HOI4 is Upgrading Infrastructure Worth it? (Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns Guide)

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today I'm going to be covering something very important but just like my taxes are very neglected by the way I'm like going to jail soon but before any of that happens let's cover the topic is upgrading infrastructure actually worth it so before actually deciding if you should upgrade infrastructure or not you need to think about the reason you actually want to upgrade it in the first place now if you're doing it for a supply increase to your army because supply goes through infrastructure and that kind of caps it out of course you should do it or if you're doing it because you need more resource out put in certain regions like you need more oil or aluminum or in the United States for example you need more steel output or tungsten or whatever then of course you should do it for those reasons but what if you want to do it so you can get a construction speed bonus which as you can see here each level of Memphis structure actually gives you a building bonus for construction speed since we have a 30 percent bonus here that's a level 3 infrastructure up here's a level 6 infrastructure so that's a level 60 percent increase to construction speed now to help us actually figure out if infrastructure upgrades are worth it in certain zones I've got text on the screen left to right top to bottom the left side is the actual name of the regions in hearts of iron for which I'll show you how to access in just a second and then though on the right hand side on the same line is the amount of building slots you start out with you can also check to see what state has these levels by just simply clicking one so in for an example here in Texas we have a metropolitan region so that would be plus ten as you can see we have ten building slots then over here we have the same thing plus ten but then if we go north we have a rural region which is two so it only has two building slots and so on now you can actually increase the amount of these places by twenty percent on each level through your industry tech if you go down here each one of these on the left and right side all the way down no matter what each level gives you an additional twenty percent to the amount of civilians or building slots that are going to be available in that state after you've gotten the technology now you're probably thinking to yourself okay well that's all cool and everything why do those numbers and those states and all that stuff actually play a role obviously the construction speed bonus speaks for itself but like the regions and stuff that actually plays a larger role in this say you start out with two states in the US at level 8 and structure I'm usin Ohio here and North Dakota up here now if we max the both out for another 20% building speed you're gonna end up then getting dispersed to concentrate industries so you max them both out to a hundred percent in your thinking okay I've got a 100 percent building speed bonus now it's time to start building actually up here in Ohio or North Dakota to be exact it's going to be a complete waste and here's the reason why if you end up going down to your industry tech and either going down concentrated or dispersed if we use the first level that's only going to give you a plus twenty percent of factories in the state now what does that mean that means you're going to get an additional 20 percent on two factories now that plus 20 percent means you're only going to have 2.40 factories and the way hearts of iron 4 works it actually rounds it to the closest number so if you just maxed out infrastructure in this zone it is completely worthless just for the building speed bonus because you just spent more infrastructure and cost and you're going to get by building a factory with the bonus now if we look over here at an area like Ohio for example it's completely different what's going to happen here is because we're getting a 20% bonus on 10 available slots because of the region that's going to allow us to build two additional factories compared to if we built infrastructure here in the beginning for that bonus we wouldn't even have another factory yet so that would kind of make it kind of obvious to this worthless now I know you guys are expecting me to give some kind of magic number on which is the most effective amount to build to a ratio and stuff and I will sort of in a couple minutes but first I'm going to show you how to come up with your own magic number just in case in the future with a new DLC or something this stuff ever actually changes so that way you can continuously use this little guide to help you decide if it's worth it or not when you look at the region all you have to do is decide or will not decide but just tell how many slots you start out with for example this dense urban region starts with 8 so either by your head or using a calculator type in 8 and then plus 20% which means that is going to be the first industry tech and then that plus 20% that's going to give you nine point six slots available for building but because again it rounds it to the closest number you're actually going to have ten available slots to build in in Missouri for example and then basically all you have to do is continuously add the 20% whenever you get a new industry tech or something I like to do to make it a little bit easier is just simply do 40% because it's kind of obvious the majority of players rush the first dispersed industry tech and then immediately start researching the second one usually so just add 40% now you're probably wondering why does all this actually matter and how's it all play together in how is this guy in my head first off this place in your head is very scary second off it's because if you want to max out infrastructure for a building speed bonus alone it's kind of pointless to waste all that building time going from a level 3 to level 10 infrastructure to get a 70% bonus to just build 2 factories now I'm sure someone out there is going to point out that I'm wrong with this so if you do the actual math like I've done and I I guess if you notice I've done something incorrectly please go in the comments and actually post a correct math if someone actually is good math you know back solution but personally the way I always do this is each level of infrastructure that I'm going to upgrade I always think that there has to be at least two extra building slots for a military factory idea or one extra slot for a civilian factory to make the bonus actually worth it so if I want to upgrade in say for example Minnesota here it's 6 so I would think okay if I upgrade each level of infrastructure and then I compare it to those bonuses I get from the industry tech am I going to unlock a minimum of for every level of infrastructure I add one extra civilian factory or two extra military factories if I can't get those numbers out of upgrading just for construction speed bonus I will not do it there and basically this is why and how the math actually ends up adding up on it basically also by the way only use this strategy start out with a level 5 infrastructure zone and this is why a level 5 infrastructure zone gives a 50 percent construction speed bonus at the very start now a military factory cost 7,200 construction cost if you build it in a level 5 infrastructure zone that means the military factory is going to cost 3600 which is just slightly more then it would be for the infrastructure itself to be added which is 3000 and that's kind of why I like to say at least two military factories because that way you're not wasting the production so if you have a 50% bonus then you'll be able to fit two military factories in there for just about the correct cost of the infrastructure and just slightly under it in the end game or one civilian Factory in the same kind of idea now one last thing I know in this video I haven't actually covered the construction speed bonuses which each one of these will grant you a 10% of construction speed bonds I was gonna say factory construction speed balls but it's just constructions be bonus plus 10% for everything now the reason I didn't cover that in this is because it's going to be absolutely so complicated that a lot of people are not going to be able to grasp it again the easiest thing to remember is for each level of infrastructure it needs to support either to military factories for each level of infrastructure you're looking at building or at least one civilian factory and remember to always come to the correct outcome click a state look here see what the number the state actually starts out with and then usually actually probably the best easiest thing to do is just automatically add 60% because usually everybody in this game will get to dispersed or concentrate 3 very easily so add either whatever percent of industry you know factory output in the state you're going to have and make sure it adds up to being able to build two military factories per infrastructure level or one civilian factory print for structure level don't forget to post down there which you guys think about this strat and if this changed by any chance how you guys are gonna build infrastructure in the future or if you're just gonna do what I do and go absolutely crazy the United States like this and wait until I get kicked from the server anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys so much watching I will see you guys next time and stay awesome
Channel: Dustinl796 Videos
Views: 27,928
Rating: 4.8611422 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 man the guns, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 tips, hoi 4, hoi4 usa, hoi4 germany, hoi4 japan, hoi4 man the guns germany, hoi4 guide, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 tips, hoi4 tutorial, how to play hearts of iron, hoi iv, hearts, of, iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, hoi, tutorial, guide, hearts of iron 4 how to, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, man the guns, man the guns guide, hoiiv, tips, hoi4 mtg
Id: zyK0Z5oeehs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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