Life Hack Channels Are Dying

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so...i feel his channel has fallen really far from what it used to be. I understand his house burnt down and he lost basically everything, but he has a couple 3d printers, and elected to go to home depot to buy something instead of 3d printing something.

I think the last cool thing he did that was DIY was the CNC bike project.

I just feel it's not the same channel that I subscribed to

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/notwhereyouare 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

can ya add flair in future

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Protane 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
are you tired of walking around nearly naked desperately trying to cover up your lard and your nipples the only thing hairier than the cat is my nipples this is embarrassing only if there was something i could cover my body with perhaps a t-shirt from i drew it myself and then i paid an actual artist to draw it better no more video games i'm a gamer boy mom let me play all day okay and a shirt that hasn't been printed yet because we didn't have enough time and back for a limited time due to popular demand we got evicted i don't know how long this will be in the store or how many of them we're going to print so buy it now before you can never buy it again and you're going to have to illegally print it yourself that's exactly what i would do cat warehouse shirts fit men women and everyone in between and everyone in between more paws and louder more aggressive men women and everyone women i drew all of these pictures myself so if you want to support the william osmond channel please consider buying a t-shirt at and hold up i did something really special i made the website developer make a coupon if you click the cat one thousand times he will present you with a coupon you know about the air force and you know who george w bush is but have you ever heard about the danger tornado known as air force george w bush three million missions flown and a body count that stacks to the moon back twice air force george w bush was so dangerous they wrote nine paragraphs about it five six seven eight nine paragraphs about how dangerous george w bush would be if he flew jets [Music] that's how dangerous today's life hacks are they're so stupid it makes me mad and i know everybody likes to see me get mad at the life hacks but my doctor said i have to watch my heart rate we also have today cameraman morgan 22 crazy life hacks that are too hilarious this is a 16 minute video i love the intros like they're so well made too this is like tv show level introductions and art and motion graphics but then diarrhea level life hacks she drinking bailey's tortilla and you make a sandwich and then you hide your alcohol in a tortilla sandwich i could use a lettuce tortilla with booze inside of it right now the first hack is a lady with hairy armpits but they're clearly fake hairy armpits uh she's clearly embarrassed but don't worry five minute crafts has a solution to save you from hairy armpits and you bet it involves chemicals from your kitchen every time they start pulling out like the baking soda lemon juice they're going to provide some like mysterious magical solution to a problem that nobody actually understands like the chemistry or whatever that's going on the more convoluted the ingredients are and the less people understand about what you're doing the more likely they are to believe that this could actually work and i have a feeling that we're going to use this magical concoction to make that chewbacca level armpit hair okay it's already better than it was earlier in the life hack and then you wait for an unknown ambiguous amount of time is it two days is it three days is it four days is it instant because she actually just shaved her armpit and then put it back on and wiped it off probably i'm not a scientist she wipes it off and look at that it's a freshly shaved armpit it's clearly been shaved okay she even missed some hairs like you can actually see the shaved hair particles does that look like a shaved armpit or like a narrowed armpit also is that hair that she missed or is that like chunks of hair that fell out of the razor [Music] okay all right if uh if prison tea didn't kill me i can't imagine that hair removal paste i don't even need to understand the ingredients anymore i've given up on that baking soda check is that too much i don't know there's no instructions other than just do it how much lemon sort of eyeball it right because you know chemistry you don't need to actually measure things you just throw in there oh look at that it's all foamy that's cool it's like a little crappy volcano the one ingredient we are missing is coconut oil but i do have lard why do i have this it's a long story but the good news is is we have this uh so we don't need to kill coconuts like that that looks good yeah i'm kind of embarrassed to take my shirt off though because i have gotten a little bit fat i have not been using the scale unfortunately uh um unfortunately yep that's the whole that's all i'm going to say all right do the doctrine speed out oh oh like cold poop like a dog if you use a doggy bag to pick up a dog turd now what you wait so how's it going everybody yeah you know coronavirus quarantine i stole a new 3d printer you want to see it i stole it from grill it's kind of a piece of crap oh yeah you like the garage i'll give you the tour uh over here there's uh the uh a one printer we have this printer here and then we have the legendary prusa 3d printer it just works this is where the shea poco lives on the ground there's a peter schripple an airplane that he made and then he just left it um bicycle that's not mine there's a lot of booze that that is mine this is my bicycle caretaker's bicycle i broke it that's the whole tour i don't know hello floor gang it's been about two hours i've just been sitting here with this like cheesy this is disgusting it's exactly the same i have all the hair that i started with and it didn't burn my skin that's the good news literally not one bit did that work it worked zero percent life hacks are so good they're almost becoming meta at this point it's like a very exciting transition from people actually doing hacks because they're i think early on were some pretty good hack channels and there were some you know kind of like prank life hack channels which if you're dumber than a doorknob you should have been able to see through it really takes the dullest marble in the shed if you do put your phone in the microwave thinking you're gonna charge it you're an idiot today's life channels have sort of done this weird transition where they started off kind of with that serious undertone but now what you're seeing is this like self-awareness which truly scares me because they don't care anymore they never really cared but now they really don't care this one is 21 genius life hacks why are you calling 21 genius literally every single life hack is genius stop underselling yourself oh my god i'm so excited all right so you're going to need a soda bottle cap for this one i don't actually know what this is yet you're gonna we're gonna figure this out together a soda bottle cap and a pencil you're gonna draw two lines and then you're gonna cut holes you could have just you don't even need to mark those lines you could just cut it because you eyeballed it anyways cut the cap with the razor okay this looks dangerous and you're gonna shove the razor blade through the cap yeah yeah yeah and then you're going to snip the razor blade off again you can grab the blade like this and you can bend it and it snaps right at that score mark and i have a very sharp tip again when this guy did it because it just completely destroyed two blades so you snap the blade off cut a bottle is he gonna like slice a plastic into like twine or something his hand is covered in bandages his hand is like covered in blood his hand is literally covered in blood and then his other hand his right hand has electrical tape on the thumb is this a joke what does this even do if you have too much blood you too can make this invention uh and and have less blood like i've seen people try to make a rope with those i don't think i've ever seen someone who made one that could peel off a little piece and then they gave you the thumbs up i'm not even gonna do this william here with today's life hack now you've got a little piece of garbage it's smaller than the other piece of garbage i have simply shrunk your trash down i think we're gonna come to a couple that really state like the the mental deterioration of the people who make these life hacks i'm pretty sure there's some super depressing office in eastern europe maybe czechoslovakia but they've run out of ideas and like i i you cannot fault them because at some point you just cannot come up with more ideas in real life you have things you need to accomplish and you have methodologies of accomplishing life hacks are sort of trying to present all of your life's problems as shortcuts here's a shortcut for every single problem in your life you literally cannot come up with this many shortcuts because then you're doing things wrong at that point what is happening i'm not sure we've done any of these weird acting ones what 13 stupid life hacks that we deserve first of all what is that title it's garbage and i have a feeling this video is also going to be garbage can you drop your phone into a toilet oh no oh re i drop my phone into a toilet and there's some fat noogie in there now my phone is covered in human feces this reminds me of like ego raptor you because you use wonderball oh no bacon you would judge a plastic ring in the center of the bowl how dare you come into the ladies room okay okay okay okay okay okay i can't okay okay okay that's like okay are you scared of pointing a gun at your head and pulling the trigger and accidentally blowing your brains out here's a life hack don't put bullets in the gun do you see does that analogy work don't drop your phone in the toilet don't hold it over the toilet avoid using your phone near the toilet don't go on your phone when you're on the toilet it's not a good use of time it like causes you to sit on the toilet longer sitting on the toilet longer can give you hemorrhoids mayo clinic hemorrhoids also called piles are swollen veins in your anus nearly three out of four adults will have hemorrhoids three of us here there's a pretty high likelihood that someone here has hemorrhoids rectal bleeding painless bleeding hemorrhoids can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to straining during bowel movement sitting for long periods of time on the toilet having chronic diarrhea or constipation being obese being pregger now eating a low fiber diet regularly heavy lifting having i'm not reading that one so if you're strong fat don't eat fiber lots of diarrhea and sit on your phone on the toilet that is a recipe for hemorrhoids look at it's a dot org that means it's a serious website that you should take everything as literally as you have to be more careful and gov you absolutely want to run away from if you don't want hemorrhoids don't sit on the toilet too long don't be on your phone it has a poop hole i just realized the hole is for pooping you pee through the mesh and you poop through the hole we're gonna use window screen and then we need a piece of pipe right now i really wanted to 3d print a piece of pipe it just felt like the ultimate effu i'm pretty sure you're not gonna find a human with turds bigger than that [Music] caretaker i have a question for you do you think one of your poops would fit through this i'm we're going to build a machine to keep your phone out of the toilet but you shouldn't sit on the toilet anyways because if you sit on the toilet too long you'll get hemorrhoids you're not destroying your toilet down i wonder why we get kicked out of all these places [Music] step one pull out your mesh i was thinking of cutting it in half and like what if we do need to replace a screen one day step one take your net mesh step two stick it over toilet step two cut out net step three cut a hole for the poop shoe oh where does your butthole go i want to say like there yeah boy step four hot glue your screen door mesh to the toilet i probably should have cleaned this before getting my hands all over it we did that last time with the tungsten cube too we sort of just we're all handsy with the toilet we found on the side of the road it looked clean but uh pretty sure it was covered in dookie it looks like a completely normal toilet from the top but when you slap that bad boy open you're about to poop 10 times more efficiently than you normally poop you don't need no squatty potty no coconut oil no laxatives now we pooping perfect step five take a fat dump i want to say a fat pee but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense may your future be bright and your streams be thick are you tired of using the toilet and being on your phone and then dropping your phone in the toilet it never happened to me how do you drop it because a boy has a stand to pee can you just say yes are you tired of dropping your phone in the toilet while you go to the bathroom yeah we have a new invention for you it is called toilet screen poop hole if you drop it it just bounces right off wanna do the honors no he did it too hard you're sitting down and your legs are spread it would go right through your legs if you can't pee a half gallon in under 30 seconds you've got you better see a doctor you're just drinking a bunch of water in a real thick healthy stream hey look at that it only splashed a little bit on the sides how did we test it my pants are off don't open the door oh everything's touching the screen and i don't like it what's the point i don't understand the hole is clearly for pooping but the hole's too small for both i mean maybe me i can sort of like aim a little bit better chelsea can you i need your input i don't like it because it's touching my butt it's wet winter fail fail maybe i missed something we did i did that and they hot glued it on why is there a man in the bathroom oh they don't like the life hack either that's a character wait did they just do a life hack commentary in a life hack video they literally made fun of the life hack in the video as their excuse to do the life hack did they actually poop through the hole did you actually take a poop through the hole so i don't know if they'll ever get back to us next live fact is from the same video take a um with your clothes on soap up your hair and your shirt you'll save time and water [Laughter] you can't just do the same thing over and over again and i'm pretty sure that in the past they've already abused the loophole of being able to repurpose your old snippets and clips into the same videos and at some point it starts to get stale the views start to go down because everyone realizes the life videos are a joke and it's just like fodder for commentary channels to come in and be like ha ha look the stupid thing is stupid we're all idiots you know that right we've beaten these lifehack people down to the point where they're literally making fun of themselves like to deter me from making fun of them and it clearly hasn't worked if they can beat you to the punch they think that i'm not going to flame them but the reality is i'm going to flame them for something completely different and that is trying to beat me to the punch because now i'm just going to bully you you're being bullied by a channel that has a tenth of your subscribers [Laughter] you're 20 million people subscribed to this crap i mean taking a shower with your clothes on everyone it's working i can feel the cleanliness this is humiliating i i have a feeling there's an audience that's going to enjoy this more than they should feet feet apparently do it for people that's that's why i'm wearing socks in the shower make sure to clean your butt the hack is complete and now i have to figure out how do i solve the problem that i've made for myself so the real life hack is don't do life hacks that's a thick ass boy i should have filmed a better outro but i didn't anyways check out where we have i'm in debt no more video games forklift certified we got evicted and bred cat pen
Channel: William Osman
Views: 1,411,414
Rating: 4.939393 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, danny gonzales, drew gooden, life hacks, troom troom, 5 minute crafts, diy, stem, steam, science, engineering, commentary
Id: xv1U0prf_UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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