Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E27 | Full Episode

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on this episode we have a couple of adoptions you'll get to meet two of our new employees we also have cats surrendered we also have an emergency visit from doc and everyone's favorite farrier is coming out for a visit you won't want to miss a single minute of horse shelter heroes [Music] so today we have an appointment for lucy and they're really excited to meet her but we also pulled up kyle because she could be a good fit if lucy isn't perfect for them i can show you are you come in and mess with her i'll let you show us first and then we'll we'll go from there [Music] she doesn't have a mean bone no she's very calm yeah she seems perfect she just needs to know what to do yeah yeah was she from the auction auction she was from the july auction girl or was she june july yeah did you think you're gonna get in love on herself [Music] here's [Music] just need both of these spelled out [Music] look at this fight see we've got a dog named receive that will destroy these cats [Music] [Music] we are so happy that lucy got adopted was able to go to a forever home they're going to put some time and work into her to help make her a kid's horse for their nieces and nephews this is blessing and she was surrendered on labor day and there's her mama right there and her mom's name is jenny so jenny and blessing jessie's gonna take both of them out but she's getting the baby right now and there they go is that the one that's hard yeah what do you want to get her up she literally she hasn't moved that well she was laying here right here she was right here when we got up when we got here this morning they got up and she hasn't left that area besides getting going back down vana is a sweet mare who sadly she's not able to stand on her own we've tried x-rays we've tried medications we've tried pain meds and everything to try to help her through and figure out what's going on with her but sadly she went down again today and she was not able to get up we got her up once when gave her food and stuff but she wasn't able to eat she didn't have an appetite or anything and she went down again so sadly we had to make the call to call doc and to hurry up and come out and check her out and sadly she didn't make it but we're very thankful that she was able to come here and we were able to fall in love with her and she saw some kindness before we had to say goodbye we are getting the ultrasound together doc is pretty sure that petunia is pregnant so we're going to do an ultrasound just to make sure we have somebody that wants her and is excited if she is pregnant and she doesn't really like to be in the chute um and they have adopted a horse from us before and there are absolutely amazing people so um we're just gonna check her for just to make sure she's pregnant and hopefully she gets to go to her new home next week [Music] i'd say she's about three months now doc is all finished with petunia and she is three months pregnant so we're super excited for her now we're gonna move on to jenny when jenny came in she couldn't put any weight on one of her back legs and we were very concerned for her we thought maybe she had been foundered so doc's gonna do some x-rays on her and see what we can find so [Music] it's about her but not bad oh wow oh that's after we trimmed it you want to do that back one that she's lame on yesterday yeah that's her best foot best one so i we're gonna go with abscesses on the other one yes ma'am doc came out today it was just kind of an emergency for him to come out today vanna wasn't doing well and we had a donkey that came in over the weekend that couldn't walk but surprisingly she was walking well this morning so we trimmed up her feet took some x-rays it looks like hopefully they're just abscesses so doc's going to put her on some medication and see how that goes hello i wanted to introduce myself my name is tanner and i am horse pluses hr so i am in charge of making sure that we are hiring dedicated people people who are here for the horses people who are happy to be here and in charge of payroll and any other employee questions these black hay feeders will go in the main portion of our facility and then we also have some red ones and they go in the quarantine gonna get them unloaded sit them over by the arena and then we'll pick out which pastures we want to put them in so we just have another cat surrender that showed up and we're getting ready to do our intake for them and get them situated you guys have a great day thank you all right what's the story behind these little guys so they were dropped off in this crate evidently and they made sure it had holes in it so that they could breathe and they just brought them here all right we're gonna get them into a nice little spot for the evening oh other mountain there's a mama cat and seven kittens oh my goodness oh oh don't let him out don't let him out oh my word how cute oh how cute they're cute they're like a crazy cat lady house they do smell they smell like crazy cats now i can smell it ammonia yeah okay we're gonna try to attempt to get the mama out first that's definitely mama kitty sarah's gonna take a picture that way we can have all the cats on record it's okay baby hi mama kitty hi and lots of fleas she's got her little hearts beating so fast [Music] it's a little boy [Music] so we have all the cats microchipped and they're all settled in all right what is going on in here uh we're moving tony's desk into the other room we're getting more people so we need more room so tony has decided to move into the bathroom where all the filming and stuff is done and we're going gonna get a couple more dust and put it in here for the new people all right [Music] [Music] all right y'all there's so much room in here and we're making some progress getting all moved into the new office area for tawny toni's old office is going to be turned into an office for two other people and so we're spreading out making some more room adding some more people to the team and we're really excited about it [Music] hi my name is corey uh you guys probably see me in some of the episodes i'm the new ranch foreman at horse plus humane society i've been here for a couple weeks now and we've been getting a lot done i had a buddy move out to tennessee about a year ago and he's been watching the horse rescue heroes since he moved out here they're looking for a horse to adopt and he told me about this place before i moved out here i was working on a ranch in sacramento and i was the manager out there so i've been working with meals since i got here i am a bishop meal days reserve world champion out in bishop california i've been working with a couple of the meals here so far so far we're just working on gentling them getting them more trusting with people they haven't really been handled much i've been working on halter breaking them and just kind of letting me get up to them to touch them picking up their feet and i've been teaching them to be respectful of your boundaries on the ground [Music] [Music] garrick's out today he is our farrier here at horse plus humane society and we love him he is awesome he's going to be shoeing and showing some of the horses today and it's so nice to have a farrier that is patient and willing to take his time working with the horses some of them are more difficult they've been through a lot of trauma and he's just really good at taking his time and being patient with them oh okay we won't do them first oh wow look at that well we're going to work through the little problem here i don't know we're not going to hurt her a lot of times these horses that want a kid can carry on it's not really that they're mean or they want to hurt you it's just they don't know when somebody grabbed my foot started jerking on it i'd be a little bit leery of it too so then we put her foot down we step back in case she does try to kick file her feet down we won't get crazy with her we'll just file her feet and let her know hey this is a good thing and this is supposed to be a good experience and sometimes you just get kicked that's just the way it is see how see how she down there that's perfect and so what i do is i just rub on them rub on let her walk off that's fine i'm not going to jerk her foot up i'm going to touch her back legs and let her know hey i'm just here to pet on you and right here she can kick all she wants but she's not gonna get me i'm gonna stay right here in a safe spot see she's starting to give it to me now she'll step off that's fine there we go good good see there that's what i want but you've got to be willing to take time with these horses there you go baby good baby yes you are yeah see there so yesterday i got to go trim popcorn that was adopted out here it's really neat to get to go trim a horse or shoe one that has come from here you get to see them today's gonna be a big day i've got a lot of horses to do i'll be in three different counties today but horseplus always comes first so first stop of the day what are you doing what are you doing hey whoa hello [Music] oh yeah this was a good day went really well we've got a little more hot weather coming but today was actually pretty nice it was nice today so we're going to load up and go do some more i've got a full day garrick just left he's got a busy day of shooting horses all around the middle tennessee area he worked on petunia and gray and hickory and rain and he also trimmed blessing she's a little donkey that came to us on labor day and you'll have to continue watching this episode to find out what happens to blessing all right y'all i just came back in the office garrick was here trimming some of the horses and uh here is tony's new desk set up um still gotta organize and get it all fixed up but this is where her new office is going to be we go on an adventure together [Music] come on come here [Music] when blessing jumped off the trailer on labor day i was immediately smitten her face won me over and then she was following me around and i just kind of fell in love so we might be going on some adventures together huh go hang out with my clam do you think you follow me around no you're gonna choose your own way we're going back we gotta get ready to go to a new home come on come on what a good donkey i think she wants to go home with me huh yeah where are we going huh all right blessing you got a new home what do you think so blessing came in on labor day and i thought she was adorable when she walked off the trailer and then through the week i got to work with her a little bit she wasn't halter trained when she came but she picked up really quick on all that and i needed a companion for my horses and figured she'd fit right in so i adopted her on thursday [Music]
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 35,962
Rating: 4.9719124 out of 5
Id: 8wsEJlolw0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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