Hilarious Overlooked Moments In History (r/AskReddit)

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history buffs on reddit what is a piece of history that often goes overlooked despite being very interesting or funny there was a word that American soldiers used to call medics over to them if injured World War 2 over in Japan the name Tallulah was chosen due to the ill sounds and the name the Japanese pronunciation of this was noticeable not nearly as noticeable as them yelling medic which was done by the Japanese soldiers to lure American medics over to kill them anyway I wrote a poem about this history tidbit in college and I think it will always be one of the least sucky stings I've written during the first sino-japanese war a Chinese Admiral pawned one of the main guns on his flagship to a scrap dealer in order to pay off some gambling debts this was the same war where the Empress embezzled from the army to fund her palace renovations it's amazing they lost that one the American Hippo bill during a meat crisis in 1910 some American legislators wanted to introduce African hippos to the southern wetland so we could all enjoy lake cow bacon obviously the bill never passed we have a huge rodent problem here in New York City I suggest we introduce black mambas into the city to eradicate the problem Attila the Hun had a son named herb he also left this son absolutely nothing dividing his kingdom between three other sons so he got no inheritance and a hysterical name in Bernal Diaz del castelo's the true history of the conquest of New Spain he mentions that a priest died during his time with Cortes when searching through his stuff they found a leather adult toy another funny incident they held Montezuma hostage in modern-day Mexico City while a hostage he still had gold and was a king so he was treated half decently one of the Spanish guards accidentally farted in his face the guard was embarrassed and apologized profusely for humiliating a noble to show there were no hard feelings Montezuma gave the guard a gold piece the stupid guard then farted again hoping to get another gold piece he comes up now and again until bid for all the history about World War two that is often banned about in the culture at large I had never heard about the fascinating double agent Juan Pujol Garcia also known by his codename Garbo the story man was from Spain and had become disgusted by fascism he wrote letters to the UK and the US saying hey I'll spy on Germany for you guys UK and us said that we got this once said to himself I'll go ahead and spy anyway in posters a Nazi loving Spanish gov't official to become a German agent he was assigned to spy on London but instead went to Lisbon and made up phony reports based on English magazines and newsreels after a while the UK realized someone was doing a jolly good job diverting Nazi resources and took him on as a spy he worked throughout the war with Germany funding his totally real network of not at all imaginary spies he was responsible for diverting many German troops during the invasion of Normandy he was also awarded medals by both the Nazis and the Brits for his work that time Lichtenstein sent 80 soldiers to war and they made a friend so they returned with 81 I love how simple and hilarious this is I will preface this by saying our sources from the time are sketchy at best so this may not have happened but I digress we all know Charlemagne yes king of the franks and all that well while he did a great deal for the frankish legacy he wasn't the first independent Frankish king that honor went to a guy named chill Derek and this dude must have been fine as Frick because his sexual escapades are insane so chill Derek was actually King twice but he never got use upped nope he was instead exiled not for killing anyone or crap like that just because he flicked so many of the Frankish nobles wives genuinely the sources tell us he was banished because all the lords realized that their wives were all cheating on them with the same dude and so told the King to freak off so he duly did and ended up in the court of another barbarian King as an ally to him during this time he got into the royal court got chatting with the King's wife and you guessed it diddled the lass following this rather than keeping it a thing on the down-low chill Derek's straight up and declared that he was marrying the wife ran off with her and brought her back to the nobles that thought they were finally rid of the horny bastard fortunately for women everywhere this Queen seems to have had a bit of metal because nothing else is written about him running off with any other important women instead he had a son a lad named Clovis and thus began the rise of the Frankish Empire that spawned modern-day Germany and France and so two modern European nations have a grandfather who was just a massive horny freak chill Derek takes the seduction focus abdicate due to faction demand goes to an allies court seduces the allies wife the Ally divorces his wife chilled Eric marries the wife he presses his claim becomes King again and has a son with God Tyr stats when court has conquered the Aztecs he had ten feet zero zero zeros of native allies who were more than eager to help because the Aztecs used them as slave and sacrifice firms Robert Liston for whom lists arenas named if memory serves is the only person in history to have performed a surgery with a 300% mortality rate meaning that three people died from one operation or the patient died of gangrene Liston cut the fingers of his assistant who also died from gangrene and he literally scared an onlooker to death by cutting his coattails this was back when anesthetics were non-existent and speed made a bigger difference the Byzantine Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire or whatever you would call it all of it all the stumbles all the resurgence --is not to mention all the meaningless disasters any nation surviving for 1,000 years from the Dark Ages to the start of the Renaissance has served well in its time all things considered Mark Twain and his buddies decided to join the Confederate Army it was an excuse to get away from the wives hang out in the woods and drink this went on for a couple of weeks until word came that the Union Army was advancing shortly thereafter all the men quit their made-up unit and headed home during World War two there were sightings up and down the east and coasts of u-boats Hemingway heard there was one off off Key West and decided he should hunt it down he and a couple but is loaded up a boat with booze guns and grenades they were unsuccessful and returned home shortly after the booze ran out the Aztecs are overlooked in most history classes but they were far from the primitive tribesmen that most people think of at the height of its power Tenochtitlan the capital of the Aztec Triple Alliance was rivaled in size by cities like London and Constantinople and it was all built on a giant artificial island it's a shame their culture was obliterated because though they might have been a bit too obsessed with sacrificial killing they were an incredibly fascinating civilization on top of this they were defeated by Cortes and his handful of European soldiers as well as almost 100,000 other natives that were enemies of the Aztecs people tend to leave that part out it could easily be argued that if they weren't so obsessed with sacrificing and fighting their neighbors they would never have been beaten Romans believed in other people's gods God s so when they would attack a city they would pray to the gods of said city to abandon the occupants and support the Romans instead if they won they would give the God a special place in Rome or completely incorporated into the state religion also the ancient Greeks did not view it as gay or straight they saw it as dominant and submissive in short they had no concept of being gay Cato the Elder a Roman senator would give several vehement speeches all ending in something along the lines of Carthago de lender estate roughly translating to Carthage must be destroyed Carthage did end up getting destroyed a couple years after he died years later Cato the younger was on the Senate Julius Caesar was reading a note during a meeting causing Cato to accuse him of being a spy after Caesar denied the accusations Cato asked Caesar to read out the note because if he really was innocent he wouldn't have anything to hide Caesar agreed it was a love note from Cato the younger sister furthermore I think Carthage should be destroyed that thing with Cato the younger and the note happened with Julius Caesar not august's Jack Churchill as per Wikipedia lefthand and Colonel John Malcolm thought Fleming Jack Churchill DSO and bar MC and bar the 16th of September 1906 the 8th of March 1996 was a British Army officer who fought throughout the Second World War armed with a longbow bagpipes and a basket hilted Scottish broadsword nicknamed fighting Jack Churchill and Matt Jack he is known for the motto any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed it has claimed that Churchill also carried out the last recorded long bow and arrow killing in action shooting a German co in 1940 in a French village during the Battle of France when all your troops are upgraded except that one guy who's lived for two centuries the Victorians were not prudes that factoid about having the legs of furniture covered yet that was a joke Brits made about Americans perceived prudery then again the Brits were pretty goddamn kinky spanking was known as the English voice because it was offered in so many brothels and had lots of erotic novels written about it prostitution was one of the only ways women could support themselves without hard labor of course plenty of men and women realized they could make a fortune as pimps or Madam's so sex savory all-white savory was a big problem the thing that fascinates me about this period is that it looks all chaste at first glance but sexuality was really a driving force in so many aspects of society and once you're familiar with the attitudes and euphemisms of the time you can see that sex was everywhere the trick was to drape it in pretty words and crimson blushes world war ii ghost army regiment allied force who recruited from art schools and theater used deception tricks such as inflatable tanks to deflect attention and deceive the enemy both insane and genius at the same time I'm going to say European Kings named Charles the Charles's and France had an unfortunate tendency to be labeled with less than complimentary epithets chose the fad chose abhorred and Charles amad that always tickled me also king charles ii of england was a ever been to a pub called the Royal Oak that is named after the tree Charles climbed to escape the Roundheads when he was fleeing the Civil War top quotes I always admired virtue but could never imitate it in response to his brothers concerns about assassination attempts on shells the second I am sure no man in England will take away my life to make you King when Parliament questioned his aptitude for kingship in Parliament I'm definitely the best King in England at the moment the Sea Peoples I am totally fascinated by them I am currently reading 1177 BC the Year civilization collapsed by eh Klein it focuses on Egypt who really was the only civilization to withstand the sea people I thoroughly enjoyed hearing how kamikaze pilots would crash into things to terrorize and damage them however this wasn't as effective as they thought unfortunately and hilariously the ironic problem was that nobody was able to go back and report that it wasn't working that great near the end of the war the kamikaze planes were basically balsa frames with the nose full of explosives I read a book entitled divine wind many years ago that fact stuck with me it's amazing to me they actually managed to get the planes to any location to do any damage that more than one war has been started because of people throwing other people through a window in Prague President Andrew Jackson beat up his would-be assassin with his cane and had to be pulled off by Davy Crockett so he wouldn't kill the guy if you read through the wiki page of serial killer Albert fish it's really messed up the crimes he committed but one pretty random hilarious thing stands out he began to have auditory hallucinations he once wrapped himself in a carpet saying that he was following the instructions of John the Apostle I like under the trial and execution part they said none of the jurors doubted that fish was insane but ultimately as one later explained they felt he should be executed anyway Savage during the Second Punic War Hannibal the Carthaginian general repeatedly outsmarted and decisively beat the Roman to the point that many Romans honestly thought the end was near it wasn't until Scipio africanus was made general that the war turned in their favor and they won the interesting part sometime after the war Scipio visited the court of the king of Syria and met Hannibal there and the two of them had a conversation Scipio asked Hannibal he thought were the three greatest generals of all time Hannibal replied that Alexander was the greatest Ellis was the second best a slight jab at Scipio since Paris fort rome in the period war and Hannibal himself was the third best Scipio thought this was an arrogant answer since Hannibal had been beating by Scipio but still thought himself a better general than CIPA Scipio asked how high on the list Hannibal would be if he had managed to win the war Hannibal replied that in that case he would be even greater than Alexander I like to think of it as a sort of indirect complement sort of sweet almost the Battle of Bowmanville my grandfather was a prison guard at the German prisoner of war camp in Bowmanville Ontario Canada he told me stories of the riots that took place there according to him and documents about the place the higher-ups were ordered to shackle one hundred prisoners in retaliation for something the Nazi Party did none of the prisoners volunteered so they made the officers that were captured pick when they refused the guards went to take one hundred prisoners and shackle em many of the German pals in the camp resisted and barricaded themselves and the large wall blocking the doors with seats they prepared for the worst as they had heard of Americans killing prisoners without hesitation and waited for the gunfire to start the Canadians gathered 100 men armed with baseball bats and hockey sticks and stormed the building they only used basic weapons so it would be a fair fight the fighting continued for four hours straight or according to my grandpa we gave those Jarius a good crap kicking that day at four hours of boot to us but the suckers never gave up so we covered each other and backed out lock them in the building and grab the fire hoses the Frick's didn't know what hit and when we broke for windows and turned the hoses on full blast so we washed the suckers out of the building the pals gave up when the building started to flood and sir as they were marched out of the hall the Canadian guards who fought them stood in line beside the door and shook their hands congratulating them on a good fight there were many more riots around the camp like 2,500 people total rioted but most were very quickly captured this was the main and defining battle of the uprising many people were seriously injured and one of the leaders of the riot was shot in the back I don't think anyone was killed by I could be wrong it was probably the most Canadian battle of the whole war they didn't want to outnumber them in the fight and wouldn't go in with guns cause that was unfair the most serious injury in the battle for the Canadians according to my grandpa was when one of his friends took a jar of honey to the head and he cut up the guy's face pretty bad with a skull fracture otherwise business as usual at the camp that's the only thing I ever remember my grandpa bragging about besides his butcher shop in the barn for the food he would hunt if you ever get in a fight just grab something six people I took out on my own with a broken hockey stick and a chair leg that was the day we made a mess of the mess hall my grandpa the Greek stoic philosopher cruciferous died of laughter after watching a drunk donkey trying to eat a fig Julius Caesar was captured near the island farmer Kusa by pirates who already at that time controlled the sea with large ornaments and countless small vessels to begin with then when the Pirates demanded twenty talents for his ransom he laughed at them for not knowing who their captive was and off his own accord agreed to give them 50 in the next place after he had sent various followers to various cities to procure the money and was left with one friend and two attendance among Cilicians most murderous of men he held them in such disdain that whenever he lay down to sleep he would send and order them to stop talking for eight and thirty days as if the men were not his Watchers with his royal bodyguard he shared in their sports and exercises with great unconcerned he also wrote poems and sundry speeches which he read aloud to them and those who did not admire these he would call to their faces illiterate barbarians and often laughingly threatened to hang them the Pirates were delighted at this and attributed his boldness of speech to a certain simplicity and boyish mirth but after his ransom had come from Meletis and he had paid it and was set free he immediately manned vessels and put to sea from the harbor off Meletis against the robbers he caught them too still lying a banker off the island and got most of them into his power their money he made his booty with the men themselves he lodged in the prison at Pergamum and then went in person to Junius the governor of Asia on the ground that it belonged to him as praetor of the province to punish the captives but since the praetor cast longing eyes on their money which was no small sum and kept saying that he would consider the case of the captives at his leisure Caesar left him to his own devices went to Pergamum took the robbers out of prison and crucified them all just as he had often warned them on the island that he would do when they thought he was joking Plutarch the life of Julius Caesar hundreds of US communities started using their own currencies during the Great Depression in order to bypass economic downfall of course there was the Dust Bowl and other factors at play but it generally worked sometimes it's as simple as stepping outside the systems that are in place some of our problems really only exist on paper you have been visited by the science dojo upvote now and you will get high grades and good results within the next week if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Id: iRaTOabcmT0
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Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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