Beekeeping 5 rookie mistakes in this video that you can learn from

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it's Frank here with 40 honeybee it's just after a week three of installing three news and it's my second thorough hive inspection that I'm going to do but I'm going to start this off with a bottom board inspection so these hives all have the open bottoms with just a big piece of corp last in there and I find that if you start off by looking at the core plot you get a lot about what the bees have been doing in there so I checked it out a few days ago and I've seen that they had opened up a whole frame of capped honey that I put in there for them and probably moving it around so you can also see a fruit is hatched because you can see the pieces of wax from the from them chewing their way out or helping the brood chew their way out so going to start off looking at that and then we'll do an inspection on each hive and we'll see how she goes okay so we'll check out our first bottom board here and by the way don't sit down your hot smoker on the bottom border that's what will happen bit of advice for you now we'll see ants down here because the bees don't have access to this area so this is like where the ants get their free crack at any fallen honey or nectar and we can see here just in this area here looks like there's some new brood hatching and in this area here as well looks like some new brood has probably hatched so we'll have a look there and we'll know what we're looking for check the next bottom here see the ants say it's never good to see this many ants or any ants at all but here they don't actually have access to the hive so the bees leave them alone I will just get rid of these guys we really does a good job of just dispersing down a little bit last one not too much action on this one just a bit of brood it's been hatched here it looks like and it's also a great place to check for your for your mites and hive beetles right because they fall through the screen and they end up on this board and they usually end up getting stuck here or making their way elsewhere and I can't see much of anything other than ants here so it's a great way to know how healthy your hive is by looking at these bottom boards it's early morning only about 9 o'clock in the morning and it's going to be a gorgeous day but because of this the bees have just started forging so I suspect there are a lot of bees in the hive so it's not the ideal time for me to get into the beehives for inspections but it's the only time I can do it this weekend so hopefully they won't be too upset and they know it's a gorgeous day and they're going to want to get out there make some honey but yeah those it's gonna be a quick inspection what I suggest only my second year beekeeping one thing that I always do when I do an inspection is I have a plan and having a plan basically ensures that I'm in the hive as little time as possible so the plan for this time it's just to see if the Queen is still laying they've already hatched out brood from the first nuke from the frames that came in with the milk so I just want to see that she is continuing to lay and that the hive is growing at week three don't expect to do much more past year by week four I was starting to think about adding the second super you can expect expect they weren't going to be up in the lid because it's so early but I do see a lot of calm produce there which is great Wow this lid is really glued on well which probably tells me they've built up a lot of Berk home so what I'm going to do this time lifting it straight off like it did last time I pulled a couple of frames up with it I'm just going to try and twist it to break the seal I just there we go definitely a lot of Berk home on this one twisting it also minimizes the chance of you squashing isn't any beans whoa this one is really glued on I don't think I've ever had a lid lid on as firmly this one you can just sell a ton of Berk home in the middle so it's going to try and twist it so that the frames don't come up with it my goodness that took a lot of effort look at that Berk oh wow oh wow I have never seen so much Berk home gluing the lid on and that certainly tells me that they're doing well it also tells me that maybe they need more space to build more Combe not too sure about that so I welcome your comments on that looking for the queen on the lid here just in case and I don't see her they've put a lot of nectar in those cones already because in that comb because they're trying to get it out now because I smoked them so I'll just set the lid down there so they're welcome to go back in and what a lot of activity there look at the size of that drone my goodness anybody look at the size of that fat old room [Music] okay looking for the cleanup top here wouldn't really expect to see her here but I'm going to give him some smoke to get him going down below and I mean it looks like a very healthy very healthy colony and they've grown substantially it was a four frame nuke that I put in here I staggered them which I was advised against very wisely I believe by a by a youtuber who said that staggering five frame nuke meant that you're kind of dispersing them too early in too far in the hive in the cold weather and they might not be able to keep warm so I went back with the plan of uncheck er boarding them but by the time I did at the one-week mark they had already moved all the honey and moved all the and the first layer brewed at hatched out already so they were doing quite well but that was good advice that I'll think of next time so this was pretty full of honey they've moved some out and they're still feasting on it here [Music] so far so good now this is the one hive where I am not quite sure if I've seen the Queen I believe I saw her the first time she was pretty small and I haven't seen her since and all the other hives I've seen the Queen so second frame in and they haven't done too much on it but they've started to cap some honey on it on the outside here which is good [Applause] after just continuing to looks like they're filling it with with nectar not doing too much on this Fran now here's a cell that they're building out that looks like it could be a queen cell in that position it would be a super C jure cell now sometimes they build these out and don't actually use them so there's nothing in there right now but I'll keep an eye on that and make sure they're not planning to swarm [Music] okay so I'm going to I take some of this Berk home off the top oh sorry about that B's that's not a good way to keep things happy and really that's all it takes to turn from a nice Pleasant inspection where they don't even know you're there to have them start to get pretty upset and attacking once they start bouncing off you're off your head you know they're upset they're seemingly calm down all right but you haven't figured out already try not to drop frames or that it's so feeling pretty light and it looks like they're just not doing too much in here [Music] you can see right inside the cells and look for eggs here I haven't seen any yet I don't see the clean on this ramp all very small young bees a so these are the ones that just hatched a week ago or so absolutely just getting finger in some what I'm going to do is set the frame inside and wait the D comb off or the Berk home off while it's inside guys make way make way con and I want to squish you in a cone come on get at it get [Music] you're the beautiful frame of comb of a brood I'm sorry probably 90% captain ready to hatch next week so this is really what we're looking for to make sure they're making new brood they still have room in this hive I'm not close to considering putting a second box on but all right now here we've got brood on one side but not in the middle which is unusual usually the clean with Queen likes to lay starting in the middle and working their way out in a more or less circular pattern so I have a good look at the frames in the middle and you can see what looks like a queen cell on the bottom here and have a close look at that to see what's going on with that really like to see eggs in the bottom of these cells I do not see egg this isn't pollen and necklace and that fell at the bottom is empty not too worried about it but it's something I'll certainly keep a close eye on last year be swarmed on me and that I was never able to recover so I want to try to avoid that this year I'm also going to be building a swarm trap next year and I'll sorry next week and I'll post the video on that too because again if they are going to swarm at least having a trap is the possibility that they'll swarm to your trap and catching them and just split the hive that way on your own what I ideally like to do is be better prepared this time if I know or feel I know they're both too swarm and split the hive myself before that happens so another very heavy brood frame here so this five is really set to explode really doing well [Applause] let's see if I can find the clean here everyone told me beekeeping would be so hard on your back well possibly leaning forward and my posture isn't at the beginning but I think there should be a beekeepers yoga course that someone should develop to make you more flexible looking another beautiful frame of approval this one is actually heavy it has so many bees on it and not so we be so much brood in it and looking for the Queen but I wouldn't necessarily expect her here because it's already laid and capped so I can very very pointy drone comb at the bottom back to and maybe they're developing that into Queen songs I doubt it doesn't look like it Wow let's go spraying all these moves that is absolutely chakra fought the flock you know what I mean chock-a-block full of brood and again so that could be superseded yourselves there don't see any clean cells on the bottom there's something half an unwrapped them [Music] and looking in that cell looking like a super seizure so I don't see anything happening in there [Music] look this side another beautiful frame I'd like to see more honey on the sides of these frames usually what you like to see is honey on the sides coming up 45-degree angle and at least an inch or two of honey across the top and all the way down there's still decent amount of honey in the hive and certainly they don't have trouble with foraging right now but it'd be nice to see more honey on these frames I think once these once this brood hatches I'm going to be pretty hungry okay this thing's going Wow another brood frame nicely full get rid of this burg home here at the bottom this one does have more nectar and honey just on the corners though nice to see more honey any strains themselves and it's always nice to see this kind of pattern Queens doing a great job of laying these these patterns you can see she's got the drone comb on the bottom and the regular grid all over the rest of the frame and they are capping some honey on the sides as you can see but usually I see more honey than this and again it could be that I started this frame off with two and a half frames full of honey anyway so it could be that they just know they have honey in the hive so they don't need to build so much on on their brew combs who knows I certainly don't some very light colored body bees hit with that one on the top like now here's a frame where I would expect to find a queen because they're just starting to to cap the brood in this frame I hope that was my phone buzzing not a bee in my pants again because that was not a fun experience funny but not fun okay so let's have a look for the clean when you see the Queen it's very much a hallelujah moment you might mistake her a bunch of times but when you do actually to see her there's no mistaking the clean we get on this side looks like they've got another supersede yourself starting there so I'm going to check that out again this would be a frame that you could expect to see the Queen I'm gonna look for some eggs as well - larvae Oster larvae don't see a [Applause] I'm going to be upset about with this hive it's doing really well and again welcome you check there was another super super seed yourself here what they're building knows always concerned me so look at it right here see it right there take a look and see if there's but again I'd like some advice what do I do do I plan a split do I destroy it just in case do I let nature take its course I never know when I finish this up I'll give them one more blast of smoke and then I'll do it all the bird comb on the top then so I don't keep smoking on this end frame is very heavy with honey but they've moved a lot of it out so they're obviously distributing it in a hive and actually they've refilled it with nectar so they're filling it with nectar now so it should be capped honey soon so my plan of starting this high vote with the two and a half brains full of honey seems to have paid off I have not fed these bees at all this year I don't believe I need hasn't been a great spring it's been very wet here but conditions are great for the being other than that and they seem to be doing really well with hope feelings so if I could avoid that okay so I'm just going to take this Berk home off and then I'll take a burqa mop the lid put it back together and Bob's your Bianca I'm seeing that even though it looks like I'm trapping these bees and in the coma to figure out me I'll get out before you knock it off a hive tool things are good all right now we'll get them off the lid here and then we're done [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now the tough part of trying to put the lid on both squishing squishing me sounded alright much as questions all these cookies really neat when the hive gets hot and when you smoke them they start to fan they get their rear ends up and and fan the hive and when they're doing that when you're pulling through the frames you can actually feel wind moving through and guess what I just realized I just realized I forgot to put some frames and what a me all right lesson and how not to treat your bees now I'll have to open the hive again involved in Sandia [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] leaving a frame are leaving a hive with too much distance in between frames can be from the worst thing to do to them because they just build Berk home all over the place and the hive becomes poorly organized and then it's much harder for you to attend so always just spend a little extra minute to make sure frames are all spaced Worf regret it the next time you open the box [Applause]
Channel: 4dhoneybee
Views: 1,060,595
Rating: 4.620369 out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, beginner beekeeping, beekeeping mistakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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