Delivery Drivers. What Was Your Weirdest Delivery?

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delivery drivers offered it what is the weirdest thing you have experienced when delivering a package i'll start i never worked as a delivery driver but i was a shift manager at a sub shop that delivered until 3am in college we used to get calls from the local strip clubs all the time to deliver food to the bouncers strippers we quickly figured out that the strippers would either not tip or poorly tip a male driver but they would crazy tip a female driver so we made sure we sent our one female driver on those runs she would always split the tip with the driver who had been on deck when the order came up often it was like 20 so they each got 10 what is it about strippers not tipping guys i've known the same thing to happen where i live i delivered pizzas in my hometown i live in westchester now and there are some celebrity residents anyway one day i delivered to a very nice house but nothing that made me think twice i rang the door ball and who opens the door but kevin spacey he asks me how much and i tell him 39.37 i will remember the price to this day he then pulls out 2.20 bills from his wallet looks at them awkwardly and yells back into the house honey do you have any singles a response from someone no kevin spacey gave me a 63 cent tip as a driver for domino's years ago a customer asked if i would throw this bag of fish guts in the dumpster on my way out i looked at him like seriously and said i'd do it for three bucks he booked at my offer and then i reminded him that i'm the pizza delivery guy not the garbage man he gave me the three bucks in the bag i disposed of the bag as requested and was three dollars closer to being super rich the best delivery i ever had was to a medical marijuana dispensary in colorado springs when i was in school they'd ordered over 80 of our most random menu items desserts appetizers pastas no pizza however anyway i get there expecting a huge party and it was just two stoned guys and a dog they were so happy to see me and gave me the biggest tip i ever got and the mystery machine was parked right outside it was my first delivery ever it was to this nice little gray thing that had a big yard surrounded by a fence i walk up to the gate and see this old grandma type sitting on a bench swing i ask if she ordered any pizzas her head snapped to my direction like a freaking zombie and she angrily flipped through the magazine from where i was standing i could see that all the faces in the magazine had been scribbled out with black marker i was terrified but i had pizzas and a fresh delivery job so i opened the gate trying to be quite so the woman wouldn't notice me again i made it to the front door and knocked this guy answered and went back inside to get the money when he got out of the doorway the only thing i really noticed was that there were probably nine people sitting in a circle and the one right in front of me was a black fellow in a wheelchair masturbating i freaked out for a second until i realized it was a special house the guy comes back and notices that i was exposed and gave me a decent tip but the damage had been done creepy butt ring grandma crap that would give me nightmares i used to deliver thai food for a while on a rainy friday night i proceeded to make a delivery into a crappy apartment house three floors and like four or five apartments i heard loud music coming from the apartment i was supposed to deliver too i knock no answer wait i knock harder a really really hot girl answers the door wearing a bra and jeans oh hi how would you like your tip i just stand there dumbfounded before i have a chance to say anything a huge black guy comes walking behind her and takes the food he proceeds to say no what then i'm fit in for my chicken pad thai right about hair he hands me a stack of one dollar bills and says there's a four dollar tip in there don't do drugs all the while the girl is standing there with a goofy smile on her face he shuts the door and locks what sounded like four or five locks you better not do drugs i delivered pizza for a few months when i was in college it was a trashy little town about 15 minutes from my university i got a delivery one day to this old house that had been turned into apartments i go to knock on the door and it is covered in weird signs biohazard no trespassing caution etc the guy answers the door and he is about 50 years old with long messy gray hair wearing only a lab coat and the only light on in the apartment is a strobe light guy who are you me i'm here to deliver your food guy why should i believe that me confused um i'm holding it right here guy fine take your money you should get out of here though this place will be crawling with feds any minute i got the frick out of there part of me wants to believe that it's this guy's hobby to frick with delivery people and he changes the theme every time i gotta get this off my chest because it was one of the most horrifying deliveries i've ever made i'm delivering for dominoes and i get a delivery to this trailer park it's mostly old lower class people living in this place so it's nothing to really worry about i knock on the door and an older gentleman answers i tell him how much it is and he asks me to come in and set it on the table for him so i do but as i go to set it down i notice there are tiny bugs crawling everywhere in the freaking house trailer before i set the pizza down the dude just goes over to the table and brushes and bugs out of the way so i can put the pizza down it was like nothing was wrong i look at the ceiling and walls and there are bugs all over that mother sucker it blew my freaking mind that is the most horrifying thing i have ever read a bunch of years ago i was working at a custom wood window manufacturer i was responsible for loading delivering clearing payment with the company and loading for company standards and truck maintenance so i get to this one house and the first thing i notice is crap all in front of the front door random construction crap all in a messy pile like it just got tossed out then i start seeing tools and things fly out of the door i figure there's a contractor firing a worker on the job but i didn't really give it any thought because i'm on the clock as soon as i fill out the log book and open the door i realize what's happening the woman who owns the house is absolutely flipping crap at the contractor instantly awkward i won't go into details but i heard the entire story before i got the first window to the door i act as professional as i can walk around the tools and right into the front door while knocking like a freaking boss instantly the woman acknowledges my presence by screaming great now the freaking windows are here freaking great i'm going to give a slight forewarning from here out for me personally the level of awkwardness rises exponentially every time i walk another window into the house i kept to myself but this bee was on a rampage about 45 minutes goes by large house and i am moving the last window into the main room every window is protected from walls and other windows by cardboard packing corners they are about 8 deep and they are placed immaculately and i am proud as i'm walking out the door to grab the credit machine i hear stomping down the stairs i look over and this chick is looking me dead in the eye and has a brown handle in her hands as she's coming down the flight instantly i feel threatened and my mind goes through a pretty simple situation check and i realize she can't seriously injure me as she walks towards me her eyes shift to the windows and she changes paths towards them i move out of the path she does a running javelin throw and amazingly the glass are all sealed units puts this broom handle through like four windows in a row i'm already across the room in utter shock witnessing one of the greatest flip outs of my entire life she then grabs the broom handle and continues to freak up every window she can get to which at the end of the flip out had a tally of 17 sealed units with frame damage to about one stroke four of that with those windows that was about 6.8 damage given that they were not painted and were high quality finished wood i immediately left and called the company who told me to call the police immediately and that the owner was on the way with the lawyer on the phone i left after the owner salesman showed up and continued on with my day fully satisfied with a pretty epic story to tell i work at domino's and had a delivery to a house that was in one of the rich neighborhoods i pull up to the house drive down a long bus driveway and when i finally get to the door i see an envelope tape to it there is nothing written on it except dominoes on one side and leave on doorstep on the other inside is enough money to cover the pizza and a 10 tip i look around kind of awkwardly before setting the pizzas on the doormat and putting the money in my pocket while i'm walking back to my car i turn back around to look at the house and lo and behold the pizzas are no longer on the doormat i didn't hear a door and it hadn't been but four or five seconds since i had turned around i also noticed as i was getting back in my car that there were cameras all around the perimeter of the house on the walls painted the same color as the house to blend in i drove away and not a single frick was given tl dr i delivered to james bond the president witness protection service residence aliens i love the idea of someone so sophisticated and secretive ordering freaking dominoes delivered a stove and refrigerator to a house with about 25 cats and not a litter box in sight the smell was horrible and the man living there had to be one of the most disgusting looking people i've ever seen it was the only house that in the four years of working there we ever told our boss that we refused to ever go there again i had to deliver and set up a fish tank for a rich dude when i was in school it was winter at the house giant was down the hill i slid the delivery truck down the hill and smashed it into his garage i was crapping bricks he was like don't worry about it as i was looking at his smashed garage nice i hope to one day be wealthy enough that i can do that oh wait i'm middle class that will never happen but still good on him what a ggg story from a pizza delivery just the other night guy opens the door and the first thing i notice is the stripper pole in the middle of his living room there is a woman behind him hard to see much of her face as it appeared the mood lighting was set then i noticed him a middle-aged man with his perfect eyebrows and makeup on standing in his blue robe like hugh hefner with a boner pushing out his boxers while ignorant or oblivious to his anatomy he was rather pleasant though a bit too dazed and smiley he may have been high this is suburbia illinois and it's like 8 p.m on a tuesday i don't get customers like this i'm likely to get a gun waved in my face three times before i see some crap like this again i worked as a pizza man during my first few years of uni edit around 2003 one delivery does stand out so i'm in the store taking pizzas out of the oven we get a call for a 30 plus order which is a decent size order as our large pizzas were only five dollars i load up my car with their food and head over to the address i'm driving up the street and i can see a bunch of cars parked on either side of the street i see some ford rangers and camaros so i'm thinking that it's just some kid throwing a party i head up to the door knock and i'm greeted by a 30-something female odd maybe the chaperone then another one comes along to help with the food then a third woman with something draped over her shoulder appears it's a dong double headed black floppy they invite me to step inside it was winter in michigan so i oblige and am greeted by about 15 women all in their 30s or 40s crammed in a living room i took a picture with a couple of them for shoots and giggles then went on my way so it turns out that i went to a sex toy version of a tupperware party those parties are actually quite common in the uk since there's an adult chain of shops called and summers which holds and summer's parties i was a fedex driver for many years i don't have too many crazy stories unfortunately but i sure caught a lot of dudes jerking off at their computers not first but whole since i probably won't get an abundance of delivery people again anytime soon if i were to walk into a pizza place order a pizza for delivery could i be driven home a friend of mine delivers pizza for domino's as well and has been gracious enough to share some stories he's been greeted by men a half naked and full naked people but the one i remember best is that he was delivering pizzas to an apartment complex and this woman who was not the most attractive opened the door and invited him in she was at least dressed so he goes in on her coffee table is the money for him and several sex toys laid out she sees him looking at the table and says see anything you like he says yes the money there will do fine and left as quickly as he could i delivered to an indian guy who answered in silk boxes and baby oil he tried his hardest to make his gay porno fantasy true i'm not gay it was awkward i also delivered to a super beautiful woman who was wearing almost see-through underwear in front of her family her husband was watching the game he did not give one single frick i found it hilarious finally i delivered to a 16 year old stoner who managed to hot boxes whole house he did not realize he had gotten his four-year-old little brother higher than anyone i've ever seen in my life the little boy screamed pizzeria for a minute straight while he tried to run to the front door he was so uncoordinated he ran into three different things on his way to the door four-year-olds act like they're stone tripping all the time anyway reposted from a couple years ago when i was 19 i got a job at a local pizza parlor as a delivery driver one night i got a delivery to some really shady apartments just out of my delivery area but i took it anyway after driving around the complex for about 10 minutes apartment complexes are a delivery driver's worst nightmare i finally came upon the correct door and proceeded to knock at first there was nothing but after knocking once again i heard a low groan and some stumbling footsteps followed by a loud crash after waiting for about a minute the footsteps eventually got closer and the door opened a standing in the doorway was a lady around 40 45 years old with her face hands and t-shirt covered in dried blood it looked like her nose had been bleeding uncontrollably for a while earlier she was holding onto the door frame but still swaying uncontrollably as she struggled to stay upright she stood there seemingly completely oblivious to my existence up i'm the pizza guy i stammered she looked down at the pizza and made a grunt of understanding and pulled out her purse while she was fumbling for cash i peered into her apartment behind her there was a washcloth soaked in blood by the sink as well as what looked like a small pile of sea on the table what really unnerved me though were the children's toys all over the floor my heart stopped soon after when i heard a baby cry come from one of the bedrooms she paid me and i left i called the cops the second i got back to my car i wasn't a delivery driver but i drove the prop truck for a movie over the summer which entailed picking up and dropping off various props all throughout nyc and parts of jersey one of the main sets of the movie was this mansion in upper saddle river nj which was being foreclosed anyway there were cameras installed all over the perimeter of the place and the owners had their own security team watching said cameras i had to pick some stuff up from the mansion and bring it back to the prop houses so i went over with my truck which was a big 10 11 feet tall 16 foot long thing and picked some stuff up shortly after leaving i got pulled over by this black mammoth of a truck with blacked out windows and no license plate it didn't even have the police lights on top of its roof the lights were built into the windshield and crap crazy anyway i got pulled over and was questioned and asked to open the back of the truck and it was terrifying especially because all of the people who stepped out of the vehicle were dressed in everyday clothing and the head guy in charge looked and acted like he fell out of a movie nothing bad happened everything was fine but it was terrifying tl dr i got pulled over on a movie job by the sire i had a friend who got robbed by a guy dressed as darth vader twice no idea if it was the same person or not never deliver pizza in florida y'all i have altered the deal pray i don't alter it any further my personal favorite was when i delivered a 13 order to an average size house handed the guy his pizza and he gave me a 50 bill as i went to grab change the guy said keep it i'm a believer of karma and never try to wrong anyone who tips me i glanced at the bill game to make sure it was a fifty dollar and not a twenty dollar and indeed it was a fifty dollar the seven dollar tip is amazing so you can imagine how a 37 tip would feel like i told the man that he gave me fifty dollars and not twenty dollars he responded with i know and then shut the door on the other side of the spectrum i was called into work for the sole purpose of delivering one odor of 83 xl american legend pizzas it was about 1 500 worth of pizza that we dropped to 850 dollars it took three whole carloads to deliver the pizza which was outside of our delivery area and i helped the people set it up for a huge event now as a driver we usually expect a 10 20 tip no matter the size hence i had assumed i'd make at least 75 no less than 50 but i was hoping for over 100 dollars when i handed the lady the receipt for her to sign and put a tip on she asked if tip was included and i said unfortunately not so she huddled around with a few of her co-workers for five minutes while i stood in the distance politely waiting with my hands behind my back she came back to me and handed me the receipt which had a 15 tip on it she asked if it was enough and i followed store policy and said absolutely moral of the two stories as i've learned to receive anywhere from a 300 tip to a zero percent tip but in the end it all works out i delivered 114 inches pizzas and 240 sodas in one trip i drive a minivan for some band competition with a nice zero percent tip my boss had done the same and discounted their pizzas over fifty percent too i was delivering a pizza to a party in a upper class area think benz is in driveways wealthy not yacht wealth when i initially took the order over the phone the lady asked how much she'd have to tip me to strip i assumed she was joking so i called her bluff i said for 100 i'd get down to my boxes she told me to come straight to the pool in the back when i get there and she'd have my money waiting easy money yeah a little dignity loss but hey a uni student delivering pizzas has little use for whatever dignity may be left so i pull up and walk to the gate pizzas in hand i go straight round to the pool place the pizzas down and reach down to pull my shirt up to the 20 odd 40 year old women who were clearly expecting a show then i get tapped on the back i turn around and it's my best mate 6 a recent nasty breakup and to her mum holding the money excitedly i grab the cash put my head down and make a beeline for my car with the chorus of disappointed middle-aged women booing at me and my mate sex laughing like the wicked witcher of the west or is it east haven't watched the wizard of oz in some time the only thing more humiliating than stripping for those women was not stripping for them money is money bro regardless if it was my mate 6 i would have gone down to boxes for a few extra bucks i bet with that many people there some of them would be at some level of intoxication thus allowing you to pull off the deed without too many repercussions i delivered pizzas this past summer for a national pizza company one that is now hated by our trees on my first closing shift i had a 115 order i had to deliver at one in the morning they were paying with cash and lived in the bad part of the town next to mine so i was either about to get pranked or get robbed either way i wasn't too excited i got to the house and these four big mexican guys were outside i grabbed some of the pizzas and they led me inside they were having a regular people were dancing all over the place lights were going crazy stuff like that they tipped me 15 and gave me two bud lights for after work i'm 19. while myself and my girlfriend now fiance were living together at our old house we made a habit of giving odd tips to our local delivery guys it all started with her making a giant cookie pie we were waiting for pizza whilst she prepped the dessert and it turned out that we had way more cookie than we had bargained for so because we didn't have any spare cash on us at the time we just gave the delivery kid a bunch of cookies and our thanks that was before it got out of hand we started to make a game of it a ritual if you will soon all old crap that we no longer wanted was up for grabs as a tip bonus old dvds ugo cards various trinkets and doodads that we had laying around we gave them all to various delivery guys note that after the cookie incident these were all bonus tips on top of the usual cash that we threw their way we realize that nobody who's carting around people's food is doing so because they are looking for pokemon figurines on one occasion however we were feeling rather generous we had just inducted a new laptop computer into the family and as such my girlfriend's old and only slightly outdated pc was no longer wanted and had to be disposed of it was a fine enough to she bar but she'd been looking to upgrade and when the hard drive mysteriously failed it was a good enough excuse to just replace the thing altogether so we ordered pizza from the local establishment as we tended to on a near weekly basis at that time and we presented our delivery guy with the option of either one the usual tip of ten dollars or two the mystery box of course they were allered by the magical draw of the mystery box they took it back to their car and we never got to see him open it built within with the laptop sewn hard drive and about fifty dollars to replace it along with a few dvds cds and other random things that we had about it was a really fun experience for us and i do hope that he viewed it the same way and not like we were just giving him an errand as a tip tl dr i gave a delivery guy a laptop i wish i delivered to you i would freaking love pokemon figurines for a tip if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 16,159
Rating: 4.9056602 out of 5
Keywords: delivery driver, delivery drivers caught on camera, delivery driver fails, delivery guy, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: KWVd2rxHLKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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