She Found This In Her Tree And Immediately Called Me

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all right gang so we're at uh where the house up here in north gadsden alabama actually this is uh walnut park walnut park it's really gadson got a phone call from a guy that i work with said he's got some bees and uh at the cross street at the ladies house they got two swarms i'm like yeah two swarms um all kinds of different things we can talk about that so i get here and uh we got a swarm hanging over there in that little tree but they said well there's another one up in this tree so i know we can't get up there and look at it but we have a true full-size live long and prosper happy-go-lucky beehive up there now there is no way i can zoom to right there but right right there right there right in there there's actually a beehive up in that tree and they have swarmed and the homeowners here have gone a little bit scared and crazy saying oh my god there's a big cloud didn't know and we've spent the last 15 minutes talking all about bees and and doing a little education fun but let's walk over here check this out so the big cloud's flying around the yard everything's going crazy the kids are all screaming everybody's like oh my god bees bees and here we go check it out what's really interesting is look at some of those have got pollen still on now i'm taking a breath here for a minute because they are not happy at all and i don't know why they are not happy so let's back off a little bit and let's give them a minute and let's figure out why they're not happy but i don't think i'm going to be digging my hand into this thing real quick to uh to find out why they're not happy but they are not and i don't like not happy bees but i don't know if you'll be able to hear this they're actually they're vibrating and they're kind of giving me an advanced warning that they don't want to be messed with but uh they uh they're not telling me why and i don't know why but man there's a lot of them there's a lot of pollen on these some of these guys lots of pollen on them oh all right let's give them a little smoke we'll see how they act all right now the biggest thing we got biggest thing i'm hoping for right now is just to check them out all right so they've chilled out some now what i'm doing here is i'm hoping really really hoping that these guys will start fanning to the rest of them and tell them hey check it out now watch they're gonna start sticking their butts up in the air they're gonna start they're gonna start fanning we're gonna start telling the other ones hey hey hey all right buddy check this out now they're chilling out now see if we can get some more nice y'all are being good what i'm hoping for is one of these little handfuls it's gonna have a queen in it if i had to guess she's right in here thicker part of the thicker part of the tree let's see what we got right here let's see what we got right here nice see they're just they're just as laid back as christmas turkeys let's see can i get got me one got me one i think i think she's back there somewhere i really do see what we can do if we shake this down now the fact that they're fanning good and that smells going to get out there they're going to uh they're going to start working their way down into this box we still gotta find that queen gotta get her caged let's see what we got right here there we go she's right there nope she's not right there let's check this out check these out if that queen decides to pop up anywhere no look they're marching down yeah baby they're marching down how's that for cool look at that see i already figured out that's home now the smell of the comb as well as the fanning of those bees you kind of see that the bees are flapping their wings that's trying to show share that smell that hey you need to come down here all right so what else we got in here so many bees so little time now what we can do is make sure she ain't right there now what i can do is i can lay this out right here lay that out check my hand no queen and i can sit here and watch for a second while they walk in they march in that hive whether or not the queen's in there i don't see her yet that's okay it makes it more fun oh oh oh oh no oh man we almost got her one option i've got is we can take and smoke them down a little bit kind of get them running get him going down [Music] yeah let's see if she pops out of there somewhere where are you at girl where you at where yet all right let's go look on the back side let's see if we got her back there somewhere where are you at mama where are you at well i didn't like that i don't like that at all all right so here's the next option we could give this limb a good shake and knock them all down in there and just watch the march i was kind of hoping kind of hoping she'd show up i know she's in here for some reason this side of the hive is mad i don't want to be messed with all right let's give this a little shake and see what we get you ready hopefully this thing don't break there we go come on girlfriend show your butt they just don't want to listen they're saying they're saying come on still they're happy with this box these guys i don't know i just don't want to crop that tree i guess she must have snuck in on me let's uh let's go ahead and check the box see if she somehow snuck in on me and i didn't see her here's an interesting little look look at this i got hung up on that propolis all right let's go ahead and look in the box see what we got it's pretty good bit of bees ain't it how about that all right not on the top so what i find is when they come in here they like to go out there to the outer frame so i'm gonna pull the first next frame you don't see her anywhere no syria either all right so let's take this frame and we'll put it [Music] right here all right so get that prop all right let's look at the next one now see she could be anywhere she wants to up underneath those bees anywhere she wants don't do that makes him mad just so you know all right let's see what we got here where are you at mama not there i got ladies look out ladies come on and yeah we still got them over there they just won't listen well that's all the bees that's left she's in the box and i need to find her so i'm gonna have to take a break on the video for a minute give them a second settle down and then uh we'll go catch her and then i'll bring i'm bringing her out to you let's see her hold on one second all right guys sorry i had to put you down there for a few minutes but we found our girl all right so a lot of you ask how do you know which one is the queen well her abdomen the back side is longer than on the other bees so if i put her kind of down there you'll see so much how long it is but look at how they pay attention to her this thing's got a little hole in the bottom that little things in the way but anyway the bees can actually get in there and and take and take care of her and feed her and everything else now the length of her abdomen i know it's hard to see is telling me that this is a mated queen she got a big old booty big old booty and her pheromones are real strong um some of the younger unmated queens that come out of these things they're uh their pheromones to me in my opinion are not as strong so you can end up having three or four of them and they really don't have major allegiance to them because they just haven't really developed that pheromone yet but uh uh pulled it out she was on that second frame first one's right here but uh here's what we're gonna do now take this move this sideways just a little bit and we'll set that right there all right i don't think that's going to work because that cap would be in the way so that's all right i'll just take put that right there and we'll squeeze her between the frames just like that now let's set this frame back in without messing them up too bad shake it a little bit all right you all out of the way and we can slide this back over all right slide this one back over and i want that fat comb on the outside and this will be the side that they get to draw and if we turn it around the right way there we go that'll fit in the box so they got a one piece to draw fresh come on girls all right we just want to be real careful setting that in there all right there's our queen now watch watch this is real cool they're all going to start coming across over here to go to her go phantom let everybody else know she's here everything's good and you notice we don't have any bees left on the tree pretty cool and the joy of getting to play with bees [Music] so we'll set this box right here look out ladies slide this over real easy come on get out the way there it is so the basic program from here is i'm gonna go ahead and leave the bees here until uh dark i mean it's only about 10 minutes from my house so i'm gonna leave the bees here until dark i'll come back and pick them up there it is guys guys thanks for checking out the video don't forget hit like subscribe i'll give it just a second and uh there'll be another one of my videos pop-up your choice between the one on the left and the one on the right and i hope you enjoy them but uh see yep he says hey but anyway we'll talk with you guys uh we'll talk with you guys in the next one see ya you
Channel: Yappy Beeman
Views: 6,079,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yappy, yappy beeman, bee videos, honey bee removal, honey bee, beginner bee keeping, beekeeping lessons, how to beekeeping, bee removal video, bee removal from, top 5 largest bee, educational videos, yappybeeman 2021, bee tree, removing bees from, insane bee removal, must see, found this in, i can't believe, 628dirtrooster, jpthebeeman, bees in my, how to bees, bees invade
Id: 94b4qXWZHCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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