How I Accidentally Became the Biggest Streamer of all Time

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thank you what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] this is me just seconds after achieving a goal i've been chasing for the past three years of my life but i kind of got here by accident [Music] this all started back in march i decided to take a break from streaming i visited my mom i visited my dog my childhood home and it didn't really go according to plan yeah i ended up in the hospital apparently my appendix was about to burst and 300 years ago i would have died but thanks to the power of modern medicine i'm still here i had this huge stream planned for when i got back where i would be live for 24 hours straight something i never came close to doing before but because of the appendectomy i wasn't feeling too good so i delayed it for a few days until sunday but i decided to do something a little bit different than a 24-hour stream let me explain you may know that you can sub to streamers on twitch but you actually pay for it or you get it free with your amazon prime subscription basically it gives the streamer five dollars a month and it's a way to say hey i kind of like what you're doing [Music] with my dude well there's a thing called a subathon basically it's a way to get subs that adds time to how long your stream will go usually people do it for like a fun 24 hour stream sometimes even a 48 hour stream and i thought i would do it too but it didn't really go as planned boys today for the first time ever we are going to do an uncapped subathon i have no idea how long this stream will go it started at about two o'clock with 30 minutes on the clock we are now at two hours as you can see right here every single time you sub this number goes up and every single second that passes it goes down you know time don't think we need to explain that one and so we'll see how long this stream actually goes but that's why i prepared a car's bed and by i prepared i mean slime thanks a sign so we have a cars bed and if it gets late we're not gonna stay awake for 30 hours straight we're gonna go to sleep on stream and we will see really how long this goes i have no clue if this day ties the most subs i've ever had in a day then it'll go about 20 hours 24 hours so we'll see we'll see [Music] stop subscribing you monsters [Music] well it turns out i don't really know how the internet works and not only did we go longer than 24 hours 48 hours passed 72 hours passed and i finally set a cap of 30 days if it ever hit 30 days i would stop streaming for sure thinking there was no way that would happen and then it happened so this video shows you basically my life lived on camera live in front of tens of thousands of people over the course of a month but not only was i living my life on camera i was also chasing a record you see three years ago ninja set the record for the most subscribers anyone has ever had on twitch the closest was rambu and that was less than half what ninja had so with that all in mind here's how the next 30 days of my life went i don't have a boyfriend has a boyfriend considered a work trip will this affect hive mind if it goes on too long yeah yeah 100 yes i won't be able to do the tech rehearsal for hive mind or maybe i can do it live but it'll be kind of weird so hopefully this doesn't go two more days welcome back to hive mind ladies and gentlemen well i'm not gonna scam because i said i wouldn't but i do have two good outs i thought of one i show my butthole on stream live easy band no question from twitch i'm gone day three days maybe a week it's all right bro it's not blooming at all what if you just have to yell at the yeast to wake it up i think that it's alive so what would the yelling do the vibrations well also that the yeast would hear it okay okay i didn't think about that like it's alive like it's a [ __ ] yeah so if we just if we were like yo wake up okay that's your work [Music] no way i told you [Laughter] [Music] all right slime got it it's working now cooking's easy you just scream at it i didn't think it would work slime 74 000 of you if you all give just one sub we can get the timer back there easy not even hard you know five something crazy just one let's just see go ahead and get one i'll join in i'll now imagine passion fruit from drake playing in your head i got a driver's license it doesn't work are we just the existence of ludwig's nightmare wait oh all right roll sound sound speed ready and action ludwig why'd you put cheese in my syrup because it didn't fit in your ass what no [Applause] are you throwing on purpose dream just go e7 e7's checkmate dream just go e7 e7 with your queen dream it's checkmate what's what's e7 queenie it's the tile in front of your queen where what do you mean where e7 you have a second oh my god yeah you seem really crushed by that one fine the deal's a deal yeah deal is a deal is what they say isn't it now i'll put a poll on my screen for this that's what you said right yeah sure sure you can i see it already i see the results in chat i'll wait i'll i'll make sure to wait a little little so the polls actually in chat are a little bit scuffed sometimes or wait is what it stands for um spreading right it's spreading so good that it's time for cheese oh let's get cheesy with it cheese it's good cheese cheese is over here and boy it's my i don't i love it so i love it i love it i love it so much that i'm just gonna have a little bit right now yummy yummy oh big mouthful i got a big handful now i'm putting on the pizza hey day six of streaming oh no excuse me oh yes um now 124 hours into streaming feeling so good um every day just blessed by god anytime i feel bad i just dump it in my bathtub full of gold coins just hoping to go a little bit more you know thanks everyone out there subbing stuff really appreciate it all right i'm tweeting basically it's a screenshot of the top five and i'm saying i'm ad i'm tagging all the people who are bottom below me bigger number better person eat [ __ ] x summit hassan [ __ ] absolutely nothing compared to the king now bow down baby kiss the ring kiss the ring baby feel bad don't it not for me though not for me ladies and gentlemen eight days straight of being live has been achieved today i am ludwig the host of the subathon just a quick update physically just [ __ ] built a bit different as far as mental i have slept seven seven seven eight eight seven eight hours every single evening i've been able to work out four of the days the days where i didn't work out i walked at least half a mile in the sun to get some vitamin d i've eaten three square meals every single day my voice although a bit shot at the beginning through the power of some cough drops hulls has aided in being able to speak for about 12 hours of the day feeling fresh feeling ready feeling excited for another 54 hours boys welcome to the youtube channel where today i have about seven minutes the small part came out the corner hitting headshots now it's been a while they they play minecraft but i'm finally back off my break right and you know what i decided that i i had a question really i was put in a predicament i wondered what would happen if i put a pop tart inside of the microwave so that's what i did now i'll show you guys what happens next ludwig eyes ludwig go focus on your [ __ ] subathon isn't it your bedtime already go away it just hurts every day is just so painful perfectly smooth perfectly smooth you're a scammer mr wig yes yes i am [Music] all right one more if it's tails i give them a second chance but only if it's followed by heads after being tailed it's got to be a back to back both sides of the coin and then of course if it's tails and then heads you need the back-to-back double head but after the double head back to back it's got to be another head who could forget the triple head has to lead into a tails it's got a book end it's got to be tails heads heads we're about to truck this big truck and [ __ ] we're not doing that that's what those boys were doing back there that's where truckers live you truck and then you [ __ ] these are our lot lizards bro wake up what are you doing oh walmart oh oh how is that seven percent damage i guess well seven percent i guess we're fine we're fine i wasn't even that bad how was your nap though yeah that was great i'm i'm refreshed trucking ain't easy but it's honest work gonna go bedtime that's it what do you mean that's it i thought i thought we were gonna go for hours yeah i'm sleeping down here bro just let's just keep trucking i'll keep trucking as long as you keep [ __ ] and sucking i'm bro get me on get me under this blanket right now you're living in a dream wake up one week do i sell subs no there's no subs you're a banker you've got a car accident you've we've been trying to get to you for so long i had so much money yeah it was so rich yeah you it's all gone now hospital is insane where's my girlfriend the guy's name is okay i couldn't imagine you hitting on a hairstylist really yeah i'm a great hitter honor i can't imagine you hitting on anyone hit on you no you didn't i'm all like flirty and cool yeah i'll like start like what'd you have for breakfast today for the record guys romance is dead no like follow like what'd you have for breakfast today oh i didn't could have some of this dick okay what's up what's your next one second example usually that just hits yeah you're so nice to me i would hug you and kiss you all in your face if you weren't on this [ __ ] camera 24 hours a day those smooches i keep it for chat there's a latch system i can't i'll call it full strength i don't i don't know if i'm breaking the plastic here is it in up motion i don't know i can't i can't figure it out i can't figure it pisses me off because i want ice i think if i push it back in and maybe use the device it might like go through a cycle i didn't think about that okay [Laughter] good job all right let's put a quarter cup that seems about right okay i think it's good i think it's good maybe put a little bit much should be fine let that simmer off it's a little more boozy we like it a little more boozy here [Applause] go away oh i'll ask her hey i have a question for do you need toilet paper no no i've no it's about a no i'm on stream one day i went to the bathroom and i had a huge long poop thick hard you know there's not a lot of fiber in there i feel that i wear your boner no uh poop and i pooped so hard in college that i started to bleed oh yeah that happens and that's what a period is well for guys thanks for sharing all donations help this charity function church function not charity i want you guys to know you guys would have been late [Music] wow this was probably unexpected for you [Music] drink more dude what if you just ended it right now like [ __ ] it what do you mean what what do you mean stan yeah i could yeah i could do that actually yeah it's a good point all right [ __ ] it one two three and all right all right i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going we didn't break it yet right tell me we didn't break it while i was washing a plate that seems a little lackluster [Music] monk of speed [Music] oh god oh god [Music] i just broke your record the [ __ ] you say to me you little [ __ ] i i just i just i just broke you i no i i'm just saying i broke your record you know i i'm not saying i'm big time it's not like i'm i'm [ __ ] leonardo dicaprio i'm just saying that i just broke the record i saw my brother leonardo you're trash good okay i was stuck in this [ __ ] for 30 days today i win the war you gotta [Laughter] [Music] oh [ __ ] bro no he's just a boy [Music] this entire bed went to charity i spent three thousand dollars it all went to charity 2 000 for shipping it took a year to arrive something for 30 days got acne because the sheets were washed the entire time i'm tired of it being here yes sir i don't know where to put it i can barely open my door half the time yes sir i miss sleeping with my girlfriend well and i'm stuck in a twin bed with a shitty mattress that slime got me that's four inches thick minecraft sheets i want to be an adult now all right that's what we wanted looks like i'm the only uncut gem now this is it this is a farewell a lot of week seven in chat it's been a beautiful month a beautiful subathon beautiful night spent here modcasts i'll send you the pieces farewell goodbye sweet prince and to adam sandler i'm like really very sorry and we would love to have you maybe among us or something that would be great adam i heard you play a lot of pickup don't litter by that would love to play a little 2v2 maybe some wants i tried to turn this into a selfless endeavor as much as i could feeling the overwhelming guilt of the amount of money and people that were coming in because at the end of the day i really don't care about the money although people will call cap to which i say fair enough i was in it more so for the record because i was at one point a starry-eyed kid looking at drake ninja being like god damn i want to do this streaming [ __ ] and i [ __ ] did it and i'll tell you right now if you want to become a streamer quit i don't want any [ __ ] competition get the [ __ ] out are you kidding me god no i'm tired of this [ __ ] i moved to la because i only got one job interview after getting two degrees from college graduating [ __ ] laude and i got fired from my job that i got worked at best buy moved over to snapchat got fired from snapchat got fired from my marketing job and the only job i could never get fired from was streaming and it's probably the only job i've ever loved i really love showing up every time and when i went on break and i know it was only for like 10 11 days but straight up i was really sad because i know one time i'll hit the stop streaming button for the last time ever and it's not that far away even when we think about our whole life so even though it's been a taxing month it was nice to not have to hit the stop streaming button for just a brief period of my life man i could wake up like a sleepover and immediately get to hanging out and so as the clock winds two minutes left i got nothing left to say but thank you don't get it [ __ ] up i'm not your friend no parasocial relationships i can't know any of you 200 000 people in my stream right now but somehow you guys as a collective made me really happy thank you what the [ __ ] is going on oh you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,887,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: sCu8-aCSZbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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