It's Ugly Before It's Pretty

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[Music] okay folks what we have here is the classic horse that has been ridden incorrectly he come out of mexico he's an eight-year-old and he's very very typical of a whole bunch of horses all over the world and where i'm headed with this horse is for him to bridle up and ride off of my skeleton that's what i'm going to do so what i want to do is show you the ugly so it's blatantly clear of why i need to fix them so i'm gonna ask him to back up and i want you to watch what his mouth does now if i'm not mistaken he is not walking backwards all he's doing is focusing on that bit now if i pull hard enough he'll back up but it's nothing to be proud of so that's your first clue of why you want to fix that so the human has a real knack for teaching the horse to gap at the mouth they aren't born doing that walking forward and if i want to stop i'm going to walk around here and then i'll just stop him and back him up again if you'll notice the way i'm riding it's kind of a half neck rain half leg on these horses now you got to know i'm not picking on mexico this is just a fact that's worldwide so now i'm going to stop and now i'm going to walk around the circle and i'm going to show you how horses ridden incorrectly when you ride hanging onto their mouth if you pitch them to rain and let them walk then they ride a lot better so that's that's a big thing that happens with humans they're afraid to pitch them to rain because they're gonna whatever they think they're gonna do now back him up and he goes right back to his head being upside down so what it means is he hasn't connected to his feet how could he's never had a chance so i will gain absolutely nothing in transitioning this horse over in this bit today now how many ever days it takes i will in fact transition him so now i want to show you phase two of this thing okay folks now i have the noseband with the bridle if you'll notice it's very high i start out with it high on purpose i also do not get on my horse and pull back like i was because i really don't want to break my pelvis today so this is what i do you got to know this horse has never had this on so he has to make a decision he's trying to open his mouth and he can't so i'm telling him connect this to your feet now please notice the timeline of how quick it was because i simply shut the mouth his first choice before was just gap at the mouth and let the guy pull i can take it so now that option's gone now i'm going to walk ahead and stop him then i'm going to back him up i took away one of his options now the most important part about the lesson today is not the pulling it's the release if you can get that through your head you'll be able to make a really nice horse anybody can pull when you feel the movement of the skeleton and can release that's when you start to become handy at this now if you've got some really bothered horse which this one isn't understand this isn't a nerve thing or scared to death or nothing it's a horse that simply doesn't know i'm just showing him how he can walk backwards he doesn't have to gap his mouth and partner you need to yield to pressure okay remember this exercise i'm doing right now is a straight line forward and a straight line back that's phase one if you can get this done off of your seat you can teach a horse to do anything now i'll ask and release now those of you that are younger than me you can hear the cricket maybe see this he's not mad he just doesn't get it this you're watching now is called a habit he's used to protecting his mouth so he automatically is going to go into it now as you'll notice i'm just walking backwards in a straight line where you really get into trouble is when i take this horse in this bit and go work cattle in a crawl right now i shot myself right straight in the foot if i do i have to take the time to do a one-on-one so one more time i'm gonna ask him to walk backwards and he's just beginning to start to listen to my body there now this is at a very slow walk please remember that there if you watch the range you'll know what's when it's an intentional step there that's how this starts so however long it takes one hour three hours six weeks whatever you'll get to walk backwards off of my seat now for the lateral work that's when i put on my snaffle because i can't i don't want to do this and i'm damn sure ain't going to do this i'm not going to reach down and grab a horse by the bit and make it turn its head so phase two i'll show you later once i get things the way i want it on the back up but i'll give you a hint when i can walk him backwards off of my seat i'm gonna pick up his left foot and set it out in back then i'm going to pick up his right foot and set it out and back if you can set a horse's foot out and back you can teach him to turn any way you want i'm going to help him with that with my snaffle but just bear that in mind because right now if i try to turn him and i was working cattle what he does is he moves his rear end out and his front end is stuck that foot drilled a hole right in the ground that's not how i want my horses to work cattle i don't want them slinging their head and running their rear end around their front end so this is all going to change okay now the noseband if you'll notice is high there's a reason why i put it up there those of you that are around the hacklemore have seen me tell you that here's the v and from here down is cartilage from here up is bone if i put that on the cartilage now and screwed it down like in three dayers of them dressage people then i would crush this over time if i was pulling on him i leave it up here where the bone is hard and this is how tight it is all it does is stop him when he gets to that point of gapping like you first saw him do this is a temporary fix gimmick part of the trick call it whatever you want i don't care it cuts my time in half i can tell you that i think it's pretty obvious to you so i get rid of this as soon as i can you don't need to put a i forget what it's called i've seen it in town flash buckle roller whatever you don't need it okay i'll change bridles okay now to be polite i'm gonna walk in a circle again and let this horse know there's something different here because it's 180 degrees different than what that slicer is now i'm in the same place i was working so i'll take a hold of him with two hands and sit down now the part you need to understand is that when you pull on the reins and the slicer bit it's a lever the curved strap gets tied under the jaw the bars hit the mouth and the horse stops okay now there is no curb strap the curb strap there is just to keep the bit from going through the mouth it has no contact on the jaw nothing so now it's simply pressure and release on the mouth as you all know my snaffle solid mouth so it's pressure it's not pain so now i can straighten out his skull and work on everything from the withers out with this bit position one the nose now i'm going to ask to back up by bending my elbows listen for the cricket some horses that i've ridden when i do this they they i i never talk for horses but i can tell you they say are you kidding me meaning that's all this is there's no pain involved it's just pressure now never take this personal what he's doing now you see how quiet my hands are thank you that's him his automatic response is to fight the bit that's what he's been taught so all this head slinging and everything he's going to do in the next weeks or whatever it takes me to fix him up it's all habits that are going to disappear because he's going to figure out he doesn't have to fight it it's not painful and i and i taught him release so now i stop keep my hands low because i don't have his nose where i want it yet now i can start giving and i'm literally working with his body now from where i'm sitting you got to know that from the withers out his neck is doing this in the next trip it could be doing it the other way from the from here that way folks he's got a whole lot of things he's got to get rid of me all i got to do is outlast him i don't train these horses i just outlast them and i'm going to offer the best which is a being consistent every time and he's going to find out he doesn't need to do what he's doing right now he doesn't need to do that doesn't need to do that now i'm about to increase the pressure you need to walk backwards thank you now you notice i'm not given which reminds me we need to clarify something i hate to interrupt myself but i said to myself myself you got to know what our world's all about for you folks have been watching for quite a while what what i'm sitting on is one of our chapters that's fixing older horses to get them handy we happen to get our horses out of mexico because they're gentle nice good horses i just try to plum them up or whatever i need to do to finish them off to go to a purchase a buyer all right that's one of our chapters now turn the page completely and you got chinaco who's an iberian three and a half year old colt that we raised and i'm headed for the california spade bit on that horse so do not cross reference what you're watching here with what i'm doing with chanako and there was another one i forgot it doesn't matter thank you you know that chanako i ride in the hakkamore i would never ever ever put a basalt on this horse the hakkamore is the whole thing but it's all meaning the noseband all i would do is be wasting my time and i don't need to look cool for anybody so you're just wasting your time thinking you always mouth has heard he's had been pulled on he's fine you don't need to put a hackamore or both all on them all you got to do is teach them the concept of release there you go this is what he does so if this bothers you now the reason this happened in the first place is because he got tired of somebody pulling on him he started throwing his head up so the answer to the human was just put a tie down on him well that is one answer that's true however i prefer to kind of raise the bar a little bit and get them to where they handle off my skeleton and do whatever it is i need and there's no resentment now you can see already that he's gonna bridle up really nice now i'm going to show you the front foot thing i was talking about now this is footfall the right front foot comes off the ground and as it comes off the ground you put your left foot on and open your shoulder and set the foot out right now so i'm making the horse walk backwards now the left front i'm making the horse walk backwards and placing the foot out because remember earlier i said if you can get him to put their foot out and back you got him well i'm doing half of it for him mechanically because i'm walking backwards later on he'll do it on his own because he'll rock to his hindquarter when they shift their weight back it frees them up to be able to move their front feet more accurate that's what this whole thing's about and i'll go ahead and clarify that as you know now after all this time i want a horse to handle this way not neck raining not flat i need them bridled up so that they can be on the hindquarter so that they can be a classy ride that's what i want i want that kind of a ride the practical side as a cowboy is that i need to be able to take a hit if i'm roping and i need them to be really handy in a corral and if they're on the forehand for me personally it doesn't work i need them to be on the hindquarter thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Pat & Deb Puckett
Views: 11,726
Rating: 4.9598999 out of 5
Keywords: Pat Puckett, The Disciplined Ride, Horsemanship, Deb Puckett
Id: 6yUDszMZTC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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