Hey Steve: No Makeup Around the Boyfriend

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alright where's Rachel hey so I've been in a relationship for like three months now and I'm really nervous to wear makeup around him my friends think I'm crazy because they think I should look my best around my boyfriend but I am nervous that he's gonna start to like somebody that doesn't look like how I actually look so what do you think from a man's perspective wait a minute you're thinking if you wear the makeup that your mayor will start to like something that you're not yeah like a face that doesn't actually belong to me let me just understand the facts you haven't worn makeup around him no okay he likes you to where you are yeah I mean I feel like if we go out in public though like I get cut I get like flak from my friends that I don't look my best well I mean it's really up to you and the guy if the guy don't like makeup if he like you to where you are you absolutely fine now here's where you can run into problems with me if me and light makeup and he met you with makeup and you decided that you no longer want to wear makeup but he likes the made-up look then you now have a problem because that's what he liked now you can sit here all you won't say well it doesn't matter what he likes is what I like okay cool you gonna be by yourself ain't no problem there's no problem like I like I like my wife made up but then I love her when she don't have on makeup too but she put it on I like it she don't have it on I'm cool but I'm in love with her now wait before you take your makeup off wait to hear love wait did y'all hear me if you have not heard these words I love you hang on a little while longer at any time yet can't be the first night but I think I think you're fine right now cuz he doesn't see that would you like a makeover have you ever like done the real glam look are you not wanting to do a glam look for a certain reason no I'm just nervous that he's gonna like start to like this like a different face so that's why I don't do ever do that well but it's your face I know different most women not all women but most women like changes they changed they had they change they look they make up let me do that all the time would you like to try it and just see what your boyfriend think not to bring you back you oughta bring you back and give you just a glam makeover you might like it okay skip him let's take him out of it let's give you the glam look and see if you like it you might like I will do that hey you made it to the end of this video I got a lot more that you're going to enjoy so just click to watch the next one and make sure you subscribe to always know what's happening
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 809,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: P_sAa-XTIg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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