Eight foot long bee hive removal and relocation.

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hello mr. here today is September 28 I'm in Bush Louisiana I'm on the ground you know why I'm on the ground because of those bees right there underneath the trailer hoping the camera can see that got a phone call from a mailman say man they're getting ready to move a trailer and they have bees in it they need to have these bees removed and it's wonder if you can come out and get them well yeah I want to come get them so the bees are underneath the trailer we're about 17 miles from the Abbey it's a beautiful morning it's about right around 75 degrees Suns coming up about 8:30 but we're here to wrangle some bees and by the grace of the God these bees right here they could've come up to the Abbey and become a bee honey bees let's wrangle Wow is that a hive oh my goodness I am sure that that hive runs from the end of the trail right here to the beam and I'm certainly hoping that it doesn't go beyond the beam let it very well may I mean this this is gonna be a big high there's no doubt about that all right they appear to be pretty gentle we're gonna find out pretty soon I'm simply gonna start vacuuming bees right away and once I vacuum some of the bees off then I'll cut open the area that I think I'll just cut open the area expose the hog and then just start vacuuming be that way I can tell what the bees are doing where they're running oh my goodness huh or what and as I suspected goes beyond the beam all the way to there there's a lot of empty comb of course I said that before and discovered hunting on the inside but this hive is every bit tough eight feet all and I don't know if it start to go into the other side of that floor space like you did over here I'll find that out I'm gonna set up the back and I'm going to start vacuuming bees and then after I get the bees numbers down I'll start cutting comb but it seems like a lot of dry combing here [Music] you [Music] you [Music] so I decided to start going ahead and removing the hive from the rear because I was very concerned about having these bees right back here I apologize for not getting this on the video taking this come out here and it's all hunt it was all honey back here but we were so far back under the trailer I don't believe anything would have been able to be seen in the video so I took the comb out and now let me show you a picture of that comb of what we took out in this spot right here now here's the comb that was removed from all that oh this is some beautiful stuff it's nice and dry I'm gonna be able to go ahead and put this stuff in frames and give it right back to the bees [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we are really deep into this thing now and you know there's just so many bees out here I'm sure there's there's Robin going on because we've been vacuuming bees for it took literally hours let me show you what we have so far I still got all this comb to go we've already filled two ice chests now we're working on the third one it's quite a job up in here there's not a lot of room and there's a lot of beans and it you know it's really hard to tell the robber beats and the hobbies but I can assure you there's robber beans here there's just way way way way too many beans flying around so I'm gonna get back at it and change the camera position hopefully I can get a better position and show you the comb as I take it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank you Jesus Wow we man oh man this is a battle under here folks and I'll tell you what I don't think I'm winning but I think we've crossed the line catching our queen on this one so God's graces with this queen and hopefully we'll get these bees for this vacuum up there's still a lot of bees and combs oh what a great great event now a very happy if you cannot tell all right I promised that I would do a little talk on robber bees and what robber bees are and what you're witnessing here is crazy Robin going on this is here we are we're right at the beginning of October our nectar flow is just about ready to start but it hasn't yet and so the bees will just Rob any other hive that's not protecting their honey and there are just so many bees here there is no way to differentiate between a hobby and a robber being here there is just there is just so many bees in the air honey it really is a mess but thankfully we got all our comb out of here let me give you a shot of that here is where the comb used to be I'm telling you it was a mess what's a massive party the high beetles the robber bees it's just like crazy get up a little closer and I could show you the rest of it now that is a shot of where the high used to be it's 8 feet down the road down there and I know you can hear the bees because it's a roar and there's just no way different like I said there's just no no way of differentiating between hobbies and raqqa these so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna have to come back tomorrow by tomorrow it'll all have been robbed out and their hobbies they're gonna be cluster up somewhere not just vacuum up all right so let's take a look at our bees that we vacuumed now honey and Aurora huh so let me give you a shot of ice chests with honey I don't want to be too long because all these bees and he had a one I'm gonna get back to the Abbey and backing them up there's still plenty alive here's our second one a lot less beans on this one it's all honey in here this is all honey now this box right here has got the brood in it and I got to do this really fast because all these robber bees are still out in there so let me pop this open real quick show you and close it that's all that brood there's a mess of honey on the bottom too and this is all of our being there's got to be 30,000 bees in this box right now right now Oh what time is it right now Oh so the time right now is four o'clock I got here at 8:30 so you do the math figure out how long this remove a bit let's wrap this video up in queen bee center stage well you're not gonna believe this but the homeowners Alisa Matt and Brady they've been here all day with the with doing the watching the cutout and then I had Robert at the end he was I could have done it but he wasn't here he was pulling all the cones for me a hint putting I was handing them off and he was taking care of all that giving my tools so his help was indispensable he's a brand-new beekeeper and and he's fixing a fixing to get his own own bees so that's all I got on this one so anything you say amazing amazing in Robert - for the first time what do you what did you oh yeah Brady got Brady got stung by not one but two bees while he was watching it but yeah for the first time ever so he really took some hits on this yeah so thanks for watching keep on watching and I'll be making more god bless mr.eddy now this crew morality until the next video [Music] it's Monday morning now been two days since we took those bees out of that trailer in Bush and I'm back in the honey house I came up here yesterday squeeze all the honey framed up about eight frames of honey that I can give back to the bees and pretty much got everything in order so that when I got here today I could then release the Queen put their honey on their hives and get these beasts that I've also still got to run out to Bush and vacuum up the rest of the bees that are still hanging out at the trailer so I'm gonna do all that stuff this morning I'll give you a shot right now of the honey that I managed to squeeze out of that all that comb and this is what the remnants of the wax look like after I squeezed it and underneath it of course that's where all our honey is I'll get you a shot of that as soon as I pulled a colander off and I framed up eight frames of honey and we show you that over here these are the frames of honey that I put in here right there so we got eight frames of those I don't think it's enough money for those bees there was so many bees but it'll definitely start them out and then I'll start feeding these girls all right let's go turn that cleaner so here are our bees and as you can tell I put the second deep super on already there were so many bees in the bottom box where the Queen is that when I undid the vacuum box there was just so many bees still in that there's no way they could fit in that box so I added a second super honors and more than likely I'll take that super off right now and replace that super with the honey super and get these girls situated with that and see if there's enough room for them at that point but if not we'll see let me put that one back on let's go ahead and move that top super take it off of there find out where a queen is on in that cage and go ahead and release her what I'm gonna do is take the top super off I'm not going to remove the cover I'm just gonna take the whole box off because I don't want to get these bees all upset I'm sure there's gonna be lots of bees in this top box and I want to do this without using a smoke they have enough stress as it is so let's go ahead and pull this one off and set it down very good and as you can tell I mean we have 10 frames of bees right here and our queen isn't this one right here so let's pull this frame out to give me a little bit of wiggle room in here [Music] this is the frame our queen is on hold [Music] yep yeah she is she's in our cage right here we're gonna remove the cage right now and you're gonna put this frame vase this slider frames back over dropping our 10th frame got all that set up and we are now ready to release that Queen I'm gonna zoom in on that area right there and so hopefully you all be able to see the Queen if she comes out as well I think I get things set up where you might be able to see it shake these bees off of it you'll never be able to see it we don't get some of them off of there oh it's so full of bees inside here I don't even know if you will be able to see or coming out I don't know if I'll be able to see it alright let's go ahead and turn a loose on these hobbies let's see if I can alright I see her in there here she comes and let's see I lost there [Music] well that probably didn't do I so will help they Mulder as soon as they she was free let's see now if she's out of the cage so she's in the mess now you didn't get to see it neither did I but I know she's in there all right while all these bees are being happy that Mama's back in the box and we'll go ahead and grab that box of honey and put it on top of them all right it's probably got 40 pounds that's two movies over here good well we got our oxen honey right here take a quick peek movies when his talk box oh my goodness there's a bunch of these up there too they're cleaning that poem up already get all these things on the set and they'll come down on their own all right now that that's done let's get back into the honey house I love somebody add honey to bring to the homeowners and head up to bush and set the bottle of the tub of wax out on the back porch to let these girls start beating on it I want to set this one up before I did that because I didn't want that feeding frenzy to happen while I'm doing this so now that this is all set up I'm safe to do that and we'll set that up and I'll let them start feeding on that and you know I'm gonna give you a shot of that and this is what our honey looks like I can't tell from the bat how much honey is in here looks like there's about three inches on the sides I'd say minimally to the islands maybe a little bit more it's good and start bottling some of this up and bring it over to the homeowner that's we're gonna grab our honey and everything be back and we're headed up the bush to vacuum up some bees well that was certainly expecting to find more bees than this when I came back up here well this is all there is and a few of them in the corner right here and there's a couple more someone go ahead and grab the back and back at these little girls up bring it back up to the avian tournament and once again everything be vac has performed flawlessly I like this new design part of it where you can take the fan head off of the machine and now it vents for the bees you don't have to run the motor any longer and it closer and there was it they can see the bees ain't there they go yeah there weren't that many beats left and got a vacuumed up back up to the abbey turn these girls loose look at this folks it's like sharks swimming around waiting for the feed to happen you know these girls are ready they they know the dinner bell once that thing once I dropped that can they started coming out and they're ready so let's not keep them waiting let me go ahead and bring out the colander of wax that these girls start feeding huh yeah that give you a shot of what they look like far off zoom in on it for you huh and now let's go get our really close look
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 874,343
Rating: 4.8056583 out of 5
Keywords: eight foot long bee hive removal and relocation., Bees, honey bees, removing bees from a house, removing bees from a trailer, relocating a bee hive, relocating bees, using smoke to move bees, hive tools, bee suit, knifes, serrated knives, bee vac, Everything Bee Vac, portable bee vac, battery operated bee vac, ice chests, brood comb, honey comb, queen bee, queen cage beekeeping, catching a queen bee, catching a queen bee in a cage, squeezing honeycomb with hands
Id: rdRl6FN0nK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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