Hermitcraft 7: Episode 11 - MY FIRST DISTRICT!

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goodness gracious me the view from up here is pretty insane isn't it this base is really coming together quite nicely we spent a lot of time in the previous episode working on these seven outlines right here it was a mega episode with I think around about 36 hours of progress in it so yeah quite chock-a-block which is a term that I've not used since I was about 8 right upon logging in I've noticed this stalk in the middle here clearly someone has decided to start work on the tower in the middle of my base and it looks like hatch it has a sugar box on top of it a good deed for you moustache friend from a scale man he's got man all right well I'm definitely curious about this let's see what's going on here oh oh dude oh I like this is scum I apologize your scale man for taking the mick out of your name this is this is much appreciated is it much appreciated it really is I guess this is part of his hermit challenge to do good deeds I appreciate that challenge we will definitely be making use of that later on in the video because I'm gonna make a tiny bit more progress on the base and there will be another mega soda coming very soon anyway in today's episode I want to work in this area here because I'm going to convert this space into my first official district of hermit craft season 7 you guys know one like I like to build up a base and then I like to build districts that have various things in them simply to stop me lagging out the server massively by having everything all in one place so this is going to be my first district and this is essentially the villager district right now though it is it's a little bit ugly and it's kind of just a little bit half done so I feel like we should put a lot of time into making this a lot a lot better so the first thing I've done is I've outlined the border of how big I think this place is going to be now there isn't too much room for expansion here but I can't imagine I'm going to be adding too much else into this area although I might I don't want to limit that possibility so maybe okay I might add ten blocks to each side that's a lot better that's a lot better I now don't feel quite so hemmed in I can build ridiculous farms in here which could actually be useful you know melons and pumpkins things like that who knows I'm going to try my best to unleash my inner good times with scar with this build flats that's kinda the goal let's see let's see how this goes well I've Unleashed something I don't know fisca TomSka okay not the best arts not the best arts I'm gonna stick with the idea of now I've spent far longer than I care to admit on building out these things right here I definitely think this is an improvement I'd have anything we need Aloe in more texture I think we should just add more texture into the villagers faces make them a tiny bit more subtle but also leaf blocks I'm hoping are going to be my saving grace on this one I'm going to just cover this thing in bushes I mean any excuse to start chipping into the 18,000 leaf blocks like I only have in my chest in my base I fear I may have underestimated the scale of this project that was so slightly which is going to sound familiar to anyone who's watched any of my previous episodes of hermit craft that seems to be a bit of a running theme at this point in time but with that being said I do think it looks cool I like the concept and I'm finding the rhythm now I'm starting to understand how to build these things get my face to have a bush there's no bushes all the way up here yeah I mean it definitely looks cool from above as well imagine that wrapping all the way around and then of course this area being filled in and looking good as well I have some crazy plans for that central area I really do it's gonna look when it's all finished anyway this construction right here is right for a time-lapse so let's give it a go and I for one am very glad that I did because I'm sure that you expected it I'm sure everyone watching this video expected it apart from me I am the only person on the planet that didn't expect that had to take a very long time in total I think is taking us around about five and a half hours maybe six hours to just do the outside wall with all of the villager heads is one of those things I had the image in my mind of of these villager heads just surrounding all of the villager farms almost like Mount Rushmore that was kind of like a ruinous Mount Rushmore I loved the idea and I was I'm just gonna do that without really thinking that actually it's quite difficult to make it look good so I try my best and I'm really really happy with the end result but goodness me gives me progress is slow progress is slow I want to get back to redstone stuff you know technical things solving redstone problems you know pulling my hair out over that sort of stuff that's completely normal for me pulling my hair out over design things and making things look good and trying to think about block pallets and and if this is ruined enough or if it's too ruined I mean that is it's too much from a little brain okay it's too much give me a complicated redstone contraption any day anyway I think that's enough moaning let's take a look at the finished product and at the risk of blow my own trumpet here I I am really really happy with it I love running up and down the line and just seeing all of the phases because as I as I went along I gradually made them more and more subtle I actually went back and ruined these ones a tiny bit more because they were very very blocky when I first started constructing them whereas now they're they kind of like blend they blend into the wall and they've ended up looking really really good really really nice now of course I do have to comment on the fairly enormous elephant in the room which is the fact that the inside of the wall is obviously looking at absolutely disgusting at this point in time and the worst part is is that this this is the side of the wall that we're actually going to be seeing most frequently it's it's gonna be very rare that we're actually gonna see the outside of this thing so don't worry I will I will do that I'm going to do that in today's episode just not right the hell alright I fancy didn't sound a little bit different okay can you blame me another thing that I have in mind is actually a bit of a big deal itself in there I want to level out this entire area I want this whole place to be completely flat so that I can work on my design here which means that I've got a lot of grass to place I have got a lot of grass to place and a little crust to remove now I'll level with you they were moving pies quite a lot um okay I could do this I could do this all day long maybe not all day long but I could do it for a decent length of time it's the placing of the glass that I I take issue with this is it's dull weighs about is there now with that being said though sometimes it's the dull things in Minecraft that make Minecraft enjoyable like sometimes I really do enjoy doing activities like this where you don't really have to think too much you just have to spam the right-click button and just get the job done there's something there's something satisfying about that I think that's part of the beauty of the game do you agree do you totally disagree let me know down in the comments section progress is coming along quite nicely we've got our really big flat area here I would say we're probably around 50% done but now dog home 77 is just got in contact and he wants to meet me at the iron farm which is handy hey hey mumble beggins bumbles everyone has got my name wrong so far Scott called me bum buh big Baggins which was a bit offensive my rapper name I have a little bit of a higher in crisis and I see the irony is flowing over in this place man yeah yeah it's um I need it for my my mega structure that I'm working on I've been shot at trying to get it so I need so many thousands of iron blocks or so so this thing's been running pretty much non-stop start off the season my plan was yeah I'm gonna make an iron farm for sure yeah all of a sudden four people made an iron then it was like okay there's gonna be a shop for sure now nobody says hey everybody has an iron farm okay I might have to build an iron farm - man this is crazy but on the other hand you know you don't want to have too many you'll send me like out the server everybody iron farm yeah yeah yeah so listen let's make a deal okay in the name of server like preserving spirits how about I offer you something really really nice and then I can get access to your iron farm a little bit look there is one very special head in here right this is this one this is the head of Ren the kid of the epic duel of the steerer desk club and when I shot him that's the head it dropped our original one it's a unique head fits you well it's gonna say it does it does suit me this new style I mean and I am technically playing the head game although I'm that 100% have not having to submit a single head so this could also come in handy yes some poison points on the board if you're smart about this one I am pretty sure Clio will play pay top diamonds for that one I think that is literally a unique add it will never be someone over - yeah it's one off like when it's first test and trend the kid is dead won't come back so I mean I you know I I think I think yeah I think I I can't say no to that because it deceives me - well if I if I look terrible in it you best believe I'll be throwing it back at you but this is now my new identity I I still don't know if I got a good deal they're a vitamin salesman have I been sold on a useless head III guess we'll find out soon anyway this area is now completely flat and looks well I mean it isn't it doesn't look particularly like anything right now it looks a little bit uninspiring this is where we start to do interesting bits fingers crossed and those interesting bits are placing bushes I'm going to be placing a lots of bushes interesting very interesting in fact I would argue that when it comes to Minecraft content this is about as interesting as it gets look that that was exciting I ran out of bushes and then I have to swap through another stack of bushes I've got plenty where that came from if you can't tell we've got to place a lot of bushes here a lot of bushes need to be placed however don't worry we're not just going to be doing straight lines okay we are going to have patterns going on but they're going to you based around the farms themselves so I'm going to start building up almost patterns some of them are going to emulate the farm some of them are going to be images some of them potentially could be words that reference the things that are nearby and we're just gonna see how it looks I mean this is this is a star bar I've never really played with before but I quite like the idea I imagine when you're flying above it it could end up looking quite cool especially if it is done well so I'm going to try my best to do a good job as always I mean that's a really pointless statement imagine if I didn't try my best to do a good job imagine how bad this video this would be well already this is looking quite interesting this is looking already really cool and I have barely even started it yet nice okay my concept seems like it might actually do something interesting I swear I did not plan this okay I swear I'd and planned this but how perfectly the words trading fit within my training hall look at this right G just came boss the entrance look it lines up that so rarely happens in Minecraft this might be one of the first times right now see how that looks then cool this is the coolest district I've ever made fine I might have spoken a little bit too soon there right homograft season six the industrial district the gigantic perimeter you know one point six million blocks destroyed by tnt that that was cool it might be cooler but still this looks sweet this looks sweet and it definitely looks different right what can I do for the iron farms I wonder if I could I wonder if I can create a picture of an iron golem in the leaves what the iron golems actually looked like ones about to spawn this guy should be moving across any second let's see I didn't really catch his face he died way too quickly that's the problem with a vision farms isn't it I tried my best to make an iron golem in leaves and and things you can see the remnants of it here yeah iron golems don't really have a face for leaf blocks so I think you know we're gonna stick with patterns for now and I actually think that this pattern might be one of my favorites I just I really like the way that it feels and with these last few leaf blocks that will actually be everything so this is this is the entire area fully filled in and I am curious to see what it looks like before it gets fully dark I've just realized none of this is lit up but that looks so cool that looks so cool I'm chuffed to bits right now it is time to work on the reverse side of our wall and for that we need cobblestone and I ran out so I asked false who funnily enough has a lot of look at this the size of this hole what on earth I swear the hummers have gone mad the season everyone's just building the most ridiculous huge bases ever anyway the process has begun once again for wall as you can see villager faces are appearing on this side of the wall and I can't help myself I'm so curious to see what this looks like well yeah that looks better it's gonna look so much better when these loop all the way around I'm curious do you reckon those are too close all right we'll see what happens there we might end up with two villagers definitely not following the social distancing laws right now that I've done a quarter of this I've realized that this it's it's so boring to do in cuts I've built a villager I've done some ruining I've built a few more villages that's pants though it's let's do a time-lapse Premiere Pro bring the speed I don't think anyone's ever said that before until you wasn't bringing the speed though me I I definitely wasn't you know I I don't know what's going on with me at the minute I guess I could see just seem to be taking on projects that take ridiculous amounts of time that seems to be my thing at the minute I tell you what what this morning okay when I woke up I was thinking to myself you know what we did a mega episode in the previous episode we did loads of stuff how about we have a slightly more chilled one today and I came up with this idea of finalizing the villager district because that area has looked if they look rough didn't it it looked terrible so I thought why don't we finalize it we make it look really really nice I came up with this idea for the wall and then I had the bushes idea sawed off but I wasn't sure if it was going to look good either way I thought that will be a chilled thing to do that would be a chilled minecraft episode it shouldn't take ridiculous amounts of time I can I can kind of relax today 14 hours later 15 hours later here we are actually go to bed last night I was too tired to record a clip I'm now recording this at 8:00 the next morning which is why my voice sounds so horrible and tired but you know that's what happens in Minecraft do you want to do cool stuff the most important thing is time invested and this does look cool I mean just look at this it looks it looks so awesome it really does look so cool when you're stood in the middle it almost seems a shame that you're gonna be walking around in this place I yeah I'm a huge fan I'm an absolutely massive fan of this I'm really glad that we stuck with the idea because I got to say when I first built up that horrendous village ahead right remember the friendless village ahead that I did at the start when I first built that I thought to myself up this idea is terrible I'm not gonna do it and then I sent it over to a scale he said that it was a cool concept and that I should stick with it I stuck with it and he was right he was right it's worked out really really well this is this is pretty unique I told what else is unique Hammet challenges yeah right Homa challenges what what what have you done challenges I'm always confused here so confused man look at me show you this oh my goodness oh my goodness the big head is is your brain when you've finally worked out how home it challenges works all right well stress have you have you done your your Swedish themed episode have you caught any events that is oh wow I was expecting like meatball or something like very expected that is Swedish Swedish i'm assuming steak well it's got the do i mean i saw that you did you gave me gave me a good deed i much appreciate that did you do some other good deeds it was there anything i did yeah there was plural I got a panda for stress I got you white concrete and I built a magic door vault for scarf Wow okay see you happy ma okay oh hang on a minute another Swedish word yeah means magic door Walton well no but yes I'm gonna continue to go do good deeds I really enjoyed it I'm not surprised I mean I I appreciate it I hope that you do you've already you already got your good deeds okay so so happy to receive another yeah as your neighbors well III have placed as I as I'm sure you've seen a scale I know you've been working on your tree you probably completed my challenge as well to be honest with you because you've placed many thousands of blocks I I also have placed many thousands of blocks as well so it sounds like we've all completed the challenges so I'm gonna hit the bell and challenge scales confirm that he's done the challenge stresses confirm that she's done the challenge we should probably I mean swap broths just yep hearing out of nowhere yeah rules that aren't written that just you being annoying yep this is and we should probably have a better system of like letting people know that there's challenges and stuff like I take it upon me to come up with something about are you saying you don't you don't like it when I come along and just challenge you out of nowhere is that is that we I try to get the band together you know friends together challenges have fun I get a super bad what did you just poke a well fine if this is serious then I've come up with an idea and that is this this is the challenges burn sticks alright so what we're gonna do is cannon just burn sticks if you want to be challenged you just turn on your Chum you turn sticks your burns you just Chuck down your burn sticks right chuck them down and then that means that I know that you want to be challenged if I put down my burn sticks you know that I want to be challenged if we both want to be challenged home it challenges how does that sound you also can put down burn sticks anyone can put down burn sticks anyone who has burn sticks right now is free to be challenged it's a fantastic system alright guys well I hope you enjoyed I'll leave these with you it might take a few myself though because I wouldn't want to be caught without the burn sticks and I will catch you I'll catch you again soon just when you want to chat well that sounds like a good plan then doesn't it the challengers have completed their challenges and we also now have a much better system for saying when you want to be challenged so that I don't just fall out of a tree and start throwing paper at people I like that system was a lot of fun but this seems like a much more sensible way of doing things so I look forward to doing more hermit challenges in the near future anyway this episode has been a lot of fun we've made a ton of progress once again this area is looking absolutely bonkers I have to say it's such a cool district so I really do hope that you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya and now it's out to a time and I'll be honest I've hit record right I think record I have no clue what I'm gonna say I don't know I don't know um oh goodness me the pressures on I'm looking around my desk frantically I have I have what's known as a monstera delicioso plant on here is absolutely enormous
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,102,687
Rating: 4.9734173 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, survival minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 11 - MY FIRST DISTRICT!, Mumbo Mega base, Hermitcraft season 7, villager district, industrial district, Mumbo villager district, Mumbo industrial district, Mumbo Jumbo villager district, Mumbo Jumbo industrial district, villager trading, industrial iron farms, iron farms, villager breeders, minecraft maze
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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