Removing Bees From A Cellphone Tower On A Rainy Day

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today we're heading down to ports off of louisiana to remove bees from a cell phone tower i think you're going to find this one interesting folks so come along for the ride let's get some bees let's get some bees let's get some bees let's get some bees let's get some bees let's get some bees let's get some bees [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] i gotta see this folks there's a huge rat snake check out the size of this thing tell you what folks this is either one big old snake or two snakes hey dude dude i don't think i've ever seen a rat snake that big folks that's his head god bless man that's a big one unless it's two like i said let's go ahead and check this bad boy out hey buddy let me just chill just see if this is once [Music] or if it is too man it's one trick it's size of this thing so i have not ever seen a uh a rat snake this big this dude i'm guessing seven eight feet this is a big old snake folks you definitely wouldn't want him to bite you that's for sure he's not venomous but bacteria in his mouth would probably give you an infection you wouldn't want to deal with it look at the size of this dude looks like he's a bunch of dude he's real dirty i'm gonna go ahead and touch him on this end and we'll see what he does on this end okay he's already starting to retract a little bit let's see if he'll let me touch it he didn't like that oh yeah his eyes are cloudy but he's sizing my hand so yeah he's about to shed now that i can have a better look at his eyes i think he's about to he is a little bigger leave him alone and now let's get back to this thing over here well i'm all set up folks ready to take this project on these are the conditions i'm dealing with it is what it is rain or shine we're gonna get it done and we gotta rain but i ain't scared so let's do this let's do it let's go ahead and do it do it [Music] today we will be using the b-vac just because we're like 10 feet up or something like that and this hive is just chuck full of bees as you can see i won't bore you with the process but i want to show you the process oh you're vacuuming bees you're killing them no no that can be further from the truth a good b vac which this is has a large capacity so that the bees can spread out and they can go up it prevents them from piling up on each other which causes them to get overstressed and regurgitate thus creating a sticky mess inside of your catch box naturally we want to prevent this from happening most of these cat brood cells will become females or worker bees these pronounced ones are drone brood which become male honey bees this beeback also has a suction regulator and a good bee bag has a suction regulator which you could of course adjust the amount of suction so that you can just get the bees off of the comb sections without ripping them apart which a regular shop vac will do a shop vac would just kill bees this is not a shop vac this is a bvac totally different thing watch this video to the very end i will show you updates of their progress and you can see firsthand how the b vac did not kill these bees not only did the bee bag not kill the bees the bees are thriving very happy with these bees and their progress you know just because a bee lands on you doesn't mean it's going to sting you it's okay to let it be land on you just don't swat at it she'll probably check you out and move along just fine i'll be scared all right let's tackle this thing folks so this first comb section is kind of stubborn sorry for the herky jerky but i am filming today with the gopro hero 7 via a chest harness i guess this is what a b nerd looks like folks you know normally i wouldn't video something like this because i wouldn't be hands-free but you could thank my good buddy yappy b man he and i made a trade i had a nice canon camera that i just wasn't putting to use now he's putting it to good use and i got this gopro hero 7 from him and i've been doing quite a bunch of filming that i normally wouldn't do it's definitely a big improvement over the hero 3 that i have hadn't used that in a while a lot of you guys were complaining that that was a little bit too herky-jerky hopefully uh the quality is improved and we could put up with this so what i'm doing now is just i'm squaring off the bottom of the comb section so that when i place them on the frame they seat nice if you just put them in there like that you have those two opposing sides that are rounded the comb sections won't rest on the frame properly sometimes in transit they'll just kind of fall out you square them off you have more surface for the comb sections to rest properly on the frames this is a good looking comb section we'll frame up although we have decent little bit of drone brood on the right we have a good bit of worker brood on the left workers again are the females that do all the work drones are the males they're pretty much freeloaders and their only job really is to be on standby to mate with the virgin queen from another colony and they die right after that even with bees nature does try to dictate against them breeding all right let's frame this one up now you can see the benefit of squaring off the bottom of the comb sections see how nicely they fit on the bottom of the frame hey folks okay as you can see i used rubber bands number 33s by the way from office depot that's the one i prefer to secure the comb sections in the frames the bees in time can be anywhere from days to a week or something like that they usually will chew through the rubber bands and push them out the entrance but if they don't i'll pull the rubber bands out while i'm inspecting the hive later on so honeybees are not super fragile insects but the exoskeletons aren't hard like a beetles or anything like that so when you're framing up your comb sections just be careful that your rubber bands aren't squinching any bees check both sides of the frame before you place it into your hive box and if you've you know pinched a b or two just pull the rubber band out usually they'll just slip on out and just go back to doing whatever they were doing before you squinched them another really good looking brood comb section that we'll go ahead and frame up did you know that a strong viable queen bee can lay up to 2 000 eggs in a single day queen bees typically live from three to four years on average some may live longer than that in her lifetime a queen bee can hypothetically lay almost a million eggs now worker bees don't live anywhere near that long six weeks or so you know why because they're always working always you know gathering the goods and doing what needs to be done inside the colony and of course out in the field whereas drone bees the males their free load is basically like i said earlier they're on standby to mate with a virgin queen from another colony nature does try to dictate against inbreeding drones can live anywhere from three to four months or even longer than that a lot of folks are amused by the fact that i refer a lot of times to honeybees as gals or ladies that is because i don't know if you wear this or not but roughly 99 of the bees in a honeybee colony or in fact females [Music] i know you probably had a little trouble trying to spot that queen folks but uh rest assured she was there she's got a big long abdomen beautiful queen but anyway rest assured we're gonna run across her a little bit later and hopefully we can catch her and i'll show you what she looks like plus if nothing happens to her which once in a blue moon you know something could happen you know you try to do everything you can to prevent that but you know if she gets quenched or whatever we do have brew with eggs so they should be able to make a new queen or you know i have the resources to make it all work the bees are actually very gentle the queen's doing a terrific job so we really want to keep these genetics if at all possible all right folks let's talk about the snake so after uh the rain finally stopped the snake i think i think he's inside the building and i think he's been living in the ceiling of the building let's go inside and see if maybe we can spot him because remember he looked like he was going to shed and uh maybe he went in to warm up because the temps did dip a little bit so let's go in the building without further ado and see if we can't spot him all right i don't see mr snake anymore to see what's going on inside the building i personally think he's living inside the building i think he's getting in and i think he might be living in the ceiling of this building let's take a peek like mr snake's getting in right here it doesn't look like he's the only snake that's inhabited in this building folks you can see there's several different size sheds these are not all his sheds that suck is a lot bigger than what these sheds are indicating let's see if we can locate mr snake i'm not scared you go ahead and take a peek see these cabinets put out heat sometimes he might be up underneath here gotcha most all of the comb sections have been removed at this point this is a congregation on the backside of where the colony was located if you look carefully you can see the queen can you spot her [Music] um now don't tell me you can't see that queen now folks [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] all right these are the cell power beams folks let's go ahead and release see you right here she comes [Music] it's been four days now since we released the cell phone tower queen the bees are doing really well they're kind of busting out of the seams i just smoked it and they ran in but there's a good number of beads in it i'm going to go ahead and transfer them into a 10 frame deep set up let's go ahead and do that now all right let's see what we got really just started working on this one show you the back side of it so they got this drawn out nice let me go ahead and cut that rubber band just take my hog tool and just get it on out of there okay all right let's go to the next one this one's heavy lots of honey all right let's put this down all right this is already a little bit no it's not later i got some drone brew they're making though all right a lot of drone brew and we have to investigate the next one sometimes they'll make grown brood and then they'll make queen cells in preparation to swarm let's look at this one this should be this one should have eggs if not i'm going to be concerned that something happened in the queen or whatever okay i see eggs see if i can point some eggs out too i mean there's not many but it's down on this section maybe on the other side of handsome but there are eggs i did see some so one for sure you see more eggs on this uh let's see if we could find something for you to see you might just have to take my word on this folks but they're in there i promise you so when the queen's cage sometimes they can make a lot of honey and then when you release it he's got to find some available cells to lay in but she's definitely laying you just don't see a ton of eggs right now we'll give this one some time we'll come back in and i'll give it maybe another four or five days and i'll go back in and i'll show you their progress at that point but we definitely needed to get them in a bigger setup because they were kind of busting out of the seams look this is what you're seeing on top this is in the new box so there's still good bit of bees in here so what i'll do is i'll just slide the deep forward and i'll shake the bees out of the nuke in front and i'll show you a little more okay all right see what i can do to show you a little more beetles [Music] let's see chasing girls chasing this one i'll smoosh them for you [Music] these are strong bees those beetles should really create a real problem before it's really only one of these a week that the beatles can become an issue i still try to kill everyone i see there you go in a new setup all right foreign here's some worker eggs notice how the eggs pop against that black foundation and there's our queen folks isn't she a beauty pretty clean to me she doesn't look like a typical italian queen she looks like she's got some corneon maybe uh the pony almond italian mix it's been 10 days since our last inspection we've had quite a bit of rain so uh i don't know what their temperament's gonna be like but uh you know i've inspected them several times they've always been pretty nice bees okay so you can see they're uh filling this thing out pretty nicely just smoke them down a little bit looks like they've drawn out eight of the ten frames so they're gonna need a new box soon okay all right let's just get one frame out to make room okay we'll just tap this and the bees they'll just you know march in filming with the gopro hero 7 today all right we're just going to go in a little bit so i can show you a little bit of their progress today all right all right actually i think it's been uh maybe three weeks since i removed them i don't know some nice uh that's a nice honey frame a little bit of pollen but uh nothing on this side so they haven't started really working this side yet but uh it's an outside frame and they got half of it done we're going to the next one all right i think we had framed up uh it's either five or six frames from uh this job and um so they've added to that let's pull this one out there's some nice capped honey at the top all right we're getting this okay hopefully a lot of eggs and um look at that pretty white cat tonight at the top we gotta move the smoker it's gonna smoke me out got to be full of eggs right there let me put my eagle eye glasses on i'm sure all these cells are probably going to be just chock full of eggs no maybe they just drew those out not too long don't you just hadn't started laying on those i don't know why but it's a good bit of eggs in these all right let's put this one back and um we went through another one all right like i said this is a late evening inspection but we've been getting a lot of rain and i just wanted to show you some progress this was a cut out frame you can see the gaps at the top left there never bands anywhere on this anymore we got eggs and everything you know we got so much rain in the last week that i believe it washed a lot of the nectar off the flower so the bees really haven't been doing all that much because of the rain we've been having i'm not making any excuses for this hive i'm happy with this hive but i'm just calling it like it is the bees they haven't really been making a bunch lately i think these things would be further along than what they really are if we can get a break from the rain you know the chinese tallow well is about to be on any any minute now all right let's pull this next one okay this is my favorite hive to j hook or italian hog to do all kinds of things with it separate your frames remove propolis uh you'll clean up do everything with these great hybrid the best in my opinion all right there's our queen see here let's see if we're getting her in there good gonna almost did she run the other side already no there she looks she's got a head in that cell no she's she's laying an egg i hope we got that she just laid an egg folks that was cool okay well she's gonna lay another one of course oh yeah go ahead mama i'm gonna put all always cool the watch and lay eggs so you will lay another one do you like that one you like that production it seems like she was looking a little smaller today that happened sometimes with these queens you know and they'll plump up she looks a little smaller today sometimes they look a little smaller she is pretty clean though nonetheless and she's doing her job so all right let's just put him back i might just pull another frame to show you a little more progress but all right but um you know i said we've been getting so much rain the last couple of weeks that um i think we you know we broke some rep records for april i know that for certain so uh you know i guess you can only expect the bees to do so much what they have to work with you know yeah they actually are a lot further along the last time i think i went in because we didn't have any capped brood and that was about four or five days ago something like that so now we got a more cat brood and she's doing a job so but again you know you just can't expect that much more um considering all the rain we had so you know we removed them from where they were out of that cell phone tower put them in a domestic setup you know we use the b-vac on them remember used to be back and a very very few casualties so as you can see they're doing fine you know they're throbbing and the b-vac didn't kill them you know i know you know look i don't want me to harp on that but i do have people that uh they don't watch the entire video they just see somebody using a vac and they think oh you're killing them so you know be back in the shop back as i mentioned early in this video or completely two different things but uh you know some b vacs or better than others naturally you know one would that has a large capacity and makes things easier on you the person using the b-vac and also on the bees obviously if it does a good job for you for the bees it's a win-win you know regardless of the style the main thing is you want to save the vast majority of the bees and you know keep the hive alive and driving that's the whole point of pointing all this you know what i mean you want to you know i specialize in live honeybee removal you know that's that's my gig and anybody i'm sure who uses b-vac is uh that's their goal as well so you know they're a great tool i don't always use them i use them when i when i have to you know that's usually like when i'm up on a ladder unless i have a second set of hands okay but uh for the most part if i'm up off the ground or inside of a building i'm gonna use the b-vac it just makes it a lot uh it's almost necessary i'm not saying you cannot do a removal inside of a building on a ladder uh without a b back but uh boy you know without one uh man you know bees inside of a room covering windows stuff like that how you gonna get them off there you know i'm not saying you can't you know uh you can you can keep the room dark which i do anyway when i'm inside of the building i use a little red light that's why i use a red light so that the bees don't go to the red i mean a white light overhead and you know cover the light in the room so but um you know you'd have to set up the situation where you probably have to black out any windows and um still you know b just get confused inside of a building folks so um this is a nice looking frame look at that it's got everything see honey on the edges top mailing and a nice capped brood on the bottom so yeah they definitely are going to be ready to graduate soon okay all right and look there's there's more more beads on this frame on the next one i'm not going to go through the whole thing but i just want to show you that the bees are thriving nice gentle beast too nice gentle beast that's what i like big boom and gentle colonies you know you hear all kinds of different things you know from different folks about you know hey i like mean bees because they can deal with parasites better okay well that's you know that's your preference all right because i've dealt with big booming colonies that were great producers that were nice and gentle and that's what i want i want big gentle thriving colors you know this should be an enjoyable experience now you know depending on where you are you know your geographical location uh you know um you may not uh have the liberty of dealing with nice bees you know you'll be just might be mean as all heck and then i understand that you're going to suit up and um but hopefully you're finding some enjoyment in that too you got to try to find some enjoyment you know when you film with these or i guess it's just about you know making money i guess you saw the cat brood in there and the queen's laying so if you don't add another box soon and i would say you know we we're still in a pier where we're probably gonna get some rain but i would say in the next uh week or two they these have to go into another setup or they're gonna start making queen cells and then they're gonna swarm on you and you don't want that let's go ahead and put the lid back on all right i sure hope you all enjoy this video folks another one from jp to be man i'm having a fantastic day and i hope you are too until the next one y'all take care have a fantastic day bye
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 132,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: It Went From Bad To Worse In A Heartbeat!, it went from bad to worse, in a heartbeat, this scared the crap outta me, scared me, scary videos, scared, big snake, scared of snakes, bees and cellphones, live bee removal, colorado bee vac, bee vac, jpthebeeman 2021, jpthebeeman youtube, JPthebeeman, Save the bees, bee colony, killer bees, beehive inspection, bee colony removal, new orleans, port sulphur, metairie, louisiana, Louisiana bee man, Live bee removal near me
Id: XRRobmWHcws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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