Dealing with a Mean Hive of Honey Bees

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here they come they're boiling out now whoo yeah all right now they're getting after me oh my gosh look at this see them all over my pants pretty far to hit my bill pretty strong here to sting me [Music] all right the day's the adventure it's gonna be interesting I got a friend of mine that has some B's that got mean on him they've asked me and his friend that those bees within them have asked me if I could come to manage their highest form this year and so the green to do that a couple of interesting things once at least one of these hives is become really mean the other thing is that these are actually in a flow Hajj or follow me and so we'll see we got just about here gonna check them out I really have no idea what to expect or how I'm gonna handle it summer learning experience for me and hope for you for you as well does this we are out here we got these hives I think it looks like we've got two of the original flow hives out here sort of a frame there's like one right here a couple more they ordered they were from the I guess the less expensive source last year they got so you got a total of five out of here right now we're cloudy and rainy kind of today so the bees aren't super busy and about to get busy probably want to start messing with them so this is the hive in question here while ago when I was treating they just got after me a big time so that was without even cracking him up and so this is gonna be interesting but it's gonna be fine it's gonna be an adventure and I can tell you just from my brief experience with them already these are some mean bees let's see what happens all right here we are about getting to this joke I actually put some duct tape around my pants and around my shoes almost like athletes when they put spats on before but earlier they were climbing up my legs and getting me so I just decided to do that I have a piece of duct tape underneath it sometimes and I'm hoping they're not too bad I got smoking really good and we're just gonna see what we got but I imagine we're about to see a cloud of bees they're gonna be pretty fired up and it's gonna be interesting and exciting so there we go you started smoking on the front out of them so hopefully we'll survive this encounter maybe they'll move too bad we'll see okay so this is a sign right here that this hive is totally packed there on top of the top of the inter cover so I'm gonna have to go to get a this is an eighth frame box it's one of those flow hives one of the brand name ones these are up here it means they need more room so I'm sure they're on the verge of swarming possibly we'll see look at all these bees they're not too bad so far maybe the smoke is helping now I've been building this thing up maybe it won't be too bad I would rather it not be too bad these frames are a little difficult to get out they're different than your traditional flames gonna be hive they're starting to ramp it up a little bit those bees on there they're putting honey all around the edges here you can see that this artifact Queen might be up in this top box because they're not putting it right in the middle just they would typically do but I don't see any eggs or anything all of these are actually acting quite calm so maybe this won't be as exciting as I thought I did smoking really good like I said I still haven't gotten into the heart of the hive yeah the man they're not being bad at all they were chasing me around really like crazy so far they're calm as they can be now we're going to take this box off this is where I anticipate getting a hammer pretty good here when we started get down into this they call the brood chamber where the baby bees are being made and that's one of these more feisty will see I'm starting to buzz a little bit let me smoke them down I see people smoking and they're not really smoking them in I know you're not oh yeah here they come they're boiling out now whoo yeah all right now they're getting after me oh my gosh look at this see them all over my pants see I'm glad I have my B spots on my duct tape yeah whatever I just did it really fired them up and they were definitely getting after me they're not getting up in my pants got the tape around them if I smoke them enough maybe we can keep them calm this is the queen excluder with these flow hives or any hive like this thing where you're doing a specialty thing you definitely don't want the Queen laying up there where you want plenty be put normal regular hives that most people run the lengths for hives the frames are pretty interchangeable so it's not as big a deal if the Queen gets up there he's down there pretty fired up but they're not super super aggressive yet we're gonna see now I was talking to Jimmy tonight he thought he might have some Queen cells in here but he wasn't sure so I'm gonna look now this right here is an absolutely beautiful frame of Brie this queen is doing really well a lot of people will tell you that the more aggressive bees will be the best producers there is a queen style destroyed right there so there was a queen so there for sure let me show you how this looks it's a beautiful frame of braid see all this right here sorry right here it's all baby bees being made if you see it really pretty solved with very few open cells like this that means you've got a really good queen and even though she's mean she's gonna tremendous just since they made that Queen cell I don't know it lots of times the Queen cells if they're gonna swarm just smoke them again they're getting pretty feisty but not super aggressive okay here we go looks like these two right here have been damaged a couple of other Queen cells and what I may need to do here just to get the population down if I see the Queen or I may just split some out and take some Queen cells with me and we may just make a split he told me I could do that and that would get the population down so hopefully we won't swarm these two cells right here our queen cells that have been damaged or smashed you can see them see the world go in there that's they're not viable I don't think since they've been damaged I think yeah they're starting to get not too happy with me now this frame is loaded up with eggs there is a queen cell on the bottom right there you can see it where these bees are tending right here right here then blow on it get them off see that selfie that's the Queen so rather a very healthy one that will be hatching here soon with a new queen so my guess is it's on the bottom of the frame too which indicates probable swarming so we really need to find the Queen split this hive take her away and let the bees hatch out and nice and neat Queen you maybe won't be quite sameen and they should hatch out another queen that'll be good productive there are a lot of drones flying already here it's the 1st of March and there is so much brood in this hive if you can tell let's sit down here you can probably see them flying all around me I'm getting hammered with a lot of bees flying around me but they're not they're not your least super super aggressive like I thought they would be not yet anyway they're making changed in a hurry though I hope the mics working and so you can probably hear them buzzing pretty yes they're popping pretty good not sure why there got me in the hand through the glove they were more aggressive with me earlier well I wasn't in earlier but there were a lot of bees really aggressively kind of attacking me earlier these bees are not happy but they're not super super ticked off right now but I did I did seat up a little better more secure with my protection right now there's another queen cell look just to the side of you'll see a lot of pollen it's kind of cool see right here this queen cell looks damaged though by my finger and just to just below it it's a lot of pollen they put in there man if we could keep these bees in the box and get another box on top if I can find the Queen here I'll be sure and corner out and I'll put her in another box and we'll take them away make a new one that's a one oh whatever there's another method where you can just kind of shake all the bees yeah they're trying to get me on my knee right there really just need more space there was a method I'm thinking about trying which take all the bees you can't shake them in front of their box or we're getting pretty far too time I hit my veil pretty strong here trying to get in so they continue here's a cell a queen cell and I hear for sure it's pretty healthy you can see right here there's another right there it's really nice help the queen cell right there so that the bees are really tending to it so I imagine that was when this going to hatch to she is good at playing hide and seek just split called a tearing off split turn off split were you happy blow up a ramp into another hive and they think they just live there's the Queen just definitely goes up with the rest of the bees take those away and give the Queen cellar to them with the original hive and they hatch out the Queen cell and carry on and then the Queen and her bees and look at that brood I want you look at this breed pattern I just can't believe this it's so nice that is you can see on the camera or the part of that hot is completely covered with bees don't look he could tell her not only these bees alone in here because there was a queen excluder which take all the bees out here and we shake them on the ground out here come on kind of use this little thing as a platform and we'll see if we can do kind of like a little tearing off split here just completed the task this morning and went through the main hive they were quite aggressive they were super aggressive I was treating the four mites using oxalic acid but as I went through my smoked him really well made sure my jacket was cinched up really good and zipped up really good made sure they could get up into my legs and they didn't get me very much it wasn't too bad did notice that there were a couple Queen cells and hide needed to be split so we did that we're going to make a couple videos out of this one for going through the hive and the other for the split so if you like this video guys if you would just give me a thumbs up and if you would please subscribe to my channel I would appreciate it and then if you want more videos from me in the future you can hit that Bell the great so it's been fun it definitely has been an adventure something kind of a new experience I did try some new things which I'm always you know pretty much always willing to do as long as they're they make sense to me I'll try them and so that's pretty much it alright guys gonna sign off here I'll take care and have a great day [Music] you [Music]
Channel: brucesbees
Views: 169,326
Rating: 4.8663793 out of 5
Keywords: Aggressive Honey Bees, Mean Honey Bees, Dealing with Mean Bees, Hive Inspection, Honey Bees, Angry Bees, Aggressive Bees, Defensive Bees, Beehive, Beekeeping, Beekeeper, Honeybees, brucesbees, queen bee, queen cells, Flow hive, Hive management, beekeeping equipment, taranov split, bee brood, queen excluder, Honeybee, Splitting bees, Honey, comb, Honeyc, honeycomb
Id: fd8J7IMP4xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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