Free Lambo Diablo hand built, lets see what it needs to Run?

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hey guys how's it going it's Barry been about a week since we dragged home this donated Lamborghini kick car that somebody was building and never got finished I haven't had much time to look at it but I do now so I figure when we roll this thing forward we'll get her up on jack stands maybe we'll pop some skins off it see how it's constructed and just see what we're working with you know I don't know much about these at all it kind of fell into my lap and I want to see if we're getting into if we can do anything with it hopefully we can and maybe we'll spend today to get a better assessment and judgment on what we have and what we're working with give me a few minutes we'll get set up and have some fun that's all better it's up in the air we can get underneath it now and the bus stop by she's currently yeah P occupied pop the front bumper ace we're gonna call it off of it get the jack underneath it let's go hop on a creeper and you guys are gonna see it for the first time as I am so let's see what it has to offer hopefully lighting I'll be okay I got the one on my forehead that's I got it diffused so hopefully it won't bleach things out so I believe it's a BMW v12 out of seven series is what the engine is you think the transmission is a Porsche 944 with a limited slip my glasses on hey why keep it down lot of space in the wheel well there it looks like I has like two tubes one there and the one going down the center of it Oh kind of the strength of the car if you think a VW Bug actually it's kind of the same idea if they do the same thing with the heater channels in the torque tube I think it's called in the center just we could plate underneath it see jewel distributors up top don't know what went here the jacket opened to the inside of the engine I don't know if that's oil or coolant hard to tell I see there we go here and here looks like a couple of proximity switches are you know crank position sensors that should say in effect that there's tool well I think I have something to do two distributors but the Scriptures are tied into the camshaft and running off onto them yeah 101 here I'd want to say maybe oil gotta be placed on the oil filter right did you see one yet I haven't so maybe it's an external only is the dry stone the oil pan looks fairly large enough for the oil capacity in I see a pan over here does have a sensor on it though the engine and transmission this looks like it has somebody maybe made an adapter plate this is part of the engine it's adapter plate are they both adapter plates see if the starters bolt it into you and they're stacked up pretty good though whatever it is you got one piece two and three this could have been a part of the bell housing from the original automatic transmission I think all the seven series at least in this country are automatics and the other thing is the trans is empty let the puppet transit the bell housing is empty you guys can't see you up inside there yeah there's nothing there I see input shafts oh there's no clutch there's no flywheel just don't pressure plate throw up bearing does that go inboard disk brakes so you did nice job on the exhaust system to the exhaust looks really cool well it will flex pipes alright I guess a car this box what was commenting saying it's a resonator and just free-floating right now no that looks like it's bolted in all that actually it's like it's all just sitting there filled with rubber motor mounts little rubber mounts rather I guess means you twisted the exhaust is gonna need to be able to move a little bit with it it's hanging off the tail under the transmission though and you think it kind of move hauls one all the bracketry and everything looks a nicely made rear suspension the upper one looks like it's aluminum and it's probably store-bought the bottom one looks like it was fabricated along with the the hub assembly big wheels huh 335 1 335 30 gr 18 some right there it's like an air pump for the suspension probably the front is only one thing here somebody has a tank right there black ooze or run up through the center of the chassis and right to the front these two cables are probably shift cables two green ones about the tank here too like this they're broken fitting on it whatever it is you okay no no no fuel so kinds out long it is you haven't found a gas tank in it yet quite be the safest place for it right get in middle of the car do my best not to shake you guys around too much suspension so it's got a coil over shock up top go into a knuckle going down to a couple of adjustable con rods see any adjustment on the bottom it could be eccentrics inside here that's where the bottom pivots are go check out the front it's like you guys fiberglass in the shell to the body separating here we threw this together when it was there that metal bar right up there's the only thing holding the suspension up they have airbag shocks that weren't in it though don't let your room under the front here fronts got more adjustment on the bottom there's a cricket in here you hear him of course now it gets quiet it's a big tub it's like 1 and 1/4 tubing the size of it and it's like there's two different kinds to thinner stuff for holding this pride for holding the headlights maybe here's the bag on the other side and a piece of wood holding the suspension up over here ok that's about what we can see from the outside underneath rather and there's four pallets of stuff upstairs I just don't know what I'm missing you know they said it the boy I think he started the project in 2010 bought a low mileage wrecked BMW 7-series is what stuff came from one of the problems though I see a bunch of stuff is missing there was another engine that they had there unfortunately they sold that off and you had a bunch of the missing pieces possibly for this you'll see so that's probably that line coming up from the rear the airline quite sure would they be going back into the where they lead off to now we've got two more of these you know TB gear or fuel connected to something there's the other year back for the other side dismiss it a couple of brackets I don't know what they would be for bigger erector set I would think we could probably take maybe some of the skins off of it doesn't look like it's attached together and got any kind of permanency see two screws there I don't know what's going to be inside here probably pop it's higher off of it - the biggest thing is I'd like to get the transmission off of it to see what we have and see if we could spin the engine see if we can get a flywheel on there is a firewall upstairs whether it fits the car I don't know and maybe a reason why that's not all put together all right yeah we don't not looking at you what's this right here is will latch lift up okay why would you but why would you need access to back there access to your exhaustion and that seems like pretty elaborate doesn't it I don't want that no my flavor I'm worn the lollipops yeah yeah hey good catch okay you got hey let's see about trying to open this thing up a little bit and take a better look oh yeah we're gonna want to open up the ass end of this anyway and then the quarter panels are attached see if you get you in there I saw it it's like one bolt lime each other it is written in a bolt pair one ball on the other side that should take this this rear I'm gonna call the bumper out of our way and then see what else holds the quarters on in the back like that's attached to somewhere well one thing at a time get this off I get this two balls out life cards they come apart like reminds me of me when I was a kid I had those models did you take apart anything I'm I just don't have to break them off the little plastic frames like much is holding that on either get better together great tool for their jet companies often give me more I don't know we're in now we can see some guts that's one big ass hiring go spray foam down in here I guess I wasn't meant to get taken back off again down there so wonder with that tank in the middle is for we could probably do the same for this side let's get this side off too you hold that it looks like we could take this whole tail section maybe it off right here hard to say I see like I can attack there and that one I see that almost looks like it's welded to it and then that's welded to that yeah well how about getting that bolt out neither right might be a little as we walk it back and unbolt it looks like it's gonna be a bit of a tight fit they had to see in here it's got kind of a wealth going across we go break that's no big deal and that's welded to there maybe they're very short maybe they're only threaded into that and the same on the bottom there I say we throw a wrench on it and find out be nice if we can remove that whole section we get the exhaust off it close to the trans I guess can take the one out below we'll see how long that is I don't answer our question right yeah it's very short that's what it is they're just very superficially gonna be yeah a Chad heavy when we undo it so I'm gonna get the rest of them out and I get one need for help well I got a little bit of a conglomeration attached to the back of it one bolt left and I'm hoping it pulls away everything stays in place there's a chance that all that goes in goes crashing to the floor too either way I'm gonna film it [Music] ready mm-hmm oh yeah on the ground to get those not get overconfident think I can lower it pretty close that's that highway it's skinny rsh peak alright next I say we get that resonator set up off of there see whatever we're attached no no nuts on the bottom of that right there maybe just sitting on their exhaust is disconnected there no bolts in it they're these two I wonder if we take it here we'll take those two nuts off the top of it will lift that whole system right off as because too often expected [Music] now rain huh dad I'm playing with formula one they'll be in our way we do have we got the axles to deal with and all that we know if we need to take them right out or can we just unbolt them so the rotors can stay with it it looks like it's all the caliper and everything is kind of a attached to these motor mounts actually that whole section and click the whole cradle we can unbolt it'll take all this with it except for the axle so if you I don't know a room for the axle half is though clear the bell housing I think it's much holding the exhaust on I'm gonna go take a peek might be only like one or two nuts on the manifolds I got then we might get those right out of our way cuz we have to get in there and and do some screwing around anyway what about that shift linkage [Music] well we take the transmission from here leave that bellhousing on there that adapter plate we're gonna call it and we contemplate a little bit yeah so more even loose already yeah looks like one right there one right there and another one far forward just three off my boy get that whole assembly out is one piece easy to get the wheels off give us a little bit more room to get up on the car I mean I'm kind of trying to reach over everything Hey wow it's the kind of getting nice and cozy I think this is the last one it was Ford was two on each manhole we're not working on a bunch of stuff that's rusty you got to eat all this stuff before I take it apart hanging on the starter Becky you guys up get a little bit of room that's good just drop them on the floor one sash this side doesn't have a starter so it might be a little easier you can kick me in the holster just sitting on there - part of me is thinking if I could find a rotted out or burned up ratty I know how expensive they are if they're desired or not you know the v12 cars the 7 Series and Robert for parts probably be a decent way to go but again I'm still open to all options but a diesel on it hey no start on his size you can wiggle this one out it's got plenty of room around it now yeah so I say we probably go we just connect the driveshaft the CV joints and I'm gonna bolt the cage here we got a prop the engine - because it's yeah that's one side of the mountain and the other mount there will be nothing holding it so I might might put up he will put a board across the top not sure that you that or a jack and a block from the bottom we should have enough room to clear all this yeah we got plenty of room here hey we could probably use that same table that we use to take the the rear wing assembly off to grab the cradle and block it I'm sorry come straight back with it do you think you agree no I mean just not impressed at all it's more of a Ferrari dog do that 12 more times wiggling that last one out of there it's like the rotor wants to come with it impressive-looking piece of material all right they're both free now we got to figure out a way to support that engine you could probably hunt although this is you know I don't think it's going anywhere maybe we could run a 2x4 across the top of that I'm gonna run a strap down under the motor kind of help support it in that way we have a ratchet strap we can kind of use the ratchet strap to maybe change the height because if I need to roll this Orianna I don't want to have it support from the floor then I still have to come up with something anyway let's go try that and that doesn't work then we'll work from the bottom but that might be a good solution at least they didn't use one of those crappy orange ones for what we're one step up from there I think I might still take a 2x4 I'll cut it to the right dimension and we'll wedge that between the the bottom of the oil pan and the floor just so it has a Part B I'm using jack same I don't have what tall enough okay I might yeah and kind of personal they aren't you are you doing look should be able to get it with this Jackson has like beads are sand in it and its self adjusting will be good about an inch from the top let's get a little pellet in it and undo it you just just flip it upside down and the pelts feel the other way and you can collapse it again now that I got it stuck in there see how good this works just you could pray push that back yeah it's not a good spot to be like and we can kind of work our way around that the boss he's supervising around that jack stand coming right about about then reject that up and probably make a couple of pieces of wood for the forward part of it the back you're probably gonna catch it right on that cage anybody can cut a 2x4 for right in here we'll let it sit on there and let me go crawl under there I'll measure a distance we'll try to make a block of wood for the front of that too so this will keep it from tip in the back side of it and the front we just need to support so got on bolt it to I should pull that back out of the way get all the bottom bolts off won't just leave this top to the trains is unbolted but the four and occasion the back are still holding just want to make sure I get a good here I don't are up there yeah yeah so good I'm gonna make another shrimp for the front one bolt to go think it's free I'm gonna get me a big ol pry bar and try to pry against that mount against that one right actually a piece of wood anything's a pry bar I see a slight air gap around the transmission I don't know if anything else is still holding it though see it broke loose there almost looks like this side I wonder if that funky looking thing with the screws on it just tucked into the yeah I think that's overlapping it right there looks like I covered a block off the starter hole let's try getting those two screws out but yeah that's it I got you very curiously propped up [Music] let's say that overlap to overlapped it overlapped that lip now let's try it that's right again something holding any wonder not ready yet it couldn't make it easy kid there they look real close right over there some bolt going this direction well that's a pain past it now I gotta take that hole I take the whole plate with me now because of it bolted it from the other side that is what it is so all those bolts are out the one thing we're talking about kind of wonder on the starter bolt how far in does that stud go I guess we can kind of this could there is two bolts till I put back in the crossmember does it had to roll that out way him back in again that's the strap is you learn that started to a man to rework that yeah let's what do you want to relocate that strap and we from the starter Muslim both starting it out of the way because if we don't on both it it will be an issue holding it together if we do unbolt it it wouldn't have been an issue so you take care of it now I guess watch was the starter all along I wouldn't let it go so hold me see a dowel pin on the bottom [Applause] there's an access hole underneath I know might be an elm bolt pointing this way through that hole well that's a good sign you have a half inch apart so that bolt I told you about what's underneath that was what was holding it I wasn't able to thread it all the way out though cuz it ran into the case so now I got to get back under there again and it's got about another two or three turns I can get it to back up hopefully it'll come apart almost there I could taste victory [Music] it ain't over till it's over no pushing on the ship there that's holding I am both with the cables so they can pull through that nut he's sitting on the back of that bracket so yeah I'm do this she better look that up out of the way but the cables let's hold miss now this goes on any longer and it came apart like thought it first would look at what we got so that was the bolt that was getting me from the inside I had to go reach through that hole and loosen up and [Music] those two yeah they know cuz that was separate that was an old met just the netlist was mining on the bracket yeah cuz it the bell housing went around that didn't touch any of that sheesh what about the starter we still get another bolt pair that's why it wouldn't come off does that cover today I just miss it it is below the starter by it's right here No down inside that hole yeah that part would help to get that out of there too I'm gonna I'll have the whole faceplate think who's doing some machining online and stuff up apparently upstairs I have a flywheel which is probably from the transmission I hope that that fits on there let's go open go get it see what we got yeah that one bolt was hiding in here where he machined a hole through the starter is right so here's the two pieces and it's the flywheel and I'm not trying to pet you Lily but I will don't let that fall over on your toes because you're gonna Yelp watch out and this are we thinking with the strands are gonna find out right now alright so clutch just go fit on there get you set up on the stand and it's not looking good it looks like that bolt pattern is much wider on that but let's get out there and go look anyway oh really I think the whole patterns just gonna be too far apart I wonder who that flywheel I'll just even get this dowel out of here it's gonna pop that out so at least I can get a flush up to it and get a better idea but yeah actually this point I don't care if I destroy it we need a big screwdriver should we just tapped in reset under it now I'll set that flywheel up here and the other thing is how close does the starter gonna be alright that's no way to near it won't sit up flush against it it is there's no way near being why don't you just kind of prop that up there and put the starter in there get an idea what the startup looks like lyses yeah I started to be close neither this is probably where he left off and just today I'll get to it at a later date it's my guess and I don't know what is comparable so we need a file from a BMW whether a 12 and an 8 or 6 is the same one I don't know I'm sure might be some people watching this at happy education on that stuff feel free to comment as far as uh you were idea or thoughts while getting that getting matched up again this is an automatic it's I was an automatic too because there's no um pilot bushing for the transmission generally on a standard transmission that the shaft that sticks out gets centered by the engine and there is no bushing for bearing in there let's go over the creek what's up my scripts again I say put Jack underneath that and shove the started back in hole you can see how far where that started year is away from that so that's not even close that's not even going to be an option for us that flag will would need to be another two inches in diameter to be able to get on there hmm well ain't that a pickle like you know where to spin the engine if you had a flex plate off of one of these that part was lying back up but you won't be able to get it to make is even like look what the vice grips are how close that bolt is so that would put the flywheel diameter in collision course with this bolt which you don't know how far it goes through doesn't matter that flight will have to come out anyway now so what's our options you had a bell housing from I always get a built a standard bell housing from the v12 flywheel etc would I be able to modify a transmission hey guys think about this one that's all one piece how you gonna go about cutting that apart right like he can unbolt it like you would like an American car so right bail on the v12 I try to put a different power plane in that would line up to that I got to think about all this for a while cuz you change you better you know we'll chat uh what about running nice to try thing like running an intermediate gear or gears but the problem with that is it would be engaged with the flywheel all the time Lily your your um spatial awareness for danger Sox glad you feel secure with the safety of my cowboy so I was gonna come in at Maki and a noggin all right I don't see just trying to get that dynamometer that flywheel all the way out to that starter can the shirt started get moved in closer possibly you can't really put too much bigger of a starter gear on ik is then the starter loses its power to be able to turn it because it's a gear ratio thing you know it's probably I'm gonna guess like say twenty to one that startup spends twenty times every time it spins the engine once so if you double the or triple the size of that and this isn't you know then you're at like seven to one and it may not have enough to spin it plus it has to clear everything too hmm maybe they make something maybe there's something that comes in them I'm just not aware of hmm so probably got pictures try to bring up what these look like go put a VW on your hand two of them three of them without a flat 12 all right all right guys well this is quite a long one we have the car totally tore apart but at least I got to the point huh this is this is was the what I thought was gonna be an issue and I just kind of wanted to get an idea what we had and I was kind of hoping because I was able to peek in there I can kind of see that ahead you know eight holes for flywheel and I saw this one had eight and like hop maybe you know but no just not gonna happen all right with that and the pilot and the mess that I made she's a little shorter it's a size of those tires many things are ridiculous they get one two three three-and-a-half amps what are you doing alright guys I prolonged it long enough I want to thank you all for kind of hanging out with me and that it was some regimen you know hey it's always enjoyable beats flipping burgers at McDonald's it's all I gotta say so with that we're gonna go sign off I'm not sure what the future this is gonna hold may not see it for a long time may come back I just don't know I don't I don't have a I'm not looking to start a lifelong project right at the moment I got a lot of other things that I really like the Pope for this but again I just want to get an idea what was making this thing tick I mean I guess now we know right little next one I'll see you later I guess let's say goodbye goodbye to the people no yeah you just you don't work with dogs or kids or in see you goodbye so here I am again closer inspections to fly up there is a gap behind here that that could fit and it clears these bolts so they're not an issue so if we did get a stock flywheel that would fit in there but then we would have to attach that's why I will chew it so I'm not positive how all that would work but there is there is a gap created that's why the bolts that's right it's all set up like this which had the other engine that's probably what it was young again the the idea was telling those parts from even if it was I wondered just the flex plate and the flex plate was gonna squeeze back in here off the automatic and then he was gonna attach the flywheel to the flex plate hub it'd be pretty exact cuz I think it'll vibrate like crazy but that would be the start part of it anyway so that's the pressure plate and flywheel no clutch disc in flywheel sitting inside the stock transmission that's where it would sit and it's been machined out here's that one bolt I got out tried to get out but that didn't need to come out because if I had known about the one that was hidden inside there it would come apart like we expected with all this going with it so we have like we said we able to get a stock something in here and not sure where this is gonna sit and we stuck the figure out pilot but you know I'm not that good then we can kind of make something up for that so that bridges the gap between the center of the crankshaft and that we can turn something on the leaf to make that work it's just getting that missing link of that other part and try to get the two of them married together and get them dead center it either bolted in two or maybe even welded together you know you weld this to the to the other one and now it becomes one big assembly well you're able to come off with a hub to the other one it ain't over till it's over right all right I'm over for tonight anyway
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 289,060
Rating: 4.8977966 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mustie1 will it run, mustie1 new videos, lamborghini, porsche, lamborghini diablo, lamborghini drift, supercar, sports car, barn finds, mustie1 2019
Id: 9ERmPoJgg-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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