Steve Harvey Talks about The Law Of Attraction...IT WORKS!

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everybody your folks I'll admit it my life is going really really well I many of my dreams have come true and that there are plenty of you who've got huge aspirations and for success to I get emails and tweets all the time from people so many people asking how I did it I try to share the principal success whenever I can because I have not gotten this far without learning the principles of success and over the years I've just realized that common sense just ain't that coming so I often get inspiration from books and one book that resonates with me all the time is this book right here it's called the secret it is the most powerful book outside of the Bible that I have ever read in my life and the book is based on the law of attraction and how that principle once you master it can help you find wealth happiness better health whatever you're looking for relationships so let me share some of the concepts that have helped keep me on my game so the first one is like attracts like you have to understand you are a magnet whatever you are that's what you draw to you if you're negative you're gonna draw negativity you're positive you draw positive you're a kind person more people are kind to you so you're like a magnet you know and you got to understand something about like attracts like if you see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand this is so true you've got to grab the got to create dream boards you got to put the new car up on your mirror put the weight you want to be on the refrigerator if you could see it in your mind you could hold it in your hand that's the law of attraction that's what you bring to you okay moving on the next principle ask believe receive so many people overlook this very simple quality you don't have to figure it out that's what freezes people when you're trying to figure out your life all the way to the end when you can't figure it out it freezes you from trying it cuz you go oh I can't figure that out oh I can't go over there because I don't know how you don't have to know how you have to ask believe and receive that's as simple as it gets folks it's very very true I really want you to understand that now science says show me and I'll believe faith says believe and I'll show you there is a difference next very important gratitude is a powerful process the only way to move to the next level is you must show gratitude for where you are if you show gratitude it gets you to where you want to be quicker very truth that's the last one laughter attracts joy and it releases negativity and it leads to some miraculous killers laughter is so big man when you're laughing it just brings a lot of joy into your life it attracts joy it releases negativity you know at my mom's funeral I learned something was most important lesson I've ever learned I was sitting I was totally distraught my mama was gone you couldn't talk to me that we who were week of my life the minister said something he told us to think of only the good things that she's done so me and my brothers were sitting there and we started laughing about some of the stuff my mom had done and we saw her smiling and then the minister says something that has registered with me joy and depression cannot reside in the same space laugh every chance you get just bust out laughing even if a funny that's it we'll be right back we got more
Channel: YouAreCreators
Views: 1,228,018
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Keywords: Law Of Attraction, Thinking, Speaking, Attraction, Law Of Attraction Affirmations, Inspiration, Marketing, Wealth, Entrepreneur, Attract, The Power, Power, Law Of Attraction The Secret, Positive, Law, Success, Larry King, Development, Bob Proctor, Inspirational, Oprah, Motivation, Secret, Speaker, Will Smith Actor, Of, Money, Business, Brian Tracy Author, Change Your Thoughts, Mind, Rich, The Secret, Training, Steve Harvey (Author), Steve Harvey (Musical Artist), Leadership, Management, Motivational
Id: zrE7dq1b9fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2013
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