Honey Bees Swarm Me During A Live Bee Removal

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[Music] yeah PB ma'am all right so we get a call to come to customers house he calls and he says dude I just come home and I got bees everywhere in my garage okay I'm like all right no problem I got bugs in my eyes so I said how many you're seeing he said well by my window by my fluorescent lights he said man there's a couple hundred okay that's crazy that makes me feel like we got a little bit more than Scouts it could be Scouts they got in there got confused I said all right be down there in the morning we'll get there we'll get everything opened up well so I get here okay I get here and right there all right in here up along that brick there's bees coming and going man just like airport I'm going to crap there in all right so now we got to go when we got to figure out the direction we're going in and how we want to do and we got bees still in the window we open up the garage door and you know normal okay I'm it's normal at least for me well I'm like we're gonna go through this overhang right here we're gonna take the board down we'll go that way because there's braces there literally what looked to be right they were right in between the inner band board and outer band board and there's blocking in the way are you following me here all right so we we started taking this off I cut this piece of trim this up against the brick and the overhang pull the trim down and all of a sudden I start I look over to my left and I got these line what holy how old on so I cut down off the ladder and I go out here in the yard and lo and behold boom we got bees everywhere the swarms moving in while I'm standing here like opening stuff up to find out where they're at they're like they're not here the Rope there and I'm going yes Monica I'm calling because - dude come here I said here they come and he wouldn't what do you mean here they come and I'm like the swarm is moving in now those were Scouts so he's like yeah and I'm like yeah and we're both like yeah alright and and they're they're everywhere and he's making videos and I'm like trying to make video with my phone and and all that other stuff in and then I caught the queen man this is crazy this is crazy I'm loving it let's go figure out what we're gonna do these bees now I bet you do out to be settled down by now we hope at least I hope they are check it out oh my god they literally are flying in like right now so uh all I'm so happy so happy check it out [Music] how about you mr. customer are you thinking this is pretty cool weirdest thing you ever did see ain't it and they're everywhere they're gonna start landing here what they'll do is see they're gonna land over here and start fanning and make the other ones come and land here also and they're gonna all ball up and normally what they would do is they would have started going up in where that trim was that but we're gonna catch him for that I just got that piece of trim off up there and the swarms coming in this is awesome I mean I had a piece of comb in the car I want them to go in Lane right here there's the Queen see that ball right there that's where the Queen's at let me get up there and show y'all check them out all right we're responsive wean first wins uh nothing but you get to say you've seen her first make sure you mark what time you seen her and where awesomesauce I love it I love it I love it see all we can do right now is yell at the neighbor for loan loan is lon uh oh mighty they just keep coming all right gang see y'all em bees we're starting to hang a little looky here I got them queen there she is right there check it out check it out she's the one with the big fat butt right there right there we got or dude we got her are you not happy they're not in your mouth we don't have to tear anything else apart yeah they're new walls though we all we gonna do put up a piece of trim yes I love this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys obviously we have caught the Queen and as a good friend and beekeeper I'm going to be nice and offered would you like these bees are you sure I don't mind giving a date you want me to take him home okay then all right okay so if you look right up in here behind me you're seeing that the bees are no longer up on here what aren't you strike with don't give me the crab but they're actually all coming down to the Colorado be back all right the way that this setup goes is that I can remove the vacuum top off of it and I still contain to have my box with containment on it but guess what I'm doing I've set this out here and now the straggler bees if we're all flying around are now coming down here to the rest of the bees if you look really close see how their fan and they're letting everybody else know hey here's our queen all right here's the rest of the colony everybody come join down here just like they would if they were in if they were moving into the house now I have a spare box okay and this is why I like having spare boxes because I'm gonna come back with my spare box and actually vacuum all the B's that are on the outside of this and I'll catch and contain them but as it goes right now these aren't are coming down here to the rest of the colony instead of being up there where I have to vacuum I hope you guys enjoy the video and I'm out of here I gotta go finish this up and get them home put them in a box put a little feed on them and let them get back to being beans hope you enjoyed it [Music]
Channel: Yappy Beeman
Views: 120,157
Rating: 4.9370813 out of 5
Keywords: yappy, yappy beeman, bee videos, honey bee removal, honey bee, beginner bee keeping, beekeeping lessons, how to beekeeping, bee removal video, bee removal from, top 5 largest bee, top 5 swarm catch videos, catching a swarm of honeybees, colorado bee vac, bees swarming house, catching free bees, bee removal videos, swarm catching videos, how to catch a swarm videos, incredidible bee videos
Id: eqVMyY9yGhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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