Hilarious Everyday Object Misuses | Funny Stories #9

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what is the most everyday object you've seen someone hilariously fail trying to use my 90 year old grandmother was pee at some other 70 year olds cooking for a church because they were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler centennials when a friend and i were in rome we were in a restroom and we couldn't figure out how to turn on the sink we looked for handles we checked if it had a motion sensor nothing just when we were about to give up hope i saw a small rubber dome under each sink i decided to step on it and voila water the best part was that there was a man waiting to wash his hands who probably thought we were the two biggest idiots in the world now the guy was enjoying the show otherwise he would have stepped in and just not bothered to wait i worked with someone who genuinely did not know how to use paper clips he was really embarrassed when someone called him out on not knowing and showed him how i worked with someone that would hold punch the top left corner then put the paper clip in like a keychain after years of using the family's windows 98 i upgraded the family with my old but gold computer my mother rang me three times in the next two weeks because she couldn't find the power button why because the old computer had a big red power button and the new computer was broken because it had a big blue power button in the exact same spot honestly probably easier to put a red sticker than to convince mom it's the same i once watched someone try to light the base of a firecracker as in the end without the fuse to be honest it's a bit of a miracle that the guy that did it is still in one piece if the manufacturer isn't in a shot then the side with the usb side always faces up i saw someone park his bike on a sidewalk and then painstakingly hang his bike lock on one of the handlebars then he just walked away when i was in college whenever i couldn't find a bike rack i would just park it and lock the front wheel to the frame and then sit somewhere inside where i could see it in the cafeteria one time someone tried to steal it by riding it away and lost themselves over the handlebars pretty entertaining i once as a child thought that one of those long lighters for candles was a curling iron and proceeded to burn the crap out of my ear and hair first time this kid stayed away from home without parents and he thought an iron work just by being a heavy metal thing to flatten clothes didn't realize you could turn it on to heat it up or anything i remember sitting at a bus stop opposite a pair of escalators that were the wrong way to standard traffic every third person went up the down if only there was some sort of visual indication as to which way they were going a time or dozen back in my days of working on a forklift after a long night when i'd get into my car i'd start it and promptly put on the left blinker and rev the engine trying to back up one day was particularly bad and it took me a few moments to put it together there was a time where i had four different manual transmission vehicles with four different shift patterns and reverse was in a different place in each one one was left forward one left rearward one right rearward one pull up forward all different numbers of gears i was often trying to jam our five speed into reverted highway speed because my other car had sixth gear there back in the 90s when i tried to show my mother how to use my home pc she picked up the mouse and pointed it at the screen like a remote control not my story a lady of a certain age had her first computer and tried to operate the mouse on the floor with her foot her only frame of reference was a sewing machine which was operated with a foot pedal a neighbor can't figure out how to use his in-ground automatic sprinkler system he mows the sprinkler heads off with the lawn mower and wonders why there's a gusher in the front yard when the system comes on also he can't figure out how to cancel or reset the timer during periods of heavy rain it'll be pouring outside and yet his sprinkler system keeps pumping out more water in his defense the sprinkler heads are installed too high if he is hitting them with the mower i know someone who was running late to work and his polyester polo shirt was still wet from the washer what did he do put it in the dryer for five minutes use a hairdryer number he whacked it into the microwave and put it on for a couple of minutes nice and warm when he got it out a trip to the emergency department and second-degree burns later he was a changed man i had a college student who once set his apartment on fire because he put his wet clothes in the oven to dry and then immediately left to go to six flags one of his roommates fortunately came home before the fire got out of hand one guy at a breakfast buffet got to the bacon tray he took a pair of tongs and held them backwards as in the part with which you are supposed to grab bacon in his hand pinched it closed so only a slit was left in between the two rods trying to slide the bacon in between i had to help him after watching this for two minutes he was a grown man i went to a chinese restaurant once and had a good giggle at the two women at the next table expressing how great the learner chopsticks were despite clearly struggling with them it was cheap wooden chopsticks and they hadn't snapped them apart i wouldn't necessarily call this a fail but more of a success went to the beach with family and my cousin was on watermelon duty so she starts cutting the watermelons and says man it is so hard to cut this i turn around and she's using the wrong side of the knife but she had already cut the watermelon in like four pieces she is known as not being the brightest person out there but still surprised at her superhuman strength went to the library high and swiped my student through the automatic stapler now every time i go to the library i have to explain why i cannot swipe my card through the card reader an egg i took a cake decorating class in 12 weeks this woman never figured out how to crack a raw egg every single time she crushed it no matter what advice she got or how many times she was shown in high school we had to do cooking classes a guy in my group tried to peel a boiled egg and ended up with the shell and all of the white part of the egg in the trash and presented the spherical hard-boiled duke on the plate of the finished product when i was a kid we would laugh when my mom would try to play mario bros on nintendo and she would try to jump lifting up the controller now i try to play nintendo wii with my son and he laughs because i forget to jump by raising up the controller she truly was ahead of her time one of my roommates once failed to make the craft instant mac and cheese bowls twice the first time he didn't take the lid off and just yellowed the whole thing into the microwave on the second attempt he put in nowhere near enough water there's a line on the inside showing you where to fill it up to and so he got a second helping of burnt pasta and i got a microwave that smelled like burnt pasta for a week he has a bachelor's in engineering a bachelor's in applied mathematics and a masters in applied mathematics and he couldn't make easy mac designed for 12 year olds there are an amazing number of people in the sciences snd engineering who are too smart to read the directions once i stopped the guy who was hooking up an ultra high vacuum cryo pump he hadn't read the directions and was skipping a crucial step that would prevent the pump from working correctly the pump cost around 30 k usd not someone else but myself i consistently fail at ripping cling wrap tinfoil correctly in the case of tinfoil i always always always struggle to rip it in the first place and then when i do i leave a weird tail on the end of the roll instead of a clean line same with cling wrap but then it proceeds to cling to itself and nothing else so i wind up with a bunch of awkward balls of it i'm just trying to cover my soup see on the cardboard package there is usually a little button on each side of the cardboard end of the roll that you press and to hold the roll in place life hacks that seriously blew my mind it helps so much with ripping it my fancy can't use her a toaster it's either lightly toasted or satan there is no in between i've shown her numerous times same result sometimes when i'm in a hurry i'll start pulling my car door before i reach the handle and it sends me into a backwards stumble go to look around to see if anyone was watching at those moments occasionally i'll get too close and pull the door open straight into my own face because mornings are difficult for me not so much hilarious but a great example of humans using logic without understanding the true meaning it was in portugal in lisbon at a better than decent hotel there was a couple in front of the elevator looking up at the floor indicator in a way that we presumed this was a new thing for them we were on the ground floor the mail of the other party saw the elevator was above us and pushed the down button to bring it to him the elevator came they got on but we didn't as the elevator left for the parking garage i pushed the up button i still remember the look of mild confusion on their faces when we met again it was flawless logic just not how elevators work pushing the directional button in the direction you want to travel instead of the direction the elevator has to travel to reach you is not necessarily obvious much like the purple people who drive grey cars in light fog they often don't realize that turning on your lights isn't so that they can see the road is so others can see their car back in primary school while waiting at something akin to reception i don't remember exactly where this happened i saw a kid about seven or eight years old accompanied by a teacher taking nibbles from an unpeeled banana he was trying to play it off like he enjoyed the taste going um and trying not to cringe i think the teacher had to then point it out to him that it's meant to be peeled he was the kind of chavy kid that got in trouble a lot and the teacher was with him for some kind of supervisory help i don't remember much about him other than whenever i saw him about school i'd think of him as that who pretends to like eating banana peels reminds me of the first time that some mexicans i used to work with gave me a tamale and then just stared at me waiting for a reaction i didn't know you were supposed to peel the corn husk off at first and just took a big bite they all laughed when i said it wasn't very good then they showed me how to eat it and it was quite delicious reboot your computer what does that mean just turn the computer off and turn it back on again five seconds later okay done wait that was quick i pressed the power button it turned off and it came back on are you pressing the power button on the monitor you didn't say monitor what's a monitor you seen the screen not that button press the power button the box that screen connects to on the modem yeah sure ok windows has that startup screen fantastic that's what we needed idiot why have you wasted my time you should have used the right words it's working now i thought you were righty this happens more often than you would think many moons ago while working at an electronics store a woman came in furious because we sold her a useless phone after talking her down to where she would explain the issue we find out that she didn't want to sell service plans so she bought a cordless phone never connected the base to the phone line and thought she could just use the cordless receiver as a cell phone then there was the guy that returned a microphone saying he was getting shocks from holding it i opened the box to find out that he cut off the plug that goes into the amplifier and put on a regular wall power plug it turned out he didn't know that you need an amplifier and speakers he thought that you just plug a microphone into any old outlet anywhere and suddenly you have a loud booming voice saw someone slide a cheese grater to grate the cheese instead of just sliding the cheese this was a big grater so it wasn't really practical to move the grater i believe you are required to refer to big cheese graters as greater graters i'd have to say cinnamon one full day i decided to make myself some hot cocoa my husband at the time now aches saw me making some and decided he wanted to make some too i decided i wanted to go all out i added whipped cream then sprinkled some sugar and cinnamon on top it looked so good i even put a cinnamon stick in it to make it look extra gourmet all my husband saw was that i had cinnamon sprinkled on top and there were cinnamon sticks out on the counter so i sit on the couch to enjoy my cocoa and i hear um how do you do it and i turn around to see him holding a cinnamon stick and gently shaking it over the top of the whipped cream i couldn't stop laughing i once had a roommate who offered to help me make a fridge pie we had both just moved in and didn't have everything we needed yet so i asked her to whip cream with a large fork even showed her how to do it i go to do something else for a few minutes then turn to her to see if she's done whipping the cream yet she was just moving the fork slowly back and forth an inch or so in each direction in a straight line when i turned to her she complained that it's not working and that we really need an electric beater to whip cream i giggled and said she has to do it really fast and larger strokes to incorporate the air and demonstrate it again she then threw the bowl and forked down in a huff and said oh i give up and stormed out of the kitchen it was the first warning sign really i feel like this could turn into a crazy roommate story do tell my mother-in-law has struggled with a tea kettle as well as a pram the kettle has a button to open the spout hold down the button spout lid pops up and you can pour the boiling water into your cup somehow she was trying to push the button from the side and then turning the kettle over until nearly upside down to get it to pour because the lid was not in fact opening using this method causing very hot water to spit out all around but not actually into the cup she did this several times all the while making frustrated noises and burning herself with wayward tea water i finally managed to get her to put the kettle down and showed her how to press the button on the top instead of the side i know they also make kettles with sliding buttons that you push from the side but this is usually evident right away or at least after the first failed attempt not four mil and who are pens are full very hot kettle anyway the pram versus the tree walking along pushing an empty pram because no one in their right mind would let her push a pram with a baby in it she is confronted by a tree and its rather large roots she proceeds to back up a step and charge forward at speed but still the roots resist her efforts cue the mad woman pulling the pram back and slamming it into the route several times while bystanders look on in horror assuming there is a child within one woman shouts and starts to run over to rescue the child who is not actually there which gives mill the added adrenaline needed for one final grand slam sending the pram flying over the roots and straight into the trunk of the tree and that is why grandma isn't allowed near small children my husband has cooked exactly three times in the decade of our marriage each was a disaster but the final straw was when he tried to make ramen we were at an airbnb that didn't have a kettle so i told him he'd have to boil the water in a pot i notice that the water is boiling but he's just standing there i asked what he was doing the water is ready and he says isn't it supposed to whistle the man was used to hearing a stover top kettle whistling when water boiled and thought the water itself by some mysterious mechanism whistled when boiled i have a friend who is literally a genius this guy finished standard university level math by his early teens and is now into stuff you need an advanced degree just to work with brain the size of a planet and then there was the time he called me in a panic because he'd locked himself inside a house he couldn't find the key you see it was so funny i was tempted to leave him there eater but some houses have locking deadbolts this one didn't which is why it's a funny story it wouldn't be interesting at all if he was actually locked inside give me some credit here my father has a phd countless professional publications teaches at a prestigious graduate level program and is generally a super smart guy he can not drive in reverse or use basic hand tools to save his life i work in a restaurant and i remember dropping a plate of food to my table as well as leaving them a pepper mill for their request as i'm standing at the bar casually surveying the dining room i see the guy at my table attempt to navigate grinding pepper onto his plate unsuccessfully he's turned it upside down and is shaking it vigorously all while inspecting his progress eventually he sets it down seemingly satisfied with his results i suppose then his table mate picks it up and simply grinds some pepper onto her food my cat tried to jump onto a kitchen stool he didn't see that there was a tray placed on top and for a brief moment he and it flew magic carpet style i wish we had a video of this saw a woman trying to use a kitchen broom to sweep three feet of snow from her car she was sweeping it right in front of her car best part was her dumbbell boyfriend using the broom tray to remove snow from the top of the car and tossing it right where she was sweeping from this went on for about 30 minutes they went back inside my flatmates wanted to use my butter once i keep it refrigerated they do not they couldn't work out how to spread it they kept hitting the bread with it i could barely keep a straight face in the late 90s i showed dad how to use a search engine i left the room for no more than five minutes before he started cursing wildly my dad being in construction searched stud finders for his first search i look at a lot of gay p and i still only get actual stud finders in my google search gas station pumps people always pull their cars up on the wrong side not just once but repeatedly it's a fascinating and quite public exposition of a lack of spatial awareness this one gets me sometimes i generally drive one car where it's on the passenger side my husband generally drives the other where the gas is on the driver's side i rarely have to put gas in his car so i forget embarrassingly they have been multiple times where i have tried to apply the two-finger zoom functionality to a paper map it has become second nature with electronic devices that sometimes it just happens reflexively i tap on words in newspapers and books because my kindle defines them when i do that me i thought french presses were fancy and connoisseurs use them so they must be some tricky nuanced way to make coffee i had to use one once and realized it's actually very simple you just separate the grounds by lifting them out of the coffee so i poured hot water in pushed down the filter then spread the grounds on top my sister came in and facepalmed that is an interesting first attempt though if you've never seen it used before it's a believable method myself with a seat belt whenever i need to put one on in a hurry it always locks up on me when i pull it it's like it knows i'm a nerd and wants to make me look awkward they're supposed to lock when yanked on it's part of the safety mechanism go slow when pulling a belt mechanism even if you're in a hurry i work in a copy depth at an office supply store the most common failure to use a tool is the staple removers it is exceedingly rare that anyone uses these correctly they're designed to go from the flat of the staple not the ends that way it's just one pinch to undo the staple and then you pull it out without releasing the pinch the second most disused object the automatic door despite the big sign saying not an exit people keep trying to walk out of the door they came in by often without slowing down we keep a bottle of windex by the register specifically to remove faster prints from the glass i use a staple remover at work a lot when i'm not pretending it's a vicious snake trying to eat me i personally have a two-step process i open the curled closed ends then proceed to pull it out by the flat end it's a personal ocd issue to leave the paper with as little damage as possible if i go right to step two somehow i always tear the papers [Music] a maintenance tech electrician who was a recent hire was on a catwalk with another guy he had a cordless drill looked around a bit and asked the other guy where to plug it in i've done the exact opposite went to drill a hole in a concrete wall with a roto hammer and didn't realize i wasn't plugged in struggled for about 15 seconds before checking to see if it was plugged in and realized i had to randis watching me comically fail i was the hilarious one my dad told me to put the garden hose back on its hanger well you know how you have to sort of twist the hose at the same time you're looping it otherwise it gets all kinked and tangled somehow i found it easier to hold it over my head and spin myself in a circle to unwind it i feel like i'm not describing it well but i looked ridiculous anyway my dad and my neighbor laughed their butts off until i threw it on the ground and went back in the house i didn't get in trouble probably because i provided so much entertainment lem put myself in the line for this one objective stand up from a chair means push chair back against wall lean weight on table stand up out come push chair back into column instead of wall twisted awkwardly about 45 degrees smacked kneecap on floor attempted to stand knocked head on table successfully stood with too much momentum and whacked funny bone on aforementioned column the other folks at the meeting were well impressed would be one way to look at it during dinner my uncle picked up the salt shaker it is round with three little holes and a cork on top where you fill the shaker with salt after he studied it for about 30 seconds he pulled the cork out and dumped salt all over his plate and was shocked of the outcome uncle is a penn saint graduate in engineering 76 if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 85,807
Rating: 4.9133859 out of 5
Keywords: everyday objects, everyday objects youve been using wrong, everyday objects with hidden features, hilarious misusage, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 4s-cvp2KX5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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