Hey Steve: Having A Baby On My Own

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hey Steve I'm 35 and I'm single by choice I'm a lawyer and I've dealt with a lot of family law cases and I see how when a relationship goes wrong it affects the children now I thought a lot about this and I'm ready to have a child but I don't want to don't necessarily want to be married and I know that I'm financially capable of taking care of a child on my own so my question is would it be selfish of me to enter into an agreement with the guy just for his sperm and I maintain legal rights to the child okay just here's the deal being a single mother is hard it's challenging man now if you can you want to enter into agreement you can do it but let's think about the child for one second the child is going to have to answer some questions where your daddy at the PTA meeting where your daddy at the father-daughter dance where your daddy at the Cub Scout and Boy Scout meeting where your father I just you know if you want to do that to the child are you an only child no I have two other siblings okay do you have both did you have both parents yes I did it worked out great I'm assuming it did yeah yeah you did real good so you had to think about that for the child now also his other thing I would say to you just because you're a lawyer and you've seen a lot of things that happen when families break up and what happens to the child doesn't mean the chores is gonna break up so I wouldn't I wouldn't make a decision based on fear you know what I mean because but let me ask you this question that this is personal has nothing do it the baby have you ever wanted to be in a great relationship of course yes sir yeah so why don't you go do that you're attractive woman you got your stuff together and you know you can probably do that now if you don't do that anytime soon and you want to have a baby now then you got to make some type of arrangement like you're talking about but I would have a sperm donor that wanted to be active in the baby's life all right thank you where's Elena hey Steve so I've had a fear I've yet to overcome and I'm genuinely terrified of the dark dark when I was young it was chill you know most kids are scared of the dark but like even in high school I'd sometimes I'd always leave a little light on sometimes make my mom like sit outside my door so I knew safety was nearby winter college was okay kept the light have roommates when they're home I feel safe but when they're gone I'm still honestly terrified now Halloween's coming up all my friends are trying to scare me they make fun of me for still having this fear so do you have any recommendations of how to overcome it well I mean hell I was scared of the dark when I was a little boy then our life got cut off for two weeks first three days was rough as hell but hell I just fell asleep okay why don't you try this why don't you just try cutting the lights out because then it's dark like why don't you like intentionally like just cut the light out because then I won't fall asleep okay but what I'm saying is the best way to overcome a fear is to face the fear yeah most of our fears are never as big as we think it is once we turn around and face it you got it you got to overcome this mm-hmm come on now I want you to come back just like what you do cut the light off full nights and we'll just sit there long as you can call somebody on the phone do anything two weeks I want you to come back and tell me that you know I'm scared to death okay all right let's go hey hey I'm Steve Harvey you want more of that well don't just sit there go get it press subscribe or click on this list and you can see all the amazing videos you want press it press it
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 334,841
Rating: 4.8986316 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: fIsyGdBD3aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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