THE Most Incredible Queen Bee Catch EVER!!

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welcome back rooster nation to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life headed up enter the tractor supply see if i can't find an owl decoy on our facebook post about the raccoons getting in our hives martin belcher suggested putting an owl perch but that that's down in the city limits down in gulfport i don't think i've ever seen an owl down there we've got them around here further north but not down that far as far as i know i'm sure they're there somewhere they're just not in plentiful supply and i don't know that an owl could take out a but i'm going to try now decoy just as a deterrent to see maybe right now we're having a trap but maybe they'll help run them off i'll let you know how it goes since that video will probably be off in the distant future let's get into a cutout video that my wife went with me on so it's on a miracle grow out there that does not look real does it oh ain't no good for nighttime look at the detail on this jewel looks like bob ross painted the thing kind of heater i grew you grew up cooking your clothes on oh yeah not that polyester cake we've got a rather large hive to remove today in the wall of this hundred-year-old house it starts as near as i can tell at the top plate it comes down to somewhere in the neighborhood of the panel the the heat stops there i got to be real careful on this and i'm sure some old cloth covered wire probably probably not knocking two but just uh not romex and i gotta cut through big board to get to it unfortunately because i don't i hate to destroy their bead board but i gotta cut i'm gonna start above the window trim walk that stud to within one board at the top and then come over here and find this stud i'm gonna take the panel off and see if i can't find the stud that way because they're probably not 16 on center all this you see on the wall right here is from our previous dead out they had plastic on the wall as well this line right here caught all this dead bees and wax moth feces and stuff it's just a pile of dead bees at some point they swarmed and a bunch of them got up in the panel uh so hopefully there's enough room around the panel that i can't hunt and find studs but the colony is in here now it's healthy it's got a it's a high of 54 today got a good strong heat signature all the way across and and what's that three foot to the ceiling and we've got free reign of the house nobody's living here right now so i'll show you this bathroom that elizabeth is impressed with was a bedroom at some point and they got converted it just looks like something out of an old old hotel or old airbnb to me it's not something i would want but she likes it that's cause you're not dainty i don't have a sense of stuff i like this little steel guitar over here it's probably a 13 1400 square foot house got the old i don't know if he caught a farm sink just kind of a cool place for our first removal of 2021 we got the everything vac that i need to put probably it's got a good charge but i need to put it on charge but there's a the charge plug for it i didn't even think about until it got up here because this old house does have a ground on the power which is good some of these older houses don't then you gotta either destroy an extension cord or search around for an adapter i know some of you probably wondering what happened to my face okay it's amazing how much [Music] board that dates the house a little bit didn't it got to be careful this window sercile to the rescue i think everybody's going to get the trapeze suit on before he even gets it well i think the pink flower looks better for me than for pete yeah well you don't mind keeps it from getting stunned it works for me pretty he can have mine you can't even find yours i wonder why i didn't roll it out there was a yellow jacket hive above the window at one time i've seen two yellow jacket queens at my place in the past two days i saw one flying and one did so they're out already in this january 28th or something so yellowjacket queens are out trying to make a home well that was just hard to do with the gloves on that's why you said the gloves for last well not right here in the medical field put the gloves on first no we're not working in the medical field today well precision oh you did yeah i know good nothing nothing in there there was a roach there's cone on the side [Music] it's gonna run up my arm we got a nice propolis seal right here it's cold today so the bees are going to be clustered up high so we got empty comb down this far which this this right this actually is kind of nice right here because i can break into the siding right here into the uh paneling we have propolis seal in the panel that's probably not safe i guess they do have romex in this house somebody rewired it at some point and this is how this is going to come out b board is in three inch wide pieces and i gotta try not to tear it up because i do have to put this back if you can if you're taking something like this apart if you can number them number the backs of them so you know what position they were in when you pulled them [Music] you know what she's saying i'll let you guess oh she put a stinger in my shirt another i knew they were going to be irritable just because of how cold it is right now so i may have to suit up to finish stripping this out but right now i really just want to see where that other stud is going that way and what i have for that so that i don't get electrocuted is a fiberglass rod like a flag on a like an antenna on a bicycle you know flag rods whatever so so that i don't get electromilky let's turn them up up there my b gloves guardian apparel 2x these fit me pretty good and you guys just got big forearms they fit my hands i got big hands i got big forearms and they go up past my elbow pretty easy even over this flannel shirt so guardian be apparel for the gloves is who i recommend you know i'm just going to put a hood on for now if they get really nasty i do have another suit we got a guardian suit we got a man lake suit and i got a staircell suit so we got the whole run the whole gamut of the selection of suits but this this should be sufficient for what i need right now [Music] now this right here the more i thought about it this mildew outline i thought maybe this was a stud over here but they did have this sealed off of plastic so i think this was just condensation build up from having plastic over it so right now i'm thinking the stud may be in this area i'm hoping that i don't see any screws to the side of the panel [Music] i can get behind the panel to get over there so that that's wood right there smells like bananas know what that means i know they're angry yeah their alarm pheromone smells like bananas really take them off now and i'm gonna run straight up and see if i hit a piece of cross crosswood hitting calm all the way so this was built in the 1920s i think just family members put it together not i don't know that there were any codes back then i think it was just you nail it stick it where you think it goes and nail it so i don't know what their spacing is on this thing don't know if they had a construction background but they didn't build the house and it's a pretty cool little house so i guess maybe they knew something we don't have the heat on in the house and i'm wearing a i'm wearing an undershirt a t-shirt and then this flannel over this and i'm not hot so it's not warm in here at all but it's obviously warmer in here than it is outside and they're coming down and checking out seeing what we're doing probably enjoying a little heat because it is warmer in here than it is outside i'm quite certain i'll move over to where i think i should cut [Music] uh got this one board out now we can see for sure what the framing is i started to pull this board but the panel is not attached to the wall or maybe it's attached down low maybe it's attached to the propolis i don't know the panel's moving so i'm gonna try to leave this board here and just work up around the top of it pro photo on the bee removal okay now that i'm in the wall and starting to take boards out i can see that they did toenail into the tongue of each of these boards so i'm moving my cut over to this side of the nails because i'm on this side it's causing me to crack boards pulling them out [Music] [Music] so you haven't seen an album in my armpit we picked [Music] there they are right now the police board just started this one came out first right yeah trying to be gentle because it's almost hard to calibrate the right amount of pressure not to push them in make sure she's got some containers ready she wants some honey see how they plenty down once we got it open it's funny how they are you start breaking into them and they wear you out and then once you get the whole hive open it's like oh well he's here now we give up [Music] yeah they got her getting in there somewhere real quick tutorial note on a wall like this where you've got all kinds of wires running you got a main lug coming in got romex everywhere you can't really tell where it goes you don't know if it splits off uh it goes more than likely it all comes up through the center this main look wraps around goes down the wall you can see that but when you've got comb like this you don't want to cut so much as you want to tear because if you stick a knife in there if you stick a knife in there especially on an older house you stand a chance of getting yourself electrocuted or uh hurt somehow pop your knife you jerk it out and stick yourself in the head you know you just gotta be careful so on walls like this you want to go in very carefully and hand remove the comb as much as possible now there's some some of it that you just have to cut you got to cut it if you got to cut it but just be careful and use something with an insulated handle that's not you know electrical rated but it's better than having a metal tool in your hand like this five and one that probably has a tang running all the way through it if you're pushing on this with this in the palm of your hand and you hit something hot you might not like the end result brown like that and possibly hold the age is that did they just build it out and just never fill it up with honey or have they robbed it out no they've we're in into january now so this hive was full of everything from brood anything that's dark black has had to brew run through it so they've got to brew through this whole thing they've had honey through it at one time they still got a good amount of honey left going in to february uh they they would eat all that up before spring or before they swarm but this whole hive was was all in use at some point and now that it's in the winter they've backed it off to what's here and which of course we vacuumed up a lot of these but there's still a lot of them hiding behind these layers of cone because we're talking about a three and a half four inch wall it's probably four inches that looks like some full two inch but four inches of space so you probably get two or three layers of comb there that they're hiding behind so what you see is just nothing to the tip of the iceberg but there had [Music] yeah them out of the window in a minute this has got a bunch of pollen in it [Music] there we go [Music] where [Music] look i see i can see daylight [Music] we're getting into a little bit of honey in these lower cones not much but it's enough to make it drip a little and that's just the light glistening but right you know as you can see right here there's some honey in there but as i'm tearing this out it's not dripping too bad thankfully the further i get in though i have to stuff this with plastic so i'm not running honey down into the box [Music] i don't want to feel the panel with honey and there's enough up there to do [Music] it [Music] [Music] my okay [Music] another half a gallon i'm thankful it's totally cold so it's not running too bad some beautiful honey right there [Music] i you [Music] [Music] starting to cool down again the bees are really getting sluggish so they're not on me so bad which is fine with me and the honey's not running so that's good the honey's just cold it's dripping a little bit but ain't much at all [Music] did you ever see the queen that whole that whole top gap's propolised over here and then open up to there and i don't know if they're going next space over or uh i'm gonna go outside and see if there's not a top entrance somewhere i can see gaps on top of the window where they can get in around the window trim also here here and up there where they can cross over i don't think there's going to be any outside but i'm going to check anyway [Applause] nope smoker fuel anyone i didn't look before we started to see what they're using for an entrance but there's serious gaps all around that panel and a hole there gaps all the way around the window gaps down here gaps down here bro i can see having to come back on this one i took two in the end of the nose today this is tour my face is right now just blends we're making a supply and a supper dinner run and giving the bees time to come out of the wall there's a crack up at the very top edge i can't tell how many is in there could only be a you know 50 bees but it could be a thousand just as easily so this is one of those jobs that's two hours away from me and of course i bid it by phone so bidding by phone and taking and getting the property owner who's in their mid 80s to take pictures for you which she did a great job by the way she is sharp as attack and uh not taking anything from her for her age but just not it wasn't a 13 year old you know but taking p getting those pictures and trying to bet everything by the phone you miss some stuff sometimes so i told her i would seal it up and make sure she didn't get anything back in this space well after i look at it there's plenty of other spaces next to it that they will swarm to if i don't do something about all the gaps around the windows in and the panel and the cracks in the siding so we're having to make a supply run to get a lot of caulk and a lot of silicone and a few extra supplies to make sure that she doesn't have a problem in this area again i can't steal the whole house for but and i didn't intend to to seal as much as i'm going to have to but there's work's got to be done and while we're there i'm the perfect one to do because i can see from the inside where the crap where the gaps are where the cracks are the bees can get in through so who better to do the work than the person who's taking the bees out thanks for the great video work oh no wait till you see it yeah there's your finger in there is your finger in the way occasionally this is one of those towns that probably would be a really nice place to live but a lot of the stores are shut down i don't know if it was like that before or if it's from 19. but a nice little town there's the wards okay here's a pretty common scene when you leave a hive or when you leave a bunch of bees that are hiding there you suspect they're hiding by a thousand bees or so that we're hiding up in a gap somewhere so let that comb from cluster home we've been going about an hour and 10 hours 20 minutes cooling here there's enough of them there that generate enough heat that there's a little movement going on now these here that have gotten in this window are live they're just as loud as those up there but there's zero movement it's 45 degrees outside these right here liven back up when it warms up tomorrow we're about to put this wall back together insulate all this seal all the gaps all these gaps gaps everywhere look out [Music] here [Music] anytime i take y'all on a supply run there's always somebody is just absolutely annoyed by the fact that i didn't have everything i needed to complete this job before i showed up what's funny is those people never have a channel or any content on my channel i still got a queen up and there running around she keeps coming out poking her head out and running back in there she is right there anyway this is the caulk that i bought for this job just now who's gonna foresee something like that if you if you come to every job prepared like that you would have to have a service van full of it's just everything you'd have to be a rolling home improvement store to be prepared for every job every time i put be quick here and here and be quick all over my face but you know my shirt you can see where it spit back on me this stuff kind of burns when it gets on your skin i haven't been successful in getting to be quick up in there to run her out but she's she comes out looks and runs back in there she is right there can you just grab her if i could get my fingers up in that gap there she is right there she come down to the edge of the gap and going back up if i had a little pipe cleaner or something soft to hook hook up in there and pull her out but five hours later feels like you're having an argument up in there oh there she is there she is [Music] nice yeah saved by the floral arrangement well that only took 20 extra minutes so here's a piece of comb i dropped on the floor and all the bees that were on the floor have congregated on it which is pretty nice saves a lot of run around vacuum but what i'm going to do right now is include their queen with them yeah i'm gonna get up off the floor better get me started all this other basic stuff yes installations are still devoid [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's it job's done we're packed up only thing left is for the caulk to dry somebody put a coat of paint on that wall those lines you see aren't cut lines this pencil lines from where i marked it everything's caught trim back panel cover shade furniture back where it was floor cleaner than it was when we got here boom way out is this my invoice thank you 9 55 in the p.m we got about a two-hour drive home be rolling in the house around midnight i'm feeling fine how you feeling not dehydrated i think i'm all of a sudden dehydrated better pull in here for a coke that's not yes they will okay here's these bees we took last night i get a lot of questions about what you do with the hive beetles where you're vacuuming well most time you can't avoid by backing them up and that's where they go they get away from the bees and now i can just reach in there and crush them or do whatever i want to do with them but they they separate themselves from the bees they're able to fit through this screen where the bees can't so you're not dumping them into your hive when you go to dump your bees you can get rid of high beetles quickly and easily before [Applause] [Applause] foreign let's just not tell my wife i used her vacuum to suck up a bunch of high beetles because she probably wouldn't appreciate it got this dead out box here that doesn't have any resources in it but it's not torque with wax moth damage take it easy stinger in my hand holding the grudge of course i'm not really dressed for the occasion with a black shirt on [Music] oh [Music] oh
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 220,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queen catch, queen bee catch, hot to catch a queen bee, catch a queen bee, catching a bee, catching a queen bee, how to catch a bee, how to catch a queen, cage a queen bee, how to cage a queen bee, queen bee trap, bee trap, trap a bee, trap a queen bee
Id: dPsSrqk3-Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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