We bought A Unclaimed 1980's VINTAGE Adult Storage Unit

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what's going on guys welcome to another wins ventures video I'm Wade we have Ashley over here she's freezing guys it's like 30 degrees out here windy let me bring you in here so we bought another storage unit guys this was off storage treasures calm so long story short I actually did not win this unit but the two bidders above me did not pay their bill so this is called what's called a second chance so storage treasures called me said hey the first two bidders did not pay you're the third bidder do you want to get this unit I got it kind of a discounted rate and so we're gonna go through this thing box by box if you have not been to this YouTube channel we do dumpster dive videos we do storage unit videos we do eBay videos so subscribe below the video because there's gonna be a lot of cool stuff next year so let's dig into this we're gonna go to each box and we're gonna try to hustle I have my box truck here guys you can barely see it but it's trying to block the winds cuz it's so freakin cold out here so I'll try to be as quick as possible because it's like freezing freezing in here so we're gonna go through box to box if you guys see stuff that I don't know anything about put it in the comments below I appreciate it everyone of you guys let's dig into this ashley is gonna be the camera person and we're gonna go through each box guys and I don't have we don't have a ton of time but we're gonna kind of move things to the left here open each box up and then I'll start loading up the truck so and by the way the truck is full the last storage unit we had to take it to the dump the facilities person here said she had to leave and so we only had like an hour to get here because we're an hour away from the house and so literally this is full trash already so I had to go through this film the video put it any remaining trash we have in the truck dump it come back and pick it up because we didn't have enough time to go to the dump before so Ashley are you freezing yeah I tried to plug it alright so we have not touched anything we have a ton of boxes and stuff so let's dig into this we'll start with this one down here so we can kind of gets in the facility here [Music] remotes dude I love to sell remotes seriously and they're super easy and they have the back to them they're not corroded so easy to list by the way got the box knife this time alright so what else do we have in here nothing dude I have not done a storage unit when it's 30 below yet this is bad Ashley bring Disney let's see the front oh that I can sell clean up a little bit so that's cool all right xoxo so vintage Disney we're gonna kind of statue to see your guys since the truck is full I'm kind of a unique there's broken glass Oh Playboy guys I I have been selling playboy since you died Hefner and so but I've been selling older play of way this is 2002 but still 16 yeah so we also found this so hopefully it works it doesn't look at bad condition and I don't even know what they go for I haven't sold one of these but it goes this hopefully we'll find some games in there okay guys the box trick is full of trash so I'll try to move things to the side show you what's in the unit and then we have here it's full genes Oh Levi's yeah silver tab Levi's I saw a whole box is full Levi's you guys can see that whoa this already is starting to pay for the units Tommy yes alright 33 which is kind of a common size guys already starting to pay for the unit here this is good Oh Oh Ashley yes literally guys two of them right there wow that's awesome else we have anymore wow that's awesome that is really really cool so okay oh that's awesome all right let's start a pile right here just so we can get in here so you're not freezing huh we only have one battery so we gotta kind of hurry looks like we just have some office supplies in here guys if you can see but this office the Flies smell nothing too special up was just leaning kind of awkward huh VHS all right what do we have here clothes and some dishes we'll use this table to show them what's on here if these are that's kind of cool grab on me like this or mom stuff like this is awesome that's why you like buying units is you can get stuff you need a chest this in here that's kind of careful you some more lotion emotions we do have a doll who while she looks old yeah she looks really old I don't know much about dolls okay look yeah okay we have a lot of candles in here guys more VHS is so I gotta be careful with the stall she may be worth some money let me know guys have you ever seen that creepy doll before Wow the scene it's actually not bad look you never know you got to look at every single one that's really cool some pills remember guys pills personal papers all that is going back to facility two of them in there yeah here we go sander oh no it is a buffer yeah look at this lots of pull it looks like a really good condition now huh Wow we gotta move this stuff I have no idea what this is like an on/off switch there's another one but this one's why not with is this a personal massager is it really it looks old okay Wow works for the urine guys for those of you who don't know we end up paying $400 for everything for this unit but it went way higher it's kind of cool it's in decent condition it went way higher but since we're the third bitter they gave it to us alone so I picked this unit up to 300 bucks I'm sorry 400 okay so we're getting into the water nothing I sold one of these trades just the betray though itself alright so you guys remember the one storage unit that we bought the video we did about a week and a half ago where he got the guitar and said the bow well guess what there was a box in there that had blankets and I didn't go in it because I was like yeah I'll spare you guys the blankets I won't go in the blankets well there was a Pendleton blanket in there that the last sold for it was $300 so we actually got a really nice Pendleton vintage blanket that's gonna pay for that whole unit that I didn't even show on camera so but the lady did say that this guy who owned this unit was here for six months before they auction it off so he was here for six months some more Levi's we buy some old Levi's will definitely sell well but yeah he was here for six months and didn't didn't get the unit so I mean just from the Tommy jeans maybe that creepy doll some of the tools all these new bodies all right let's get into the city oh my gosh looks we won't find the heater in here yeah oh well there should we get that thing going for us all right I saw a lot of Bibles on eBay guys they saw it really well we'll have to move this over all right so another old Bible but it's in really bad shape a lot of books in here they were definitely in the candles huh a lot of Bibles though he seems to sell especially the older ones okay so we kind of like again guys we can't really normally do this normally where we just slowed it up in the truck so we're gonna kind of do stuff in here these do well work on that they work will be well I shall we start here since we kind of start at the beginning whoa I know these can be no this is plastic shoots plastic plastic no it doesn't feel like yeah it's too like but hey this is myself okay maybe a little singing Buddha's or Oh let me know it shot if you know that goes things are this is kind of a cool I like in the package stuff guys okay let's see what's in this thing here you guys ready boo jewelry we may have to see if some of this is real it's hard to see there's writing in there so I don't think it is oh yeah it's definitely not see I guess yeah this is tiger's eye on the front well I'm gonna get hateful comments here Greg another Fox alright let's continue since we only have one battery it's kind of cold Maine Canada little these look brand-new almost oh they are Oh Ashley shutting us in alright let's see what's this in here this is a pretty an open box uh-oh oh my gosh [Music] I've set it down somewhere yes I did did I sit down over there oh wow these are all unopened needles maybe they were diabetic I don't know if you can sell needles I don't know I don't think you I don't think I don't know if there were even with money I don't know okay wow there's a lot in here Theresa I don't want to battery it down they're definitely in the cigars huh and really expensive pins and Rolex is are you gonna ban that are you gonna be in there no you probably can actually there's a lot of this is just a random drawer I'd have to see if this stuff is real anyways there you go new in the package we're gonna get our money back with this unit let's just charge here okay this is all books left in here okay I'm sorry we can't go up there every single thing guys but just because we don't have facebook cars the dollhouse I wait I had cars they're not showing anything okay yeah they are look at that little picture okay let's not wear all these yeah Wow hustler okay let's go through another one seems like very Bible so there I'm starting to get the picture here Bibles porn porn okay let's start with Walker witnesses it's definitely a theme in this one yeah okay we have more books off the scan these with Scott like to do with Amazon send these in the Amazon these are all books looks like we have some more Bibles Bibles have a really high sell to raise money on eBay especially the older ones a lot of books so this is all books guys all heavy to books again Internet's essentials now guys so we're here we have that's cool there's nothing to nothing are you sure huh I've never seen this before should open it oh it's cigar case oh wow I don't think wait nope let's still go to the box yeah they're pretty cool though man we really like the good life in this unit huh more books guys saw books oh these are calling these actually maybe with money sings even without the Wayans wow that's really cool though huh yeah so these this all have a check on those may be worth some money porky careful stick yourself so tools I'll sell tools on eBay and local I like some snap-on tools they are in a hurry you left your let the comments begin god hahahaha ok so a lot of love tools guys staplers shall we get this thing down good luck okay we're not run out battery there's more genes that you don't Robbie oh you have it here too man with you down this way you need to just let it fall we also have some stuff over here yeah this here box Ashley why is it so heavy you know we have another gear we gotta fire this thing up it's like tailor-made these are for golf clothes also go through some of the stuff with nothing too cool in here I'm guys see that I mean all to go through with it just a bunch of music random stuff okay we got an area over here are you guys dying to see what's at the totes I am alright let's see what's in the touch guys sorry if we're going quick car part that's new oh we do I'll check that check the information on here I sold a couple parts other stores in it nothing in here I know some of this stuff goes for money yeah look wants individually go through all this stuff just all books in here and personal papers that's why it was so heavy there's the clock citizen what do you know this guy here goes for money let's put him over here we have we have a game so maybe we'll find a console in here so let's just random guys is in there Ashley okay for now you guys won't see what's in here looks like it all play something good in here look Oh Christmas come on he's nothing up here are they in here nope Wow I'll play some older already Matson yeah some of the personal stuff I'll throw in and get back to the facility I talked to the owner here so she's pretty nice this is all Christmas all Christmas right now no okay it's all lights all right that is beautiful thanks crab stinks okay that's beautiful I'm sneeze sure I see what's in here oh man more light that's one thing that you find a story I've seen that someone I know has that you like him you want to keep them some people will buy along these because there's some of theirs break you know [Music] you got some electronics in here just a bunch of random stuff guys maybe there's something shaking okay kind of got all seams right all right and continue on shall we some older manuals do well on eBay as well check on that there's a lot of books over here this is all books somebody was a reader we just this is kind of dangerous what this thing in we have some good stuff up here early so we were really into the tennis wish we didn't have the box shot individually through all this stuff this is cards France we have some knife in there that haven't been used a case where cigar okay cigar wow this is uh what do they call the sensor yeah you put them in there this actually may go for some money if it's still working but it's not really old China I wonder if it's in their little Gavin dear tools oh this is the hardware got a bunch of hardware in here guys that's this is gonna go back to the oh here we go here we go I mean China it's not very old but oh those will sell guys yeah people are highly selected marburo camel it's in the case match books but never been open 50 of them wow those are soft matches let's put this down what is the deal here Oh cam laughs nice nice ooh camel game clearly was that a camel this mean Hong Kong so there's somebody in here there's some money in here guys let's be careful with this one hey let crystal pitched okay there's some money in here I think we're getting our money back honey what do you think concern watch out so this is all VHS is a dinosaur thanks Raj I know you're gonna go through this Walt Disney VHS you get remember that you sumbitches this anyways this is a good one too another random box just has old stuff in there huh how do these seal itself is there another one oh yeah these will still nicely yes we're gonna this is another coin we found all the cases for coins but no coins so possibly grab the coins before what's in here honey anything probably that yeah we've got a few pieces Roger brothers 1847 it's the house Roger so I can sell these maybe somebody's I'm missing these this is 1835 papers Legos [Music] car parts this is all random random stuff in here guys we're ants go through this but mostly it's kind of wow they wanted $75 for this thing that's weird or it may be 75 cents just like a fools paintbrushes random stuff like that Oh Big Lots nevermind it's still really cool give to the kids if anything right wow that is really cool 979 I know that's the type of silver right or this is Roger Bros or Roger something that was really cool I don't know how much money this is worth but it's weird that you find something really cool and you find like a bunch of crayons old fire truck made in the USA there's some cars in my face to do rockets when I was a kid I can't believe they let me do it so wants it go through this we are a close ok you're really careful because they already broke oh man a lot of these are broke what the heck some of these are already broken I don't think you need this stuff by looking at it first glance it's like whole but I don't want to unwrap too much because I want to wrap it back up that almost looks like felts in whatever some of this China is already broken in here very good all busted and all of us said yeah hand painted off the side as much as I can out of here this oh man my Red Bull just dropped that's not good all right so a bunch of pictures in here guys off to see if these are of their kids and stuff or family give those back to the facility this is kitchen wow that's really cool boom in Japan Wow oh it has - that is really cool huh I get to get me really good picture of that and we have to be careful of this stuff hopefully it's not broken like the other box oh it's all kind of older people love roosters and this is an old rooster we might have to go through this at the house and show them you know another one Palm Springs so it looks like this is more of their like oh yeah yeah in France so this is they're nicer China not like plates and the house back in 1980 California somebody will like that huh okay we'll go through this back at the house more you know it's kind of a cool red rocket mace well heavy-duty that's a heavy-duty mace thing that will may see my trap yeah what are these things what are they it's like a full-frontal like a lens or something a que I don't know okay x165 204 by 2 I don't know maybe somebody knows no this is why we like store chains guys we've gotta do gold testing make sure none of this is real we just keep it all for the kids though board it to the kids for when they get older Wow Wow watch you'll watch this once we can pull those out to see if they're worth anything can you imagine you're like oh good wow this thing is too full and watch this guy's wow that's a kind of a cheap man but there may be a bunch of cheap watches but then if you find one just a couple expensive ones you know weatherproof I want to see I honestly don't know a lot about washes so we'll put that mace down what oh this is a helmet huh fiberglass another Bible that was so well sick like dirt Bank lips yeah this is a really good small wallets we're gonna have to do a haul video of the house to go through every single box for them translator that's cool that is really cool Wow you can do France or French Dutch Italian de like sunglasses and yeah this is a good unit we're gonna we're definitely back I don't know about all the swatches there cigar box is this a massager sitting there Oh body heat oh it is in there grandpa likes that type of stuff huh oh that's why it was so heavy honey it's all cleaning supplies so see what's in here shall we this is goal picture very patriotic which is cool they're not like they're not expensive yeah these are all they're not very old yeah that'd be something you buy sell locally it's like the whole set you know it's still not this is by a candleholder you know that was a week that's too bad I kid like she sold that thing okay this is all plastic but there's nothing in the FASTA I'm gonna get your shipping 30-pack you know it's just all faucet bubbles this is personal can you get another album this is an older album I'm never armadillo yeah old papers what does that weigh a tick [Music] people do love colors looks like it's all there is that I'm calm air massage works they're really into their massagers yeah I must massage right now oh yeah that was some adult stuff there hey fanny packs are in now yeah they're family stuff family stuff VHS this guy okay so this is just let's go through the text box store and garage extra coffee cups can you swing it over this way okay store write my coffee for a garage extra coffee cups so you know they're important gold trim there's just a bunch of these in there we don't want to go through all these because we'll do like a whole video you know but let's go through some suicide orgonites a movie but I mean so these have been in here for a while 1985 that was 33 years ago blue or not some of these don't go for a lot of money everybody asks what date the newspaper is so this was 1997 was when they wrapped it up that's really cool that's really cool Germany we may have something here cuz it's full yeah I just don't know what and I don't want to unpack it now since they're so nicely packed ooh Seattle Seahawks it's an older one so this is me in Korea it's numbered let's open up Juwan I'm so addicted I'm so addicted okay that's not important that's an organ pump oops organ conference did you break yeah I didn't break it but hopefully it's another oh maybe they didn't pack these very well and they probably been in here for a very long time Palm Springs all right well let's go out for some more foxes be very careful with this line we'll do an unboxing for this one for sure see what's in this bottle right here this looks like it was kind of a household wanna you know hey these are still good I also use these suckers okay we have a lot of lights in there guys older older lights light bulbs so looks like this shop that figgle opps a lot you know lights - it's all lights in here they're definitely shopped at Big Lots yeah it's all lights and all these are still in the package they could be useful we all have a flight problem all right so this one I sell enough down any video game console yeah but maybe when we go through this in the house let me do the unboxing we can go through again Smarties porcelain dolls they look old there's a lot of DVDs and stuff in here good always use these we'll go through this more in depth this is really cool look I don't think it's just you're paying me in Japan you probably put your jewelry in there but instead it's got a nail we definitely made our money back and some on this unit just looking at like the top and stuff we haven't really dug into this and we will guys will also do like a second video kind of like our other storage unit videos and go fox by fox and show you guys everything when we're at home but this will have more time this is more like a quick overview kind of what's in there so all right let's let me clear some of this out and show them what's in here and all right so we haven't gone through this box yet looks like China so it looks like hasn't been open yeah Wow where is my Tuscan dinner where you can yeah I've seen that like Macy's movie I mean it hasn't been no yeah it's all brand-new I mean I don't know how much Tuscan dinnerware goes for she looks never being used grandma actually may like this but it's all here the whole set you guys see none of the boxes are open full on set there [Music] yeah I saw another one over there no no it's a scooter there is a that one hasn't been other band brand-new Wow yes some of these I think it's not like 33 degrees right there's my now it's getting closer [Laughter] looks like it's missing what's unless that's you just take it on the snow I think it's snow yeah I think you're right listen actually so really well now ya made these things may not be cheap I don't know check it out look at this so yeah it says it I'm not that box no something brand-new never used so is there a UPC right here really oh I don't know if that one's gonna work just check on the old eBay and Amazon shall we no results but I think these are gonna or some money that I made pay-per-view alright so let's see what's up here you guys like the way I do books guys is all - I'll scan affray Amazon using Scout IQ and if they don't do well in Amazon I'll check eBay scan it with eBay if they don't do well on eBay then I'll go to my local bookstore powell books near me will scan all the books and they'll give me a like a little bit per book and the cool thing about them though is this if that one book stores out they scan for all their bookstores so not just that one that i go to which is kind of cool and then the last case scenario i'll donate it you can donate books to luck like retirement home stuff like that all right Wow it's full I bet they're empty but somebody liked uh like the finer things in life in here huh you have to still check out your life oh yeah you never know this is all this those guys see it's all jewelry some of these sell to some of the older ones we go through this I love some old Starbucks cups they sell well that's why it's kind of interesting [Music] Oh 1994 Starbucks Wow Portland's 1994 that's cool huh I bet you don't that mug so massive box mugs I bet you that has some Starbucks not all old cassette sets and stuff this is interesting a cuckoo clock mm-hmm made in Germany yeah the mold cuckoo I know there's a lot of good German few clocks what are these things oh this is the TEL a temperature it's a thermostat right yeah you guys can see this may be wrong is this is this says it's very green what the heck these are bookends some whale by a mile they're heavy these are actually heavy one of these once you four wires cords and stuff in there we'll see some of these look pretty you can open it they do have the little cases for him now so would that be crazy if there was like four coins every not something this first aid kits are they yes cool first aid kits is there stuff in it oh they are I bet these would sell do you think so they're made in the United States they're older they're all full you find the weakest toughest organs seriously yeah look okay guys everything that's funny especially like not being open to use batteries running low so we gotta hurry this is fragile magazines magazines all right guys battery's running low I we definitely made our money with this unit guys so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put all in the Box truck dump the dump that we already have in there come back and load this stuff up we'll do an unboxing at the house show you every single box what we got kind of the haul video thanks for watching guys subscribe right below the video we have a ton of cool stuff and we have a really cool YouTube channel here we're doing dumpster dives we do storage units we bought what six storage units in the last week and a half two weeks so it's fine a lot of storage units guys fizzy leak busy week so hopefully you guys like this sorry was messy and have an amazing rest of your day yeah
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 110,190
Rating: 4.8138719 out of 5
Keywords: We bought A Unclaimed Adult Storage Unit Abandoned And OLD, We bought A Unclaimed Adult Storage Unit, Unclaimed Adult Storage Unit, Storage Unit Abandoned, We bought A old Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Unclaimed Storage Unit, storage wars, storage unit auctions, storagewars, auction, treasure, real life storage unit auction, treasure hunting, Adult, Playboy, Playboy Storage unit, We bought A Unclaimed VINTAGE Adult Storage Unit, We bought A Unclaimed 1980's VINTAGE Adult Storage Unit
Id: ruJwmGwdRtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 26sec (4346 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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