My New YouTube Garage/Shop Tour.

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hey guys well last couple months have been really busy as what the videos have been kind of sparse lately but the title of this video should kind of give you a good reason why uh we are up to three hundred thousand subscribers that is really cool thank all you guys for just kinda being into what I do and taking me to a different level from where I started so that brings us to where we are now I have literally outgrown the space that we've been making videos in and want to do a better job when I'm going through videos so I've been trying to find a place to buy for the last probably about two years you're gonna have two years couldn't do it everything's a half a million dollars I was looking to try to get under 200 grand and even that was a stretch for me to try and do to get for a mortgage ah so a friend of mine stepped up to the plate and he had an empty space for space that was becoming empty about three or four months ago you know coming up with it it's not cheap it's very cheap for what it is but I'm cheap in general so the OL garage is quite empty I'm gonna give you pan around everything has been taking been getting taken out of here okay and it's pretty much just an echo chamber of what it used to be this in the little garage it was a bunch of machines stored in there and you can see the mess it's left behind this area is kind of set up where I could paint a car and that's how it's going to stay the compressors gonna stay lift is gonna stay and this lift is going to stay for working purposes along with this workbench so it's a little sad in a way because last 20 20 25 years I built this garage 25 years ago and it has been my place of solidarity or a mental health and working on things but we are moving upward in onward so I guess that's enough of this place let's go check out the other one I want to go do that so it's an undisclosed location and try my best to keep it that way so we're gonna smuggle you in blindfolded I don't like the blindfold off you get there all right and we're here get second for your eyes to adjust Oh may I show it to you a little bit slower all right entry nice big garage door I'm not gonna show everything but get the general idea welcome trailer that was the first thing that came in here for those who've been asking that was a trailer that was put together for that's Plan B that was gonna be my employment doing mobile repairs and metal fabrication that kind of thing so it ended up coming in here and this place was empty and it allowed me to work out of and set up out of that it was tight yes yes it was tires had to come off it's on the rim on a rim one rim on each side skylights had to come out at the top the trailer was 95 it is 87 in here then top blocks too it's nice and sturdy working on it scrap metal down that wall we have new power all new lighting and a new furnace cart with scrap metal on it help back there's not much for power so that is just parking toys our toys here we get to work on some scrap metal from the house all the flat stock it's on a cart that rolls really easy these are I made four panels up for backdrop welding keeping its big open space so to keep them dirt off of things heat rymus you know certain area these are mobile they are staging old rusty staging and I attached welding blankets like fiberglass blankets and took a cart he Harbor Freight golly cut the limbs off and one limb one section goes that direction and the other direction is on the other side goes that direction so it makes a Z and then they all stack together if you don't want to use them anywhere I'm really easy you get block lost sections staging I've moved that like 35 times yeah I think it's even go upstairs because I am not really fine yeah a good purpose for it down here this area I'm thinking is probably gonna stay machine metal cutting machine shop email cutting will go that because it's the stuff that's use the least it's the furthest from the toolbox charge it's like having your kitchen your house you have you wanted to be so close to all that common stuff that you use and then the less common stuff you know can be afford to be a little further away so this is my sander for now I have a pedal set up on it that'll do what you need to do after you cut something walk over and we have to turn the switch on would saw converted to metal it still cuts wood too that's been working pretty good go press China three-in-one I'm still looking for benches all that you think I might be pushing the limits of that picnic table full whole picnic tale especially with the you added wood blocks on the bottom we're support yeah I do my best not to stand in front of that but look apart table for that the what's law and that's on wheels I'm trying to find a spot where you pull that out there sometimes you'll have a 20-foot piece of metal that you cut and that's only about twelve feet away so what it's on wheels and but it may change work those I also got to work where there's power to you know there's a drop here and I dropped there with him there's nothing for a while you'll leave he's a little cleanin 1922 Dalton we believe it was off a submarine horse washer Rick laid the rotor lead wheel balancer cheek bones drinker a 301 Harbor Freight metal manipulator I don't how you recommend it it works but it's for like 22 gauge I'm still actively looking for a nice like a four to six foot brake preferably a finger break that can do eighth inch so there's room over here for that is you know plenty of room plus the forklift moving out of the way I sell the breech port to bring over also but I'm tired of moving to stuff so we can get that on a later date the forklift really moves easy on the trailer now that could drive it on and drive it off in the correct direction it's fine so it's no big deal to get it over there to pick the the thing up and and move it you guys thought it was having a fork truck for my home that's a bad thing you had bigger plans this is a hydraulic bender have a Harbor Freight press I found some dyes in the metal scrap yard they take good stuff and put it aside so the dyes were in there there's more on top and I can cut it I could Bend about they have a 23 inch piece of eighth inch and it's pneumatic with it automatic just plug air into it and heat the trigger and it automatically goes then a regular press take a welder speakers from the recent yard sale everywhere is you saying sell them go buy some crappy ones for your garage no I want some good ones in my garage and those are nice it sounds awesome in here and I'll spare you the how well you it's not gonna matter anyway because it's whatever your speakers are listening to now it actually sounds like this is mostly all just hole saws drill bits you know that kind of thing gluten up top okay a primary work station where you take carbs apart and things like that free stereo that was in the dumpster you got here pulled it out of the dumpster it is awesome I think it's on Keo Sansui yeah shut up cranks pretty good I guess they tried selling it at a yard sale for a hundred bucks at one time so that was the second thing that was set up you go to two trailer than that I made a couple of wheels up for mobile I still not sure we're gonna keep stuff so I put things on on pedestals I made a matter of some wheels a head out back I bought at a yard sale I thought I could flip them nobody wanted them well there you go the Chevy guys are pissed at me right now maybe not really think it's cool so those are you just wheeling around where you go to need to go put them and it's in through the grinder who you want to get the water in it seems to work pretty good yeah the speaker new furnace its natural cast I don't know how it's gonna expense if it's gonna be to eat but I know it's gonna be expensive I can tell you that okay it's a lot of space the sandblaster right now I'm thinking about keeping it where it is at home I had a shopback hook up to it and then the exult the afterwards the shop back in the filter the exhaust and the shop vac just went outside I made you something of the same this is from the old furnace and it's just a power vent to the outside so I could maybe just use that we'll see how much suction it has on its own maybe throw a filter in that and have it there's nothing out back it's uh actually my parking made a cradle up for air tools kind of like what I had at the house but the one of the house was bolted to the into the wall plus I still need that a little bit all right now just drill the hole bunch of holes and through the big stuff in the middle compressor compressor is doing good I did end up chick changing the pulley even smaller if you guys can see I just it was what I had available at that that time we were making the video I think it was this one that was last one that was on it you guys can see the difference it's probably another inch across smaller and now it's been fine it's probably run 15 20 hours now it's not very noisy no sorry timed out there that was a got from a friend it was in the building we've you know anything about it we plugged it in it rod knock like crazy so I grabbed it off him for 50 bucks and had this compressor head laying around put that on there and it's been fine guards a little sloppy but I was a little pressed for time there's another one set up has got a 220 Extension I could reach anywhere in the garage with the welder this is the back side of the bathroom cabinets grab these at a yard sale Craigslist rather see what's in here make sure there's nothing of that one okay probably get a couple more of these I think that might be a very good way to go instead of trying to keep stuff on open shelves keeps a cleaner - you know toolboxes are kind of back in their original space where they were in the other garage because they trying to use a kitchen you you want this stuff close to you you know it's this is probably the most common work area so I want stuff to be able to be what I do fairly quickly I'm not like you know how far from those are that the workbench is it so that may change I'm just not sure problem is I'm trying to us now stretch out over like four stations actually five yeah yeah table table lifts welding table and then you know metal area over there so something's got to be further away than the other the two cabinets might come out of there and I might put the bench back over there I'm not sure yet but again it has to kind of go with power too and most of the power he's over there your friend said my friend was a painter when I first moved in the house we're trying to figure out what to go paint and you try to make all these decisions it's like goes whatever's dirty just go pee and white for now and living it for a year because then you'll know says that you can't pick it out now it's just too much stuff to try to go tackle and it's the same with this I'm trying to set it up and you know we'll get it really get all squared away another room welded so we got three air drops I'll the start going over some of this stuff so compressor air drop I got to put a rim somewhere over here this one's already set up and there's one by the door over there the power is just a compressor 220 and then a welding 220 or 15 yep there and the 30 for the compressor same on the wall behind me there's another chi 20 for welding the lifts alright we can go sit my chair again Craigslist this is snap-on I'll take it snap on it now snap off like a name on it it's DC it's it's pretty similar to what I have at home but they want to have a home is fixed but it goes up about the same height same kind of operation in the middle this has a little bit more mass in the middle of it or my other one bolted to the floor so I think the mass is just kind of inverted only thing I don't like about this one is the safety lock it only locks in one position all the way up it's weird so I may want to go look into making it more like my other one's got a ratchet on it and like every like the air tables every 6 inches it goes up it clicks another spot this one just has all the way up so if you don't have to lift all the way up you're working with a lift that doesn't have a safety weird that's why the guys hold it okay it moves around with the pump it is portable when the lifts all the way down this pump set up its 110 it's got a little hook on the end of it well there's a it's up by the car now is that there's a socket for it to go in you take the pump and you rock it back like a hand truck and then the lift has wheels the back you can move the lift any way around any way you want around yeah I think it's 6,000 pounds handy lifts these are similar they're both handy lifts one is electric and one is pneumatic this one's pneumatic here's that ratchet I'm talking about you know generally get safety it's like that you know yeah different spot sports they go that only has one this is pneumatic it is setup I'm primarily gonna use it for motorcycle one because it's skinnier than the other one I think this is a 42 wide and the other one is 48 wide and it already had the wheel truck on it although it was busted a head of weld it back on so it's easier the skinnier it is easy it is to work on a bike just cuz you're not leaning over so far the only problem that I had was and that I like the other one is the other one focus has the drop out change rear tires so again I may switch it around with the one that's home I'm not sure and then this has a little stop plate so we can still use it for motorcycle you will bike up to this and as long as you get on it and you know and strap it down you can still use it this one's electric you notice there's no bar underneath it and what you use instead of a big air cylinder it just has a screw where is it electric motor there and just a big screw through the center of it and wherever you stop it is where it stays until you don't have to put a safety down it's it is its own safety you break that thing yeah I think you're kind of overdoing it a little bit and they're movable too you know if I need to make room or do something different or whatever it is you know say if I'm going to do a long-term project on a car and I need to be access to the toolbox we just proved that left over here and move these two to the other side I thought about getting a big lift for here and so far I've decided not to I'm looking but this is access to the rest of the garage you know the garage goes from skinny and it opens up as it goes further out yeah if I put something here I'm kind of making it so I have to drive through the center of the lift every time I access you know out back hang on say go over what you wanted yeah give me a second we'll pick it back up yeah what the weld in the area so I got a 12-gauge cord coming down and that's just run on the power strip and then I just kind of see him at home I just made a bracket to hang all the grinders off the side the common was common ones that I use now you move over home from there there's a welding table supposedly but it's more on Craigslist it was a welding table and then you go there it was like a road plate any reason why I say that cuz welding tables are generally flat not bowed so you want a welding table to put stuff on and make sure it's core here and level well if it has a crown you know it's showing up or not let's get a decent crown you put a flat edge on it you can tell it's a lot of welding table I bought it anyway but I was disappointed only when I saw it I got to make the same level that's a decent table there that one's pretty flat that's what I had at the house and I just brought the height up I took angles to the legs right there they had some goofy crap what about say and I'm cutting that off and just putting some angle on the bottom and got them all flat that's perfect I threw some wood blocks underneath this one for now because at first I didn't even have them together I just wanted to get it higher but I white I might do is the same thing I'll take the blocks off put angle on the corners and I'll make it perfectly level with this table will give us a bigger workstation I got it pretty much in you open to you so you can walk all the way around it I know what you're doing and again now have a forklift so everything is easy to move around knowing have is a hammer everything looks like it meow anvil believe that roughly or from this area - it's the only advice I have in the garage right now except for the the welding trailer grab this at a yard sale a couple weeks ago and I figure this is going to be like if I end up working down here and I'm gonna work off of like that first of all the tools and everything in that year grab it from the toolbox we'll all be on a cart and you just wheel it back and you put everything away it's a little overwhelming I could tell you that I'm excited but it's a lot to to take in everything you know everyone is a kid I've been grabbing stuff all the machines you saw over there having gather my all little pieces for a long time so I think our video quality is gonna get much better because now we have room it's bad enough when you're trying to work in a crowded spot and all you have enough room is just for the welding cart to kind of make it around the table or the car that you're working on try doing that with a camera pod stand next to you making sure that somebody else could see so this is spacing should be very nice for us to work in this workflow hopefully the lighting is decent I have most of the lights off right now I'm gonna see how this kind of comes out this is kind of the main worker this table is a little dark I mean at a light in the center right here that's it even if it stays there you never know well materially I show you um Joe yet yeah go check that out into the deep dark so this it's Plan B my employment opportunity that I was making for myself I was gonna do mobile metal fabrication welding repairs and this was a carport this was a is a car trailer with was B I think it was really be ceiling was crushed in a back door was gone I don't think any of the doors worked the floor was caved in they held that ditch which around in this thing anyway I cut it up and modified it to turn it into just like a mobile repair shop and it has the gas gas powered welder underneath there it's ducted into the floor so it sucks air in through this side and it blows it out to the floor and there's a duct right there see exhaust right up beside that is uh you use it up the arc welder you use the power source and see the power that comes off of it and that g-20 power that comes off of it two strips are up in the top of the trailer and this is just short power coming in and that shore power is running the Chargers and it runs the upper strips whenever that is plugged in it runs the upper strip now both eyes actually from the upper strips ones left ones right corner what side you're on and then it has DC power yeah here it's got two decent-sized deep-cycle batteries charger and 3000 watt inverter at 3000 watt inverter runs the lower power strips of the upper one is either power from the generator or if you're plugged in it runs off of that and the same is on the other side same deal so that's what we got for power he has a bench with these are lab tables from MIT like the laboratory party catching some funky disease as we speak oh yeah I just started a yeah and it's not an epidemic it exposed all you guys there are countless hops from MIT from the lab and I cut them up put pockets in about two by two receivers and then each implement has a two-inch receiver underneath it on a plate you just pop them out moving wherever you want now when you take them all off the bench if I wanted to work on the bench and wanted to clear it off I can if I want the vise on the other side if I want to rotate the vise 90 degrees I can or have a direction you want those are the update on it it's all it's pretty much other than being dirty it's worked really good again we worked out of this when we first got here oh let's go see yeah there's the duct work in the back at just electric start down on the end in that box there's a marine fuel tank with a primer bulb that feeds to the fuel to it this side has a compressor a strap to the floor that will run off the inverter for a short period of time but it'll run off shore power or the generator no problem so that was a compressed air in here too we reuse them for a while the doors the cabinets are their old bathroom stalls wait for it yeah yeah that's awesome if anyone's not cleaning me out of building so I took them and cut them up and it's good because the app kind of like a sound dampening capacity to him - there's even little even left the hook out so that's the Weldon trailer and yes it was tight getting it in here I hope I said the trailer is nine five and it's eight seven to the roof so there's a skylight [Music] dark side door it's sitting on one rim hidden put you one we got it in here that make him out of here depends now it's kind of done this job I might bring it home for something to work out it but we'll see right now it's fine where it is the back door also drops down and there's plenty of room for that back there right now I just have it closed a peek from over here it says stairs behind Krusty two cars can fit there easy Park up a three if you wanted to but it would be taken and them in and out back toolboxes the bathrooms to the left again some stuffs gonna be added to the walls eventually neighbor kicked in some signs today want these two Chevron's and that golf nice Moretti just the way I like them [Music] alright guys I know it's a lot to take in a lot for me to take in there's only uh only six people know about it and three of them are family Oh drive my best to keep a decent secret well I also want to thank Brian BW nut he really stepped up and helped me with a China moving crap we when we first got here it was very dusty let's say he's will see some of it like the black on the walls we got to backpack leaf blowers and blew the rafters out of this place it you couldn't see that bike that's how thick it was and then we had in the far corner there's a door over there we had the leash back this is like a 7-horsepower walk behind leaf blower we plug that over by the door so the airflow was just shooting out of there and actually we used that too for the floor we did leaf pack back to leaf blowers for the top and then on the floor we walked back and forth with the rolling you know leaf blower set up and pushed all out the doors but it was I think we did that three times you couldn't see the bike at one point we were probably about five feet apart from each other yeah you couldn't even tell so he really went through a lot of crap with me to help set this place up so I really indebted to him for being a friend and really just put in a physical labor and it was a lot of it a lot of heavy stuff and we're getting to the point we're starting to fall apart we feel this stuff it's enough to let you know that you're not a young man you start hauling a lot of heavy stuff around forklift has helped a lot though that is definitely it made life 10 times easier there's about there's a there's an upstairs plenty of room a lot of stuff goes up there all the bikes and everything go up goes up there and again moving everything around all the heavy stuff down around here that thing is a lifesaver as far as your back and that's been doing awesome that it had a little bit more ignition stuff to work out other than that that's all that's been done since the last video and I just been using it I will get back on it but as you can see I've had a little bit of stuff going on so it does still need some maintenance but it's been awesome nothing leaks you know master cylinder is dripping a little bit but keep an eye on the fluid it's been fine guys again I want to thank all of you for helping me get to this point in my life and we get to just keep doing this and just you know having fun working on stuff and figuring out what stuff how stuff ticks and and the passion that you know is some women like it to it it's mostly a guy thing as far as you know hunter-gatherer and make things comes out and you get to have that enjoyment hopefully through me making the videos I I really enjoy and I'm glad that so many people have feel the same way like you know hum maybe people watch my videos I started this whole thing out suffering from social anxiety and it was one of those things we push yourself to do something you're not comfortable with to get past it well I did that and this is where we are today oh yeah make a video and sometimes a million people see it so I guess it's working I don't know about in person but in video substance I'm able to do it so alright guys I definitely been babbling on I want to thank again all you guys for hanging out working my stuff with me and I'm still be yanking crap out of a free pile on the side of the road and keep stuff at yard sales as he was gonna make it run as a matter of fact tomorrow morning he's a yourself time and the weather supposed to be good so with that guys I'll see you on the next one I'm not sure what we can have her videos coming out for the next couple I filmed a couple of things I'm not sure if I want to put out or not just because I was in the rush but we'll see and till then I will see you later and we're not quite done the next day went out and do a little bit of yards down and found a couple of pieces one being anywhere you want to start with dad the mower they said they I'm gonna have a service go cut the grass and they're cutting a grass anymore said it wasn't doing a very good cutting their grass and he has 40 bucks for it I offered 30 they said okay I own it next is a mercury I think it's in 1995 outboard that he every time we want to go use it would it would idle and run and run in the bucket fine but when you went to go make power didn't make any power just fall on his face and he said he tore it all the way down I think all the way down to the piston trying to find something that was wrong and was not able to find it so I might make for a good video of us trying to figure it out and he said that $50 $50 $50 on it was just a suggestion make an offer I said how about 20 he said short ticket I really think he wanted to get rid of it I think it was a thorn in his side and last is a billy goat is it a billy goat no giant vac the fact that of course you know we're in last time they used it and it looks like it sat outside for quite some time there is a some sort of nest up inside the blower housing and the rest of it the bottom a pole start to rot out and you know one of those 25 bucks I grabbed that for it pulls over and I'm sure he's gonna need all the love so they shop should make for good video and people will be seeing them very shortly and gas tank with half-full gas can came with the mower you can came with a box for some reason I think you know what you're throwing that away that's just dumb let's just that dumb idea alright guys later
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 396,875
Rating: 4.9544101 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, garage shop, shop tour, studio, jay leno garage, tools, mancave in garage, man cave, man cave tv, dream garage, dream garage build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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