestly think you think her toes need brought back slowly and stood up straighter [Music] i would put her up for a day or two it was a little beaut hey she's on beat she already on it that's what i would do and get her off the grass i think a lot of it is we've had so much rain this year and your tender grasses keep coming on and they keep growing and i won't call it poison but it's like poison to some of these horses they just they don't need all that it's too much for them [Music] i'd say she should be ready to re-shoe or whatever y'all want to do by age wednesday or tuesday but she's got good feet so she might have just a little rotation going on but there's nothing there to that i'm really concerned about for straightening up and fixing that's she's hurting that front end pretty bad hey i'm caitlin and i'm the grant manager here at horse plus and i'm excited about the potential of adopting maya so maya's tied up right over here oh she's pretty she's a good girl we'll get her saddled up and then we'll go for a ride with her and tg sounds great perfect okay maya how long have you been thinking about maya for um shelby told me about her a couple weeks ago and so ever since then yeah nice and you said she looks like a horse that you had when you were growing up i grew up with one horse my whole life and maya looks like a spitting image of her nice and everyone loves me like when she first came everyone was asking about the barrel horse [Music] so she just gets a little hot when you first get on i think she was always a barrel horse so i think her mind is as soon as you get on she really wants to go um you can tell she's in tune with you she's not yeah or anything she's just she's not trying to necessarily take off she's just trying to she's excited excited and go forward and do her job of what she was trained to do whenever you're ready we can head out okay so we're gonna head out for a little ride for caitlyn to see how she does outside [Music] and like once we got on the road she like trotted a little bit but then relaxed like she's already doing better than she was like the first like when jessie evaluated her and when shelby got on her she's already starting to relax more [Music] so how do you like her caitlyn oh i love her you think you want to adopt her definitely yes not even a question [Music] that is so awesome feels weird standing on this side of the desk i know right so here's maya's adoption paperwork awesome today we are responding to shelbyville to meet up with an organization that is very influential of fighting the big lick it's going to be great to go there and really speak out against the the horrible abuse and everything that happens with big lick this is also my first time going to protest the big lick in shelbyville um it was actually kind of the first protest i've ever been to so it's a different kind of feeling because you don't know what you're expecting i started protesting in august of 2019 i lived in michigan before i moved down here had no clue what this this was to us in michigan tennessee walkers are just expensive horses for rich people to own we had no clue about the big licking my very first auction that i worked i was holding a tennessee walker who showed signs of soaring on his ankles his hopes were really bad he's got scars all up his legs and i took him home with me 30 days later to this day he's he can't be ridden he is very skittish around anybody that's my husband or eye the farrier he's gotten better with because we've grown his feet out and got all of his issues done but today he's still not ridable the damage that those shoes and stacks have done to his neck and his hips he's not ridable so that's the main reason why i go twice a year to shelbyville and columbia to protest against this well we are uh on the road on the way to the big league protest so we've got about i think 20 25 minutes away um till we get there so so we're about to head into the walking horse magazine um they are in charge of the event so we're going to talk about why they don't have why they don't require children to wear helmets you have six seven-year-olds wearing no not wearing helmets in the show ring where if an injury were to happen that it's not going to stop it so we're going to talk to him about that and wonder why he's not doing that but we are not allowed to film in there so we're going to let you guys know how it goes when we get back out here please leave the property now we've listened to you everything's been nice but now we all need to leave um the director was not there but as we were leaving he pulled up and the receptionist lady had us leave because she didn't it's private property and you're not going to take photos outside good evening ladies and gentlemen we're here in shelbyville tennessee at deborah inc that's the walking horse report this is a 7 million a year business it's built on big lick animal trophy we're here to oppose that we've just provided two pictures to mr jeffrey howard we saw him come in the parking lot he's a celebration director he's publisher of the walking horse report you can't be on our mr howard's come out here and this is public property along the side of the road we have every right to be here jeffrey are y'all going to do something about the helmets kids are allowed to wear helmets in our showroom jeffrey howard's a stand-up guy he knows they have a problem with the animal pro we're gonna have to bring this to an end this young man here will come to this horse show at one time and hopefully it'll be something we'll all be proud of now jeffrey you've asked us to move thank you and we're gonna move but thank you sir thank you jeffrey so we're all here ready to um head into the time subway build times gazette um and we're just getting over the rundown of what we're gonna be doing in there um and we're gonna be buying some newspapers and um also um see if we can talk to there's a couple different people we want to talk to um yeah so we just um came across from problem with legal matters but um we're gonna hold up the banner now so what just happened manny um we took picture with the banner in front of the newspaper cool cool and then before that what was the whole kind of stuff up there for a little while we were talking to the guy that owns the newspaper and seeing what his side was on how everything gets represented okay we went in there to buy some newspapers and just talk to the owner they have a sign out in front of the front of the office saying they are a proud sponsor of the tennessee walking horse and we just wanted to know why they don't why they don't want to see the other side of the issue and so we wanted to try to figure out why they won't hear our side as a newspaper who is you know fair to both sides um and anyway we also had a banner we wanted to put up and take a photo in front of their office on public property on the side of the road which is public property unfortunately they weren't wanting that even though we weren't on their property at the time which would be a trespassing so which we weren't doing and now we have two uh two cops out here and kind of talking about the different situation so yeah [Music] what's it's been like for you personally maddie so far it has been a great experience had you uh had to do some of the talking huh i have had to do quite a bit of talking which i don't normally have to do [Music] we're here at shelbyville tennessee for the seventh straight year this is the citizens campaign against big lick animal cruel and me are the heroines the heroes the advocates these are the people mrs presley said stood for the horses and did everything these people have come from different walks of life some have traveled many miles to be here they speak for the horses our campaign's slogan horses don't have a voice so we protest for them uh we've had lots of people come together on this uh the horse plus humane society the humane society in the united states peta so many people have joined in to participate tennesseans we're looking at tennesseans here that's who is bringing this to an end it's boycott time in tennessee we're gonna be going live here in a few minutes maddie and i up on facebook um we're out here protesting we've got a lot of trucks coming by so we're going to go the other side of the road and um and get some while we're we're going live here so awesome so we're going to kind of talk you through what brought us up here yeah so we are currently in front of the what's this place called salia look at the sally detroit cal sonic california so this is what the stacks look like for anyone that's curious you can see how thick they are and how heavy they would be and then you have the soaring stars right here on the back of them i think the big lick should have stopped a long time ago but um people talk about on facebook all the time about standing up for what is right that's what we're out here for today i might just be a keyboard warrior i stand up for what i believe in it needs to stop yep it does thank you every every single one of you for coming and watching us yeah thank you thank you have a good day guys [Music]
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 38,772
Rating: 4.9671278 out of 5
Id: MB3MAz1syZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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