Extreme Honey Bee Hive Removal | SO MUCH HONEY | Honey Bees in the Ceiling!

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test test one test two audio check okay cool hey guys a shake makes the vegan athlete I'm here on the garden island of the Hawaiian Islands called kawaii and I'm in this incredible property here that's humongous it's probably over a hundred acres of land on the coast near the north part of Hawaii and I'm partnering up with my friend Oliver today Aloha honeybee whoo you guys have seen in my channel before given an epic tour of his family home garden but he's also a bee specialist and today he's doing a removal from this property here and he's letting me come along and show some shots of how he removes bees what he does is he might charge somebody for the bee removal and he tries to safely save the colony and save the bees he brings him back to his house and the fee he collects pays for all the equipment that he uses and then if he gets any kind of honey he tries to sustainably harvest from the bees but if he gets any part of it he gives it to his mulch guy and then the multi delivers woodchips at his farms tell a closed circle so we're hooking up with Oliver today we're gonna see what he does to remove these bees and it's gonna be intense do you guys have interests in raising bees or capturing a beehive you might want to watch this video and then go check out all of his social media Aloha honeybee and find out more about what he does which is a lot let's go find him what do you got here got the smoker get this thing going everything's pretty wet around here so I gotta get it throwing some cardboard like a true beginner like smoker what does this do them so everybody has this different idea what the smoker does to be these what the smoker actually does to bees is mimic a forest fire and to them that means they need to engorge themselves with honey because they need to be ready to leave the tree that they're in and make new comb at a new place in a safe tree that's not burning wherever they came from so in a sense it keeps them occupied eating honey and less interested in you and what you're doing but in a removal process it can also be used to steer the bees they're going in a direction that you don't want them going you can blow smoke in that area to push them back the other way to help steer them [Music] how many these removals would you say you've done before first year that I did it I did 40 removals in one summer Wow the next year I think I did 30 removals I have about 45 hives at the house I've got about 10 or 15 hives over at my friend's farm in Malda wha a ripe mango Hustler's farm mmm yeah and had a few had some visa at some other for those places too but since I've taken those away from those areas they're a little bit tricky to access and I'm tagging along here do I need to like cultivate some sort of like spiritual state or yeah have you gonna survive this encounter today or what I just got to be one you got to be one with the bees I've done this once before on my own so I want to see how a pro does it because I don't know what I was doing the first time I've been doing these for about six years now I learned on YouTube is what I always tell people for yearly yeah everything I learned about bees is pretty much through YouTube and a lot of other websites like reading some stuff but YouTube mostly I want to thank JP the bee man on YouTube for posting all his videos of his removals because that was super helpful to me to understand how the process worked so if you have time on youtube check out JP the bee man he's got some epic be removals to and then taking him what you saw on YouTube and getting out there and just trying it yep and taking what I learned from him and a bunch of other people and applying the best to what I did over here in the tropics [Music] you're going with no suit so some general be ignorant questions is it true that they sting you once then they die yeah actually can give you a little sting sometimes like a warning sting yet out the stink finger actually sticking into you and so a little sting not die but if they give you a full blow sting and the stinger comes out of them they're dead and why is that why did that happen to them like what kind of evolutionary biological purpose does that cut that will commit to the team it's like a team commitment I guess you know there's no room for selfishness in the Beehive it's a beautiful example for humans yeah all work together without any question hmm the betterment of the colony yeah it's interesting too that like I don't like not to be macho but I can take like 100 stings like I've been strong a hundred times on a removable on them just a little barely swollen and somebody is anaphylactic allergic can die in three minutes right while you're thrown up and shut you down in three minutes died so at one sense they're pretty minor and another sensitive ultra dangerous Jesus can watch the Stinger come out all of the teases but it oh my god yeah totally that's why they died so the key to getting them out is to flick them back the same way they came yeah yeah it's way you don't pinch the all the venom sac right back into it if you have a blade or anything that kind of you know back back blade at it you know use your fingernail the back plate hmm don't like pinch it yeah I don't go try to pinch out it cuz then because if you look squeeze with them yeah if you look at it closely there's actually a little sac they're sure to try to show you that and sometimes it after that comes out you can see it robbing it's actually still pumping well pumping the venom in you and if you go and squeeze that thing push all that venom right in well that was disgusting but thanks very much for that day sorry about the audio today but I gotta take the mic off the camera because the bees might go for the mic so we got the internal mic go and we got some truck over here but I'm definitely on the bees radars I'm getting hit in the face by a few of them and Oliver was talking about that's their natural defense to bears right yeah natural right there zombie they've learned over millions of years that the best way to take on the bear is to attack the base in the eyes because the rest of their bodies so furry it's kind of unfinished so when they come after humans generally to go for your face [Music] they're here [Music] [Music] would you find up there a lot of money really I might need to go on the roof and cut this from the roof right better yeah there's a solid about a nice guy right there there we go whoa so that one was kind of hard to get to they know what they're doing for protecting their investment there I'm getting bombed hitting the mask like hardcore your contracting guy so normally you say you're doing jobs where you're preserving the structure that's your specialty is yeah not breaking anything exactly today is a freebie this house is getting demolition [Music] [Music] full-on self-defense mode I don't the camera can pick up how hard they're hitting the masks or like hitting the mask full-on like someone's punching it like kamikaze pilots all might come back with more honey preparation there's so much funny in here hold it there Wednesday this is all whoa all the dark stuff over there is the brood and all this is honey whoa this guy over 100 pounds of combing there easy really honeycomb you think this is only half yeah it looks insane up there man looks like just like an alien this civilization here has this living in 10,000 of them what did whoever was living in here have this living with them really yeah for sure this thing is a couple years old Wow I'm bringing out a photo as happy all right there she is I do not like it it's the biggest one I've had in a while well they had a couple this big got so much money we're gonna have to get the vacuum and come back from all this honey as well we need more he'll even want three five-gallon buckets now I don't feel that up so quick so the white come up there is yeah so if you're seeing here the different aged combs show the age that white comb is cosmetic grade beeswax what they want for lip balms and face lotions and all that other stuff they do with it and then you can see the yellow comb is a bit older and then it over there in the beginning where the mostly these are the dark comb is definitely a couple years old it's brown at this point [Music] all right so you got tell me what this thing is here hey it's my be back it's a shopvac beehive conversion so tell me this is back it's gonna kill them or not put them into this hive right here and then later will you reunite this bees with the rest of the hive you've got this absolutely Lego directly in the box yeah okay so what are you gonna do now you're gonna cut the comb down yeah we're home out and start with the honey work our way into the brood transfer whatever brood or babies are moveable and let down that Queen in the process because the whole hive will follow the one Queen yeah the whole high of following commands pheromones whoa let me see that thing y'all ready that one right there for once a yes well strip and down your fingers and we're talking about some like vegan people saying no that's the bees honey but this is a way over production right yeah there's a surplus for sure different story when you're in the tropics like that they can feed on things year round here we don't have a winter like the mainland where you guys got a careful how much your bees are left with before winter starts [Applause] whoa dude I'll take that thing is right here I'm here to here okay Wow that's an insane piece there it's just dripping out of there showers this is gonna be part of a six hour removal than a four hour so you're gonna eat this stuff or no no it's gonna be led back to these of the guard I say okay cool what are you thinking about not just the logistics of kind of wanting to take this block of wood out so I can come cutting out an angle hmm could be worth it I think I feel extra work but it'll be worth it I'm gonna make such a mess trying to squeeze all that foam out to get started [Applause] [Music] [Music] and will you buy in the stores right go ahead way better than the store hey wait hold that guy that's crazy [Music] pretty amazing you're all excited you went from thinking this was gonna be just like not even a full hive - yeah I was strange when we opened up that first section it looked like it could just be able to Wendling little old hive in this rotten building and then it was strange how this thing was construction it looks like there was this roof that was built on top of this roof as like a little porch so it was actually hidden up in this little secondary section of roofing and you could tell they were really passionately defending something sure sure [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you gotta flip that one around it's so thick let's see the side profile oh my gosh this is not like a daily occurrence for you this is not know it's getting late season now for swarm calls but a lot of the times I get calls there just for swarms for new hives the first couple years I was doing it I got a lot of older eyes like this but it seemed after a couple years of doing it I cleared them all out but this is a call but I just got the other day I hadn't had on this side in a while and I don't know if you want this on camera enough but so they pay you and you get all this honey yep doing win-win-win for you yeah so take this honey and bring it back to the family and to the community and trade first stop and chair and just psych everybody out and you're pretty compassionate vegan guy so you give a lot back to the beach yeah so we'll feed the hive that we're removing right now I'm more than enough money that they need to be fine and then all this extra comb that's a little bit messy or hits the ground or anything we'll take back out to the bee yard and just put it out on a nice day and let all the bees just free-for-all on it so it all end up back in one of the hives either way just like they don't get it especially when they're cutting out like this right now they're like be able to pull like these are perfect don't a ziploc you give to someone right you know yeah or just oh my gosh one friend is the funny San Diego him his my other friend than you and they're in the service wet suits and stuff trying to tackle this this beehive out of another like a birdhouse or something and it this this story of them doing it was it absolutely ridiculous [Music] see if I can find Hank the way out of here the security guy having sweet rich things are almost full and so you think your vacuum sucked the Queen out or she's delighted I can I can tell that she's not over there because the bees aren't interested in the box she's probably somewhere up here still in the brood chamber we'll get to her once we get all this honey out of the way I would get out of the sticky zone start picking through the brood and find her that is like friggin crazy I think someone's in here with me that's an insane honey right there this is a video well nobody got five of these and that's only half [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Off Grid Athlete
Views: 4,653,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden, gardening, urban garden, vegan, vegan garden, urban farm, urban farming, vegan athlete, Jake mace, urban gardening, permaculture, backyard garden, bee, bees, honey bees, honey, honey bee, queen bee, bee removal, colony, bee colony, capturing bees, swarm, bee swarm, save the bees, bee hive, hive, beekeeping, beekeeper, honey comb, honeycomb, kauai, hawaii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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