Hollywood Gave Me $100 To Remake Their Movie

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stupid phone

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/mandalore237 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kinda wild this is the same guy who just a few years ago was making glass out of sand with his home made laser or salsa with a garbage disposal.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/data_err0r 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pretty meh video

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PM_CONTVRSL_OPINIONS 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey little willies i got a new toy i want to test out this is a squib that they use to make blood effects in movies like gunshots when you shoot somebody all i have to do is compress this up with air fill the hose of blood strap it to my body and then i'm going to surprise caretaker i brought to this video a gun take it and shoot me um this is a toy just say one two three bang oh okay one two three bang did you see that coming movies movies movies the movies are sponsoring this video i love movies and universal pictures it's sponsoring this video they make movies they make all the movies every single movie in existence was made by universal pictures that's not true at all and they're sponsoring this video for their new movie nobody made by the same team who made john wick you know keanu reeves but nobody stars bob odenkirk of better call saul saul goodman and breaking bad and it has christopher freaking lloyd in it doc brown from back to the future if you want to see doc brown shoot people to death that happens in this used to be what they movie an auditor the last guy anyone wants to see at their door [Music] everybody knows that hollywood spends a ton of money making its movies my only filmmaking experience is with low budget or no budget so is it even possible for someone like me to replicate what a legendary movie studio can make can i replicate a stunt scene from their new movie for 100 i think so i'm pretty confident 100 buckaroos i called universal up they laughed and told me that hundred dollars wouldn't even feed people for the day i just maybe think they're buying the wrong food we're gonna make a stunt scene which means i have to be properly trained i'm going to be trained by the same man who trained bob odenkirk and keanu reeve for nobody and john wick a-list hollywood celebrity bob keanu william osmond all right let's go the handsome young man next to me is daniel bernhardt the dude who trained with bob odenkirk and keanu reeves and now william osman but he's not just behind the scenes daniel is also in the movie as one of the goons bob odenkirk whoops the way you looked at me when i walked in here you're like you're ready to have fun he did this and then you put his fingers together i'm ready what are you eating i need to snack some calories you know i used to be a runner i can tell look how he runs like a good job [Music] that was really funny though wasn't it yeah that's good you guys have buckets you okay yeah i'm fine but if i wasn't fine where would the buckets be and behind us is 87 north literally the same studio bob and keanu trained in so i did some forensic analysis but this is a drawing it's not very forensic because originally my forensic analysis involved a video clip that i found on youtube but they told me i couldn't use it because it had a picture of keanu reeves and they can't give me permission to use a picture of keanu reeve so i asked if i could draw a picture of kyani reeves training as my proof that i'm training in the same studio as keonu reeves and they said yes but i can't make the drawing too realistic that's i'm not joking so here oh my god so here's my proof that i'm training in the same studio as keanu reeves you can see the black curtain and the giant poster and the blue floor and in my training footage you can see the same black curtain and giant poster and blue floor if you don't believe me i'm gonna leave a comment with the youtube video as proof that i am actually training in the same studio as keanu reeves but that's not even the best part they have a bathroom do you know what that means i have peed in the same toilet as keanu reeves and bob odenkirk you used to be an engineer and you would do real videos and now you care about celebrities peeing in toilets is this a celebrity three four five oh yeah i feel it i can feel gravity touching me where i don't want to be cut oh my god i have a really good support here you're looking at me like my father looks at me when i did bad in school how do you you're like the same age what you could be myself why are you so red to prepare my brittle body for stunt training daniel is having me do all sorts of crazy stretches including this one he calls how i paid for college that's a joke he never said that the first real moves are to develop muscle memory so i can learn how to move my hips to make giving and taking punches as violent as possible stun fighting isn't about being realistic it's about selling the fight to the camera one punch to come right back how's it going sport that's good everything's great oh i've never been better i feel the healthiest i've ever been come on you got it man oh god [Music] and i want you to do one more time the punch goes from here to here like you like really reach out you're doing only this i'm doing this watch okay so get your hand way over the camera right right across horizontally like should i stick my hand like yeah you immediately go out yeah kind of like really it kind of goes the same time now turn your foot okay now punch now turn your hips turn your hips turn your hips turn the foot that's what it is okay yeah two one two okay okay i barely saw that it was so fast you don't actually have to punch someone to make it look like you punched someone just put them in between the fist and the camera and when you swing across it looks like you hit them okay now you know what i have to be honest you're doing really really good thank you this was absolutely i mean i'm actually shocked right now so yeah now you're turning your hips i'm blushing i'm like wow i'm back and i'm fully trained that was honestly exhausting and they gave me a big old box of crap a real frying pan balsa wood bat rubber back foam gun with foam bullet holder a back pad more foam gun foam bat a fake knife a fake pistol and fake blood we're not going to use most of this stuff in our stunt scene because it's way over 100 budget but nothing says we can't use some of it right now oh you're pathetic you can't you can't swing you're really yes yes yes yes yes oh dear my spine since this is an engineering channel let's make a spreadsheet for our budget up top you can see food for five dollars i was able to find a large pizza for five dollars can you believe that cha-ching plaster what is that for well since we can't use any of our expensive breakaway props we're gonna have to make our own that's seven dollars alginate alginate is what we're going to use to make our mold for our what's this an email from bob odenkirk hey william so uh i'm told that you are pretty good with computers nice it's going to take a little more than a javascript or a delete button to prepare you for real battle all right guys i got the cheapest pizza i could find wasn't your budget a hundred dollars you didn't get a hundred dollars in pizza what is this this is five dollars of pizza it's not even you could have gotten pepperoni at least is it included in the five dollars yes all right we'll eat up because we're going to be we got we got we got one pizza for all of us we gotta make it last a whole day there was a delivery feature so it was like 10 bucks but we didn't tip the driver though because we're trying to keep costs down that's a joke that's a job this is my breakaway plate i made for like a dollar i used alginate to make a two-part mold of one of my dinner plates in the kitchen and we just kept taking it apart and pouring plaster of paris in and recasting and waiting 40 minutes doing it over and over we got like five of them uh you're the you're a mugger okay and i'm the muggy the recipient of the mugging all right give me all your money i'm gonna kill myself egg egg egg at the stunt studio i trained through three different choreographies actual fights from the movie the problem is my bad guys don't have this training so i have to try to teach them so we spent the next three hours training and it worked when it was finally time to shoot the first scene it only took us 40 takes to get it right you're gonna walk down the hallway okay and you're gonna point the guns down the hallway okay we've been practicing a lot and then at the end of the hallway i'm gonna i'm gonna kill both of you oh is there a way to not get killed well no that's what the pizza was for i paid you with pizza i genuinely wanted to cry at this point because we had spent all of our time and we only shot one scene it takes so much time to film this stuff i don't know how they have the patience to do it there's not many videos that i can remember having a mental breakdown but this is one of them we spent over eight hours trying to make the fight scene we went to bed at five in the morning and we didn't even break the breakaway plate i present to you my 100 version oh it's not bad it's just they wanted us to do three scenes and we only did one and it came out okay woof [Music] this is a nice shirt what is this yeah i just got it from target target yeah i made a mistake the lawyers want me to remind you not to try any of this at home even though i feel like we can all agree nothing about what i'm about to show you is something you would ever want to try at home i feel ashamed to hide my mistakes like the most embarrassing things i've done and this one's up there universal has no idea i even do this i'm just putting this in right now and i don't i don't want like please let me keep this in because this is my idiocy and letting people know that it you can't hurt yourself even when we were at the stunt studio we got the box of stunt props daniel took away the real wooden bat just even the idea of a wooden bat in a stunt scene he was scared so he took it away from us and i proved him 100 percent right daniel bernhardt is a genius not only is it embarrassing and stupid i didn't even use it in the video like it didn't make any sense to use this clip in the video i hurt myself for literally nothing trying to prove that i'm a one-man fan who doesn't need no big budgets i built my own breakaway table a table that when you like jump on it it's supposed to break so it's not dangerous i built it out of wood and hot glue and i put a bunch of scores into the plywood so it was super super thin it didn't break i jumped off it from this workbench and did not go through it and i fell and my leg folded kind of weird and i sprained my ankle here's the clip oh no are you okay yeah i think on that note thank you to universal pictures for sponsoring this video nobody came out in theaters march 26 and it's available for streaming on demand april 16. i've already seen the movie i enjoy it a lot i've actually seen it twice and it is it's very good and i'm not like being even forced to say that let me read let me read from the email if he liked the film it would be nice of him to highlight that as well at the end they don't even tell me that i have to like the film or say it's good which it is i liked it and it's good and it's available on demand to stream on april 16th i'm gonna sit in my chair and play video games i can't really move around so good here's the remnants of the table oh ouch
Channel: William Osman
Views: 1,029,317
Rating: 4.9645395 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves
Id: gjSAcNwjhZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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