3 Crit Stacking Builds BG3 DW, Ranged, Warlock Hybrid

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I know I look kind of ridiculous in my turkey outfit but this is being recorded right around Thanksgiving so I do want to say Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate hopefully had a great time with family and friends so today we are talking about crit stacking and there is some amazing crit stacking things you can do in game although my favorite crit stacking build is for a dual wi kind of like swashbuckler thing that we will Showcase in the today's video I am going to talk about how you can crit stack for spell casting and two-handed as well and of course ranged with that being said we are going to take a look at the community Wiki because they have a great resource there that kind of help break down the numbers for everyone all right so I am on the wiki now and you can see here basically on screen all the math here if you want to calculate it on your own you can and this is with the risky ring spoiler alert you will be using this for the build because attacking with Advantage just means more chance to crit so if you take a look all these minimum values of crit the lowest I could get it to was 13 with dual wielding if you attack with Advantage your a crit chance is 64% and if you attack twice basically looking at 87% chance to crit and because you are going to be dual wielding so you get to attack with your main hand twiice from extra attack and then attack with your off hand you're going to crit a lot for those that are going to be using two-handers bows or spells your CRT range is more so going to be either around 14 or 15 which is still really great I mean cuz you're still looking at a 75% chance to crit on average if you attack twice with extra attack which is absolutely insane so it's really really strong and I especially like this crit build for warlocks eldrich blast because it hits three times with advantage and all that other stuff I mean it's going to crit a lot so it's going to be really really cool so if you do want to have this as a reference I will link this down below in the description that way you can check it out that way if you don't want to do do the math yourself you don't have to it's right here on the website so fantastic job to them let's go ahead and get into the build all right guys when it comes to your race there's going to be a couple of things I do want to point out if you are planning to play a melee build specifically and you want to do crit stacking if you want to enhance your damage even more you need to go half work their racial is so substantially good for crit builds it's unreal so they have Forks not only do you get Relentless end basically a get out of jail free card normally if you would get hit and be downed instead you're at 1 HP so it basically saves your life they get dark vision for free but they get Savage attacks you can read it when you land a critical with a melee attack you deal extra weapon dice damage this is huge because already when you crit it's going to roll extra dice this will add on top of that which is really really powerful so for those that want like a crit heavy Barbarian Build for two-handers it's very fitting whether you're dual wielding or whatever melee weapon you use hat fork for sure is the way to go when it comes to any other crit stacking whether you're going to be using your range weapon or spells race does not matter pick whatever you want you can see the origin character here dark urge the reason I have this selected a minor spoiler at the end of the game there is a specific buff you can do if you choose to go down a dark path I'm not going to spoil what that dark path is but it will give you even more crit stacking towards the end of the game basically making it to where you can have almost 80% chance to crit it's absolutely insane uh that being said pick what you want but I do think half works are for sure the best before we break down the different builds I do want to point out when it comes to gear for the most part you will be using the same things so let's start out with all gear universally everybody will be using the risky ring this has advantage on attack roles at all times having Advantage is amazing because this makes you roll two dice so your chance of crit goes up substantially but it does have the negative side of having disadvantage on saving throws another bonus if you do multiclass with Rogue which for this specific build we will be doing it allows on demand sneak attack damage too the dead shot bow you get this pretty much as soon as you get the act three from the vendor the number you need to roll a crit is reduced by one this is great because it Stacks even if you don't plan to use range weapons just having this is even more crit read this is basically having hey another 5% chance of crit nice your Helm once you get sbox helmet act three this is great it's another 5% chance to crit regardless really fantastic before you get to this I would recommend the dark Justice ear helmet this gives you plus one to saving throws against spells which is nice but also gives you covert critical while obscured meaning you are basically hidden or hiding the number you need to roll critical is reduced by one and it can stack so another 5% chance to crit there you could also use the covert cow that you get underneath last lights in does basically the same thing but this helmet here the dark Justice here's helmet is just a better version of it when it comes to cloaks the shade Slayer cloak that you can get in act three this one is very similar to the other Helm this one is while you are obscured basically hiding like in Shadows you could say this one is when you're actually using the hiding action and because we will be multiclassing with Rogue means the actual hide button so while you're hiding another chance to crit another 5% chance really really nice when it comes to weapons now this is when things are going to be a little different here because depending on your weapons it's going to be different so for dual wielder specifically if you want the most crit you would need to use the blood thirst in your offand because this increases your chance to crit by 5% very nice also gives you the ability to increase your AC by+ one which is another really nice bonus to have you also have offhand only true strike repost when the creature misses you you automatically retaliate and gain true strike on the enemy which is nice to have the retaliation though is nice because it's just free damage but you get this weapon super late depending on what you do in act three so most people aren't going to be really using this in their builds into the end game that's where the knife of the under Mountain King comes in this thing is really really good so this a will reduce your number to crit again so so like this is another 5% chance of crit and I know it's worded a little weird but I did numbers testing and it is confirmed to actually stack with other things really really nice you also have Shadow blades so you have advantage on attack rolls against LLY or heavily obscured targets which is really great so if you don't want to use the risky ring you don't necessarily need to there is a glitch that I'm not going to show because I don't like promoting glitches but you can duplicate items in this game uh specifically in act two with certain trials and Sh so if you wanted to do W knives of the under Mountain King you can so those are all the gear pieces I'm going to say you pretty much need to have for the build of course if you go to the two-handed version use whatever two-hander you want unfortunately there are no two-handers that reduce your crit chance and when it comes to spell casting you will need to spell sniper feet and there is a specific spellcaster hybrid that goes warlock in the champion combination that is is one of my favorite builds in the game and it's very very powerful let's go ahead and take a look at some other things I would recommend though so for my necklace I like having the surgeons amulet here this is nice even though it's once per long rest whenever you score a critical on a humanoid you can paralyze them for two turns fantastic for cc and it's a nice way to have your allies get 100% chance to crit against targets if you do not want to use this I would say use what ever necklace you want this is just the one I like having because it synergizes really well with crit my chest piece here is a dark Justice ears half plate and I know I showcased this in other videos before but this thing is just super powerful while obscured you have advantage on stealth checks which is nice because you are going to want to go stealth for the shade Slayer cloak as well so this is just awesome and gives you advantage on Constitution saving throats as well once you get the act three if you are an evil playthrough the ballist armor allowing you to do double damage against enemies to piercing just really great for burst damage it's super powerful of course if you don't want to use that uh if you're a barbarian the bone Spike Garb very very powerful if you're planning to use plate use whatever plate you want it's really going to be up to you but those are my recommendations for a few things here and of course in act one if you do want some gear for act one I mean you can't go wrong with the spider soak armor having advantage on Constitution saving thrs is never a bad thing but you also get plus one bonus of self checks as well which will help out if you want to use this to stack with the helmet or the cape as well gloves I like the bone Spike gloves for the most part just because it makes my attacks ignore resistance so if I know I'm fighting something that is going to be resistant to the type of damage I'm going to be doing physically this is a really nice set of gloves to have you can get this and act three however if you don't want to use these I really like the legacy of the Masters plus two to my attack and damage rolles of weapons is also really really nice however you can use whatever pair of gloves you like you don't necessarily need to use those two any the other set of gloves could work really well boots I'm a big fan of the night Walkers these are some of the best boots in the game three Missy step can't be in webbed entangled or ins snared and you can't slip on Grease or ice very very powerful however if you don't want to use those another really good set of boots right here the evasive shoes if you want extra AC very powerful boots of persistence giving you freedom of movement and long Strider also really really good for a barbarian having the bone Spike boots themselves really nice it's going to be up to you on pretty much what you want to use here for your boots my second ring I went with the eversight ring just to have it I mean because a lot of the crit stacking gear does require you excuse me require you to be obscured having immunity be being blinded is nice that way if you have an ally that can cast darkness that will definitely benefit you greatly so this is another solid weapon or not weapon but ring to have other than that the other gear is going to be up to you um but for the most part you're going to bonus that crit so you want all the crit stacking pieces there is a potion I do want to point out there is also a potion you can buy called The Elixir of viciousness that you can actually buy from the vendor in act two near their Mountain Pass you can also create it using items you find inside the shadowlands and this will give you another 5% chance to crit and it lasts until your next long rest and for those who do want to see a custom character in case you didn't want to play the dark urge and how I would build it this is the way I'm going so my race for me for the dual wield spec is going to be obviously the half work we're starting out as a fighter the reason we start out as a fighter is because you get Constitution saving thr proficiency which is really nice especially if you do have any spells from equipment that give you concentration it's going to definitely help out you have your fighting style here your two weapon fighting style right from the very start of the game that way if you want to Du wield pretty much as soon as you get out of the tutorial ship you certainly can you just need to find the weapons for it my background I chose Criminal here this will give you stealth proficiency this isn't exactly needed because later on you will multiclass to give you a lot of stealth anyway but there are some pieces of gear in Act 2 and three that give you crit bonuses if you're hiding so this is certainly really nice to have extra stealth in my ability scores here the reason dexterity is 17 that way if you do want to utilize the hagir you certainly can I'm not going to and I won't for any build the two-hander ranged as well as spell casting none of those are going to use hags hair but if you do want to use it you certainly can so my Constitution 16 my dual wield build is a front liner so this is the way I like going I like having extra HP in order to survive intelligence is 10 wisdom 14 because I want a little bit of extra saving throws when it comes to helping out for spells that enemies use like hold person and things like that and it helps out perception as well this guy is not going to be the face of the party whatsoever so I don't need Charisma my skill proficiencies is here perception one of my go-to defaults always and then I like having my acrobatics you don't need acrobatics pick whatever you want when it comes to the range build this is also the same exact stat spread you would pick if you want to do a range crit build as well we'll talk about two-handers and spell casting later on in video okay when it comes to leveling you're going to have some choices to make do you want to go down and get extra attack right away or would you rather go Thief and get your extra Allan attack right away the choice for you is really by preference to make this video easier to understand I'm just going to level one to five as fighter first then go Rogue and kind of go from there so at level two you get your action surge fantastic level three this is when you get to choose your Champion technically you don't need to go Champion for crit stacking you could easily go Battle Master if you did want the superior prority dice to have some really cool extra things you can do in combat but Champion if you just want raw crit cuz this does stack with everything else we talked about gearing wise so fighter level four you get your first feet here and this is when we're going ability Improvement if you use the hag hair you'll be at 20 dexterity I'm not using a hags hair for this build so instead I want to go with something else so you have a couple options you can choose if you want to get your de exterity another plus one while also increasing something cool my choice here is going to be athlete here I like this because this will increase my dexterity by + one and it gives me another 50% chance to jump which is really really powerful so that's what I'm going with because my strength is low having the increase jump distance is really [Music] nice so fighter level five you get extra attack so you can attack twice with your mainhand weapon now I could either go fighter level six now or I could start going into multiclassing with Rogue to get my Thief levels it's going to be up to you preference wise how you level and whether you want your feet now or feet later if you want to be a little bit more powerful when it comes to your main hand attacks and a little bit of your off hand since you did choose a dual wielder feet here or dual wielder fighting style you can might as well take the feet so that's what I'm doing let's go ability Improvement and just get the dexterity maxed [Music] out all right so fighter level s this is when you get even more things increases your jump distance again which is really nice cuz this will stack with that bonus we had from athlete and you get remarkable athlete proficiency it's a way to just increase your proficiency bonuses to any strength decks or Constitution shcks you normally wouldn't be proficient in this is going to be really nice but we don't need this now instead we are going down the Rogue tree here so now this is when you can change your things here you want more slight of hands so do you want this guy to be really like sneaky and steel getting plus 11 of that is pretty huge do you want some more stealth I personally am going to say screw persuasion because we don't need all that stuff this guy is not going to be the face of the party because some gear does require you to hide during combat I I think going stealth right here is very powerful so that's what I'm choosing there my other option I could go perception intimidation history it's going to be up to you if you'd prefer this character to have slide a hand over stealth you can certainly do that this character for me isn't going to steal all that much so instead I'm going with perception that way I can see my environment just a little bit [Music] better so Rog level two this is when you get your other cool things like hide Dash disengage and because you will have two bonus action soon you can do all that and still attack of your offhand as well all right Rogue level three obviously we're going Thief we want the extra bonus action so we can attack twice with our off hand really powerful so with this you can now attack choice of your main hand and attack choice of your off hand use a surge and attack point of your main hand again all right so Rogue level four you get a feat now this is when things become really really fun if you are a bow user and you want Sharpshooter you can certainly do that and get Sharpshooter now but obviously if that was the case you would have chose archery as your fighting style earlier if you were using a two-handed weapon obviously you would be going with a finesse two-hander in my opinion which there are quite a few if that's the case you would choose great weapon master that way you can get extra damage with two-handed weapons I personally at this point either say go ability Improvement that way you can get your Constitution or wisdom up a little bit higher you could go Savage attacker this is going to be really nice to help roll your melee dice it does not affect sneak attack damage but does affect your actual melee attacks themselves because you are going to be attacking quite often with melee especially since you're dual wielding this is pretty useful really though all these extra Feats that you're going to have for this build it's really going to be up to you on what you want if you don't care about using the weapons I showcased earlier going dual wielder is going to be really nice cuz this means you can na dual wield rapers and they do have a higher hit dice compared to the other weapons that we talked about lucky is also another really powerful thing you could have here pick whatever you want for this third feat it's going to be up to you and what you think is going to be best for your character don't forget spell sniper if you did want to have extra crit with spell casting this will affect spells and this does stack with all the other crit stuff and I will talk about the Warlock build a little bit later in the video y for me personally though because this guy is going to be a melee s character I'm going Savage attacker Rogue level five now you have a choice do you want to go two points into fighter to get another feat 4 want extra sneak attack damage and to get uncanny Dodge which allows you to take half damage when attack would normally hit you once per turn I'm going uncanny Dodge I think this with the extra snake attack damage AG is definitely better than having another feat because I don't think I need another feat with this build and then I am now instead of going rogue level six we're going fighter level s now when it comes to combat I'm not even going to use the ballist armor mainly because not everyone's going to be doing an evil playthrough or want to actually go down this path so I'm going to leave the dark Justice here's half plate on but just remember if you do have the ballis armor on all the damage you would be doing it's going to be doubled because it'll be vulnerable to that damage type I am going to be using the legacy of the Masters instead of the bone Spike gloves here all right so I'm going to go ahead and come up behind this guy I'm going to enter turn base mode just so everything gets reset and I'm going to open up with my sake attack damage on him and you can see I crit him for a lot so now I'm going to use my paralyzed critical for my neck piece here they are all surprised so they get to lose their turn now this guy here he is paralyzed so what this means is a couple of things and he's it's from my necklace so for two turns he can't take any actions bonus actions or reactions cuz he's considered incapacitated and all my attacks will be criticals if I'm within 10 feet of him which is pretty dang powerful so for me my offhand dagger doesn't do much damage as you can see it's 1 D4 + 7 plus the extra two from my gloves but because it is a dagger I do get the extra crit and AC which is why I like using this cuz of the special effect so you may not necessarily want to use this itself when it comes to damage but it does stack up a lot so I'm going to toggle my dual wield off here so I don't force my off hand attack to use it I'm just going to attack my off hand you can see it only did 17 damage with a critical seems a little low right we take a look at the damage you can see you have the damage roll here 2D for piercing plus my dexterity modifier not bad right yeah all right so I'm going to use use my next bonus action to go ahead and hide that way I can get the extra crit chance from my cloak and we're going to sneak attack on her in front of us you can see I did a crit of 46 take a look at the damage you can see the damage right there everything that goes into it so now let's go ahead and just finish her off with another attack and and that one substantially less because I didn't have the sneak attack with it so I could action surge but there's really no point I'm just going to stay here and wait all right so to start my turn I'm going to use one of my bonus actions to hide again just like before and hiding successful which is nice because I am I'm in shade so the bonus here does count which is going to be really nice and because I'm hiding I do get the extra crit so let's come up behind this guy and let's hit him with our big time sneak attack damage so that one did not crit a little unfortunate and took me out of my hide spot let's attack again and then I'll use my offen I'm going use action surge here and I want to kill him all right so he's dead I have one more turn who can I hit from here I can hit him so that's what we're going to do we're going to go with piercing strike piercing strike's nice cuz that makes him take extra damage Dage from attacks now that he has that on him you can see all my attacks will do additional piercing damage and remember if you were using the Bist armor all the damage numbers you see would be doubled they are just whooping my ass right now I guess I should have used the spell that comes with my armor it does come of armor shs Ages which will just give me extra AC you can use it once per long rest it is a concentration definitely could have used that here cuz it definitely would have helped out cuz I do want to showcase the rep possibility so that's what we're going to do I'm not actually going to hide I'm just going to attack this guy and kill him I thought I was going to kill him there we go and now we'll attack this guy and I'll end my turn so he missed and because he missed I get to attack him with a main hand weapon and basically kill him and I know what you're thinking if I already have the legendary dagger in my off hand how come I'm not using the legendary short sword in my main hand and you definitely can my damage would be substantially higher if I did use this weapon very very powerful and you really should you should be replacing the knife of the under Mountain King with the crisen Mischief it's just way better we would be doing tons more damage so I'll showcase why so I did that just to Showcase me switching weapons real quick I can only attack with my off hand which is fine we just flourish and then my [Music] turn all right so the reason you would want to use this over the other weapon I have even though my crit chance does go down this gives you pre upon the week 1 D4 piercing against targets with less than 50% HP and whenever you have Advantage you do an additional seven piercing so now when I attack this guy I'm going to do even more damage as you can see he just got utterly destroyed but this weapon these two weapons come pretty late in the game so you may not necessarily need this for your entire playthrough so I did want to showcase some of the damage you can expect realistically throughout majority of your playthrough with this dual wield spec but that's basically combat with this dual wield spec here I wish there were some rapers that you could du to have crit unfortunately the legendary Rapier that you get in act three the crit only counts if you use it by itself you can't have a weapon in your off hand so let's take a look now at what happens if you want to crit with bows and then we will talk about some of the other stuff now when it comes comes to my bow spec it is almost identical to the dual wield one except you are now choosing archery up top here and instead of choosing Savage attacker for your feet you will be choosing Sharpshooter instead everything else is exactly the same as the Dual wielder now for the Sharpshooter build with the bow everything is exactly the same the only difference with this is you're just using a bow and you do have the option to still attack with your your main hand weapon if you want to lose less crit and gain extra AC you can easily put on a shield that's going to be up to you I'm going to go ahead and open up with my sneak attack range and you can see the amount of damage I do is going to be really high here so I am going to make her be paralyzed enemy surprise so I get to go ahead and attack and because this is a long bow and not dual wielding any type of light crossbows I do have two bonus actions here which is great because what I can end up doing now on my turn specifically I could end up using my hide action hide that way I get the extra crit from my Cape here and because I'm in shade I get the extra advantage on hide checks from here and if I was using the other helmet it's nice because if they or obscured it says like while obscured the number you need to crit is increased or reduced it's increasing your crit by 5% because I'm obscured and hiding now I get even more crit as well if I did have that Helm instead of the other Helm I have now so let's go ahead and attack again she's paralyzed so I don't need to do anything with that let's attack this guy here so hit him him I'm going to use my bonus action now to hide again and now let's go ahead attack and kill all right so they're dead so now I'm going to go ahead and run over [Music] here so another trick you can do though if you don't want to attack or hide attack hide attack if you want to save your hide to the very end you certainly can so for me I don't like this guy I'm going to use my sneak attack on him I didn't crit that time but that's okay so what I'm going to end up doing now for my bonus action here I'm going to go ahead and hide again hiding successful let's attack finish him off he's gone so now I have one more bonus action here I can do and hide but instead of staying here I'm going to go ahead and move so hopefully they'll go where I was hiding and end my turn and you can see that's exactly what's happening I'm still hidden and they're trying to find me so they did use the tech presence but they don't see me because I'm hiding and I'm not even in combat anymore so I could enter turn base mode again and finish him [Music] off so that's just a fun little trick I like doing if you want to stay stealthy you could easily solo the game that way it's just something I really like doing now could I be doing more damage yeah I definitely could be you could easily optimize for a little more damage if you use a little bit of different gear setup if I had the Drake throat glave add it on top of this for even more damage drth throat glave trick for those who don't know if you equip the weapon you can add plus one to the weapon and then add another 1 D4 to the weapon as well when it comes to any type of like Elemental damage really powerful but in my opinion not everyone's going to be doing that I had a comment in one of my previous videos where someone said it feels a little cheap and in some ways it does but it is an in-game mechanic so I don't think it's cheating so if you do want more damage use the drth through GLE trick comment or not comment but link description below showcases how to get it and how to basically work it out so what about two-handers then well my two-hander build is actually going to be a little different than what you saw here we are going to be going 9 points Barbarian three points Fighter the reason for that is we want maximum damage baby because that is when you get improved critical that Stacks with Savage attack really really strong however if you didn't want to go Barbarian and you just wanted to be a fighter you certainly can cuz then you can use weapons like the dancing Breeze that are finesse also a glaive which is really powerful and you can have this which is great with sneak attack damage if you wanted which is really really cool I'm not even going to bother to Showcase it cuz I think it's pretty soft explanatory how to do that I am going to Showcase though a really fun melee spell hybrid that I think you guys are going to enjoy all right and for the like meley SL cter hybrid I think the best version of this is going to be a split with warlock and fighter obviously if you want to go just a straight two-handed build you would go points into the fighter and then put one point into Warlock and we'll talk about that in a minute but for this specifically I do want pack the blade here we're going to start as a fighter though with great weapon fighting this is the ability score I'm going with and I'm going to actually be using heavy armor now when it comes to your skill proficiencies pick whatever you want the reason we want Charisma though is because with packed of the blade this is going to make our two-hander actually do damage based on Charisma which is pretty damn cool so fighting style great weapon fighting ability score this is what I'm going with if you want more decks feel free but I don't think it's really all that needed all right so instead of leveling up fighter right away we're going to be going warlock here an trip eldrich blast is all you want anything else is utility subass is not going to be the fiend but instead the great old one the reason for this is because you get Mortal reminder when you land a critical hit the creature has to make a wisdom saving throw or they become frightened this is nice because it also reads and nearby enemies so this will affect the main target and nearby enemies when you crit which is really cool spell wise here I like going with Tasha's hideous laughter it's a great CC spell and the other spells are going to be up to you if you want a little bit more HP armors pretty nice or you can use arms of AAR I go with armor mainly because I don't use hex all that much of this build because with great weapon fighter when you actually crit or kill someone you can use your bonus action to attack [Music] again so leveling up here spell wise pick whatever you want Alish rebuke is nice for a rebuttal to do as a reaction to attack enemies but reminder warlocks have limited spell slots so be careful of what you use we're going with agonizing blast here for extra damage based on our Charisma modifier to our eldrid blast and we are going to be going with repelling blast that way if we wanted to knock people back we [Music] can spell wise here pick what you think is going to be useful hex is pretty useful if you do want extra damage you can use it if you want I'm not going to though I'm going Darkness packed packed to the blade now normally in D andd packed of the bleed does not stack with extra attack from Marshall classes it looks like they're not going to be patching this out so I guess it's intended I personally don't think it it should be though because it makes no sense but it does so you can get three attacks with packed of the blade when stacking with any Marshall class of course you could also go 11 points fighter and one point Warlock and to get the uh fear on crit that we talked about earlier it's going to be up to [Music] you all right so here we go level five this is when things get really fun so you're level five warlock level four cantrip pick whatever you want spell wise again pick whatever you want here I'm g go with my Miss step and then feet wise you could go ability Improvement now if you had The Hags here to get your charisma maxed or you can go performer performer is cool because this will give you plus one to Charisma and give you musical instrument proficiency so now you're essentially a b if you wanted to play instruments too warlock level five is when you stop leveling warlock you get your final spell here counter spell can be very very useful but with your Limited spell slots you don't get that much to chance to use it so instead I'm going to go with Hunger of Hadar instead invocations we're going to go with devil sight this is really really strong you are now immune to Darkness instead of only having dark vision so magical Darkness like the darkness spell will not affect you but it will affect others now we're going to go back to fighter and go all the way down to level seven we want champion cuz we want that extra crit new feat ability Improvement get that up there fighter level five extra attack which for whatever reason does stack with packed of the blade you get your third feat here now we're going with great weapon master or or spell sniper so if you plan to use his character basically attacking with your cantrips a lot more spell sniper is going to be really powerful and it is really really fun to do but I like you more so being up close and personal and using eldr blast only when needed so instead I personally with this building be going great weapon master and you get your finer FAL level fantastic all right let's go see this baby in com and gear wise for the Warlock SL two-handed hybrid and of course you don't have to use a two-hander you can easily go sword and board if you wanted I use the armor of persistence when you get to act three literally the best chest piece in the game gives you resistance and blade Ward you are super tanky as this build you have disadvantage on stealth checks so your cape you are now going to replace we can go with cloa displacement really really powerful flesh melters cloak whenever you actually get melee damage you do acid damage back also really strong mantle of the Holy Warrior if you want a Crusaders mantle in order to do extra holy damage cloak of protection extra AC and saving thrs pick what you want here it's going to be up to you because you are so dang tanky with this build you have a decent amount of HP and everything else I'm actually going to go with the flesh M's cloak that way if I do get hit I'm going to do damage back to the enemy when it comes to my neck piece I'm still keeping the same neck piece I'm keeping a same risky ring however I am now not using the eversight ring instead I'm going to use any other ring that I want to make this video shorter because it's already as long as it is now I'm just going to go up the colti band but feel free to pick whatever else you want all right with that being said my weapon here is going to be the Halbert of villance this thing is great because it gives you plus one to your initiative roles and you have advantage on perception ability checks which is pretty damn cool you also have opportunity attacks when you have them you get to do it with Advantage which is [Music] cool and then weapon wise we are doing the Halbert villance one of the best weapons in the game you get this really early inside act two at moonrise Towers fantastic weapon plus two weapon enchant plus one D4 Force really really strong it's a hird so it has the extra reach you get plus one bonus to initiative roles advantage on perception ability checks it's just an allaround great weapon and if you use a dthr to glave on it even better if you prefer to have more of a self-sustained build the sword of Chaos in act three also really really powerful all right with that being said let's go ahead and open up one of these guys I'm going to go ahead and take a look take a look at my weapon though if I go to attack it doesn't seem that strong right there's no modifier really cuz I have no strength that's because I need to make my weapon bound to me so I do this and now you can see my damage goes up a lot yeah it's a lot of damage now if you take a look at my passives I do have my repelling blast and great master all in I'm going to go ahead and use my armor just because this is great so now when enemies hit me with melee damage they take cold damage and they'll take acid damage as well from my Cape which is pretty dang cool I could open by shooting out my elders BL and knocking some people back you can see I attack with Advantage so I get a good amount of damage in but I don't think it's going to be really needed right now I could open up with Darkness if I wanted but I only have one more spell slot here which does recharge on the short rest I'm not going to worry about it I'm just going to go ahead and just open up one we going ahead and put it in turn base mode I'm going to run up take a look at my passives here I have great weapon master all in so so my chance to hit is a little low but when I attack I still have an 88% chance to hit regardless so let's open up on her and you can see I missed even with the 88% chance a little [Music] unfortunate all right so on my turn one thing I could do I could use hunger of Hadar and really just mess everybody up I could use my darkness I'm going to go Darkness just to Showcase how powerful this is I have Devil's sight so no one's going to be able to really hit me all that much the guy that shoots of a bow won't be able to hit me while I'm inside my darkness which is cool but I can attack and see all them let's go ahead and try to hit you again and if I have to I will take great uh or great weapon master all in off let's go ahead and hit both of them though and you can see I did crit that guy let's do paralyze critical so he's now paralyzed CU I did crit I get my bonus action so I can now attack him again and it's a guaranteed crit with 100% chance to hit [Music] now and he's gone fantastic that one did a little bit more I think that one did 40 yep 40 which is really nice and you can see with my Savage attacks I've roll the dice again that's why Orcs with two-handed weapons like this are really strong because it does savage attacks it rolls another weapon dice because it's one d10 weapon it does another d10 added to the damage when it rolls which is pretty cool now I'm going to go ahead and attack again I don't like her let's use my action surge here and [Music] attack you can see she is frightened which is cool and she got frightened because of me being the special subass with the Warlock he's frightened as well they're not there because they weren't close enough they're frighten debuff if you read they have disadvantage when ability checks and attack rolls and they can't move so they can't even attack me if they wanted so instead I'm going to come up here and attack these guys and I'm going to hit [Music] him he's bleeding which is nice because he's bleeding you can see he will take extra damage on his next turn he's also frightened because I crit so he also if I can move won't be able to attack me but I can't C ran out of movement so I'm just going to end my [Music] turn you can see he did damage because he hit me I did damage to him back this guy can't hit me at all because of the darkness now it's my turn so if you did want to knock all these guys back you certainly can so let's go ahead and do that so let's go ahead and hit her she's really low so this will basically kill her and then we'll knock him back some you can see I crit I missed him twice with the other spells which is a little unfortunate but she got rocked that was one hit so if I did all three on her it would have did way more damage so for my Missy step here I could use that if I wanted I don't really need to I don't need to heal I don't really need to do anything I'm just going to end my [Music] turn and this guy he's just taking damage from attacking [Music] me and that's B basically how this build works I mean you just attack like you normally would let's go ahead and get all three attacks in though so I can show you how it Stacks so one on this guy he's gone one on this guy gone let's come over here one on this guy gone and if I had extra movement which I do because of extra reach I can hit him and get four attacks in one turn which is pretty damn cool and that's basically how you play the Warlock crit hybrid build I'm not sure what they really call it it's just a really fun build because you do get the three attacks alri blast and all that fun stuff anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did definitely comment down below let me know what other kind of things you want to see the next video coming up will most likely be my ranking of unique items in game with in-game footage I talk about it as as well look forward to that let me know about any more requests I'm Ronin thank you so much for making it to the end of this video if you did you're awesome see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 8,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's gate 3, bg3, builds, crit, crit stacking, best build, orc, savage attacker, warlock, eldritch blast, dead shot, mountain king, champion, risky ring, sneak attack, Shade-Slayer Cloak, Sarevok's Horned Helmet, Bloodthirst, orin, Great Old One Warlock, Savage Attacks, A Most Bloody Inheritance, Elixir of Viciousness
Id: 63f-5m3sysw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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