You've Never Seen Honey Like This!

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so welcome back everybody we're back out here with the bees and to three weeks ago we have the last honey harvesting video and in that video we kind of peeked into this box a little bit this is the hog half comb box and this is sound that I've been wanting to try for a very long time it just never did this year I finally decided to do it and it seems to be working pretty well I peeked into it a few days ago and they seem to have either have completed it or just about completed I think it's probably ready to harvest so let's take a peek into it and see if we can take it off today give them a little bit of smoke oh yeah we're definitely gonna get this off today give a little bit of a closer look here y'all check this out didn't head pretty let's come back in the shop and see if we can get these out of here I really don't know how to get these out you have I do have this these are the these are the lids for the cassettes you can see once we get these cassettes out of here we'll stick these lids on there but let's figure out how to get these cassettes out fur I might be doing this backwards or upside down yeah I think I did this totally upside down oh all right so that would have been a lot easier just head I just flipped it over now I know how to do it in the future it is so you see that was not quite filled out so I'll probably just maybe save that for myself or family or something like that but look at that that's what we're looking for isn't that nice you see the comb pattern on the edge see what else we got now that's pretty nice so basically the bees do the same thing with these hog half combs as they do with regular combs you see a square or a cassette that was on the far outside of one of the boxes or the box I guess it's not totally filled out and it's kind of kind of pitiful looking the honey is totally fine I'll use it for myself but then if we get closer in towards the middle we see this face we see they did a really good job with it capped it all off made it look really really nice so basically they do the exact same thing with this stuff as they do with regular friends which is what you would expect and this is what it looks like with the cassette lid on it very nice-looking yep little hog half comb emblem on it right there there we go hog half-cone and I also have some labels ordered to go along with this they just have not showed up yet so once they get here I'll be able to make these look a little bit fancier yeah look at that basically all this is is a piece of comb not comb but Foundation and the bottom of this plastic cassette wax-coated and you just stick it in the box and they build up from that pretty cool check this one out this is one that's not quite filled out but I think it looks really neat just having that those open cells on the corner right there and this is totally totally sellable this is honey we can call that honey in those uncapped cells it looks pretty neat so this is really the best one yet y'all see that they filled that one up right to the tip top on that side and pretty much to the tip top on that side that's the best one so far beautiful beautiful which they all look like that so I got this kit from better be I really like better be they do a good job with my labels and and stuff like that I'll put a link in the description for to their to their website I'm not sponsored by better B they just I think they've got good products and so I want to try it out I think that this costs one hundred one hundred and ten dollars for everything and that was with the wooden super and your refill kits are not sure something like and I'll have to look it up I'll put a link in the description y'all can check it out but you don't have to buy the wooden box every single time you can get refill kits for the dish so that you just put the putting new hog half comb down in there in the wooden box and then put that back on the hive and I'll have to say this has been overall very very simple I mean all I did was put that box on the hive it came assembled for me I just stuck it on top of the hive and let them do their thing the really the most fiddly thing about it has been getting these lids on I think this was well worth it and I'll be able to sell these I'm not sure what price I'll put on them but I'll be able to sell them and make money off of them for sure there's Ross rounds also if y'all are interested in making comb honey Ross rounds has been around for a while they're just round as you would imagine they're just kind of like round cassettes similar concept is this but the cassettes around but I don't think I don't have any intention of trying anything else because this has just been so so easy and unsuccessful I mean I'm not not stuck together not a whole lot of things that I've done to be keeping new have been you know monumentally successful but I have to say that this is done well this is done really really well I'll see how they sell this year I usually sell my honey I get a lot of people on YouTube asking me can i buy soon with your honey well I really only sell it locally if I have a surplus and there's an event close to where I live where where we take the honey and sell it I don't sell it to I don't sell it online I don't sell it anywhere else just locally when I get done with this I will take you all inside and do a product demonstration check out the underside of that to get that cool it's like looking into the back of a back of a frame of honeycomb I guess that's exactly what it is so here's what we're left with there's 34 cassettes that are ones that I'll be able to sell 34 total cassettes that I can sell so that means basically they're all filled out well they're all capped well and they're presentable I guess you could say there's a few here this one's kind of questionable I'll probably just give that away or keep it for myself when we have five right here that are not capped same thing as you get with you know regular frames those towards the outside usually don't get capped very well but I'll just use these keep these for my own use so that's it you get 40 of those cassettes in a hog half comb super and I'm happy to report that they do work very very well [Music]
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 1,219,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honey, honey harvest, fall line ridge, fall line ridge honey, Hogg half comb, honeycomb, beautiful, tasty, delicious, harvest, honeybees, honey bee, bee, bees, beekeeper, beekeeping, apiary, apiculture
Id: eFclwv5QGA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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