Hermitcraft 7: Episode 9 - HUGE BASE BUILDING!

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A spoon builds a spanner

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/the_ebs 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

If Mumbo made each tower have a different color of stripes, it would look like a bunch of electrical connections running all over the base. Potentially cool looking, and very on-brand for Mumbo.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Caenbe 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
I have a crazy base at least I plan on having a crazy base you see over the past couple episodes we've kind of been working out some ideas for this thing in the previous episode I spent I spent I think around about six hours in total just deforesting this area here that should give you a pretty good idea of just how massive this area actually is and in today's episode we are going to do a lot more work on it a lot a lot more work on it I actually plan on getting the starting foundations all worked out which is absolutely terrifying by the way because you have to think you know the decisions that I make in this episode are going to last for the entire season I'm gonna be living with these decisions for years and last night I went to bed at 4 o'clock in the morning I've had four hours of sleep so maybe this isn't a good time it's kind of she gave me a massive number of Sloan blogs what he brought up that bouncy castle I was kind of expecting it to be about a stack I don't know how I don't know how my brains working at the minute Riaan has used my iron farm and actually he has paid me for this is I'm getting concerned Green has changed green is really changed I kind of feel bad about this now by far one of the coolest shops on the hermitcraft server this this is absolutely amazing welcome to the chest monster shop shocker box face five diamonds oh and I can get free ender chests with purchase purchases have been made and now here's my plan okay the things that we're going to be doing in today's episode is we're going to be working on the towers that I planned out those things right there the surrounding iron blocks and things they require a lot of stuff so I'm going to take these five shocker boxes again to take them to a desert get five sugar box is gonna take them to a gravel area five shocker boxes gonna take them to a mining Mazer five shocker box is worth and I'm gonna take them to the iron Fung five shocker box is worth lots of schalke boxes I think it's time for a super fast time lapse and during the super fast time lapse I want to talk about minecart dungeons because for me that came outta left field I haven't really kept up with the minecraft dungeon stuff in the slightest and then just as I was in the middle of recording this video people started playing videos about I was like what on earth where's that coming from and I'm not even into that sort of game but there's something about just the minecraft textures and the Minecraft II feel of it I was set there and I was itching because I really really wanted to play it but because I'm a total I didn't I didn't request access to the beta in the slightest so I'm gonna be playing it like everyone else's when it eventually releases at some point in time and I'm so envious I'm so envious of everyone else anyway that's that's enough dungeons talk let's get back onto the homograft server this is what three hours or resource gathering looks like it looks pretty lovely is and it's depressing it's there wanna say it ah is that as I as I finished up filling my final shocker box with Terra Cotta I remembered that very recently I've actually changed the design change the design of my base and to not make use of Terra Cotta at all so I have yeah I spent a lot of time gathering this for no reason absolutely no reason but we do have we do have lots and lots and lots of concrete resources though so I suppose that's a positive without being said there is one other piece of the puzzle and of course is these things that's a decent number of iron blocks but we need a lot a lot more than that so gonna do my bit and after AFK overnight this is what i've got not too bad we can definitely work with it okay so first things first I need to build up the base line of my base this is where this is where that giant octagon is actually going to be going the level of my base area and I think I'm going to build it around about here and then I'm going to terraform up to it in a few of these places I mean we've got a lot of terraforming to do here but we're definitely not going to be doing that today no terraforming is going to be done today instead what I wanted to do is just to get that template down on the floor so I could see how high this base is going to be so don't just completely forget about this area here as cool as it is to have this gigantic crazy wall looking thing this is actually where the base is going to be growing and as I said when we terraform we're going to terraform the landscape up to it so say for example this area here the land is actually going come up and meet with this and then there's a few areas around the back for example through here and also through that mountain as well where I'm essentially going to have to slice this landmass right here we're gonna have to do a slice through it and then terraform these land masses so it looks like they've just naturally formed around this octagon that is going to be a huge huge huge gigantic project and one that as I say I'm definitely not going to be worrying about today all right let's start constructing some towers then shall we I mean well first things first I need to get a lot of light gray dye and I've just thought how on earth do I get a lot of light gray dye that it's not an easy thing for me to get large quantities of now that I think about it or I mean that's handy wait hang on wait what so I just I just did a little bit of Wikipedia Google in those oxide daisies actually they give us light gray dye so I suppose if I just run around for a decent length of time and just pick these things up we could be sorted that's very very very helpful look at this how did I never know that how did I seriously how did I not know that and the white tulips as well why has nobody ever told me this information I don't understand like grey dye is literally the easiest dime in the world to get large quantities off oh my goodness the list goes on the list goes on what doesn't drop like gray dye in Minecraft I am going to be here for quite some time this is gonna this is gonna be a long one this is these are the times that I really miss my TNT activated version here we are then okay so I've built up a little dirt frame that we can start constructing this tower from I'm not going to be building this from the floor because I mean I started I started placing the blocks on the floor and then I realized that if we are actually terraforming up to this there really is no point that'll be a waste of resources so now that we're here I'm just gonna start chucking the frame I think I'm going to build the outside frame first and then potentially look to start filling it in oh no it was bound to happen at some point I've fallen foul to my own challenge Oh oh no my ladders are gone so I can't even get up into my base just for a frame of reference here this is 11 stacks of light gray concrete 11 11 stacks right there and that's not even half the height sometimes I do have to question if I've gone too far especially as well I've used up all of the flowers within like a 100 block radius of my base and this is how far that's got me so how far out am I going to go to make the rest of these hold up can you now make dispensers with used bows is that a recent thing I feel like that's a recent thing and that's probably one of the best changes ever anyway the reason that I need a dispenser is because I'm going to see how well a little flower farm will work so we've got a dispenser down here bonemeal we're gonna be pushing the grass blocks back and forth and I'm going to make use of the bone meal that I've actually got from my iron farm I just wanna warn you this next clip is incredibly loud this does seem to working very very nicely though I put one stack of bone meal in let's see how much we get from that quite a lot this is perfect we are set we are 100% set okay so I've got one side of our template all sorts of planned out and it looks it looks totally well but I feel like this is a good time to mention that with this build right here I'm taking some pretty serious inspiration from Reddit user vesko I'll put a link to his reddit post down in the description so you can see what I'm working from now his design was made out of prison Maureen and dark prismarine and it was also a little bit taller there was an extra bit but I don't think I'm going to be having that in my build because I kind of liked the idea of it looking this almost feels like a cup do you know what I mean when these are spread out there's gonna be eight of them around it's going to look like they're kind of pointing towards the sky and I really really like that concept especially when of course we get on massive organic old ruinous Tower built up in the center that goes right the way up to the sky limit I mean that is going to look it's good look crazy it's gonna look totally totally crazy anyway as work on the other side of this the view from my whole thang is a good idea for how massive this thing is that is a solid solid solid replacement for the box nice it's actually getting used amazing is this one of the loudest machines in Minecraft I feel like that could have been one of the loudest machines in Minecraft that might just be the most lucky I've ever been in my life given look look at all the stuff that's here this is literally all the things to this project we've got my precious items a creeper just wandered in okay when to ignite I punched him and he fell in this water just as he exploded didn't cause any damage I now feel like a professional come back over here again already I can't believe how much this is using but I mean I should have known because now that I've actually got to all of the gray concrete in place you can see yeah that this is actually a massive thing so if we fly out just imagine eight of these it's gonna look so cool I'm excited to build the diagonals as well and then you have to remember that currently it's hollow right that is hollow that is going to be filled up with white concrete and iron blocks so the white concrete in the iron blocks is going to be going in there in kind of like a noisy pattern I guess you could say so it's just going to be random between white blocks white concrete and iron blocks and then there's also going to be some added details too I mean this is this looks mean this looks seriously cool but just just building this one has taken me I would realistically say about 8 hours maybe 9 hours in total so and it's not finished no it's totally not finished either I will say I'm including the gathering of resources in that equation which we still do have plenty of so I suppose that's a bonus anyway I thought it'll be interesting to see just how far this resources this set of resources right here goes in terms of filling up the actual build I genuinely I'm gonna make a bet here I personally think that it will take us up to that level there I would say I would say that level there yeah I'm gonna be optimistic that is that's like half an inventories for now I can't remember if I've spoken about this in a redstone video or if I did a hermit craft episode or when I did it but the best way to get random textures in Minecraft is to fill your hotbar with the things that you want to place down and then scroll really aggressively with your mouse and then just right click this is a terrible example there we go so you get you get randomized textures it's fantastic tell you always a fantastic though 24 stacks later and boom this is where we're at this is very hot right now we got we got a lot less than I was expecting but a huge positive okay a huge huge positive is that it does look nuts it looks so so cool now that we've started filling it in you know what I had the framework I was like um I'm not sure and a hundred percent now that we actually have this being solid it looks so good and just picturing the eight of them that's all I'm doing right now is I'm picturing the eight of them surrounding this huge Tower might be the weirdest noise I've ever made anyway I I can't help but finish this thing let's get this thing done and I gotta say I think I'm finding my rhythm finally with this I'm just I'm starting to understand how the process works to do the remain or to place in the remaining blocks took just an hour which is nice compared to the rest of the build and again I I can't say this enough and I know it sounds like I'm dumber and trumpet here but I can't go over how cool it looks I feel so happy I loved having the hobbit hole and I've loved having the hobbit hole but there's nothing like starting a base especially a mega base like this one yeah it's uh it's gonna be an interesting few episodes coming up let's have a flow around it let's let's take a closer look the thing that I find interesting here is it looks so imposing compared to the rest of the landscape you kind of lose a sense of scale because it's next to a jungle forest and jungle forests are really tall but then when you see it compared to just regular things like normal trees look at this awesome okay so we've done one of eight of these towers I think at some point in the near future I'm just gonna have to do a mega sowed where I build up all eight of them all in the same episode because I don't want to drag this process out too long I really want to get started on this but goodness me is finishing for that daunting anyway let's go away from the base building for the time being and check out something that is scowls recently done I was watching these videos over they and I saw that he built this rather ridiculous looking thing this is this is a bit walled this is a bit crazy okay so this is a gold farm and the reason that gold farms are interesting is because they are truly AFK XP farms so unlike the Guardian farms and the and the skeleton farms and the blaze farms and things like that where you have to actively kill things to get your XP and you can't really just stand there and do nothing gold farms are great because basically you just have to a grow one of these Pigman and then they just kill themselves constantly and then you get all the XP for it and I I want to use it I really want to use it I mean just look at this we could be building our circuits out of gold like your scale does even though gold is a totally useless block there's something about it that just makes it so so cool now the reason I went over there is because I know the ischial who's just on a redesign of his slime shop and the idea is hilarious right so you pay one diamond and you can you get anywhere between 32 to 576 lime and the chance at a golden ticket which gives you use of his gold farm you don't actually get any of the gold loop I think I can convince him maybe with 12 bamboo so let's do let's do this right yes Oh win actually I got it straightaway nice so I can actually use his I'm the luckiest look at me oh look at this right let's go to his base and annoy him it's Cal I've I've got my hands on one of these I was trying to buy some slime right and yes that came through now congratulations do you feel special I mean I do feel special but I was reading through the signs and I can't help but note as low as a sign that specifically said and it must be it might be a mistake so it is fine that I couldn't take the golden lute that I'd farmed is that mistake yep no yeah no that's that's how it's supposed to be yeah because like you get all the XP got too many tools right it's an F cable XP farm better than bamboo I mean you can't build the circuits out of gold and good it does look really good and that's why I'm over here brandishing this golden token to throw it in your face and say you know what okay I'm not happy but I could be happy if you just give it back to me because I feel like these yeah I could be happy if I was able to get the golden lute so I've come at you with a deal all right and you're gonna like are you excited yeah I'm always always interesting in some bargain yeah all right permit challenges okay hermit challenges new members extra friends for all of us benefits you because sometimes I see I watch you from afar and I see you don't have many visitors to this place if you got more people into hermit challenges you'd have more friends you'd be happier you'd be happy do you want happiness I am happy in fact you know what it's an even bigger gift because I'm bestowing upon you the the ability to add new members to hermit challenges which previously that was a power that only belong to me you we'll be able to say Oh loudly many times in people's ears hermit challenges initiation all right and you know how to get beat you know how that how it works you know the whole sacred biscuits which I'll deliver those to you ringing the bell in a set and father blocks and things like that you know how it all works you're familiar with it you've gone through it yourself you're you know you've experienced it fully you just right okay new people more friends it's cows happy everyone's pleased mumbo gets lots and lots of gold in his inventory it's it honestly it's always a pleasure it really is it's it's nice seeing you every single time we pop by and I'm glad that we got this worked out I think it is cows about four words during that entire meeting but it sounds like it sounds like they're words of agreement so happy days I've returned back to my base and it seems like not only am i building a tower over here but also people to get inside my orbit hole but the latest message is a compliment from Korean saying that my base is looking awesome that is that's very very kind of him I need to use that messaging service more often but I can never think of what to say no I can't help myself okay I've been looking at this thing right here and I've been thinking it could do with a little bit of color and I suppose the ischial about it and he also said that it could do with an accent that the word accent is what he used and I like I think I think he could be correct that that is really really annoying but yeah having given it some thought i 100% agree and I personally think a really good color that could go along side it is cyan cyan concrete just to add like a bright flash of color into the otherwise quite monotone build so I'm gonna give that a go not a particularly large scale just enough to see if it actually works so I've only done one and a half stacks obviously there's much more required to actually do this full thing but if I spin around now yes yes that will look so good if we wrap that right the way around the top and then down the bottom as well so you have those three stripes being uniform throughout that looks that looks seriously cool and so futuristic looks so futuristic and the color goes really really nicely with the vibrant saturated colors of the jungle I I like this I really really like this I'm pleased right we've started my base this is awesome thanks for watching see you later well that was abrupt that came out of nowhere and the video or not actually now just for some context I was trying to get the thumbnail for my videos trying to work out some angles and things and his girl this girl can't help himself this guy doing over here I that was so strange I was looking no I was trying to find a good angle for the thumbnail and then I saw a tree load in and I thought the chunks were loading up it was this guy delay until I saw him sneaky sneaky activist oh my goodness oh my goodness I need to make this stop I need to make this stop but the good news is I think he has given the official base name of havoc rough season 7 it's going to be mumbo Jumbo's bold and beautiful base stunning so there we go now it is the official end of the video I really do hope that you enjoyed that was a really fun one so good to get started on the base honestly it feels so good feels so good to actually start work on like the main but that it's gonna be a home for the next year and a half nearly two years so hey it's a it's a big moment I feel like we're pulling it off
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,153,391
Rating: 4.971684 out of 5
Keywords: MumboJumbo, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 9, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 9 - HUGE BASE BUILDING!, Mumbo MEGA BASE, Mumbo MEGA BASE in minecraft, MEGA BASE in minecraft, HUGE MINECRAFT BASE, MINECRAFT BASE, Mumbo Minecraft Base, HUGE BASE BUILDING, Minecraft huge base building, Hermitcraft episode 9, minecraft
Id: 7yEmY6FXh-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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