Honey Bees Swarm Local Ford Dealership

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[Music] y'all want to know what it looks like when a swarm comes moving in check this out this is a big o monster cloud of bees but for some reason they're liking this shrub over here now they're completely unorganized but this is what the swarm looked like when it comes in they're really liking it right here this is not beautiful except for the cars going by [Music] oh oh i'm loving this loving it loving it where are you guys going to land come on get over here get on this thing come on [Music] [Music] okay this is really kind of a bad situation for me i was all excited up until right now this box um i may try to i may try to uh use one of these but this is actually no box of honey we got two options on doing this i can shake them into i can shake them into a tote put a little hole on it we're gonna set the box here and leave it all day i might could set this one box down there we might get them to go in but then it makes it a little bit harder um i'm not real i'm not real happy about the comb so i'm probably just gonna go ahead and use the uh use the tote this is a real this will be real good for some of y'all to understand that you can shake these in just about anything how easy was that to make a swarm catch box crazy now i've actually got my vacuum but i don't have enough extension cord where i could probably vacuum them out of there but that's gonna be boring so what we're gonna do is you know go ahead and start grabbing some bees out let's see if we can find our queen all right now you talked about the most impromptu i have half my stuff in the truck ain't got half of it this is a frame of honey that i pulled off of one of my hives that i was going to try to try to clean it out get them ready for spring have have a new frame i'm actually going to take that frame all right i'm just going to set it in there now this storage tote has the smell of home right i'm going to use my lid it's the ramp all right guys so here's the basic setup i'm going to try to shake this off because they're so clustered into here i can't really get in there they're wrapped around the bush i want to try to bust them off of there let them slide down they'll immediately start to smell the comb that i just put in this box and it'll be familiar to them it smells like home they want to go to that right now these bees are homeless so you give them something that smells like home size wise dark box to a degree they're going to accept it pretty easy if we can find our queen and she's not an unmated which she may end up just bouncing around the flying here a bit may make it a little harder to find her mission camera man you want to see the size of this thing look at all them these back there that's a lot of bees a lot of bees pretty cool can you see it yeah all right let's see how see what kind of mood they're in see what kind of mood they're in [Music] not too bad all right let's go for the shake all right now they're about to go and start flying around here pretty good so just if you get one to land on you just be real chill [Music] huh hardest bush in the world to get bees out of is one of these the old boxwoods where are you at girl where are you now watch see how they're starting they're starting to kind of march in there the ones inside are telling them hey we're good here there's something in here we like we want to go in this is great it's still got a small cluster over here but they're starting to take to the box that's what we want so we'll let these go in the box kind of chill out for a few minutes and then what i'll do is i'll get a little bit more of these we'll put them down in there we'll let them all just go in a little bit at a time okay so you got a hole down there at the bottom yes sir yes now while they're doing this i'm going to take a chance and i want to see if my queen is actually inside of here already [Music] that's pretty cool they're already getting on that cone they give him some food he's probably hungry all right you see how calm they're actually acting right now i'm going to say real comfortably she's in here i still want to catch her because we're going to have to leave the box basically sitting here for the rest of the day um because we're at a car dealership and you know people coming and going safety always first the straggler bees would have nowhere to go as opposed to leaving the box come back and pick it up tonight and they'll they'll stay here with this they'll figure out to get into the box and um you know they'll be happy so they're confused bees homeless bees with no queen they can get mad and that could put you know people in a situation where somebody might get hurt we're not gonna do that how about this check this out see that all right that's the queen the longer abdomen all right she's got a bigger little spot on the back of her head right there but that's the abdomen now right now right now the abdomen is not as long as what it would be on the other bees because they've slimmed her down so that she can fly all right but now i'll put her in one of these cages come on baby girl get in there in there come on all right so i put her in this little cage and you see this little tab right there what i can do is take this tab off all right now she can't get out of there she'll try but she can't get out however the other worker bees can get in here and actually feed her and keep her happy for the next couple days until i release her into a beehive amongst them and then she'll just go right back into being the normal queen so but look at i mean look at how chill they are everybody's just happy they're hanging out all right but they got they're covering her up so they know where their queen's at they know she's in there and if you kind of look they're probably going to try to go in there to feed her i hope we can get one to go down in there now we're at that point of hurry up and wait i mean i'll slide some of these off come on girls get out the way come on they put the top down real easy give them a chance to get out of the way there's another one man i tell you this this stuff just gets better and better every time every story every swarm is it is like a christmas present to me you get the call you know you got one there you get there and you know circumstances are a little bit different you got to adapt to it i want to thank jaris rawls from ronnie walker's ford my friend i admit fully uh good buddy of mine i've known him for 10 years but he knows that i messed with the bees and everything he called me this morning and he said hey uh yeah you still doing the bee thing and i said man i know it's been a few months we talked but you know i'm doing the beef thing he said well i got a big old swarm over here at the dealership and now yeah it was um they pulled up the pickup truck and got out and the bees were flying everywhere and freaked everybody out but uh hope you guys enjoyed the the video and uh greetings from gadsden alabama and uh don't squash the bee they sting it but uh cool d hope you enjoyed it see ya
Channel: Yappy Beeman
Views: 29,670
Rating: 4.9633269 out of 5
Keywords: yappy, yappy beeman, bee videos, honey bee removal, honey bee, beginner bee keeping, beekeeping lessons, how to beekeeping, bee removal video, removal from, top 5 largest bee, educational videos, ford lightning, 2021, auto dealer, homemade, storage tote, 628dirtrooster, jpthebeeman, bees swarm, made from, wouldn't believe it, caught on radar, ufo swarms
Id: cr3zrHxCuhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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